activities that can be used throughout various engineering andcomputer science courses from first year to upper division [5].As part of this project, the University of Denver (DU) has developed and implemented severalactivities, including a group-based hairdryer design task for second year thermodynamicsstudents. The pilot of the activity took place in spring of 2019 and this initial experience waspresented at ASEE in 2020 [6]. Since then, the activity has been run four times and iterated tohelp strengthen the goals of the activity and assess its effectiveness. Changes since the initialpilot have included options for remote courses, added reflection time, and a focus on overalldesign process instead of detailed mathematical questions. The current
were morecapable of quality work than the engineering students in the comparison group. Moreover,preliminary results showed a significant drop in scores for expecting quality and having relevantKSA during the peak of COVID during online instruction and performance of both projects,followed by a rise in mean scores during the return to in-person classes. Reflections fromavailable qualitative data were paired to help understand the quantitative data results further.IntroductionThe increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the modern work environment requires engineeringprofessionals to have the ability to communicate and collaborate with others within and outsidedisciplinary boundaries [1],[2]. Further, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
not calculate the centroid. Both made reference to not using this skill in other courses and typically dealing with simple shapes (i.e. squares and rectangles) or using tabulated values of centroids. Neither had “prepped” for this topic in the statics course yet. Solution Evaluation & Do participants reflect Relatively few students reflected on any of their work Sense-Making on their work as they as they progressed through the problem. Only two solve the problem? students were
, the study abroad program was given the green light, and the projectimplementation period in Costa Rica was three weeks. During the program, each student was required to write two journals: a technical one to detailtheir daily work and accomplishments and a second to reflect on their international and culturalexperience. Writing a technical journal can be a valuable way for students to reflect on their daily workand progress. It can also serve as a record of their accomplishments, which may be helpful whenpreparing resumes or applications in the future. Students can use the technical journal to describethe tasks they performed, the challenges they faced, and the strategies they used to overcomethose challenges. They can also reflect on
]. Thoseinstitutions with larger endowments reflected higher performance and retention than thoseinstitutions allocating minimal resources. In addition, school size, climate, and collective efficacywere components reported in the literature which affected student success [32], [33]. Hoy andTarter reported higher achievement rates from institutions who significantly emphasized onacademics as well as faculty trust [34]. Less populated institutions reported higher achievementlevels and higher retention patterns [35], [36], [37], while it was observed that institutions withhigher standards of collective responsibility for learning experienced higher student performancerates. Coleman reported that more than 20% of student success is linked to the family
design, which began with the students first learning how to do alaboratory set up from scratch, a skill which they had not been exposed to in traditionalclassroom settings.Research writing skills was also a prevalent theme in students’ reflections of their learning.Students reported learning new methodologies of research and report writing from engaging inresearch. Some students gained knowledge on how to conduct a literature review search, writingof an IRB proposal, designing a research poster, while two students responded that they learnedcommunication skills as a result of doing research with members of a team. The students werejust a few weeks into their research and acknowledged being excited about new things that theywere learning. One
family responsibilities as a major obstacle. For first generationstudents, 30% reported work responsibilities as a major obstacle and 20% reported familyresponsibilities as a major obstacle. For under-represented minorities, 7% reported workresponsibilities as a major obstacle, and 14% reported family responsibilities as a major obstacle.From these results, it is clear that first generation students in particular struggle with significantoutside demands that could impact their course performance.Only about one quarter of all students responded to the survey, so this may not be fullyrepresentative of all students. It is possible that these responses represent students who are morevested in the course and may not reflect those who are less vested
]. [Accessed February 1, 2023].[19] R. Ramloll, W. Yu, S. Brewster, B. Riedel, M. Burton, and G. Dimigen, "ConstructingSonified Haptic Line Graphs for the Blind Student: First Steps," Proceedings of the fourthInternational ACM Conference on Assistive Technologies, Nov. 2000, pp. 17-25,[20] Sonoplanet, “Sonification,” Published Jul. 2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed February 1, 2023].[21] J. Flowers, "Thirteen Years of Reflection on Auditory Graphing: Promises, Pitfalls, andPotential New Directions," Proceedings of ICAD 05- Eleventh Meeting of the InternationalConference on Auditory Display, Limerick, Ireland, 2005, pp. 406-409.[22] R. Barlow, O. Rios, J. Eakins
technicalexpertise in photographic techniques, such as capturing atmospheric clouds. Assignments aredesigned to be student-driven, encouraging both individuals and mixed teams of undergraduatestudents from diverse majors to create images using their own techniques, and to document theirwork in written reports. The course also addresses philosophical questions such as "What makesan image scientific?" and "What makes an image art?" to encourage students to reflect on theintersection of science and art. The consensus was that an image of fluid flow can be consideredscientific if the conditions of the fluid flow and image production are known, while theinterpretation of whether an image is art is subjective.Despite the course's focus on science, images produced
of retention. Anecdotally,one group that worked on the wind turbines suggested that the wind turbines be painted purplesince insects stay away from ultraviolet light, and therefore the birds would not be attracted toflying into the wind turbines, thus reducing bird kills. Connecting color to bird kills in a fluidmechanics course is at the “Create” level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.ConclusionThe course grades have shown significant improvement with the implementation of a semester-long group project, while the final exam grades do not reflect this. However, with three yearsrunning of the course with the project, it has been noted by the instructors that the students maynot retain each lecture topic or the material on the comprehensive final exam, but
navigation-based class project focused on principles of haptics and promotinginclusive design thinking. With that in mind, a number of design requirements had to be met forthe device. First, the design needed an easily changed component system for rapid adjustments,providing each student team with the ability to modify the HapConnect in their own fashion.With the condensed timeframe for the learning module, simple motor changes were desiredinstead of in-depth code adjustments to reflect physical changes to the device. The deviceadditionally needed to take up minimal arm space, conform tightly to the skin, and adjust forvariability in arm size in order to allow for direct skin contact of the vibration motors. Finally,remote communication between the
studytime solving textbook problems [1, 2]. In undergraduate engineering courses, most of thesetextbook problems (and course assessments designed by instructors to include these textbookproblems either verbatim or a variation of these problems) are designed to evaluate the ability ofstudents to recall facts and basic concepts, and apply these concepts in various contexts to solvenumerical problems (Please refer to Tables A.1 and A.2 for sample questions). Students mightdevelop problem-solving skills, partially through pattern-based recognition, by completing theseassignments and also be able to achieve good grades in the course. However, these grades (andoverall GPAs) are often not an accurate reflection of their understanding of