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Conference Session
Assessment & Accreditation in ECE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zia A. Yamayee, University of Portland; Peter M. Osterberg, University of Portland
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Electrical and Computer
continuously improving the program. Directassessment methods require students to demonstrate theirknowledge and skills, and provide data that directly measureachievement of expected outcomes. Indirect assessment methods,such as surveys and interviews, gather reflection about learning.These methods are likely to suffer from validity and reliabilityproblems as individual perception of their actual performance maybe difficult to candidly or accurately report. Therefore, it isimportant to use a mix of both direct and indirect assessmentmethods in the assessment and evaluation of Student Outcomes.The three direct assessment methods we use are course-embeddedassessment, senior design course assessment, and nationallystandardized examinations (Fundamentals
Conference Session
Integrating Research Into Undergraduate ECE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Daniel, Ohio State University; Ronald Reano, Ohio State University
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Electrical and Computer
engineering faculty/student partnership involved exposing theundergraduate to a small scale research project designed to reflect typical activities experiencedby graduate students. The student went through the entire cycle of design, simulation,fabrication, and test of a working device prototype. Through this approach, the studentexperienced a microcosm of graduate school while interacting with graduate students,experiencing the difference between laboratory and simulation work, and developing technicalwriting skills through the development of the electronic portfolio.IntroductionA program referred to as "Research on Research" has been developed to expose undergraduatestudents to academic research. The program is instituted through the Technology
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University
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Electrical and Computer
device characterization, design and simulation, signal integrity and THz sensors. He is a member of IEEE and ASEE. Page 23.198.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Application of active learning in microwave circuit design coursesI. Introduction and motivationMicrowave Circuit Design is a fairly well established topic for senior undergraduate andgraduate courses and many good textbooks are available1. Topics that are covered vary buttypically include some fundamentals of electromagnetic wave propagation, transmission lines(TL), effects of matching and reflection on TLs, various
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Wentworth, Auburn University; Dennis Silage, Temple University; Michael Baginski, Auburn University
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Engineering Education, 2010 Individualized MATLAB Projects In Undergraduate ElectromagneticsAbstractFour projects are described that require students to compose individualized MATLAB programs tosolve a problem in electromagnetics. These projects are: (1) vector electric field from anarbitrary charge distribution, (2) vector magnetic field from an arbitrary current distribution, (3)frequency dependent reflection coefficient looking into impedance matching networks, and (4)beam pattern for an arbitrarily arranged 4 dipole array.IntroductionMATLAB projects are often assigned in undergraduate electromagnetics courses, in part to satisfythe ABET criteria on use of modern engineering tools. The best
Conference Session
Capstone Design and Innovations in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven F. Barrett, University of Wyoming; Scott A. Morton, University of Wyoming; Jeffrey R. Anderson, University of Wyoming; Sandra Root-Elledge, University of Wyoming; Cameron H. G. Wright P.E., University of Wyoming
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by Eyler and Giles is provided followed by adescription of the program developed to link senior capstone design projects with the needs ofthe assistive technology community. A review of recently completed projects is then provided.The paper concludes with a discussion of benefits to all participants: the AT community, seniordesign students and engineering programs.BackgroundService learning as defined by the National Service-Learning Clearing House “is a teaching andlearning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection toenrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.”1 Whileservice learning programs may be quite diverse and employ students from a wide variety
Conference Session
ECE Curriculum Improvement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cordelia M Brown, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Dimitrios Peroulis, Purdue University; Greg Lammers, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Computer Engineering and Prof. Peroulis. Prof. Peroulis also developed thenecessary material (videos, notes, etc.) for teaching this course following a flipped classroomapproach. The goal of this course was to entirely revamp the sophomore curriculum forElectrical and Computer Engineering. Students indicated a lack of understanding of thediscipline of ECE. This failure to see the big picture of the discipline hinted at the need for abroader introductory course with a stronger emphasis on different fields inside of ECE ratherthan a deep exploration of circuit theory.The observation that students in the early stages of their careers do not have a strong grasp ofwhat Electrical and Computer engineers do is reflected in the literature.(Graaf, Wright
