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Displaying results 301 - 330 of 942 in total
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Laura Lucas; Chul Kim
A DEVELOPMENT OF WIRELESS CLASSROOM FRAMEWORK FOR CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY COURSES Chul S. Kim, Laura Lucas Indiana University-Purdue University, IndianapolisIntroduction Many courses in the Construction Technology (CNT) Program in Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) are taught in traditional classrooms that are notequipped with computers. This is partially due to the lack of funding to provide enoughcomputer facilities; however, it is more because computers are not currently deemed integral inthe teaching and learning in these courses. Thanks to the rapid progress in informationtechnology
Conference Session
Professional Graduate Education & Industry
2005 Annual Conference
Albert McHenry
Society for Engineering Education Copyright © 20033. National Academy of Engineering, Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology, 2002.4. National Collaborative Task Force on Engineering Graduate Education Reform, Strategic Plan, 2004.5. Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press6. Ullman, S. (1980) Against direct perception. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 373 - 415.7. Gibson, J. J. (1979). An ecological approach to visual perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin8. Dewey, J. (1933/1998) How we think (Rev. ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.9. Ausubel, D. (1968). Educational psychology: A cognitive view. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston10. Piaget, J. (1972). The
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade for Teaching I
2005 Annual Conference
Jerry Samples
preparation to beeffective. Professors must include plans to keep students active and involved. Finally,professors should attempt to make learning approach that experienced in smaller classes to befair to the students.REFERENCES1. Felder, R.M., “Beating the Numbers Game: Effective Teaching in Large Classes,” Proceedings of the 1997American Society for Engineering Education annual Conference and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI.2. Montgomery, S., “A Secret to Large Classes – Showing You Care,” Proceedings of the 1997 American Societyfor Engineering Education annual Conference and Exposition, Milwaukee, WI.3. Dail, P.R., “Techniques for Teaching Large Classes,” Proceedings of the 1997 American Society for EngineeringEducation annual Conference and Exposition
Conference Session
A Renaissance in NRE Programs
2005 Annual Conference
G. Maldonado; Christenson John; Eugene Rutz
, and highly motivated graduate students for the UCNRE GraduateProgram who will soon be in a position to become professionals in the nuclear industry.5. References[1] J. Christenson, G. I. Maldonado, E. Rutz, H. Spitz, “MNE-ACCEND,” Proc. of 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 20-23, 2004.[2] W. Wallack,, “University of Cincinnati Launches Joint Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering Degree,” Nuclear Energy Institute’s Nuclear Energy Overview, p.5, Nov. 3, 2003.[3] S. Ali, J. Christenson, P.K. Ray, S. Usman, “Building an Effective Educational Bridge Between Tuskegee University and the University of Cincinnati Nuclear and
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Constance Kampf; Dave Kmiec
successful? 3. Who will be the reader(s) of this memo? What do they know about the problem? What will they gain from the problem being solved? 4. What action(s) do you expect your readers to take as a result of reading this memo? For the purposes of this class, understanding a problem differently can be considered an action. 5. What do your readers need to know in order to want to take those actions?Through lectures and feedback, the students are coached to appropriately collect and constructanswers to each of these questions. Then they are asked to use their answers to these questionsto their memos and proposals.5 The exercise is helpful to students who are not accustomed toconsidering, in depth, their
Conference Session
Experiential Learning
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Thompson; George Bodner; William Oakes
