other teachers as they taught in ways designed to foreground students’ funds ofknowledge and home languages. For over one year, they participated in ongoing professionaldevelopment in which they reflected on student work or transcripts of their own teaching anddiscussed and identified ways for better supporting Latinx students who were receiving ESLservices. MethodsFor the trimester reported in this comparative case study, we observed each teacher daily for aminimum of four instructional units. These instructional units were each comprised of oneengineering design challenge and ranged from a few days to a few months in duration. Thisstudy also draws from four interviews per teacher, which were designed
alternate pathway, i.e.roadmap, for STEM Ph.D. students that is scalable and reflective of the evolving employmentlandscape and workforce needs. The pedagogical implications of these innovations will beinvestigated via original pedagogical research hypotheses and application of a detailed evaluationand assessment component. Expected outcomes include the development of strategies to broadenparticipation of female and veteran students in doctoral programs at our university, and thepropagation of successful strategies to other universities.The PAtENT Program’s Innovative RoadmapThe PAtENT program will ensure students do not enroll in additional coursework, but insteadoffer an alternative pathway toward the doctoral degree. The PAtENT program thus
organizations across campus: “People use it as a springboard more often thannot. Most of our mentors are a part of multiple clubs, both within engineering and outside… I’malso a part of clubs for chemical engineering, so I’m also in leadership in one of our science peerorganizations on campus that’s not associated with the College of Engineering.” Another benefit most often noted by the peer mentors was improved communicationskills. Amber reflected: “Public speaking and putting presentations together and learning how topresent myself in a meeting or interview, over the phone, I guess, just presenting in front of agroup of people and to speak loudly and be well versed.” Paul discussed how this benefit wasmore than a matter of being an
.[11] R. M. Stwalley III, "Definition, mission, and revitalization of cooperative education programs," in ASEE 2006 Chicago Proceedings, 2006.[12] G. Bolton, "Narrative writing: reflective enquiry into professional practice," Educational Action Research 14, no. 2, pp. 203-218, 2006.[13] M. Haddara and H. Skanes, "A reflection on cooperative education: from experience to experiential learning," Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 8, no. 1, pp. 67-76, 2007.[14] R. M. Stwalley III, "Professional career skills in senior capstone design," in ASEE Capstone Conference - Columbus, Washington, DC, 2016.[15] R. M. Stwalley III, "Assessing improvement and professional career skill in senior capstone design through course
Research Workforce Working Grouprequired IDPs for their postdoctoral researchers (Austin) [8] and the National ScienceFoundation included the IDP as one of the tools in their career development website [9]. As wecan see, both NSF and NIH, as well as many universities, have embraced the IDP as a keycomponent for enhancing STEM graduate and postdoctoral programs. In fact, in studies ofreflection as pedagogy the IDP is considered a self-reflection tool. Researchers such as McMillanand Hearn have reported that it enhances self-motivation and achievement [10].Taking all these factors into consideration, and the fact that there is not a similar tool as ‘myIDP’for undergraduates, we developed an instrument customized to fit the goals of bachelor's
University of Illinois, a Professor ofAgricultural Engineering at Makerere University in Uganda, and a Professor of Social Work atNational Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.The series concluded with an informal session that allowed participants to reflect on previousconversations with the group of panelists (see below). Total engagement among the roundtableswas 79 non-panel participants, and the ratio of faculty to students was roughly 50 percent ofeach. Additional faculty and students could view the forum sessions afterward by linking tovideos of each roundtable off the Working Group’s website.The Working Group honed the topics of the forum by developing a set of three questions forpanelist discussion that would be posed in each roundtable. The goal was
of an Arduino-based modular structure and possible use of self-configuration. This paper includes the detailedsketch of the development efforts, engineering students’ reflections on the development project,design and delivery of the high school workshop including high school student feedback, andpossible future college level curricular designs for modular industrial robotics for industrial,mechanical, and manufacturing engineering programs. The paper is concluded with future workconcepts including possible kinematics and dynamics modeling of these industrial robotconfigurations through simulation tools such as DELMIA or MapleSIM, along with use ofmachine learning for self-configuration.BackgroundThe modular robot is a fairly new type
. A typical I. I NTRODUCTION CTF competition requires at least some basic technical security knowledge and time spent preparing [7]. Unfortunately, CTFT HE United States needs to utilize the available talent to meet the future’s cybersecurity challenges, and underrep-resented minorities are a significant resource pool. There is a contests typically attract fewer underrepresented minorities [8]. The games reflect the designers’ interests, who have usu