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Saharnaz Baghdadchi, University of California, San Diego; Leah Klement, University of California, San Diego; Rachel Bristol, University of California, San Diego; Paul Andreas Hadjipieris, University of California, San Diego
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own learning. A common misconception is that self-directedlearning can only occur in isolation from all other input from either the educator or fellowstudents. Students can work in a highly self-directed way while being a part of a larger team.Notably, a salient trend in the research suggests that students with highly developedself-directed learning skills connect and consult with a range of peers and leverage theirlearning network to make their choices about the direction of their learning [1].Foundational literature that examines the construction of a successful self-directed learningenvironment suggests that learning should reflect three distinct parts: The learner, the educator,and the learning resources [2]. Significant parts of this
Conference Session
Curricular Advancements in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Joseph LeBlanc, Ohio Northern University; Khalid S. Al-Olimat P.E., Ohio Northern University; Muhammad Ajmal Khan, Ohio Northern University; Firas Hassan, Ohio Northern University
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semester, students are required to submit a ½ to 1-page analogy reflection. Inthe assignment, students must either reflect on one of the analogies given throughout the courseto connect it to a personal life experience, or to create their own analogy that connects the circuitcontent to another topic, and reflect on the connection to a life experience. The analogy shouldbe stated, and the underlying deep structure between the source and target should be described.For grading, the correctness of the statements made about the analogy and the related circuittopic are checked (i.e., the stated deep structure is sensible and correct). Also, how well theanalogy is related to the student’s own life experience is assessed. The grading of the
Conference Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Marcio Luna, University of New Mexico; Timothy L Schroeder, University of New Mexico; Gregory L. Heileman, University of New Mexico; Chaouki T Abdallah, The University of New Mexico ; Jorge Crichigno, Northern New Mexico College; Ivan Lopez Hurtado, Northern New Mexico College; Alfredo J. Perez, Northern New Mexico College
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, instructors of record, SIs and TAs report issuesassociated with the online platform. Tech.Questn: Messages where students, SIs or TAs ask technical questions aboutsolutions of homework, laboratory, quiz or assessments. Undergrd.Advismnt: Messages where students discuss about their future career plansbased on their individual professional interests.B. Assessment of MessagesNext, we describe the parameters used to grade the quality of the communications with the TAs.The grades and their description are given below. Successful: Grade assigned when the communications reflect that the main objective wascarried out as required. Apparently Successful: Grade assigned when the communications reflect that the actionof the TAs and
Conference Session
Circuits and Systems Education 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P Pitterson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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tool.Presenting the results A discussion of what was found from the literature search and subsequent review ispresented based specifically on how previous work done answers the research questions andwhat future recommendations can be made. The patterns reflected in the data were also discussedto show how the conclusions made from the review are warranted. This paper concludes with adiscussion about gap in the literature that the review uncovered and suggestions for future workor directions.Findings At the first stage of data extraction of the 12 selected studies, eight were found to haveprimarily qualitatively collected data while the other four were quantitative. There were fivecases of the activity being implemented in lecture classes
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 9
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dianna Newman, University at Albany-SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie PhD, University at Albany-SUNY; Paul M. Schoch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Rensselaer. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017AbstractThis paper presents new and extended research on the impact of integrated hand-held mobiletechnology used in support of experiment centric learning within flipped engineering classrooms.The settings reflect courses serving two levels of students and content (1st year students takingtheir first engineering course and 2nd – 4th year STEM majors from outside of ECE) who arelearning circuit content. The key support for hand-held learning was the Analog DiscoveryBoard (ADB); the major characteristics of the flipped classroom pedagogy were instructorprepared videos and reading materials used by students outside the classroom and classroomactivities to
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Golanbari, University of the Pacific; Rick Garlikov, Garlikov.Com
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intellectual skills and traits of mind Page 13.486.2such as intellectual acuity, intellectual honesty, intellectual humility, intellectualperseverance, intellectual autonomy, intellectual empathy, intellectual integrity andintellectual responsibility. These skills and traits plant the seeds to help prepare studentsto: (a) become practicing professionals who are fair-minded, who have confidence inreason and who are undaunted when faced with the need to master new technologies; (b)become scholars undertaking advanced study; (c) take ownership of new ideas andmodes of reflective thinking and reasoning; and (d) be prepared and motivated to developinto life-long
