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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 646 in total
Conference Session
Design Communications & Cognition I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean P. Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sensen Li, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Design in Engineering Education
. Further investigation indicated that many FYEstudents could identify the superficial features from the problem statement, but they werenot able to identify the implicit logical steps or deep structure of the problem.Our current data provided the baseline of how FYE students abstract and interpretinformation from a design goal to generate a specific problem statement. We areinterested in treatments to improve students‟ ability to recognize critical features of agiven context and encourage taking multiple perspectives to identify alternative solutions.We are combining the use of graphical representational tools as organizational tools tosupport teams collaboration and we encourage opportunities to reflect and refine theirdesign process. This
Conference Session
Student Feedback and Assessment in Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Tiago R. Forin, Rowan University; Cole H. Joslyn, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Design in Engineering Education
teachingtechniques and the knowledge they seek to convey.1.0 IntroductionDesign reviews or critiques are a common pedagogy for helping learners in any disciplinedevelop and demonstrate design expertise (Dym, Agogino, Eris, Frey & Leifer, 2005; Huet,Culley, McMahon & Fortin, 2007; Goldschmidt, 2002), although their structure and content mayvary across disciplines (Adams, 2016a). Many describe the practice of moving from desk todesk explaining what is right and wrong with student work as the “bread and butter” of designtraining (Goldschmidt, Casakin, Avidan & Ronen, 2014) and a central feature of preparingprofessionals as reflective practitioners (Schön, 1993).During design reviews, students receive feedback on their design decisions and guidance
Conference Session
Professional Skills and Teaming in Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colin M. Gray, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Terri S. Krause, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Design in Engineering Education
incorporation of groupwork experiences into cornerstone and capstone experiences, where individual work hashistorically been typical. However, as many institutions are experimenting with alternativemodels that incorporate group work throughout a degree program, there is little understanding ofhow—or whether—students are able to develop the skills they need to work on their own. In thisstudy, we address students’ views towards collaboration and their construction of individualcompetence in a novel transdisciplinary learning environment, where group projects are typicaland individual work is highly atypical.Collaboration and Teamwork SkillsEngineering education researchers have long recognized the importance of collaboration andteamwork, reflecting the
Conference Session
Best In DEED
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert T. Bailey P.E., Loyola University Maryland; Billy Friebele, Loyola University Maryland
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Design in Engineering Education
engineering and artistic design processes and connections between the two disciplines.These goals reflect modifications to the goals associated with a “traditional” core studio artscourse (SA 224 Two-Dimensional Design), with specific changes made to reflect (i) 3-D ratherthan 2-D design and (ii) the integration of CAD and engineering into the course. To support theachievement of these goals, a specific set of measurable learning outcomes was created, three ofwhich were adapted from the core studio arts course (a, b, and d): By the end of the course, students will have demonstrated the ability to a) create original works of art using a combination of physical and computer technology; b) engage in critical thinking in class discussions
Conference Session
Best of DEED
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Olga Pierrakos, James Madison University; Jacquelyn Kay Nagel, James Madison University
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Design in Engineering Education
typicaldesign process-to-semester mapping for capstone projects, (2) a design process rubric applicableto engineering design projects in the curriculum, and (3) a mapping between the design processand engineering design tools taught within the curriculum. The design process guide ispresented as a tool which can be used to guide students through directed exploration of thedesign process during a first design class as well as to scaffold students’ undirected designprocess exploration. Implementation of the guide during the engineering design sequence will bediscussed as well as the lessons learned after applying the guide to senior and junior projects as agrading rubric, feedback mechanism, and as an in-class guide for student reflection on a
Conference Session
Best in DEED
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Megan Hammond, University of Indianapolis; Joan Martinez, University of Indianapolis; Elizabeth Ziff, University of Indianapolis
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Design in Engineering Education
impact of a user’s prior knowledge and the reflections of first-year engineeringstudents on differing results were also assessed.The results of this study indicate that designing a product display or interface is still centeredaround a population stereotype, but the population takes many forms depending on the productor interface. When an open-ended prompt is provided, such as, “draw in how you consider the[gear selections] should be positioned for [an auto transmission] Neutral (N), Drive (D), Low(L), and Reverse (R),” the multitude of responses becomes overwhelming to designers. Theinfluence of cultural shifts, since the original study, was evident within our responses as well.Multiple responses highlighted how modernization of technology may
Conference Session