of belonging and engineering identity sometimes overlapsbecause they have some similarities but there are also some distinctions between the twoconstructs. Students sense of belonging relates to their reflection on current experiences andgreater affective components in their majors, like- how comfortable they feel in engineeringclassroom or college. It emerges from the self-reflection of the students’ feelings when theycompare themselves with their peers [10]. On the other hand, engineering identity is theirbroader sense of fit in the engineering discipline, like- the extent student sees themselves as aprospective engineer [14], [15].In an engineering context, learning engineering content also requires becoming a member ofthe engineering
or dismisses information that contradicts a shared group belief[12]. In an engineering classroom, a shared group belief is the engineering education’s pillar ofmeritocracy. To avoid identity-protective cognition, an unconscious bias curriculum forengineering education should illustrate how bias mitigation techniques leads to a system moreaccurately reflective of merit.ModuleThe curriculum is designed for a class of approximately 40 upper division engineering studentsand is intended to take about 45 minutes to run. The curriculum is suitable for lower divisionstudents with only minor modifications, though differences in how students would react to thecurriculum at different grade levels is beyond the scope of this exploratory study. The
about ethical, racial, and cultural diversity determines their instructionaldiversities” (p. 126), and plurality in class. Teachers’ awareness of students’ cultures can betterequip them to interact with diverse students [12]. The plurality in culturally responsive teachingtheory reflects cultural synergies within the class, developed from the notion that race, class,culture, ethnicity, and gender shape the diverse students’ learning styles, requiring multipleinstructional strategies for the common learning outcomes [12]. Therefore, cultural synergies canbe viewed from three aspects. It requires various teaching techniques in class to accommodatevarious students’ learning styles; it is reflected on relevant curriculum by locally
learning experience, and research activities done at a distance. To gather thisinformation from REU/RET graduate mentors and undergraduate students, surveys weredeveloped and administered electronically. Items for the surveys were both Likert type items andopen ended to gather in depth information about how they moved from face to face to online/virtualclassrooms and how they addressed challenges along the way. The data included an analysis ofstudent reflections comparing perceptions from the spring 2020 semester of the COVID-19pandemic through to the present spring 2021 semester. Information focused on student perceptionsduring that time period. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered and analyzed using theme-pattern analysis for both
the Fall of 2018. Eachinterview used journey maps to elicit students’ identity trajectories and probed further into theirshort and long-term goals and current educational environments, especially in response to theCOVID-19 global pandemic and its impact on engineering education. In this research, wespecifically use journey maps as a reflective tool for students to document their “high points” and“low points” within a particular semester (i.e., Summer 2019 to Fall 2019 or Winter 2019 to Spring2020). We also used journey maps as an artifact to guide the interviews and operate as an elementof procedural and communicative validation [11]. In alignment with the identity trajectory model,these journey maps allow us to differentiate between the most
TechnologyStudies (STS). Throughout the fall 2019 semester, I began to question the ways in which I hadbeen recruited and channeled, as a woman with an interest in science and math, into studyingengineering. Upon taking an introductory STS course, I was introduced to reflecting criticallyabout engineering as a field of study. This led me to enroll in a graduate seminar, EngineeringStudies, which provided me with a much deeper introduction to STS-inflected studies ofengineering, including engineering education. During this time, my professor, along with apostdoctoral fellow, were co-PIs for a study of student experiences in engineering education andhad already convened a group of undergraduate students who were in the process of interviewingtheir peers
findings, the following discussion is divided into two parts. The first considersthe relation between ethical reasoning and moral intuitions across cultures, and the seconddiscusses how these are affected by education.Ethical reasoning and moral intuitions across culturesNo evidence was found for the effects of gender, age, political orientation, or religious affiliationon ESIT or MFQ variables, indicating these instruments would be biased. This provides supportfor their use outside the Western cultural contexts in which they were developed, sincedifferences in ESIT and MFQ scores appear to genuinely reflect differences in ethical reasoningand moral foundations. The failure to identify differences in reasoning between participants withdifferent