Conference Session
ABET Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Improvement in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diana G. de la Rosa-Pohl, University of Houston
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attitudes companies were seeking in the emerging classes of engineers. Having been inthis process, one was more likely to have reflected on any noticeable performance gaps and tohave thought more deeply about what direction engineering education should take. As for university respondents, it was assumed that any faculty member who had beenrequired to teach courses (presumably all faculty members) would have been involved incurriculum development and therefore would have had experience in this area. Therefore, facultymember participation was limited only by years of experience and level of involvement inteaching electrical engineering courses. In addition, to provide a ―big picture‖ perspective, onefaculty respondent was chosen who had also
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronny Veljanovski, Victoria University; Alex Stojcevski, Victoria University
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skills. A final decisionby senior management concluded that PBL will be the teaching and learning style for allengineering programs in the University and initiated a top down approach to change allengineering curriculum. This top down push was similar to that of Aalborg University’s chanceprocess. The decision to change to PBL was made by Aalborg’s senior management and theengineering college5. Reflecting on VU’s change process, there were clear similarities withorganisational literature on change based on Kotter’s model6 and the eight steps totransformation. In semester 1 of 2006, all electrical engineering undergraduate programs werelaunched with a PBL teaching and learning style. Prior to the launch, intensive curriculum designtook place as
Conference Session
Optical and Wireless Communication Systems
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Moore, Purdue University
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criticalimportance to students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,for it represents an accumulation of the body of knowledge of the discipline. Research showsthat educational institutions facilitate the development of critical thinking when they incorporatean active learning style in their instructions and laboratory experiences. Experiential learningmodels presents us with the four modes on which learning styles are based – concreteexperience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Studiesconducted on knowledge retention, found that using these learning modes, individually and inpair wise combination, from twenty –to- sixty percent increase in retention has been achieved.However
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Friauf, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Stephen Williams, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Steven Reyer, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Owe Petersen, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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identified two components of life-long learning: motivation and ability.Motivation was divided into “won’t do” and “will do” practices. Ability practices were labeledas “can do” and “can’t do.” A successful life-long learner then is one who “will do” and onewho “can do.” Litzinger, et al. also cite Candy11 whose paper on self-directed learningsummarized the characteristics of the self-directed learner into two areas: personal attributes andskills. “Will do” Attributes: curious/motivated, methodical/disciplined, logical/analytical, reflective/self-aware, flexible, interdependent/interpersonally competent, persistent/responsible, venturesome/creative, confident, independent/self-sufficient. “Can do” Skills: have highly
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fred Cady, (Retired) Montana State University; John McLellan, Freescale Semiconductor
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are given an activity assignment that includes the followingsections: • A clear, inspiring and communicative title. • A "why" section to put the activity into context for the student. • A list of prerequisites. • Two or three clear and concise statements of learning objectives. • The information, or model, that the students are to explore to be able to meet the objectives. • Key exploration and concept invention/formation questions. • Skill exercises. • Problems or applications requiring higher-level thinking skills. • A closure including self-assessment and reflection on learning.The POGIL technique has been successfully implemented in the teaching of general
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zorica Nedic, University of South Australia; Andrew Nafalski, University of South Australia; Ozdemir Gol, University of South Australia; Jan Machotka, University of South Australia
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supply project) remains at the similar level as inprevious years (2006 and 2007). A large majority of students (95%) agreed or strongly agreedthe project motivated them to learn more and 80% of them were highly satisfied with the project-based laboratory. Page 14.90.12The chart presented in Figure 12 shows that mechanical engineering students and particularlycivil engineering students are significantly less satisfied than the electrical engineering students.All students are supervised by the same supervisors and taught by the same lecturers. Responsesto questions 4,5,7 and 8 reflect student perception of students-staff relationship. Interestingly
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Furse, University of Utah; Neil E. Cotter, University of Utah; Angela Rasmussen, University of Utah
