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Hang Zhang, Beihang University; Ming Li, Beijing Foreign Studies University
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Paper ID #28593Experiences, Issues and Reflections of School-Enterprise Joint Trainingin Chinese Mainland under the Vision of PETOE Strategy: An EmpiricalStudy Based on Small-N CasesDr. Hang Zhang, Beihang University Hang Zhang is a Ph.D. student in Beihang University, Beijing, China. Hang Zhang also works as a lecturer in University For Science & Technology Beijing. She received her B.S. in English Linguistics from Tian- jin Foreign Studies University in 2002, and M.S. in Higher Education from Guangxi Normal University in 2009. She studied as a visiting scholar in School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington,USA
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Jen Symons, University of Portland; Kate Rohl, University of Portland
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time they were willing to dedicate to advising a capstone team. All facultyinterviewed agreed that the project topic was important to the success of a capstone project, butnot for the reasons assessed in the survey. They indicated that student passion and engagementfor the topic were of primary importance to a project’s success. Furthermore, one interviewedfaculty member reflected on their own experiences as a student being engaged by interactionswith passionate faculty in their prior engineering education.Table 1: Survey responses related to faculty incentives for advising capstone projects. Responses are reported aspercentages of the total number of responses. Strongly
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- College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
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Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke P.E., University of Detroit Mercy; David Pistrui, University of Detroit Mercy
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provide this framework. 4. Mode of Assessment: Standardized tests or general exams are useless. Student assessment should be based on their individual reflection of their own learning progress and their contributions to the collective learning process. 5. Source of Knowledge and Information: Our students have numerous information sources (books, articles, search engines, blogs, MOOCS etc...). We cannot act as subject matter experts any more. But we will need to play the role of integrator/mentor/coach so all the information can be optimally used. 6. Setting for Learning: Learning is a social activity. We have to open our campuses and invite students in to use this space as a place for meetings and encounters, for discussion
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- College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 2
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Tuoyu Li, Zhejiang University; Zicong Zhao, Zhejiang University; Yujie Wang, Zhejiang University; Chen Li, Zhejiang University
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physical distancebetween a university and its partner. UIC Local (%Local) measures the percentage of UICpublications of a university collaborating with industry within a 100-km radius from the centerof the city in which the university (or its main campus) is located. This indicator can reflect therelative propensity to engage with partners nearby or within the same urban agglomeration.The UIC Foreign (%Foreign) is the percentage of UIC publications that involve a partnerlocated abroad, which reflects the internationalization of a university in its collaborations.The 2018 data cover 148 universities in China, 308 in the EU, and 175 in the U.S. The publicationsare classified into five broad fields: “Biomedical and Health Sciences,” “Life and Earth
- Conference Session
- College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 2
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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David Pistrui, University of Detroit Mercy; Darrell K. Kleinke P.E., University of Detroit Mercy; Shuvra Das, University of Detroit Mercy; Ronald Bonnstetter, Target Training International; Eric T. Gehrig, Target Training International
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professionalcompetency development reflects this. They are found to be goal oriented and demonstrate somelevel of interpersonal skills. The Next-Gen Skilled Trades people comprise multiple generationsand thus represent a more eclectic and diverse set of individuals. They demonstrate stronginterpersonal skills and show appreciation for others.Next-Gen LeadersTable 3 provides a deeper look into the professional competencies associated with each segmentof the talent pipeline. Table 3 compares the average competency by segment to the mean of allpeople who have taken the same suite of TTI TriMetrix® DNA assessments (hundreds ofthousands of people across all professions). The intention is to get a benchmark comparison ofeach segment against an aggregate mean of all
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Faye R. Jones, Florida State University; Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University - Florida State University
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combination with technical skills, such as the need to usepersonal qualities (e.g., tolerance to stress or attention to detail) to deal with “all the movingparts,” suggests that some employability skills many not be optional to perform technical skills,but essential.5.2. Implications.There are several implications for two-year postsecondary institutions offering AM programsthat can be deduced from the preliminary findings. The employers included in this study believedthat employability skills, core skills in particular, should be part of course activities; however,this curriculum integration is difficult to do unless state standards reflect the importance of theseskills. Although employers continue to express the essential nature of core skills, such
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- College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 3
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Wei Yao, Zhejiang University; Shunshun Hu, Zhejiang University; Zhaowei Chu, Zhejiang University; Bifeng Zhang, Zhejiang University
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a priority forimplementing the B&R which need PCEE to give assistance.Universities have richexperience and activity forms at PCEE, which can help enterprises to carry out PCEE andultimately promote B&R construction. Therefore, the successful university-industrycollaboration participating in the PCEE of B&R should be reflected in four factors:professional knowledge training, cultural exchange & transmission, International studenteducation and joint research. Only to achieve the above four points can it be said to besuccessful.But all things are difficult before they are easy. At first, enterprises did not realizethat universities could help. Few enterprises took the initiative to seek cooperation withuniversities, and