H. Barclay, Jr. ’45 Faculty Fellow Award. Hammond has been featured on the Discovery Channel and other news sources. Hammond is dedicated to diversity and equity, which is reflected in her publications, research, teaching, service, and mentoring. More at http://srl.tamu.edu and http://ieei.tamu.edu. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Developing an Instructor’s interface for FossilSketch application to provide knowledge-sharing collaborations between science educators Anna Stepanova, Saira Anwar, Christina Belanger, Tracy HammondAbstractWe developed FossilSketch software for teaching the identification of microfossils
and contribute to the credibility of our future findings. By continuing ourongoing study, we hope to gain a better understanding of patterns between students’ identity andtheir engagement within capstone design and improve student’s experiences within capstonedesign courses.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported through funding by the National Science Foundation (Awards No.2138019 and No. 2138106). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.
. Since then, the outlook has not measurably improved 1 . A strong STEMworkforce sustains a robust U.S. economy and supports our national security 2,3 . Diversity inSTEM generates a variety of perspectives and approaches to scientific and technologicalinnovation, better reflects the global and culturally diverse economies of the 21st century, andproduces diverse science and engineering role models 4 . Because of their racially diverseenrollments, The National Academies of Sciences and Engineering Minority Serving Institutions:America’s Underutilized Resource for Strengthening the STEM Workforce report (2019)identifies that HSIs can contribute diversity to STEM.Of the estimated 569 U.S. HSIs, most are two-year institutions. 68% of HSIs are public
essential in improving students’ undergraduate experience and promotingacademic and career success [17]. Annual training workshops and other professionaldevelopment help faculty develop their mentoring skills and inspire reflection aboutpositionality, power and privilege to better support our diverse students.Adaptive Modifications of the Program and Lessons LearnedOver the last six years we have expanded the program by adding Information Technology,Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineeringto the original list of eligible degrees–Biomedical Sciences, Environmental Science,Mathematics, and Computer Science. This has helped to provide space for our STEM-interestedpre-majors to remain in the program
you notes within a given set.Thematic Occurrence Counting (Ryan and Bernard, 2003) allowed us to generate the data thatwere used for the analysis. a. scholarshipNSF supported students were awarded up to a $10,000/year scholarship based on their need asdetermined by FAFSA and the financial aid office. COVID related loss-of income for somescholar’s families caused higher financial need which was not reflected in FAFSA. The averageneed for NSF supported students: Cohort 1 ~$18,750; Cohort 2: ~$24,000; Cohort 3: ~$24,000;Cohort 4: ~$30,500.As can be seen from the need values, there was substantial need in each of the cohorts that rosedramatically over the four cohorts, in part due to loss of financial opportunities for participatingstudents and
ensures that issues are identified and addressed promptly, helping the team adapt and make necessary adjustments. • Sprint Review: Scrum teams conduct regular sprint review meetings at the end of each sprint, where they showcase the completed work to stakeholders. This feedback session allows stakeholders to provide input, ask questions, and suggest changes to the product. • Sprint Retrospective: At the end of each sprint, Scrum teams hold sprint retrospectives. During these meetings, team members reflect on what went well, what didn't, and how to improve their processes. This feedback is essential for making continuous improvements and optimizing the team's agility, thereby improving the overall
member, (c) my contributions are valued by other SPVLab members, (d) my voice respected by other SPV Lab members, and that (e) I amgiven equal opportunities to fully participate in SPV Lab activities. 84% ofrespondents reported seeing others like themselves succeed in SPV lab.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underAward EEC-2055726. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation.References[1] Jordan, M. E., Zuiker, S., Wakefield, W., & DeLaRosa, M. (2021). Real work with realconsequences: Enlisting community energy engineering as an approach to
sophomore retention rate of 73%.Sophomore SurveyAt the end of their second year, INNOV sophomores were asked to reflect on their experience inan anonymous survey. Related to the innovation experience courses in their first year and how itimpacted them in their sophomore year courses and/or in life outside the classroom, • 81% felt the courses helped them feel more comfortable expressing their ideas. • 76% said the courses helped them feel more comfortable taking risks. • 63% felt the courses were valuable to their future educational and career goals. • 54% said that the courses helped them be more creative and innovative. • 54% felt that the courses helped motivate them to continue in their STEM degree program.Related to the non