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, source transformations, voltage and current dividers.  Unit 2: Node-voltage, superposition, Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits.  Unit 3: Op amp circuits, systems, digital logic.  Unit 4: RL, RC, RLC circuits.B. AssessmentBoth formative and summative assessments were used throughout the course to better understandthe student experience and the most challenging concepts. Assessments included weeklymuddiest point reflections and/or quizzes and self-assessments (depending on the professor), fourexams, and online feedback (every 3 weeks). 1. Muddiest Points (weekly)In weekly written Muddiest Point assessments, students related the concepts they found mostconfusing that week, and tried to explain them. A small amount of
Conference Session
Electromagnetics & Power Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Brianna Healey Derr, Bucknell University
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“green screen”; developing a threestep iterative process for videos based on story boards; and changing how concepts wereidentified. In the first year students selected from a list of relevant concepts, in the second yearconcepts were represented mathematically. During both years the videos were scored usingrubrics on both accuracy of conceptual understanding and production values, and were also peer-evaluated. Comparisons of video scores to performance on standard exams and the results ofconcept inventories are presented. We also reflect on the value of videos for self-explanationand for engaging with conceptually difficult material. Example student videos will be used toillustrate both correct and incorrect conceptual explanations.Introduction
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Lee Heyman, United States Military Academy; Wenli Huang, U.S. Military Academy; Guangming Xie, Peking University; Pongpat Taephanitcharoen, United States Military Academy
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Electrical and Computer
and a utility sink. This allowed us to have both a “wet” and “dry” workspacefor the project. While funding and lab space/environment did not end up being significantchallenges for us, both should be taken into consideration by other institutions who wish toparticipate in the competition.While the lab space problem was easily solved for us, it did pose one significant challenge thatwe had to overcome. The ceiling height was not large enough to use the lights provided with theplatform. We initially attempted to use the overhead fluorescent lights in the room; however, wefound that the reflected light from these caused some difficulties in the image capturing that mustbe noted. The robotic fish platform includes an adaptive underlay algorithm
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roger A. Green, North Dakota State University
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a formula sheet, calculator, and two hours to completethis comprehensive exam, which contains 35 questions that reflect both theoretical and practicalcourse topics, with an emphasis on the former. In addition to tightly controlling the final exambooklet and answer sheets, the ordering of final exam questions and answers are regularlychanged to help ensure exam integrity from semester to semester. Table 1 provides a sample ofsix questions taken from the exam: questions 1 and 2 reflect more practical- and hardware-oriented topics, while questions 3 through 6 reflect more theoretical-oriented topics. As one cansee from Table 1, question level and difficulty varies. For paper clarity, correct answers arehighlighted in gray
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
R.F. William Hollender, Montana State University; James Becker, Montana State University
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microstrip circuitsMatrix representation of multi-port networks (S-,Z-,Y- and ABCD parameters)Calibration of coaxial and in-fixture VNA measurementsThe diode at radio and microwave frequenciesMicrostrip filter designPower dividers, combiners and couplersEven and odd mode analysisScattering parameter design of transistor amplifiersLinear dynamic range, noise figure and noise calculations for microwave systemsLAB / DESIGN EXERCISESIntroduction to the vector network analyzer (VNA) and basic transmission line theory –Students measure the reflections from a series of open circuit transmission lines of differentlengths and at different frequencies and compare measurement to theory.Passive component characterization using the VNA – Students measure the
Conference Session
Teaching Circuit Theory and Electronics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Greco, Arkansas Tech University; James D. Reasoner Jr, Arkansas Tech University; Daniel Bullock, Arkansas Tech University; Carlos L. Castillo, Arkansas Tech University; Patricia S. Buford, Arkansas Tech University; Gill G. richards, Arkansas Tech University
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superior in their ability to apply rudimentary laboratory skills and knowledge in theperformance of basic circuits analysis applications as reflected in their final lab practicum scores.The study was performed over five consecutive semesters with 160 students sub-divided intocontrol (traditional lab teams) and solo groups. Students in the control group performed theweekly laboratory exercises in lab teams of two or more while those in the solo group workedindependently. The solo group exhibited statistically significant higher scores on the final labpracticum as compared to the control group; whereas, the lab report, a traditional metric forevaluating student lab performance, lacked sufficient sensitivity to discriminate between thesegroup
Conference Session
Assessment of Learning in ECE
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wayne Lu, University of Portland