, programming the robot to find its way to find entrance and cross the bridge, and reachingthe trebuchet to load the payload.By comparing responses in pre- and post-bootcamp surveys, students indicated an increasedconfidence and ability to solve problems in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus andCalculus. Additionally, the students expressed an increase in realizing the importance of math inlearning CS and ENGR concepts. The paper will discuss the quantitative and qualitative resultsof the surveys. The authors will assess the students’ performance in the ALEKS, discipline-basedprojects, as well as the student success in the math courses during the Fall 2020 online semester.Faculty reflections on the online bootcamp and the differences with
to non-Hispanic White or Asian male genderedpopulations [43]. In the United States, among the students enrolled in undergraduate STEMprograms in 2018, only 18% represented racially minoritized populations [46]. Regardingentrepreneurship, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) reported similar negative trendsin 2012 with racially minoritized business owners only making up 22% of all U.S. businessowners [34] despite reflecting 33% of the U.S. population [48]. These disparities look even morestark when examining the representation of racially minoritized or marginalized populations inSTEM entrepreneurship [4], [5], [24]. These inequalities formed by unequal systems of powercan be further examined through the lens of intersectionality [15
cultivate an engineeringworkforce that represents our entire population [1-4]. Research has shown positive educationalbenefits when students interact with those who come from different perspectives and livedexperiences, contributing to improved complex thinking, intellectual self-confidence andengagement, improved motivation to understand the perspectives of others, greater feelings ofcitizenship, and a stronger motivation to achieve [5-11]. Measurable performance benefits havealso been observed in the workplace [12-16]. These reasons and others reflect the importance ofbuilding an engineering workforce with the breadth of knowledge, perseverance, andunderstanding of societal needs required to address today’s global challenges.STEM programs in
more complicated. In the case of engineering, it has been argued that the assumptionof the rigor and prestige involved in the pursuit of an engineering major imposes additionalpressures related to competition and achievement, which could reflect in poorer mental health.Furthermore, such pressures might be heightened for underrepresented groups that keep facingcumulative challenges while pursuing an engineering degree. While some recent work hasexplored stress and mental health indicators of engineering undergraduates, comparisons of suchindicators across disciplines are scarce. This study examines the differences in wellbeingindicators, perceptions of stress, competition, and achievement between undergraduates inengineering, non-engineering
from similar backgrounds (0.40) d. Completing my STEM degree will help combat stereotypes about people who share my social identities (0.58)Overall, several of our initial findings are consistent with Yosso’s CCW framework but suggestsome important ways in which the framework can be further developed to reflect the experienceof our survey participants. First, our findings suggest that aspirational capital consists of threesub-dimensions: external-aspirational capital is encouragement and motivation provided byfamily and other close connections, internal-aspirational capital is internal drive and motivationto persist, and resistant-aspirational capital is the drive to succeed in order to serve as a rolemodel for other
example diagram of this bi-factor CFA model is depicted in Figure 1.This general factor needs to be parsed out when evaluating the structural validity of the sixsubstantive scales because an acquiescence factor (response bias or general attitude) has beenwidely reported in psychological research with self-report measures (Paulhus & Vazire, 2007).Some respondents have a general tendency to endorse all the items highly across measurementscales, whereas others have a general tendency to provide lower ratings across the board. It iswell documented that self-ratings of many psychological constructs reflect this general factor,including personality (e.g., Messick & Jackson, 1961), interests (e.g., Tracey, 2012), and affectand perceptions at
expand the number of students who can benefit from conducting research as the designprojects are embedded directly into the curriculum and are taken by all students in the program.Undergraduate research has been shown to help students take ownership of their own learningand helps them to see the real-world relevance of research as they learn problem-solving skills[1 – 3]. Inquiry-based projects are beneficial because they require a significant investment ofstudent time and effort over an extended period with frequent constructive feedback from facultyand regular opportunities for reflection [4, 5]. This paper addresses the process of developmentof performance indicators and presents the results of assessment and evaluation of both ETACABET and
which has long dominated discussions around STEMdiversity.The pipeline metaphor has been the object of critique because it focuses on restricting valves(like math requirements) and on the patching of leaks in order to maintain a “neatly linear marchthrough set academic gatekeepers” [5]. This image not only reduces the complexity of STEMexperiences but leaves the “pipeline” itself—that is, the cultures of STEM—unseen andunchallenged. Lacking sociocultural context, it is “an ill-suited frame to understand STEMidentity formation, particularly for women and underrepresented minorities” [5], and it does notacknowledge that traditional scientific culture reflects learning styles associated with white men[6],[7]. Since identity is generally understood
