Paper ID #30333Critical Incident Assessment as a Tool to Reflect on Student’s EmotionalResponse During International ExperiencesMr. Matthew Korey, Purdue University Matthew Korey received his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at Ohio State University (2011) where he studied the toxicity of various chemical compounds on hepatocytic cells. Matthew then joined the re- search groups of Dr. Jeffrey Youngblood and Dr. John Howarter at Purdue University in 2015 where he specialized in building a more robust understanding of sustainability in plastics through considering the full lifecycle of a product. For his work at Purdue
Development and Implementation of Self-Reflection Participation Logs in an English-taught Engineering Program in ChinaKey Words: Participation, Student Engagement, China, Assessment Methods, Teaching AbroadIntroductionActive student participation has been correlated with a variety of positive outcomes includingimproved critical thinking, development of important professional skills (includingcommunication and interpersonal interaction skills), increased understanding of course material,and better academic performance across diverse disciplines, including engineering [1]–[5]. Putsimply by Weaver and Qi [6], “students who actively participate in the learning process learnmore than those who do not.” In order to
literature, and yet a new faculty member, who has no experience in offering atravel course, may be either deluded by the vacation mentality or daunted by the trip-planninglogistics and hence loses out on the opportunity to incorporate this practice. This paper presents acase study on an initiative to encourage and mentor faculty members to offer faculty-led tripsenhanced by interdisciplinary collaborations. From the instructor’s point of view, we providedour timeline, collaborative relationship development, backward course design driven by learningoutcomes, and the transferrable strategies to overcome the challenges along the way. From thestudents’ learning effectiveness point of view, we provided student reflections using the DEALmodel [5] to
)AbstractResearch has shown that study abroad yields the greatest educational outcomes for interculturalcompetency when it is couched in a curriculum that encourages preparation before and reflectionafter the abroad experience. To enhance the educational outcomes of engineering students’ studyabroad experiences, we developed a certificate program that couples an abroad experience withadditional coursework in global topics and a reflection assignment. The certificate program isbased on a similar program at Northern Arizona University, and is otherwise rare in our peerschools. The goal of the program is to encourage students to engage in coursework and experiencesthat cultivate cultural competency, and to recognize students’ efforts when they do so. In
, thesupport of school conditions, the guarantee of quality monitoring, and the satisfaction ofstudents and customers. The main achievements of engineering education are analyzed, theunderlying problems are analyzed, and countermeasures and suggestions for furtherimproving the quality of engineering education are put forward [4].The “China EngineeringEducation Quality Report” has been released successively since 2014, reflecting the progressof engineering education in China as a whole. In addition, the Chinese academia has alsoconducted research on the issue of quality assurance in engineering education in China,which mainly involves two aspects: existing problems [5] and countermeasures [6].3. Research Method3.1 Literature analysisThe research
similar to the previous visits in the U.S.A.Building the connections between clustered experiences ensured the quality of this interculturallearning experience, which reflected Dewey's classical philosophy on experience and education[27]. By the end of this trip, the last cohort had insightful discussions on almost every aspect ofthe trip including similarity in corporation models, differences in culture, and inspiringbusinesses with a dedication to the community in relation to economic, environmental, or socialsustainability. Several responses from IGERT trainees on the India trip collected by our surveyare quoted below: "The IGERT India Trip on a whole was certainly a defining moment of my educational experience, … the numerous
. This paper reflects on a 5-year collaborationbetween three faculty from different disciplines, universities and countries. The authors reflecton challenges they faced to continue successfully collaborating and publishing papers whileaddressing these impediments. This paper will first discuss the various methods ofcollaborations, and then it will discuss the challenges faced during collaborations. The secondpart of the paper will discuss and reflect on the collaboration between the authors, the rules andpolicies they created to help them make decisions on order of authorship, roles and responsibilitysharing. Collaborations are often formed to extend skills and expertise to accomplish tasks.Collaborations in higher education are favorable and
solutionswere required. Students identified and adopted useful vocabulary and grammar structures, usingthese to design and deliver a group presentation which addressed an international engineeringconcern. • Foundations of leadership and leadership theory. • Leadership strengths assessment and explored how strengths uniquely empower the students a leader. • Exploration of students’ native culture using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions [5] and compared against other cultures. o Included oral presentation regarding similarities and differences between cultures, expected business etiquette, potential team dynamics. • Reflection of individual values as a person and robustly engaged in discussions
