student leaders through the process we hope willhelp prepare them for future challenges when they are in leadership positions on larger scales.References[1] Coyle, Edward J., Jamieson, Leah H., Oakes, William C, “EPICS: Engineering Projects in CommunityService”, International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 21, No. 1, Feb. 2005, pp. 139-150.[2] Zoltowski, C. B., and Oakes, W.C., “Learning by Doing: Reflections of the EPICS Program”, Special Issue:University Engineering Programs That Impact Communities: Critical Analyses and Reflection, InternationalJournal for Service-Learning in Engineering, 2014, pp. 1-32.[3] Oakes, William, Andrew Pierce, Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, “Engagement in Practice: ScalingCommunity-based Design Experiences
survey of engineering deans4 This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (grant 1539140; PI: StephanieFarrell; Co-PIs: Rocio Chavela Guerra, Erin Cech, Tom Waidzunas, and Adrienne Minerick). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.and program directors in fall 2015 produced a list of eight deans willing to allow the survey to beadministered in their programs (see [25] for details). To protect confidentiality, I do not providethe names of the schools included in the study. Given that an institution’s participation in thestudy was determined by deans who were supportive of
conditions and more restrictedmobility than their white, male, Canadian educated counterparts.23, 24 Her study providesimportant evidence to support the claim that engineers’ career mobility and workingconditions reflect existing socio-political disparities in the province.Our literature review highlights three critical dimensions of engineering career pathresearch. First, administrative decisions do not reflect the full range of human experience.In more concrete terms, we cannot assume that engineers’ lived realities will conform tothe dual track model proposed by human resource managers. Second, not all career pathsare made equal. It behooves us, as critical engineering education researchers, to examinethe full range of mobility patterns, working
wherein students engaged in a group of three to four members in anill-structured design project. We address one research question in this study: (1) “In what waysdoes empathy manifest with/for team members in a junior-level biomedical engineering designcourse based on post-course interview reflections?” We hope that this investigation will facilitatefuture work that can help instructors promote empathy in teams, help researchers identify how to“see” empathy’s manifestation in teaming contexts through qualitative data, and to help theengineering education community better understand the design outcomes that empathic teamstend to produce.Literature ReviewIn this literature review section, we address the question, “What is empathy?” We approach
transformation of engineering education.Dr. Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University Having completed his Ph.D. through the University of Washington’s interdisciplinary Individual Ph.D. Program (see, Ryan is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas Tech University. He currently facilitates an interdisciplinary project entitled ”Developing Reflective Engineers through Artful Methods.” His scholarly interests include both teaching and research in engineering education, art in engineering, social justice in engineering, care ethics in engineering, humanitarian engineering, engineering ethics, and computer modeling of electric power and renewable energy systems.Dr. Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University
goldmining (ASGM); b) collaborative activities among students; c) sessions of a creative capacitybuilding (CCB) workshop; and d) group and individual reflections on what was learned everyday. The faculty and graduate students presentations included definitions on how to view ASGMas a socio-technical system, problem definition as the core pillar of global socio-technicalcompetency, mercury use in ASGM, risk communication in ASGM, interactions between largescale mining and ASGM, listening and trust building, and environmental and public healthdimensions of ASGM. The collaborative activities included re-evaluating design proposals ofsolutions that the 2020 cohort inherited from the 2019 cohort to three ASGM problem areas:back health of miners carrying
National Societyof Professional Engineers (NSPE) 1935 Code of Ethics specified a duty to “seek to promote thepublic welfare” [3], emphatic recognition of social responsibility did not consistently appear inethical codes until the third phase, which began post-WWII and continues today.A defining feature of the current phase is that all engineering codes of ethics explicitly prioritizesocial responsibility in their first canons: “hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of thepublic” [1]. Differences exist among codes to reflect unique areas of technical focus, and codesare updated periodically in response to changing social and professional values. For example, in2003, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) added “and protect
which has long dominated discussions around STEMdiversity.The pipeline metaphor has been the object of critique because it focuses on restricting valves(like math requirements) and on the patching of leaks in order to maintain a “neatly linear marchthrough set academic gatekeepers” [5]. This image not only reduces the complexity of STEMexperiences but leaves the “pipeline” itself—that is, the cultures of STEM—unseen andunchallenged. Lacking sociocultural context, it is “an ill-suited frame to understand STEMidentity formation, particularly for women and underrepresented minorities” [5], and it does notacknowledge that traditional scientific culture reflects learning styles associated with white men[6],[7]. Since identity is generally understood