Empathy and Human-centered Design 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xi Wang P.E., University of Mount Union; Minhao Dai, Kennesaw State University; Gabriella Cataloni, University of Mount Union
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Design in Engineering Education
disparate contexts and perspectives.2. improve the ability to apply engineering design concepts to solve problems in the real world.3. improve the ability to make reflective judgment through independent and critical thinking4. improve the ability to make and act on the moral or ethical judgment in the engineering design process5. improve the ability to function effectively on a team.6. improve the ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiencesThis course is designed to achieve the learning outcomes listed above by assigning studentsdesign activities and projects. Table 1 shows the detailed descriptions of the teaching methodsused for each learning outcome. Table 1. Teaching methods for each learning outcome
Conference Session
Design Methodology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yvonne Toft, Central Queensland University; Prue Howard, Central Queensland University
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Design in Engineering Education
framework to ensure that hazards are not only identified, but are also eliminated atthe design stage. The Australasian engineering profession has begun to address this humancomponent through the introduction of the most recent National Generic Competency Standards6in 1999, which incorporate competency standards for design. However Toft7 had already foundthat engineering educators have reported that they do not have skills and knowledge in the areaof designing for human use, and would need to first learn themselves about ergonomic principlesof design.Research MethodologyAction Research (AR) is a cyclic process of problem definition, enacting a potential solution,observing the impact of that action, and finally reflecting on the outcome, and then
Conference Session
DEED Postcard Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Whitney Gaskins, University of Cincinnati; Nandita Baxi Sheth, University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning; Kate Rice, University of Cincinnati
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Design in Engineering Education
multiple approaches to inquiry to research this particular wicked problem of ourtime. Our course incorporated documentary film, fiction, arts based inquiry, research, andmultiple modes of reflection to frame the design of creative solutions to complex problems.Engaging students in practices of attending to experience introduced them to artistic/creativereflective practices, design thinking, and aesthetic inquiry. Examining how artists interweaveart, science, technology, and math in imaginative artworks that blur boundaries between art,design, and STEM disciplines developed "thinking dispositions that are valued both within andbeyond the arts," (p. x, Hetland, Winner, Veenema, & Sheridan, 2013). In this paper we discuss how an art
Conference Session
Understanding Student Development in Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech; Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Tech; Mo Hu, Virginia tech; Darren K. Maczka, Virginia Tech; Robin Panneton, Virginia Tech
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Design in Engineering Education
premotor cortex (known to be involved in themanagement of uncertainty, control of behavior, and self-reflection in decision making). Thenumber of solutions generated was also significant (p=0.032). Freshmen generated 5.6 solutionson average during the brainstorming activity while seniors developed 4.1. In many ways, thisinitial work serves as a proof of concept in using neuroimaging to study the processes involvedin engineering design. Through a better understanding of these processes, we can begin toexplore specific elements of the engineering curriculum that may contribute to student ability tomanage complexity inherent in engineering design problems. We hope this interdisciplinarystudy integrating engineering education and neuroscience
Conference Session
Design Across the Curriculum 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michelle Maher, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Kathleen O'Shea, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Jacob M. Marszalek, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Darran Cairns, University of Missouri-Kansas City
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Design in Engineering Education
Introduction module, students first learned about the National Academy of EngineeringGrand Challenges for Engineering. As part of discussion groups, they were asked to prioritize thechallenges and identify those that most interested them. Most students were previously unawareof these challenges. In reflecting what was learned in this module, one student stated: I learned the responsibility of engineering. With all the rewarding aspects of engineering comes responsibility. The grand challenges emphasized the responsibility engineers have to society. If engineers have the tools to create, they should use them to create good. This is important to acknowledge so that engineering can remain ethical and just.Students were then
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacqulyn Baughman, Iowa State University; Lesya M. Hassall, Iowa State University; Nadia V. Jaramillo Cherrez, Iowa State University; Mathew Hagge, Iowa State University
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Design in Engineering Education
than memorization and copying. Learning how to think, how to self reflect, how to take personal responsibility for learning, and the development of expert problem solving skills are all reasons why this style of teaching is life changing for many students. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 WORK IN PROGRESS Flipping Engineering by DesignAbstractIn a flipped mechanical engineering sophomore design course, students engaged with interactiveonline learning modules and follow-up graded quizzes prior to face-to-face hands-oncollaborative sessions. Analysis of the student post-assessment responses demonstrated highcomfort with the