play a role in the retention of engineering doctoralstudents: diversity, perceived cultural diversity, authenticity, psychological safety, psychosocialsafety, mastery, performance, organizational support, and sexual harassment climates. Weexplored how power and inequality are embedded in or emphasized by those nine climates andprovided guidance for future empirical work on organizational climate in engineering doctoraleducation to inform leadership efforts in promoting the retention of students from historicallyexcluded groups. This paper presents a framework of nine focused climates and the perceptionscaptured or reflected in 23 sources representing 19 studies.Climate Scale Development Based on our identification of climate factors
and conferences dedicated to materials engineering and fracture mechanics, reflecting his active engagement and expertise in the field. Dr. Na received the Best Paper Award in Failure Analysis and Prevention at the Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE) annual technical conferences in 2013 and 2016. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Effect of Carbon Nanomaterials on the Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar: Research at Marshall University’s 2023 REU Site 1. AbstractThis paper describes the experience and outcomes of a non-engineering major who participatedin a 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at
of a written reflection on their learning.Because statics is built upon physics, we used Harper et al.’s taxonomy as the basis for our own.Previously, we shared our process for creating—and subsequently modifying—a taxonomy foruse in categorizing the quality of questions students ask about statics [1]. We developed ourscheme to define a higher-quality question to be one that requires or demonstrates higher-levelthinking to answer – such as a question about understanding how or why something happens, ora question probing extension of knowledge to a new application – as opposed to a question thatcould be answered by a simple definition, or a procedural explanation of how to complete a task.Our taxonomy was approximately hierarchical, in which
be impacted differently through professionaldevelopment and intervention, with explicit reflection activities and those that support contentand pedagogical mastery as having the greatest impact on teachers’ overall engineering self-efficacy across the five domains [18].Supporting Engineering Self-efficacy for Rural STEM TeachersRural schools offer STEM educators many benefits, including close-knit communities, greaterteacher autonomy, and close relationships, all which can have positive outcomes for studentachievement and teacher retention [19]. Yet despite the unique assets associated with ruralcommunities and schools, there are also challenges faced by rural teachers that may impact theiraccess to professional learning and, therefore, the
Paper ID #41114Board 324: Is Adaptive Learning for Pre-Class Preparation Impactful in aFlipped STEM Classroom?Dr. Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh Renee Clark is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Data Engineer for the Swanson School, and Director of Assessment for the Engineering Education Research Center (EERC). She uses data analytics to study techniques and approaches in engineering education, with a focus on active learning techniques and the professional formation of engineers. Current NSF-funded research includes the use of adaptive learning in the flipped classroom and systematic reflection and
with a librarian collaborator toidentify age-appropriate books that highlight diverse scientists and engineers that can bepromoted in the library and provide information supplemental to the curriculum.Table 1.Study DesignSurvey A quantitative survey was designed using existing, validated quantitative measures,combined with open-ended response questions. Based on pilot results and in consultation withproject advisory board members, we designed a retrospective survey in the next phase of thiswork. A retrospective test is administered at the end of an implementation and asks participantsto reflect on psychological factors and report their current perceptions for each item [17]. In thiscase, after the soft robotics implementation, students will be
, necessitating effective team dynamics – this is true ofour core research team as well as the larger CoP. The emergence of the science of Team Science(SciTS) reflects the growing recognition of the complexities inherent in collaborative researchefforts [1]. SciTS is an interdisciplinary field focused on understanding the conditions thatfacilitate or hinder effective team-based research and its unique outcomes in productivity,innovation, and translation [2].Team Science is a collaborative research approach that promotes openness, mutual respect, andshared responsibility among team members [3]. It encourages researchers to tap into a broaderrange of expertise, leading to more comprehensive and innovative solutions [4]. Effectivecommunication and teamwork
