;Kung et al., 2023; Lund & Wang, 2023; Shen et al., 2023; van Dis et al., 2023) provide a basicdescription of the ChatGPT's operation, effects on academia, and performance. The present studyaims to investigate the factors that impact the use of ChatGPT in engineering by means of theperspectives of the students.Literature ReviewThe increasing interest in natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI)technologies is reflected in the abundance of research conducted on Chat Generative Pre-TrainedTransformer (ChatGPT) in recent years. ChatGPT, which was first created by engineers at OpenArtificial Intelligence (OpenAI), has attracted interest from a wide range of academic fields.Research has concentrated on its uses
conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. References[1] Excelencia in Education (2023a). “Hispanic–serving institutions (HSIs): 2021–22,” 2023.[Online]. Available: https://www.edexcelencia.org/media/2105[2] A. M. Núñez, J. Rivera, J. Valdez, and V. B. Olivo. “Centering Hispanic-serving institutions’strategies to develop talent in computing fields,” Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technologyand Society, vol., 4, no. 1, 1842582, 2021.[3] B.L. Scott, S. M. Muñoz, and S. B. Scott. “How whiteness operates at a Hispanic ServingInstitution: A qualitative case study of faculty, staff, and
2114242. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] P. Moen, “The Uneven Stress of Social Change: Disruptions, Disparities, and Mental Health,” Soc. Ment. Health, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 85–98, Jul. 2022, doi: 10.1177/21568693221100171.[2] Z. Abrams, “Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach,” Monit. Psychol., vol. 53, no. 7, p. 60, 2022, doi: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/10/mental-health-campus-care.[3] T. N. Hanh, Peace Is Every Step. Bantam Books, 1992.[4] J. Kabat-Zinn, Full catastrophe living: Using the wisdom of your body and mind to face
concentrations This analysis provides information about the effectiveness of (thus enhancing overall the C-R boxes in removing particles from the air. air quality).AssessmentsAs part of their weekly group assignment, students submit engineering logs documenting theirprogress in constructing and testing the C-R boxes (sample engineering log is provided inAppendix II). These logs detail the design process, project advancement, teamwork, and divisionof labor via Gantt charts and suggestions for improving the design of the boxes. Additionally, theengineering logs prompt students to reflect on testing methods and ethical considerations.Students receive feedback on these logs from the instructors and teaching assistants. As
tolook into that and how exactly they're doing all of that, I think that would have been reallyinteresting just personally”, and another student said, “... if there was a way to better explain, likewhat each part does, and more detail, to help show the math behind it, because at the end of theday, it's coding, but it's also a lot of math involved with creating those different models.” Thestudents' demands reflected a desire to increase the intrinsic load in “non-code” modes activelywhile reducing the intrinsic load in “code” modes. The MATLAB activities aimed to reducestudents’ intrinsic load by designing student activities primarily based on hidden code modes,emphasizing interaction rather than mathematical research. Therefore, there was only a
] J. B. Perry, E. Buten, A. Nightingale, E. Treadway, and A. Johnson, “Designing and Implementing Open-Ended Problems in Engineering Science Courses,” 2023.[28] J. Swenson et al., “Consideration for Scaffolding Open-ended Engineering Problems: Instructor Reflections after Three Years,” in 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Oct. 2021, pp. 1–8. doi: 10.1109/FIE49875.2021.9637392.[29] J. Mills and D. Treagust, “Engineering Education, Is Problem-Based or Project-Based Learning the Answer,” Aust J Eng Educ, vol. 3, Jan. 2003.Appendices:Example problems: Ice and Water A cube of ice with side length 𝑙 is floating in a cup filled with water. The submerged height of the ice is ℎ. When the ice melts, does the
Number of Students Exciting Neutral BoringGraph 3 – Rating of the core components used by the DoSeum cohort. Somegames do not total 12 evaluations because students were instructed to answer N/A ifthey were absent for a particular game, and thus had not played with it.Following the success of this camp, The DoSeum continues to implement the corecomponents as supplemental activities in other camps across all disciplines for ages 8-11. The tic tac totem series are the most popular core-component supplementalactivities – which is also reflected in Graph 3.LCATS implementationThe LCATS Program [27], offered by the WEX Foundation, is a 3-year NASA-commissioned program that allows middle and high school
research has highlighted the hegemonic norms of makerspaces. Maker culture, or theculture of makers in and outside of makerspace, has a white and masculine history whichexcludes those outside of these norms [12]. While makerspaces are not always reflective ofmaker culture, research shows that makerspace still uphold white and masculine norms[11].Recent research [1], [12], [13] recognizes that the benefits of makerspaces are only available tothose students who are involved in making experiences and postulate that makerspaces may beanother STEM space that recreates and reinforces the hegemonic norms often present in theSTEM domain. Therefore, it is important to understand the various reasons students get involvedin makerspaces and focus on