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category can be graded by the consistency ofcontents throughout the report. The depth of discussion category closely reflects the integrationof knowledge category so that reports showing good elaborations will have higher scores andreports with many hardware or software specification details will have lower scores.Cohesiveness category can be graded based on how well the report contents flow. The spelling& grammar category can be graded based on common writing basics such as a figure captionshould be under the figure and the table caption should be above the table; figure and tablecaptions and their corresponding figures and tables should be on the same page; and paragraphsshould have adequate lengths.The sources category can be graded based
Conference Session
ECE Curriculum Innovations
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory Plett, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs; Rodger Ziemer, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs; Michael Ciletti, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs; R. Dandapani, University of Colordo-Colorado Springs; T. S. Kalkur, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs; Mark Wickert, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
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processing may beeither reflective or active. Based on these two continuums, Kolb enumerated four different types Page 11.614.4of learner, as identified by the four quadrants in Figure 1. Each quadrant is characterized by aquestion: quadrant 1 asks the question “Why?”; quadrant 2 asks the question “What?”; quadrant3 asks “How?”; and quadrant 4 asks “What if?”. These four questions guide an instruction para-digm, the 4MAT system, which cycles through all four quadrants of the perception/processingdomain, as shown in Figure 1. Instruction that adheres to the 4MAT system is expected to (1)reach students of all learning types, and (2) teach students
Conference Session
Improvements in ECE Circuit Analysis
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego; Breanne Przestrzelski, University of San Diego; Elizabeth Reddy, Colorado School of Mines
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Electrical and Computer
their weekly homework assignment, students completed a memo responding to severalprompts that required them to use information from and reflect on their experience. Theydescribed the process their TV would go through at the center and after that. In response to theprompt “What stood out to you about your time at the USD Electronics Recycling Center?Describe how this learning can impact you both personally and professionally as a futureengineer,” about half of the students commented that what stood out to them was the largeamount of electronic waste generated in the USA. Several mentioned that they had never been tosuch a center and never considered “what has happened to all of my old electronics.”Some found it inspirational that students from
Conference Session
Insights for Teaching ECE Courses - Session II
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelvin T. Erickson, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Electrical and Computer
working on the homework exercises.  Promote lifelong learning – One part of the first Basic PLC laboratory exercise – construct the logic to make two lamps to alternately flash at a given period – requires the student groups to think. No solution is given to them and it is not covered in the prior course lectures, though the lab teaching assistant will help them to figure out the solution. In addition, at the end of each laboratory exercise, the students ask a series of reflection questions to help them evaluate their performance and what they could do better.All of these courses were initiated in response to industry demand. In the 1980’s, AT&Tsponsored a project to develop manufacturing-related courses
Conference Session
Embedded Systems and Cybersecurity in ECE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James Peyton Jones, Villanova University
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Electrical and Computer
respectively and partially wires several components for use in the labs: An externalLED supplements the onboard LED and highlights the need for a current-limiting resistor. Theonboard LED cannot be modulated so the external LED is also used to provide visual feedback(dimming) when studying Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) signals. Two external pushbuttonssupplement the onboard pushbuttons and are used to provide digital inputs or to generate edge-triggered hardware interrupts. A Reflective Light Sensor (RLS) acts either as a binary objectdetection sensor, or as an analog input measurement of reflected light. Analog inputs are alsogenerated using a 10K potentiometer to provide a fraction of the 3.3 V power supply. Atransistor together with a flyback diode
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Shawn Addington, Virginia Military Institute
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evaluation of student performance data. Please see Appendix 4.All of these data are compiled in the Departmental Course Assignment Database, in order toallow both course-level and program-level assessment. At the course-level, the Database is usedby the ECE faculty in the preparation of their Course Portfolios. The Course Portfolios offereach faculty member the opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of each of his courses,primarily in terms of the desired Course Objectives, and their associated Performance Criteria.Through this mechanism, the faculty member can evaluate student strengths and weaknesses inmeeting Course Objectives by identifying the specific curricular topics and assignments thathave contributed to the level of achievement, and