Module 2 were reported previously [4] and were slightly modified (based on both faculty andstudents’ feedback) for the second offering of the program. The critical aspects of Module 2 arebriefly reported here for completeness and a summary of the students’ reflection essays of thismodule are presented in Appendix 1. The rest of the paper focuses on Module 3 that concentrateson the Application of the UN SDGs through Drawdown.3.1 Learning objectives of the course:At the conclusion of this program, students should be able to: • Describe how the UN SDGs relate to Peru; Apply intercultural knowledge in communication scenarios connected to the Strategic Vision and Themes of Peru, and the US National Academies’ Grand Engineering
study is reflective of the overall proportion of female students (21%) inthe college of engineering where the study was undertaken. Moreover, we were focused onprioritizing a broad representation of countries in the selection of participants.Data CollectionData were collected using an interview protocol after it was piloted and approved by the IRB.The interview protocol was developed using Vygotsky [8] sociocultural theoretical framework asa reference and enabled us to conduct semi-structured interviews with 10 first-year internationalstudents during the first semester (Fall) of the academic year 2018-2019. The semi-structuredinterviews asked specific questions guided by prompts upon which the richness of the interviewwas heavily dependent [20
Botswana towards sustainable economicgrowth, global competitiveness, and improved quality of life (Atkinson & Mayo, 2010). On October 1st, 2016 Botswana formed the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research,Science and Technology with the explicitly stated goal of transforming Botswana from aresource-based to a knowledge-based economy. The impetus for such an initiative was set forthin Botswana’s Vision 2036. Set forth in 2016, this new “vision” for Botswana was predicated onthe mapping of a transformative agenda that reflected the aspirations and goals of the nation. Forthis vision to come to fruition it was imperative that Botswana create a strategic plan to help withredefining their resource-based economy to that of a knowledge-based
leadersin the tech industry such as Samsung, LG, and Hyundai and engage in cultural experiences.IRiKA includes a series of professional development sessions on research mentorship andscience communication for both US participants and Korean partners.In this Work-in-Progress paper, the three US-based lead investigators report and reflect on thefirst year of the IRiKA program, which ran from June 2019 to August 2019. The investigatorsare currently analyzing data collected from the Summer 2019 cohort. In response to thepreliminary findings, adjustments have been made for the Summer 2020 program. Summer 2020applicant data collection has been completed. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Summer 2020program was cancelled.IRiKA ProgramThe objectives of this
. 3B. Why Learn About International OBE and OBA Experiences & Best Practices?The aim of this work is to present a synthesis of the experiences of an international set of authorsand sharing of the global best practices in the field related to accreditation and assessment. In thispaper, we present a global international perspective on OBE accreditation standards, practices,and attitudes. Apart from listing our observations, we also point out where relevant availableguidelines and best practices that have been reported earlier in literature.We find through our survey that there is a lot of diversity in the global OBE accreditation andassessment practices but also some unifying trends. The diversity reflects the fact that eachuniversity is
is even lower than the fourth-year contacttime at the two US universities.In order to provide a consistent picture of the students’ formal academic interactions, thisanalysis is based on the weekly class schedule. Institutional differences in class scheduling,assessment structures, and contact time format make cumulative totals difficult to compare.For example, the differences in semester length (12-13 weeks in South Africa vs. 15 weeks inthe US) and whether assessments take place outside ordinarily scheduled contact time canlead to variations in total contact time between and within institutions that may not reflect thestudents’ perception of that contact time. The weekly basis is chosen both because itillustrates a student’s ongoing
, 2018.[8] C. J. Groen, D. R. Simmons, and E. D. McNair, “Disciplinary influences on the professional identity of civil engineering students: Starting the conversation,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2016.[9] F. Barth, “The analysis of culture in complex societies,” Ethnos, vol. 54, no. 3–4, pp. 120– 142, 1989.[10] B. Pfau-Effinger, “Culture and welfare state policies: Reflections on a complex interrelation,” Journal of social policy, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 3–20, 2005.[11] L. Cronk, That complex whole: Culture and the evolution of human behavior. Routledge, 2019.[12] M. A. Guerra and T. Shealy, “Teaching User-Centered Design for More Sustainable Infrastructure Through Role-Play and