NGOs decision-makingwith respect to the communities they serve. So it is ultimately their commitment andaccountability to their values (see above) and accountability practices that determinetheir downward accountability with communities.Three key variables determine how NGO accountability to communities is reflected inpractice: depth, openness and frequency. Depth is related to communities' access to NGOmanagement, what knowledge communities have of NGOs, how relevant topics discussed atmeetings are to communities, who gets to speak at these meetings, and how controversialissues are handled at these meetings. Openness is reflected on meeting’s agenda, format andconduct. Can community concerns be formally aired during meetings with them
collected data from multiple sources, including student work,faculty reflection logs, pre-/post-surveys, and student focus groups. Our project did not originallyintend to explore connections to engineering identity formation in students or professionalpractice. However, while analyzing the student focus group data, we observed that engineeringidentity was impacting students’ responses in unexpected ways. Thus, this paper aims to answerthe following research question: How are students’ conceptions of engineering identity linked to their perceptions of sociotechnical thinking?BackgroundSociotechnical integration in engineering educationMultiple studies of engineering practice have underlined the necessity of integrating social
-related design processes and factors.Keywords: Engineering Education, Civil Engineering Design, Human-Centred Designing,Priming, Empathy, Social Consciousness, Personal Values, Engineering ValuesIntroductionMany have discussed the technocentric engineering curricula [1] – [5], that tend tomarginalise [3] and devalue [6],[7], the less technical and more ‘socially-involved’ aspects ofengineering, and have thus stood with Cech’s [2] call for the integration of public welfareconcern and social consciousness in engineering curricula.An aligning call/prompt for the integration of empathic [8] – [10], compassionate [11],‘socially-just’ [12],[13], and/or human-centred designing [14] – [18] in engineering curriculahave also risen. This is reflected in
responsibilities as anengineer, what role you have occurring there,” [6, p. 177]. This seems very reflective of the moralitiesderived from professional roles discussed in Smith et al. [7], and helps further indicate a necessity forincluding role ethics and CSR as part of engineering ethics curriculum. Teaching CSR to engineering students acknowledges that professional engineers practice ethicswithin a larger societal and corporate framework with distinct roles that can affect ethical action thatengineers can pursue [7]. CSR itself has many weaknesses, and has been accused of having little influenceon daily corporate practices [22], [23], has not been fully internalized by many corporations [24], and is notclearly linked to engineering [15]. In
evaluate departmental need for a targeted approached toward certain groups toimprove overall student wellness.AcknowledgmentsA grant from the National Science Foundation Number #1738186 supported this study. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendation expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Theauthors thank Jeanne Sanders for providing feedback on the paper. The authors thank thestudents for participating in the survey.References[1] E. Godfrey and L. Parker, "Mapping the cultural landscape in engineering education," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 99, pp. 5-22, 2010.[2] R. Stevens, D. Amos, A. Jocuns, and L. Garrison, "Engineering
characteristicsof engineers in the future. Writing in the year of 2020, when engineering education yet againfaces looming paradigm shift driven in part by a global pandemic and major powers’ adjustmentin attitudes and strategies to globalization, we attempt to reassess visions of “engineers for thefuture,” as reflected through policy discourses in the United States and China, two major playersin global engineering education. For this purpose, we present a careful reading of recent policydocuments published by the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the ChineseMinistry of Education (MoE).The NAE (2018) report Understanding the Educational and Career Pathways of Engineersresulted from a study commissioned by the Academy to “understand
the possibilities that surround me, and along with them…beauty.Circling a new role, now not who I am but what I do, yet more than that.A minister, literally, to be a servant, one who serves, reflecting my values unveiled and embraced.Circling fluidly between identities and roles grounded in who I am, a leader, a husband, a father, a teacher, a student, still…a servant.My eyes gazing outward, not on a goal nor an identity, external or internal, but anchored to a purpose found within myself yet beyond myself, to live for others, to serve humanity, particularly the “least of these.”Crashing into labels and stereotypes, Slowly circling, while negotiating the
, several ofour middle years major-required courses, and a new third-year course designed for students whoexpect to graduate within the next year [29]. The first-year course introduces students toprinciples of reflection as a building block of SDL, in addition to design thinking, and thebiomedical engineering (BME) field. In the middle years’ courses, students engage in signaturelearning experiences that foster their entrepreneurial mindset and encourage them to integratewhat they are learning with some of their prior extra- and co-curricular experiences. In their thirdyear, students complete a new, major-required course entitled The Art of Telling Your Story thatacts as a type of capstone experience in this vertically integrated curriculum.The
an explanation can be found in the published dissertation. Asis traditionally followed in IRT, item fit statistics were obtained. Cut-off criteria for a reasonablefit were SRMR and RMSEA < 0.08, CFI and TLI > 0.90 or 0.95 [43]. Items with |Yen’s Q3| >0.20 (Q3 fit statistic represents the correlation between the residuals for a pair of items) has localdependence and significant item fit values (p < 0.05) revealed misfit items [44]. Finally, itemand test information functions graphically reflected the reliability (1 - [1 / peak information]) ofthe items and the test as a whole in estimating the construct over the entire scale range [45].FIGURE 3. Hypothesized 2-D measurement model for the APT-STEM instrument [12]ResultsThe results