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael S. Trevisan, Washington State University; Denny C. Davis, Washington State University; Steven W. Beyerlein, University of Idaho, Moscow; Jay Patrick McCormack, University of Idaho; Phillip L. Thompson, Seattle University; Paul R. Leiffer, LeTourneau University; Howard P. Davis, Washington State University; Susannah Howe, Smith College; Jennifer E. LeBeau, Washington State University; Robert E. Gerlick, Pittsburg State University; Patricia Brackin, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M. Javed Khan, Tuskegee University
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Design in Engineering Education
knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed by engineering graduates to succeed in arapidly changing world? Industry has presented its lists of desired attributes.4 The NationalAcademy of Engineering has defined attributes needed by the engineer of 2020.5 Notable amongdesired abilities are to: communicate effectively across disciplines and cultures, collaborate tocreate practical and innovative solutions, anticipate and adapt to change, and learn fromexperience.6, 7 We must teach students to learn from and innovate amid engineering design andproblem-solving challenges and to use reflection to make new discoveries, gain deeperunderstanding of problems, and find better solutions.8Engineering design courses provide opportunities to develop many important
Conference Session
Developing the Design Skillset
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Antonette T. Cummings P.E., Purdue University; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ming-Chien Hsu, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Design in Engineering Education
students and theircommunity partners and other stakeholders is important [6], [7]. Research suggests that criticalexperiences, where design assumptions are confronted, and immersive experiences are needed todevelop more comprehensive ways of understanding design [8].This past summer, EPICS offered an immersive design experience to a group of 13 students (12undergraduate, 1 graduate) from a variety of majors. Another publication provides a broaderdescription of this course and includes data from the participants’ reflections [9]. The designteam’s goal was to make the camp more accessible to children with physical disabilities throughtwo projects: the design of an accessible tree house and the adaptation of a sailboat to allowcontrol of the steering
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design in the Classroom
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rainer Seidel, The University of Auckland; Linda Haemmerle, Plume Ltd.; Chris Chambers, CPC Consulting Ltd.
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Design in Engineering Education
role in a creative design-driven business environment. However, manymanufacturing SMEs that produce technologically complex products have insufficient humanresources and skills to cover the breadth of competencies needed. Opportunities forimprovement are often limited or seen to be too expensive, such as enhancement of their in-house design capacity through external resources in the form of design services, tertiaryinstitutions, or by cross-industry knowledge sharing.This paper describes an innovative educational program, which is aimed at the developmentof talent pathways for engineering students that reflect the skill requirements of design drivenmanufacturers. Concurrently, a professional development framework for design practitionersfrom
Conference Session
Design Communications
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Ekwaro-Osire, Texas Tech University; Innocent Afuh, Texas Tech University; Peter Orono, Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis
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Design in Engineering Education
students are involved in active learning by being connected with libraries and being taughtsoft skills during their training.4-6 They will build upon these skills, horn them and evolve intolifelong learners. Sapp et al.7 used a treasure hunt assignment to teach students various sources of engineeringinformation and its contents. Slivovsky et al. 8 presented methods and strategies of integratingreflection into engineering design class. The engineering design notebook was one of thereflection methods developed and a well defined rubric was used to analyze it. The reflectiveexercises presented were successively shown to guide the students in their reflective thinkingduring the design course. Well formulated design notebooks have been shown to
Conference Session
Idea Generation and Creativity in Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuelina M. Wright, University of Michigan; Eli M. Silk, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Kathryn W. Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley; Seda McKIlligan, Iowa State University
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Design in Engineering Education
given a problem statement framed in a way that didn’t encourage anyparticular type of solution. The students were asked to generate solutions to the problem usingvisual and verbal depictions. Subsequently, they were given a second problem framed either toencourage practical solutions based on pre-existing designs or framed to encourage radicalsolutions not based on pre-existing designs. Ideas were coded as either paradigm-preserving orparadigm-modifying. We identified students whose ideas shifted from more of one type to moreof another from their first ideation session to their second, as well as students whose ideasremained consistent. We analyzed their generated idea sets and reflection questionnaires todescribe the influence of the framed
Conference Session
Design Mental Frameworks
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Qiushi Li, Shanghai Jiaotong University; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Design in Engineering Education
