-based assessments, presentations, and reflections. Thesesections were distilled using a combination of classroom experience and research. Eachof these elements is powerful on its own but added together they create opportunitiesfor students to build self-efficacy, belonging, and inclusion. These qualities then lead toclassrooms that can foster students who can find resilience and joy in diversity andcreate equitable spaces. The framework I developed is visualized in Figure 1 below. Iwill describe each of these elements and the research that went into them.Before the Framework: While doing research around actionable science DEIB strategies, I encounteredand studied social-emotional learning (SEL). While the tenants of following theframework
CSEdResearch.org 1 adrienne@buffalo.edu, 2 monica@csedresearch.orgAbstractWe recently hosted a workshop that brought together 12 K-8 teachers who teach computer science(CS) and/or computational thinking and 12 CS education researchers. Since there is a known gapbetween practices that researchers study and practices that teachers implement in a learningenvironment, the purpose of our full-day workshop was to create a meaningful space for teachersand researchers to meet and explore each others’ perspectives. The dialogue was framed aroundteachers’ classroom experiences with researchers reflecting on how they could improve theirresearch practice. The workshop, held during the 2022 CS Teachers Association (CSTA)conference
thecommunity, especially the needs of those who are under-served. It is reciprocal, valuespartnership, and recognizes the expertise brought by the community partner. It also includesreflection, which has been shown to enhance learning across academic subjects [14]. S-L isintegrated by educators in a way designed to meet needs and goals identified by the communitywhile being intricately linked with learning objectives and outcomes. Before, during, and aftertheir service, students also engage in structured reflection to help them gain further insight intocourse or program content, a broader appreciation of their academic disciplines, and a greatersense of civic responsibility.S-L relationships are mutually beneficialWhen properly implemented, service
and aparent of two. His research focuses on how youth develop and maintain interest in STEMeducation across formal and informal learning contexts. As a parent, educator, and researcher hehas experienced multiple moments of failure in all of those roles and tried to make sense of theintersection of theories around learning through failure, experiences in supporting learnersthrough failure and seeing his children and other kids and parents experience failure, particularlyin STEM. These experiences and extensive self-reflection influenced his input on the design ofthis intervention and the interpretation of data produced.ResultsGuided by our research questions ‘How was failure perceived by participating families?’ and‘What was the subsequent
school students withopportunities to reflect on their physical and mental well-being?Conceptual Framework Funds of Knowledge. The concept of funds of knowledge emerged from the work ofVelez-Ibañez and Greenberg [4] who described the strategic and cultural resources and skillsutilized by Mexican American families in the U.S. Southwest. They described how these“specific strategic bodies of information” [4, p. 314], were utilized to ensure and maintain thewell-being of their families. For instance, they described families and their knowledge of folkmedicine to provide medical care for their families due to the lack of doctors and thediscrimination faced by Mexican Americans in rural areas in the Southwest. Eventually, Molland colleagues [5
specific place where students are personallyattached and live within the context [8], [14]. Many underrepresented students encounterdisconnects between formal instruction and their home experiences as the content often used inclassrooms does not reflect their community-based experiences. PBE addresses this challenge asit seeks to overcome this dissonance by leveraging learning from local surroundings [14]. InPBE, students are provided opportunities to explore local environments, phenomena, history, andeconomy in place. Teachers in rural school settings can use these place-based elements to createa meaningful STEM learning context for underserved populations [9], [10], [8]. The impact ofimplementing PBE in STEM activities can be powerful. Unique
Advisor to the leadership at Sisters in STEM. Sreyoshi frequently collaborates on several National Science Foundation projects in the engineering education realm, researching engineering career trajectories, student motivation, and learning. Sreyoshi has been recognized as a Fellow at the Academy for Teaching Excellence at Virginia Tech (VTGrATE) and a Fellow at the Global Perspectives Program (GPP) and was inducted to the Yale Bouchet Honor Society during her time at Virginia Tech. She has also been honored as an Engaged Ad- vocate in 2022 and an Emerging Leader in Technology (New ELiTE) in 2021 by the Society of Women Engineers. Views expressed in this paper are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those
integration of the otherdomains as well as for the skills and knowledge associated with those domains. Thus, we usedthe characteristics of engagement were comprised by Cunningham and Kelly’s (2017) epistemicpractices of engineering in this study because they are reflective of the nature of engineering,specific to the habits of mind reflected in the Framework for P12 Engineering Learning, butgeneral enough to be more likely to arise in the interviews. The three groups of stakeholderswhose views were examined in this study are not engineers and it was unlikely that theirreflections on STEM engagement would be specific enough for the Framework (2020) to be themost meaningful descriptors of their views. For example, it was unlikely that the community
due to the COVID-19 pandemic),approximately 30 students from three middle schools participated. Some students attended boththe academic year activities and the summer academy. In contrast, others took part in one or theother. Although demographic information of the students was not collected, 100% of studentparticipants were from underrepresented minority groups, and 100% qualified for free/reducedlunch.Data Collection Qualitative data was collected from the participants and facilitators to understand theprogram's impact on students. 40 students completed reflections via Google Forms at the end ofthe Summer Academy. At the same time, two facilitators participated in semi-structuredinterviews. Using a grounded theory approach, we