. The presentation appears to beeffective in impacting students’ perceptions of teaching both immediately and longer-term withrespect to the main topics it covers.A curious result is the significant p-values in the category of “Personal Enjoyment.” Though thepractical significance of these results was “small” or “negligible,” we found statisticallysignificant differences in this category for pre/post, post/delayed, and pre/delayed t-tests of thetreatment groups in both years and of the control group in Year 2. This is intriguing because thepresentation was not designed to address “Personal Enjoyment.” Rather than influencing throughcontent, the act of viewing a presentation about teaching may have sparked self-reflection in thetreatment groups
-scheduled in the same classes, such as MATH 141 (Calculus with Analytic Geometry II).The project's second phase commenced in Fall 2023 with the program’s Fall 2022 cohortentering their second year. In this phase, the integrated curriculum consisted of the Penn Statecourses PHYS 212 and EE 210, marking another step forward in the project's commitment toinnovative and interdisciplinary education in STEM fields.The second cohort will commence in Fall 2024. This timeline reflects the project's phasedapproach, allowing for evaluation and adaptation of the integrated curriculum based on theexperiences and outcomes of each cohort.Figure 1. The timeline of the project by semester.C. Course Descriptions, Curriculum Design Philosophy and ImplementationIn
. Through shared narratives and self-reflection, studentslearn that struggle in engineering courses is normal and surmountable. Our prior work indicatesthat this message may serve as a protective mechanism for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students’belonging and, subsequently, individual grades in their courses. As we continue to develop andstudy the intervention, we share our processes and additional findings in this paper. First, we reporton our initial efforts to assess fidelity in the implementation of the intervention by courseinstructors and the impact of the intervention on instructors. Second, we report on our continuedresearch studying the efficacy of the intervention on student outcomes.We hypothesize that the intervention is most
developed thus far to reach your mentioned goals? Any resources used, etc.? B. Participating in the EMPOWER Program 1) What are some of the ways you have participated in the EMPOWER program thus far? 2) How, if at all, have the EMPOWER program components you engaged with contributed to your transition? Please provide an example. 3) How, if at all, have they contributed to any feelings of being welcomed by your college? Please provide an example. 4) What did you gain from your EMPOWER program experience? C. Future Participation in the EMPOWER Program 1) What are some of the ways you hope to participate in the EMPOWER program? What parts of the program most excite you? 2) Reflecting on your answer about the parts of the
classroom, includinginstances of micro assaults, microinsults, and microinvalidation; and a facilitated metacognitivereflection on mentorship during which faculty shared reflections on their mentoring experiences,discussed common challenges, and lessons learned, which was repeated each semester [7], [8].Faculty mentors also supported one another with monthly 30-minute check-in meetings overZoom.Peer MentorshipThe ESP established peer mentoring during the second year of the program as a result of year onefindings that scholars desired to build community with their peers in addition to faculty mentors[7]. Peer mentors were comprised of preceding cohort members that were assigned duringorientation to the succeeding cohort members. Peer mentors and
) centered,' representing a comprehensive understanding of broadcontexts that considers social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental factors ofengineering work as well as intentional reflection on how an engineer’s identities and culturalcontexts shape their approaches to their work. The organization partners with instructors andother community stakeholders to develop a wide variety of socially engaged content that isdesigned to be adaptable to diverse contexts and instructional needs. C-SED’s content andeducational strategies are grounded in engineering education and design research and our teamregularly seeks feedback and collected data from instructor partners and students to inform ourefforts to refine and develop new educational
, findings from student surveyshighlight the positive impact of various enrichment activities on academic success and the senseof community within the cohort. Specifically, supplemental instruction sessions, additionalFriday class meetings, weekly lunches, and cohorting were frequently cited by students asparticularly beneficial. However, it is important to acknowledge that many direct and indirectoutcomes can only be partially assessed at this intermediate stage. Nonetheless, current resultssuggest that the program is meeting or progressing towards its objectives. Notably, onemeasurable outcome is the improvement in academic performance. The program's enrichmentactivities have received positive feedback from students, reflected in measurable