,creative thinking and hands-on skills [8]-[10]. Moreover, it was hypothesized thatengagement in the SDPs was closely associated with the steep growth in students’epistemological development during the last year of college [1]. Students’epistemological thinking refers to their reflections on “the limits of knowledge”, “thecertainty of knowledge”, and the “criteria for knowing” [11]. Expert engineers tendedto demonstrate more sophisticated manner of epistemological thinking than novices[12]. Nevertheless, few studies have specifically explored engineering students’epistemological thinking and the associated factors in the context of SDPs. Therefore, in order to further explore the epistemological development ofengineering students and its
Conference Session
Design for Community and Environment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Mehalik, University of Pittsburgh; Yaron Doppelt, University of Pittsburgh; Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh
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Design in Engineering Education
students electricity concepts in science classes.Design-based learning is intended to engage students in ways that enhance their abilities to solvereal-life problems and to reflect on their learning processes. This style of active learning is anextension of project-based learning, which is argued to enable students to relate problems toscience concepts.10, 15 Design-based learning differs from project based learning in that, inaddition to constructing and building, students engage in a design and planning process thatfollows engineering design.Typically, as was the case in the subject school district, electricity (and science in general) istaught using a guided/scripted inquiry approach to learning. Students are given materials andprocedural
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nausheen Pasha-Zaidi, The Petroleum Institute; Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute
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Design in Engineering Education
process can affect the quality of the team experience. In this study,female students in an Engineering Design course at the PI were randomly assigned toteams. After the first team presentation, they were asked to consider the effectiveness oftheir random team assignment and reflect on their team processes. Student perceptions ofteam effectiveness were gauged using anonymous surveys. Engagement in teamwork wassubsequently assessed using a variety of tools. In this paper, the authors discuss theimplications of choice in team creation on student perceptions of team effectiveness andsatisfaction.IntroductionResearch suggests that same-gender teams (all-male or all-female) perceive themselves asmore effective than heterogeneous teams (Baugh &
Conference Session
Design Across the Curriculum 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicholas Mulka, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kinsey Herrin, Georgia Institute of Technology; Amit Shashikant Jariwala, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Design in Engineering Education
, however, does not challenge the student to make decisions on prospective team members.The algorithmic team formation method was not utilized in Georgia Tech’s capstone designcourses considered for this research, enabling students to reflect and learn from the decisionsthey made during their team formation process.The team formation and project selection methodology utilized here is built upon the foundationof prior research documented in [12]. The researchers describe a system with a high level ofstudent autonomy in which project interests and skills of other students are available to them. ahigh level of success in their workflow with a vast majority of students receiving projects whichthey prioritized. This document differs in that the project
Conference Session
Capstone Design II
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Laguette, University of California-Santa Barbara
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Design in Engineering Education
successfully competed and have won several prestigious awards. 4) Student and Faculty Created Projects include creative and challenging projects such as the award winning Laryngoscope with internal suction, a solar-powered surf board, and athletic training equipment.Capstone Design Projects Course ObjectivesThe Senior design projects are developed with the support of local industry, interested faculty, Page 12.506.3student organizations, and interested students. The projects reflect the academic integrity andexcellence of the Mechanical Engineering department. A committed faculty and IndustrialAdvisory Board are instrumental in this
Conference Session
The Best in DEED
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy E. Rechkemmer, University of Michigan; Maya Z. Makhlouf, University of Michigan; Jennifer M. Wenger, University of Michigan; Eli M. Silk, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Seda McKilligan, Iowa State University; Kathryn W. Jablokow, Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley
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Design in Engineering Education
multiple ways.The initial framing and resulting ideas that a designer generates to solve a design problem maybe influenced by that individual’s cognitive style. Cognitive style is a stable attitude or way ofthinking that reflects how a given individual prefers to interpret and respond to information.7Kirton’s Adaption–Innovation (A–I) theory posits that some individuals are more adaptive andprefer more structure, while others are more innovative and prefer less structure. Althoughindividuals may have a preferred problem solving approach, there are always different problemsituations or different times within a problem in which there could be a benefit to approachingthat problem in a non-preferred way. A person who is able to ideate along a spectrum
Conference Session
Idea Generation and Creativity in Design
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Ann Marasco, University of Calgary; Laleh Behjat P.Eng.; William Daniel Rosehart P.Eng., University of Calgary
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Design in Engineering Education