aremore effective when analyzing their work for potential improvements. Finally, school instructorsbenefit from teamwork.The action research process begins by identifying issues before developing an iterative actionplan with strategies for pursuing optimal practice. The cyclical action research processcomprises four key phases: contemplation, planning, action, observation, and reflection [20].The authors identified five key stages of conducting an action research project. These includeidentifying a problem area, collecting relevant data, analyzing the data, acting on the evidence,and evaluating the results. Although these procedures may appear like everyday inquiry andresearch processes, the most critical aspect of action research is who
;E Department.The school’s mission centers around empowering girls to be confident, intellectual, and ethicalleaders who advance the world. With the school’s mission in mind, the CS&E Departmentdefined a curricular scope and sequence aimed at introducing the various disciplines ofengineering, focusing on engineering as a “helping profession” and cultivating students’engineering habits of mind and identity. The focus of this paper is to zoom in on a 2nd gradelesson that reflects the goals of the CS&E curricular scope and sequence.At the Primary School level, which includes grades K-5, the pre-transformed curriculumenhanced students’ knowledge of and skills with block-based coding and robotics. Building onthis strength, and after a
Indigenous people and settlers in our region across time.For the entire set of resources, see the SPV Lab website or email michelle.e.jordan@asu.edu.Note: This material is based on work supported in part by the National Science Foundation (#2055395). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.
educators’ andstudents’ implicit biases. Several theories support the concept of creating an inclusive andwelcoming environment. Most prominent is “school climate,” which is generally described as thequality and character of school life and reflects the norms, goals, values, interpersonalrelationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures that shape the qualityand character of a school[22]. A recent literature review recognized no less than six theoreticalframeworks that inform research and speak to its multi-dimensionality[23]. All six developmentaltheories stress the importance of strong social bonds between teachers and students.Relevant refers to students’ experience of learning, “relatedness” with their teachers, and
providing teacher professional development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Developing An Assessment Toolkit for Precollege Summer Engineering Workshops (Works-in-Progress)Abstract Many universities have engineering outreach programming that expose students toengineering that include day camps, overnight camps, and multi-week programs. As the projectsoccur over hours, days, or weeks, rich content is delivered in a very abbreviated timeframe.Often only anecdotal evidence or evaluative surveys reflect what students’ experience. Thisworks-in-progress project describes the strategic plan and first stage towards development oftools for assessing engineering learning in weekly summer
scholarship hasinformed our current thinking about design principles related to socially engaged engineering. Itdescribes how we have applied the principles to K-8 curricula in school and out-of-schoolenvironments and offers some reflections of what we have learned.Engineering and Social JusticeThe many fields of engineering construct cultures with ways of being, knowing, andcommunicating that are simultaneously internal to their work and partially constituted byinteractions with broader cultural practices. Local engineering communities take up the culturalpractices of the broader fields along with ideological commitments associated with doingengineering. These ideologies inform narratives about the work of engineering, signalmembership, and build
then develop original multi-day engineering design-based lessons for enactment in their classrooms over the following two semesters. Following theirNUWC visit, teachers participate in ongoing professional learning workshops (i.e., fall andspring) where they learn to use the 7E model of STEM instruction (Eisenkraft, 2003) to guidetheir lesson planning and implementation and reflect on their lesson development with theirpeers. Aligned with our framework, engineering design-based instruction is at the core of thismodel. Teachers self-identify their Naval STEM lesson topics and form teams of 3-5 teachers(based on these interests) to develop their lessons. “Naval STEM” tasks are those contextualizedusing Naval research that include NUWC-based
design as a result of feedback), and reflection (reflecting on design aspects ordesign decisions). The study also examined parent facilitation techniques during the engineeringexperiences and the ways in which older children demonstrated moments of agency duringinteractions with a parent at an interactive engineering exhibit [29].Moving beyond the designed informal learning context [30] of the museum, more recent work aspart of the Head Start on Engineering (HSE) Project and Research Exploring ActivityCharacteristics and Heuristics for Early Childhood Engineering (REACH-ECE) Project has goneon to explore how families engage in engineering across a number of different settings, includingcommunity programs, early education programs, and the home
exercise gave thestudents an opportunity to examine their current understanding of sustainable building practices. The groupnext traveled to the MorningStar solar home, a net-zero home built for the 2007 Solar Decathlon. A memberof the AE faculty who helped create the home for the competition guided the campers through the homeand explained the team’s considerations when designing the net-zone house. Campers learned about theenergy efficiency standards in passive house designs and how they can be implemented in today's buildingenvironments.Lighting The lighting design portion of the summer camp consisted of a short interactive lecture using visualdemonstrations with Top Hat to facilitate discussion, reflection and engagement with the