. Hammond is the 2020 recipient of the TEES Faculty Fellows Award and the 2011 recipient of the Charles H. Barclay, Jr. ’45 Faculty Fellow Award. Hammond has been featured on the Discovery Channel and other news sources. Hammond is dedicated to diversity and equity, which is reflected in her publications, research, teaching, service, and mentoring. More at http://srl.tamu.edu and http://ieei.tamu.edu. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Tactile Learning: Making a Computer Vision Course Accessible through Touch-Based InterfacesThe term "visual learner" is a ubiquitous concept in education. It is often associated withexperiential or example-based teaching that
framework to assess/train themselves, it acts as abridge between educators, employees, and businesses.The NICE Framework and the TKSA model has been a foundation of several cybersecurityresearch work. Kim et al. proposed identifying the commonality and differences among threedifferent sectors; the government, academia, and private, with respect to TKSA [13]. Theirresearch was conducted by performing an ontological qualitative analysis using archival data andthis was a limitation of their research, because of their data being archival, their findings mightnot reflect the current market. Nevertheless, their research provides excellent insight into howTKSA can be related to roles in different sectors. While this research was helpful, it only pointsout
applications of statics. 3.03% 9.09% 18.18% 21.21% 48.48% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Figure 14: Answer distribution for question sevenThe eighth survey question prompted students to reflect on whether the activity led them toobserve more real-world applications of Statics. While 33% of students responded neutrally,nearly 40% expressed some level of agreement, compared to less than 30% who disagreed. Thissuggests that the activity’s real-world scenario
organizations like ABET. Asthe landscape of engineering education continues to evolve, these insights will be instrumental inshaping effective strategies for delivering and assessing engineering management programs inthe digital age.Implications for Engineering Management EducationThe evolution of assessment methods aligns with the dynamic demands of the engineeringmanagement field and the rigorous expectations set forth by ABET. Traditionally rooted inevaluating fundamental engineering skills and knowledge, the assessment process has becomemore comprehensive. The emphasis on broader competencies such as leadership,communication, and teamwork reflect a keen response to the interdisciplinary demands inherentin modern engineering management and by
style in noway reflects an engineer’s requirement in their job which includes teamwork and multi-disciplineproblem solving skills [1]. Project-based learning (PBL) is a part of a pedagogical practice thatinvolves a wide range of engineering requirements methods. However, this learning method hasnot been holistically implemented [2]. To help with this issue, ABET, in its most recent guidanceis pushing for more PBL which research has shown as key and most prevailing attribute amongsuccessful graduate engineers within the industry [1]. The prevalent method for teaching inengineering disciplines is the “Chalk and Talk” approach. The instructor will lecture and thestudent will be a passive learner, not a student centered method [1]. These authors
that fails to adequately address current industry needs. Additionally,hands-on training, crucial for understanding the practical implications of securing interconnectedsystems, is often lacking in conventional lecture settings. This deficiency inhibits students fromgaining essential practical skills in identifying and mitigating cybersecurity risks within CPS andIoT environments, leaving them unprepared to tackle real-world challenges in the field. As aresult, there is an urgent need for innovative educational strategies that prioritize experientiallearning and reflect the evolving demands of the cybersecurity landscape within EE programs.On the other hand, the cybersecurity industry is grappling with a significant workforce gap, adilemma
education, any designed learning outcomes must be measured for successfulstudent comprehension. Redman, Wiek, and Barth recommend identifying which reason whichtools should be used and how to connect learning outcomes with the tools used with apsychometric model. Tools vary from student self-assessment, reflective writing, case studies,focus group interviews, performance observation, conventional testing, and regular coursework[15]. These varying methodologies of tools can offer insights into how competent students are inthe realm of sustainability, so those selecting tools should be holistically assessing the topics ofsustainability. For example, one such tool, the Sustainability Matrix, aims to interpretcompetences in resource consumption, design