could invest more time into their education, as mentioned by one male White electricalengineering: "I hope that I would be selected for this program in order to receive a financialsupport to decrease my work hours and put more time on my major.” Another white Male civilengineering student adds a personal perspective, stating, "I could have achieved more if I didn’tneed to spend time compensating for my cost of living and education. This program can possiblyassist me in erasing those worries." Some students reflect on their experience with other NSF-related or scholarship based programs at community colleges and how they were able to benefitfrom these programs. For example, one male Asian mechanical engineering student explainedthat, “I attended
, each with unique strengths and local challenges. Weuse a collective impact model, allowing each campus to contribute to the development,deployment, and continuous improvement of the curriculum. Our team is composed of computerscience educators and social scientists with expertise in evaluating inclusive STEM education andtraining faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Our evaluation plan examines bothstudent and faculty outcomes, enabling us to reflect and refine our approach. Shared leadershipand site teams are integral to sustaining the work, even amid potential academic personnelchanges.Our research is impactful in the learning sciences for several reasons. It utilizes faculty learningcommunities as a vehicle to bring change to
] frameworks were most appropriate for the developing study.Next StepsThe initial research results will be used to develop the qualitative methods for the secondphase of the research project.Further, the PI will continue to advance her engineering education research capacity byparticipating in additional workshops, such as the Modern Meta-Analysis Research Institute.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under NSFGrant Number 2225399. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Bibliography[1] United States Census Bureau, “The Chance That Two People Chosen at
elicited in the physical mode, while more conceptual practices were elicited in the virtual mode, and approximately the same amount of social practices were elicited in each mode. • Physical and virtual laboratories can be complementary, each targeting a specific set of epistemic practices, creating a learning outcome more reflective of real engineering practice. • The instructional design, instructor framing, and student activity need to align with the affordances of the laboratory modes to produce a complementary outcome. This means implementing the laboratories in a way that positions the affordances of each to be maximally leveraged by students.Broader ImpactsWe have the
a need to strengthen K-12 computing educationresearch (CER) and to ensure that the research holistically is reflective of the students wecollectively teach. This includes increasing the volume and quality of studies, and pinpointingresearch gaps that ensure all students’ learning needs are met. To address these issues, ourNational Science Foundation (NSF) project investigates three key questions: RQ1: How comprehensive is K-12 CER when examined with a specific lens on how it explicitly addresses broadening participation in computing or equity goals? RQ2: What are the barriers that prevent K-12 computing education researchers from conducting research across the four components of CAPE? RQ3: How effective are new
STEM education programs: Reflections on, and implications for, the NSF ITEST program," Journal of Science Education and Technology, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 847–858, 2016. [Online]. Available: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-016-9632-6.[2] The Cochrane Collaboration, Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0, 2011. [Online]. Available: www.handbook.cochrane.org.[3] The Campbell Collaboration, Campbell systematic reviews: Policies and guidelines. Campbell Policies and Guidelines Series No. 1, Jan. 10, 2019. [Online]. DOI: 10.4073/cpg.2016.1.[4] M. Borenstein, J. P. Higgins, L. V. Hedges, and H. R. Rothstein, "Basics of meta‐analysis: I2 is not an absolute measure of
managementfor online learners are highly encouraged for REACH students to address these concerns. Theworkshops are provided at no cost to CGCC students on the platform:www.college2success.com and include: “Online Courses: Staying Motivated & Disciplined”, “10Tips For Success In Your Online Course”, “Study Tips & Note-Taking Strategies”. Aftercompleting one of the workshops, the students are invited to fill out an action plan that includes4 points of reflection: Overcome challenges, Establish a schedule, Know your instructor, andBreak large tasks into smaller chunks. In the next semesters, a question will be added to thesurvey to assess the impact of taking those workshops on the academic integration scores. This preliminary study includes only
method as described above, the preliminary codebook wasapplied to all transcripts and subsequently probed using thematic analysis [34], [35]. Our teamreviewed the codebook and discussed potential modifications while using comments attacheddirectly to the data points to note sections of interest in the themes or other feedback. The firstauthor then modified the existing codes to reflect the team’s discussion, such as combiningsimilar concepts (e.g., Community and Collaboration includes “relationships”, “community”, and“collaboration”) or adjusting code names to be more precise (e.g., “social health” was changed toConnections and Interactions). The revised codes were applied to participant responses anddefinitions of each code were informed by