opportunities. IntroductionThe United States (U.S.) has seen an increased emphasis on providing computational thinking(CT) learning opportunities for every P-12 student. The increased emphasis is reflected by theinclusion of CT in the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL) [2] and theNext Generation Science Standards (NGSS) [1]. These standards promote the integration of CTwithin authentic, design-based engineering and science contexts. While the benefits ofintegrating CT and engineering practices are clear, there is still much to learn about the methodsused to integrate CT within authentic engineering design challenges. One strategy, physicalcomputing (the design, programming, and
assignments to help them with motor control and ultrasonic sensor work.But there was still a need to teach them how to create a code that others could read and follow.To achieve repeatable code, comments in the code matter greatly, and the mentors wish they hademphasized this importance more, especially when working in a group where others will readand use your code. Next year the mentors will explain to the apprentices how to comment theircode effectively for others to use.Upon reflection, it would have been helpful to have conflict resolution training for the mentors tobetter help the apprentice teams that were having interpersonal issues. Most issues were easy tohandle but there were some more complex issues. The mentors did have weekly meetings
. The numbers of participants (total and for girls) are listed in Table 1, below. Because wefocus on the fourth and fifth grade girls who participated and because we do not have largeenough numbers to disaggregate by race or ethnicity, we do not report race or ethnicityinformation of the participants in this study. However, we want to note that the students whoparticipated in the research reflected the gender and race distributions of their schools and schooldistricts. Across the three years of this study, the student populations of the larger study and inthe focal schools were 2% American Indian or Alaskan Native, 8% Asian, 15% Black or AfricanAmerican, 21% Hispanic or Latinx, 0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 49% White, and 5
libraries toincorporate the STEM-kits as an extension of their existing programs.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1759259 (Indiana University) and Grant No. 1759314 (Binghamton University). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] K. Rosa, K. LibGuides: Number of Libraries in the United States: Home, 2019. Retrieved from https://libguides.ala.org/numberoflibraries[2] V.R.Lee, “Libraries Will Be Essential to the Smart and Connected Communities of the Future,” in Reconceptualizing Libraries: Perspectives
leverage this information to support efforts to diversifythe engineering field.AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by the Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA)endowment. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the BETHA endowment. Many thanks tothe Girl Scout staff members, volunteers, troop leaders, parents, and girls who made this researchpossible.References[1] Betty A. Sproule and H. F. Mathis, “Recruiting and keeping women engineering students: An agenda for action,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 745–748.[2] S. L. Blaisdell and M. Anderson-Rowland, “A Pipeline To Recruit Women Into
organizations. However,participation in the STEM workforce still does not reflect population demographics.The research literature provides an evidence-base that early STEM experiences canimpact K-12 students intention to enroll in STEM degree programs. Over the last twodecades pre-college engineering programs and pathways have been developed toprepare K-12 students for engineering degree programs at the post-secondary level. Asecondary goal of these pathways was to broaden interest in engineering professionsand diversify the engineering pipeline. Pre-college programs that provide a positiveSTEM experience may increase the pipeline and diversity of students interested inpursuing STEM at the postsecondary level. The Project Lead the Way Program(PLTW) is
SHPE’s Virtual STEM Labs: Engaging and inspiring Hispanic youth to pursue STEM degrees and careers.Background/MotivationSolving the world’s most pressing and complex issues, including the recent pandemic, climateand environmental challenges, and sustainable economic development, is dependent on scientificinnovation. This need is reflected in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) occupation growth which has increased 79% since 1990 and is projected to grow by10.8 percent by 2031 [1]. To meet these labor market demands, the United States hasconsistently invested over $500 million dollars in STEM education specifically since 2019 withan emphasis on programs that increase participation of
, 2023 Determining the Efficacy of K-12 and Higher Education Partnerships (Evaluation)Abstract Engineering students and professionals in the United States do not reflect the country’sdemographics. Women and minority students remain largely underrepresented. To help diversifythe STEM pipeline, it is essential students are exposed to and engaged in STEM active learningexperiences in K-12. This is especially effective when post-secondary institutions partner withK-12 schools. Establishing the partnership can be challenging as the institutions must havecongruous objectives, determine who is responsible for what, and define success similarly. Toaddress this set of issues, a program partnership rubric was
responsive classroom, a key component is student assessment and feedback. The curriculumdeveloper integrated proven teaching strategies to ensure the camp instructor allowed students to reflect,assess understanding of concepts at checkpoints, and obtain feedback. Formative and summativeassessments were used throughout the program to assess student knowledge and comprehension. Examplesof formative assessments incorporated in each lesson included low-stakes quizzes, student polls, and exittickets. Participants also engaged in open-ended discussions with peers to help increase comprehension oflearned concepts and encourage critical thinking.At the end of the program, summative assessments given to participants included a cumulative activity anda final