abroad participation. The international diversity of a major has not been explored previously in relation to study abroad participation, but we Percentage of US Citizens thought it might be related either by encouraging participation by US citizens or lowering participation since non-US citizens are already studying abroad at Purdue University. Study Abroad Participation We included each year individually in the correlation matrix to for each academic year see whether each year’s study abroad participation is in the data set reflective of the total
similar proportion of LCOEenrollment as men constituted in CHHS. This difference in perception between colleges couldindicate that these perceptions disproportionately discourage women from pursuing engineeringrelated careers relative to men pursuing health and human services careers, which could explainthe relative low participation of women in engineering compared to other countries. Consideringthat these responses are only from students who are already pursuing degrees in these colleges, itis possible that these perspectives were developed while in the degree programs and may notaccurately reflect perspectives held by individuals at the time of selecting a major.Because differences exist between the proportion of Black/African American and/or
plan which needs to beaccepted by the unit’s executive committee. (The executive committee consists of the tenuredfaculty in the unit, excluding those tenured faculty holding certain administrative roles.) Thisallows a faculty member and the executive committee to agree upon a plan of work that bestsuits the skills and interests of the faculty member, while allowing the unit to satisfy its staffingneeds. Most of these five-year plans will closely reflect the standard workload policy of the unit,but some may adjust the distribution of the work of a faculty member between teaching,research, and service as deemed appropriate. Ideally, a comprehensive PTR conducted by a unitwill be based upon how well the faculty member met the five-year plan as
revisions and expansions to the lab environment. For instance, in the case of anotherelectronics course that utilizes different versions or manufacturers of instruments, developers caneasily extend the virtual lab to accommodate these new requirements with minimal changes. Thisprimarily involves updating the graphical model to reflect the different appearances of the newinstruments. Additionally, the physical model may be modified if there is a need to adjust thesimulation of the instruments’ physical behaviors, such as their interactions or movements withinthe virtual space. The functional model often remains unchanged, as the core functions of similarinstruments in electronics labs typically stay consistent. Figure 3 illustrates the three types
students to explore and innovate, as reflected in theirheightened level of collaboration. The findings emphasize the significance of integratingexperiential learning methods into environmental engineering education to enhance activeengagement and skill development among students. Importantly, these results hold broaderimplications for educational practices, highlighting the crucial role of hands-on, experientiallearning methodologies in nurturing collaborative skills vital for the future success ofengineering professionals. The limitation identified was the use of a single group for thisexperimental study as well as the small sample size.AcknowledgementThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant
” learning. Bourke [5] provided an insight on the relationship between the class sizes andteaching practices in Australian math classes. The author profiled the faculty teaching small classesto adopt teaching methodologies, like those found in classes with higher ability students, rangingfrom more follow-up questions, homework assignments, oral tests, and direct interaction withstudents with limited nonacademic procedural arrangements.This paper reflects the cumulative years of teaching experience, encompassing both satellite andmajor university campuses. The satellite campus provides equal opportunities to students fromdifferent backgrounds to come together, learn from one another and feel more sheltered andsupported in their academic pursuits. The
research.IntroductionDespite decades of efforts to broaden participation in science, technology, engineering andmath (STEM) fields, most professionals in these generally high-paying, high-statusoccupations continue to be white men. In the United States, the STEM job-growth rateoverall is more than twice the average rate for the total workforce [1, p. 201], with most jobopenings in computer science and engineering (CS&E) [2]. The limited representation ofwomen in these fields is apparent: Women comprise just 28 percent of workers in science andengineering fields overall, and even less in CS&E fields [3].These labor-force dynamics also reflect trends in U.S. higher education: Although women’spostsecondary attainment rates exceed men’s, women remain
as an upward stair-like pattern. The widthof the horizontal steps is determined by the number and distribution of graded activitiesthroughout the course, while the height reflects the weights of these assignments and activities.A student's struggle in a course can be visualized by the difference between their cumulativenormalized and possible score curves. This difference tends to increase over time, particularly forat-risk students, indicating a steeper decline in performance. Additionally, this data allows forcomparisons between the progress of an average at-risk student and an average passing student.Figure 1 (bottom) displays such progressions side by side, with averaging resulting in smoother,almost linear curves, while maintaining
