metacognitive processes.Bielefeldt (2014) emphasizes that female students’ reflective essays have significantlyimpacted students’ own perception of engineering and the profession’s role within society. A second strand of scholarly work emphasizes the role of experiential learning throughsummer programs (Groppi & Tappero, 2015), student exchange programs (Fox et al., 2018),mentored grant-funded research projects (Espiritu et al., 2021; Perez & Plumlee, 2022), andinternships (National Academies, 2017). Groppi and Tappero (2015) analyze a team-basedsummer program on renewable energy (culminating in service-based learning projects) whichthey find serves to increase the retention rate of students from underrepresented minoritygroups as well
playing field for the production of texts in standard English. The power of GenAIas a writing tool is based on its large training data set; however, that apparent diversity belies theprimacy of language practices from younger, white, more affluent users in the training data(Bender et al. 2022). GenAI programs like ChatGPT utilize machine learning, organizinglanguage into tokens, representing units of meaning, often phrases, each assigned vectors tocharacterize relationships between tokens. Trained on vast text data, initially supervised byhumans, then refined through a reward model, these systems predict the likelihood of tokens in atext stream. Despite their capabilities, they predominantly reflect white mainstream AmericanEnglish, with limited
also experienced by students in the class. The authors found that a simple,extended pause after asking a question can be a wonderful place to start promoting studentengagement. Usually (eventually) someone spoke up to start a dialogue when the silence wasallowed to linger. Active learning strategies are the next step, shown to increase studentengagement and knowledge retention [28] active or cooperative learning strategies consist ofpauses and time for students to reflect on and further absorb course content. These methods arevaried by discipline and take many forms, but the result is a delineation from traditional lectures[29] to combat fatigue experienced by both students and educators [19].Building positive student-centered learning
conducted theinterviews. The first author’s experience created a bias that undoubtedly informed their responseto the participants and motivated the probing questions they offered. The first author engaged inself reflection in the attempt to recognize their assumptions between interviews. They are stillworking to identify their implicit biases. The first author provides an in-depth consideration oftheir current and historical understanding of their positionality on their second author (she/her/hers) has experienced dis/ability through close family members’challenges with depression, cancer, anxiety, ADHD, and hearing loss. She has also workedclosely with students facing an array of dis/abling conditions and non-normative
problems to solve, defining the problem space, making design decisions toprioritize certain technical features over others, etc. - are always shaped by cultural norms. Theengineers' social and political beliefs are always reflected in their practices and their work [16],[17]. Engineering as a heterogeneous practice should be aware of its entangled social justiceissues and work with the communities when creating designs [11], [18], [19].Engineering education is moving towards perceiving engineering as a sociotechnical field notonly because of the shifting ideology described above but also because the movement can betterengage students’ identities, hence broadening participation in engineering [8], [20]. Becauseengineering has been heavily
. It represents a behavioral aspect of well-being and has beenrecognized as a significant predictor of various learning behaviors and achievement outcomes[11, 12]. According to Renshaw and Bolognino (2016) [6], academic efficacy encompasseselements of both cognitive and behavioral well-being. However, their analysis suggests that itpredominantly reflects behavioral well-being rather than cognitive well-being. This implies thatacademic efficacy is more closely associated with the persistent pursuit of goals anddetermination rather than solely cognitive abilities or beliefs about one's capabilities.3. METHODOLOGY3.1 Methods Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected concurrently for the concurrentmixed-methods study as
andthe R.O.S.E Research Group at the University of Cincinnati. Without your support and guidanceduring the writing process, this document would not be what it is. We are honored to be a part ofthese outstanding groups of scholars.This work is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation Grant Awardunder Grant No. 2212690. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation. References[1] K. J. Jensen and K. J. Cross, “Engineering stress culture: Relationships among mental health, engineering identity, and sense of inclusion,” J. Eng. Educ., vol
questionnaire refers to emotions you may experience as part of this class (EGR 210 - Electric Circuits). It is divided into three sections: (a) your emotions related specifically to testing in this course, (b) your emotions related to Circuits class in general, and (c) your experience as part of the larger Engineering program. Please reflect on your experiences during this semester as you answer the questions below.* Required Unique Identifier 1. Copy and paste the unique identifier you received in your email: *Emotions during Electric Circuits testing and examsAttending college classes can create different feelings. This part of the questionnaire refers specifically to emotionsyou may experience during exams in EGR 210 - Electric Circuits. Before