Paper ID #43944Community College Support for Engineering Students: Reflective JournalingAnalysisDr. Cory Brozina, Youngstown State University Dr. Cory Brozina is an associate professor and the Director of First-Year Engineering at Youngstown State University. He completed his B.S. and M.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech, and his PhD is in Engineering Education, also from Virginia Tech. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Community college support for engineering students: Reflective journaling analysisIntroductionThis research
campustransitions. We recruited from dual credit (e.g., “Running Start”) programs, incoming transfer studentsfrom local two-year institutions, and pre-major STEM students. In the course, we includedtransformational experiences and personal artifacts as a way to enhance research identity and buildcommunity. The personal artifacts were used as a tool to allow students to share an aspect of themselveswith the research class.Student worksheets and reflective essays were collected to assess identity related tasks and reflections inthe course. Students completed a survey about the class experience, with 100% of students reportingagreement that the class had a positive sense of community and collaboration.IntroductionThe transition from a two year institution to
undergraduate research project project tasks appropriate for experience highlighting this experienceDissemination of results 1 day 4hrs: attend the symposium 4hrs: present at the symposiumStudent Feedback Data Collection, Methodology and ResultsStudent driven projects allow students the space to be creative and problem solve independentlywhich helps improve confidence and increase persistence in STEM. Student reflection, paired withmentor feedback and guidance, is important to successful active and
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023Demographics, Graduation, and RetentionThe demographics for the Engineering Academies have been consistently thesame or higher than the full university admitted engineering students. Mostspecifically the underserved population has consistently been higher. This isdirectly related to the recruiting outreach targeting the non-traditionalstudents and bringing the “start local – save money – graduate an engineer”message to the students that didn’t previously believe they had the chance tobe engineers.The chart below reflects the total demographic from 2015-2023 as an averagethroughout the first 8 years of the academies. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2024
school and causehim to stress about having to work, affecting his sleep, all of which would cause his grades todrop. Other students who did not work reflected on how the stress of trying to find a job wouldnegatively impact their studies. In this respect, the S-STEM scholarship helps students maintaina healthier study-work-life balance.Students also described how the scholarship freed them up to pursue jobs and internships alignedwith their academic and career interests. For example, one student had worked at a public utilitycompany in a field outside of his interests. S-STEM allowed him to become an undergraduateresearcher in a field of interest while also allowing him more free time. Students explained thatworking fewer hours opens up more
participants are overwhelmingly low-income, Growth Sector’s commitment to STEM student success and access begins with ensuring 2compensation for work-based learning opportunities. STEM Core students receiving stipends fortheir program commitments is a priority. To begin, Summer Bridge participants are awarded$1500-$1800 for 4-6 week programming, where as interns are stipended $7-10k for ten weekplacements. Students are paid a stipend for participation and to aid in alleviating financialcircumstances, which can create a barrier to student participation (Busser & Others, 1992).Furthermore, to be truly reflective of the community, participants are recruited
, bridge programs, transfersupport, undergraduate research, industry and faculty mentors, and conference and writingworkshops. These each contribute to the S-STEM community college success as they navigatetheir career in the community college and their goals beyond. The breadth and depth of differentsupport reflects the unique needs of the campus where the S-STEM grant originated. Eachcampus or consortium of campuses creates their own program and therefore emphasizes differentapproaches to curricular and co-curricular supports.Lack of theory focussed program in implementation of S-STEM Program 2 Through the systematic literature review, we
including peer feedback, communication protocols, team process reflection and meeting documentation.6. Program a microcontroller to perform tasks involving inputs, outputs, and a control algorithm.7. Develop and debug computer programs of moderate complexity that include data type control, variable assignments, arrays, loops, branching, and functions.8. Design, build and troubleshoot simple electronic circuits.Instruction in weeks four and five shifts focus to an introduction to the engineering designprocess in the context of a highly scaffolded team project to design, build, and program a modeltraffic signal as shown in Figure 1. This “warm-up project” provides context for students topractice new programming skills and learn to work with the
, instructors, staff, and administratorscan observe data directly from the students, allowing them to make more informed decisionsabout the programs, courses, and curricula they offer within their departments.Methods This paper describes the results of a mixed methods explanatory design-based researchand development project involving the implementation of project interventions in authenticcontexts for iterative, real-world data collection and analysis. The initial survey was a modified version of the original MAE [2]. Modificationsincluded changing verbiage to reflect the course in which the SPECTRA students were involved.The original survey was meant to be taken in core curriculum classes for each participant'sdegree program. The new
Decisions Module 3: Your Income and Module 8: Managing Module 13: Buying a Home Expenses Debt Module 4: Your Spending Module 9: Using Credit Module 14: Disasters – Financial and Savings Plan Cards Preparation and Recovery Module 5: Your Savings Module 10: Building Your Financial FutureDue to space constraints, this paper will review the contents of Modules 1, 3, 4, and 6 of the abovetable:Module 1: Your Money Values and Influences:This module emphasizes understanding personal values and how they impact financial decision-making. It encourages students to reflect on their attitudes towards money, spending habits, andlong-term
Number of Students Exciting Neutral BoringGraph 3 – Rating of the core components used by the DoSeum cohort. Somegames do not total 12 evaluations because students were instructed to answer N/A ifthey were absent for a particular game, and thus had not played with it.Following the success of this camp, The DoSeum continues to implement the corecomponents as supplemental activities in other camps across all disciplines for ages 8-11. The tic tac totem series are the most popular core-component supplementalactivities – which is also reflected in Graph 3.LCATS implementationThe LCATS Program [27], offered by the WEX Foundation, is a 3-year NASA-commissioned program that allows middle and high school
much-needed environments to foster success.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under AwardNumber #REDACTED. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] X. Wang, “Upward Transfer in STEM Fields of Study: A New Conceptual Framework and Survey Instrument for Institutional Research,” New Dir. Institutional Res., vol. 2016, no. 170, pp. 49–60, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1002/ir.20184.[2] Sansing-Helton, Coover, and Benton Jr, “Increasing STEM Transfer Readiness Among Underrepresented Minoritized Two-Year College Students
NationalScience Foundation research. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of theOffice of Naval Research or the National Science Foundation.References[1] B. K. Townsend and K. Wilson, “A hand to hold for a little bit: Factors facilitating thesuccess of community college transfer students to a large research university,” Journal ofCollege Student Development, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 439-456, 2006. [Online]. Available:[2] D. D. Buie, “Beyond a deficit view: Understanding the experiences of first-generationstudents who participate in college access and success community-based organizations,” Ed.D.dissertation
, play a crucial role ineducating and training engineers in the southeastern region [50], [51]. The state's commitment toengineering education is reflected in the development of pre-college engineering curricula, theestablishment of specialized engineering facilities, and the implementation of programs aimed atbridging technical skills gaps between high school students and local employers [52]. Florida'suniversities, designated as R1 or R2 in Figure 1, exhibit varying degrees of research intensity.These universities typically have robust research programs across various engineering disciplines,such as materials science, power systems, and micro aerial vehicle aerodynamics [53], [54].2.5. Benchmarking Student Success for Institutional