the results from2012 and 2013 in Figures 1 and 2. Page 26.997.4Figure 1: Overall, students perceived engineering as a respected career that involves designing cool things and helping society. Page 26.997.5 Figure 2: A summary of student associations towards male engineers and creativity.Students who participated in the game project also reflected on their experiences and learning.On average, 85% of students agreed or strongly agreed the game project was creative, and 71%said they enjoy creating games, while 80% enjoy playing games. Interestingly, more
Conference Session
Design in Freshman and Sophomore Courses
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Shooter, Bucknell University
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Design in Engineering Education
. characteristics reflecting characteristics reflecting thePerformance reflecting a development and reflecting highest level beginning level movement toward mastery of of of performance. mastery of performance. performance
Conference Session
Design Communications
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharad Oberoi, Carnegie Mellon University; Susan Finger, Carnegie Mellon University
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Design in Engineering Education
them and act as a tangible representation of knowledgebuilding process to assist in design reflection. These can also serve as an assessment instrumentby the instructors to track the group processes unobtrusively and automatically.A related issue is that beyond the final products produced by teams each year, the knowledgeproducts from this discovery process are a resource that can be valuable to students working onprojects in subsequent semesters. However, the knowledge generated by students in projectcourses is not typically accessible to students in subsequent semesters. Because of this, time islost when students rediscover what they could glean from the legacy of their forerunners’knowledge construction efforts. Perhaps even more serious is
Conference Session
Design Tools and Skill Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Eric Meyer, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Alexandra Coso Strong, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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Design in Engineering Education
students’understanding of the diverse uses of iteration within design. Recommendations for futureresearch directions are presented in the paper along with implications for design educators whowish to further develop their students’ understanding of iteration.MotivationExplorations of the experiences of novice and experienced designers have demonstrated criticaldifferences in their approaches to solving design problems1–3. Some examples of the differencesoccur during problem framing, research phases, idea generation, trade-offs analysis, decision-making, and reflection on design experiences3. For example, as part of problem framing,experienced designers hold off on making decisions until they have had time to diverge andunderstand the challenge in a more
Conference Session
Revealing the Invisible: Engineering Course Activities that Address Privilege, -Isms, and Power Relations (Interactive Session)
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego; Odesma Onika Dalrymple, University of San Diego; Susan M Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity, Faculty Development Constituency Committee
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Design in Engineering Education, International, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Minorities in Engineering
which the university will: become an anchorinstitution, demonstrate engaged scholarship, practice changemaking, advance access andinclusion, demonstrate care for our common home, and integrate our liberal arts education.In addition, the University Core curriculum recently underwent an overhaul with a new CoreCurriculum in place in Fall 2017. One significant outcome of the new Core reflects theUniversity’s commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (DISJ). Whereas studentspreviously were required to take a single Diversity course, the new Core requires students to taketwo Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DISJ) courses recognizing a developmental modelof achieving these outcomes. In addition, the DISJ designation is now based
Conference Session
Research on Design Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark W. Steiner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Junichi Kanai, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Design in Engineering Education
given multiple realisticconstraints, much like they would experience after they took their first engineering position 3.Most undergraduate engineering programs have now been through several iterations of theABET 2000 accreditation process, which normally occurs in six-year intervals. After fifteenplus years of functioning under the ABET 2000 criteria it seems appropriate to reflect upon thechanges and consider the results. This paper focuses on a review of the engineering curriculum,an overview of accreditation, the role of capstone in the curriculum and finally a new model forcapstone in relationship to the curriculum. A hierarchical ordering of student outcomes ispresented with examples of possible direct measures.2. Status of the Engineering
Conference Session
Assessing Design Coursework
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho; Denny Davis, Washington State University; Phillip Thompson, Seattle University; Michael Trevisan, Washington State University; Olakunle Harrison, Tuskegee University
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Design in Engineering Education
11.249.2Guiding PrinciplesIdeally, achievement targets in capstone engineering design courses must be meaningful toclassroom researchers, to professional practitioners who evaluate engineering programs, and ofcourse to engineering students. Researchers depend on a clearly conceptualized cognitive modelthat reflects the latest understanding of how learners represent knowledge and develop expertisein the domain18. Researchers also expect alignment between the cognitive model and themethods used to observe performance as well as the protocol for interpreting results.Professional practitioners expect to see course outcomes that are responsive to the diverse rolesplayed by an engineering professional19. Prominent roles in capstone courses include those