fromtalent identification up to bachelor’s or master’s degree completion. This paper outlines thedevelopment, implementation, and evaluation of the Holistic Programmatic Approach for Transfer(HPAT) model. The model is built on a well-thought-out program design reflected in a transferarticulation agreement and a joint commitment to quality and student success. Integral to theapproach is the requirement that the rigor of the curriculum at the community college matches thatof the 4-year partner. In addition, faculty, administration, and staff work synchronously andcollaboratively to provide intentional student support at each institution, with financial assistanceup to the master's degree completion. Holistic student support implements the
school is right for them, and also promote professionaldevelopment of the faculty member. It is recommended that higher education institutes promoteindependent studies to improve their visibility while faculty, especially at teaching institutes, useit as a vehicle to continue to engage in fundamental research for professional development. Theparagraph below is the reflection written by the student at the culmination of this study.“Through this independent study, I gained invaluable experience with applying theory to a real-life scenario through modifying/improving the dimple(s) based on the flow structure studiedusing computational methods. Upon commencement of the study, I had limited experience usingCAD software and no experience in executing
Kudo Cards to praise students for their achievements, critical reflection journalingand collaborative inquiry to improve teaching practice, and formation of a cross-institutionalaffinity group among EESTEM II participants to magnify equity-mindedness by developingequity agents. A total of 72 people attended the webinar out of the 128 registered. Seventeen oftwenty responses to the post-webinar survey indicated that the webinar exceeded or mostly mettheir expectations for learning how to build equitable learning environments in CTE and STEM.Fifteen agreed that their confidence level for implementing strategies to foster an equitableSTEM/CTE learning environment improved. All participants agreed that some or many of theirquestions were answered
nationally representative surveyon postsecondary faculty, and thus results from our study reflect data from more contemporarycohorts of faculty. In addition, the ECDS has comprehensive data, including demographic andindividual-level factors, PhD institution and program characteristics, and measures regardinghow well PhD programs prepare students for their faculty position in terms of skill sets. Theseaforementioned variables are aligned with our adapted theoretical framework (Fig. 1). We restricted our analytical sample to individuals with a science, engineering, or socialscience PhD, and to those who hold a teaching position within the U.S. Thus, our sampleincludes tenure-track faculty, lecturers and other non-tenure track teaching personnel
equitably with female students.MethodsData CollectionThe study presented here is part of a larger research project, investigating what contributes todissatisfaction of female students in teams. As a part of that study, we first interviewed fifteenfemale students before interviewing five male students; prior work presents an analysis of thefemale student interviews (Hirshfield & Fowler, 2018), and this paper focuses on the findingsfrom the interviews with male students. Students were first asked to reflect on their projectexperiences, answering questions about their project, their team, how their team divided up theproject work, and if there was anything they wished they had done differently in the project.Next, students were shown a graph
offer professional development which shares and reflects on these strategies. These challenges that international students often face are important because mostacademic failures can be traced back to the first year of transition for an international student[13]. Additionally, all of these challenges can make it more difficult for students to feel a senseof belonging on campus, and this is important because this supports students' engagement andmotivation in their studies [10, 14]. While most universities offer some support to students, many large universities have onespecific international organization or center that is meant to meet the needs of all internationalstudents. These large centers focus on the broader student
through distance education in the time ofthe fourth industrial revolution: Reflections from three decades of peer reviewed studies",Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020.[8] W. Ibrahim and R. Morsi, "Online engineering education: A comprehensive review,"American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Washington, DC,2005, pp. 1–10, 2005.[9] B. Mischewski and A. Christie, "Understanding the feasibility of micro‐credentials inengineering education," 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference(AAEE 2018), Engineers Australia, p. 758, 2018.[10] C. M. Stracke, and A. Bozkurt, "Evolution of MOOC designs, providers and learners andthe related MOOC research and publications from 2008 to