working on CO2 adsorption must examine the system and decide if they need to use a vacuum line, an external CO2 analyzer, or piping rated for their experimental pressures to ensure their experimental work area is safe at all times. 6. Allowing the creation of tangible products and artifacts: The project culminates in a poster session for which teams also prepare a summary of their approach to safety. This safety summary detailing their learning and their safety procedures in the laboratory is the final safety product developed from the courses. Students also reflect on the strategies their pursued to mitigate/minimize risks. Additionally, as required by the PjBL framework, knowledge is created by students
, where critical thinking skills are needed. These findings suggest that theseactive learning strategies effectively promote student learning and problem-solving abilities.However, additional student learning outcomes, such as critical thinking skills andentrepreneurial mindsets, could be correlated with the types of assignments and activitiesadministered in the class. Instructors may choose to design a course with combined activelearning strategies to optimally achieve multiple learning outcomes.Reference[1] R.A. Howell, “Engaging students in education for sustainable development: The benefits of active learning, reflective practices and flipped classroom pedagogies,” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 325, 129318, 2021.[2] S. Freeman, S
. The involvement of high-profile governmental entities highlights the national importance placed on quantum education.[9]. These efforts by both private and public sectors reflect a growing recognition of theimportance of quantum education and its pivotal role in preparing a skilled workforce for thefuture. As with cybersecurity initiatives led by NICE and NSF, Quantum educational initiativesneed to learn from the failures of preparing cybersecurity workforce [10], adapt well designframeworks and accelerate educational initiatives to bridge the current skills gap and ensuringthat the workforce is ready for the challenges and opportunities of the post-quantum era. Wepropose that there is no need to ‘redesign the wheel’.Incorporating Quantum
program. Students participating in the summerresearch abroad program expressed a positive and enriching experience. They took pride inlearning about diverse cultures and languages. The program enhanced their confidence andresearch skills, providing valuable insights into applying classroom knowledge in a lab setting.This encompassed the practical application of skills (presentation skills, knowledge of software),the transformation of academic concepts into concrete research projects, and an enhancedunderstanding and confidence in navigating the research process. Some students aspired to workand live abroad, viewing their developed technical, linguistic, and social skills as valuable assetsin their STEM career paths. Students reflected that their
, and engagement variables. Mediators explain the observed relationships betweenpredictors and outcome variables. Two studies assessed students’ motivation as a compositemultidimensional construct comprising of student scores on task relevancy, self-determination,self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation together and named it motivation [31],[35]. The results from their study show that need for cognition was an important construct andthat its effect was mediated by students’ motivation. Similarly, researchers have also examineddeeper processing strategies, such as reflective thinking, are associated with the level ofcognition necessary for conceptual change learning [38]. Our analysis revealed that mostmediational processes of
5 19 6.20 8.83 Very 37 80 46.25 37.20 Total 77 215 ~97 ~100Not all students answered all of the questions, so the totals for each question are unique. Thepercentages reflect the answers to the specific survey question. As well, not all students whoresponded to this question were online learners. The table above is included to show opinions ofthe importance of online course offerings. Of these respondents, 42.5% of returners elected toenroll in coursework, while only 25.6% of direct pathway did.Respondents were asked how confident they were to complete
subsequent sections along with a brief overview of the participants in thestudy.ParticipantsAll students enrolled in both sections of the Engineering Fundamentals course as collegestudents (n = 29) were invited to participate in this study, and of those 29 students, 27 returnedthe necessary consent form for participation. Of the students who gave consent to participate, allthose who remained in the class long enough to complete at least the first exam were offered theopportunity to complete the survey for the study, which resulted in 25 total participants. Thiscutoff was set to ensure student feedback reflected commentary from those who had enough timein the course to be able to speak to how the course’s structure impacted them. Of the