. 5.Noddings, N. (1992). Gender and Curriculum, from the Handbook of Research on Curriculum, edited by P. W.Jackson, New York: Macmillan.6. Rosser, S. V. (1990). Female-Friendly Science. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY.7. Rosser, S. V. (1995). Teaching the Majority: Breaking the Gender Barrier in Science, Mathematics, andEngineering. Teachers College Press, New York, NY.8. Matyas, M. L. & Malcolm, S. (1991). Investing in Human Potential: Science and Engineering at the Crossroads.AAAS, Washington, D.C.9. Oakes, J., Gamoran, A., & Page, R. N. (1992). Curriculum Differentiation: Opportunities, Outcomes, andMeanings, from the Handbook of Research on Curriculum, edited by P. W. Jackson, New York: Macmillan.10. Astin, A. W. (1993). Engineering
Conference Session
Sustainability Issues
2005 Annual Conference
Patricia Mosto; Gina Tang; Courtney Richmond; Joseph Orlins; Catherine Yang; Demond Miller; Beena Sukumaran; Kauser Jahan; Anthony Marchese; Mariano Savelski; Paris von Lockette; Stephanie Farrell; Yusuf Mehta; William Riddell
esteem, teamwork and leadership skills.AcknowledgementThis project is being funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF EEC#0353744) and Rowan University.References[1] Jahan, K., J. Everett, R. P. Hesketh , P. Jannson and K. Hollar (2004) “Environmental Education forAll Engineers”, Water Science and Technology, 49(8).[2] Jahan, K., J. Everett, R. P. Hesketh , P. Jannson and K. Hollar (2003) “Environmental Education forAll Engineers”, Proceedings of the IWA Environmental Engineering Education Conference, Zurich,Switzerland, Sept. 23-27.[3] Jahan, K., G. Tang, S. Gatling and K. Freeman (2003) “Undergaduate Research Experiences inPollution Prevention” Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic ASEE Fall Conference, Baltimore, MD.[4] K. Jahan
Conference Session
A Renaissance in NRE Programs
2005 Annual Conference
Sukesh Aghara; Irvin Osborn-Lee
Development of a Nuclear Engineering Program at Prairie View A&M University, a Historically Black University (HBCU) S. Aghara,a* I. Osborne-Lee a and Mehran Visehb , Richard Wilkinsc a Department of Chemical Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX/ b Department of Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX c Department of Electrical Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TXAbstract Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU), one of the nation’s leading HistoricallyBlack Universities (HBCUs), in 2002
Conference Session
Distance & Service Learning, K-12, Web & Work-Based Projects
2005 Annual Conference
Leijun Li; John Pan; Ismail Fidan
, Texas A&M University/Kingsville, and University of Kansas.Bibliographical Information1. J. A. Lee, D. M. Castella, and S. G. Middleton, “Faculty Perceptions of Academe’s Evaluation System,” Journal of Engineering Education, 263-267 (July 1997).2. K. A. Higley and C. M. Marianno, “Making Engineering Education Fun,” Journal of Engineering Education, 90 (1), 105-107 (January 2001).3. B. G. Davis, Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass Publishers, p.100, 1993.4. M. O. Haggler and W. M. Marcy, “Strategies for Designing Engineering Courses,” Journal of Engineering Education, 88 (1) 1, 11-13 (1999).5. J. A. Lynn, “Distance Education Options for Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE
Conference Session
Capstone/Design Projects: Industrial ET
2005 Annual Conference
Fanorious Chalkiadakis; Mohammed Fahmy; Recayi Pecen
= air density (about 1.225 kg/m3 atsea level, less higher up), A = rotor swept area, exposed to the wind (m2), Cp = Coefficient ofperformance (.59 {Betz limit} is the maximum theoretically possible, .35 for a good design), v =wind speed in meters/sec (20 mph = 9 m/s), hg = generator efficiency, hb = gearbox/bearingsefficiency.The key to developing a successful wind energy facility is in finding a site which has a strongand steady wind stream. The feasibility study (Phase 1) of this research was completed in the2003-04 academic year. The wind tower location on the dam area was found to have the secondhighest wind speed in the Hickory Hills Park. The maximum wind speed location was far fromthe hydro generator and therefore was not selected. A
Conference Session
Issues in Computer Education
2005 Annual Conference
Michael Quinn
lectures are devoted to introducing technical material. The rest of the lectures arespent discussing generic topics of benefit to freshmen, such as time management, groupdynamics, and opportunities for international study. In order to have each technical lectureaccompanied by an applet, we would need a total of about 18 applets. We were able to produce15 applets before the class began in September 2004. The applets did not map evenly to thelecture topics. Some lectures had two relevant applets, while others had none. In the end, weused the applets in 10 lectures, or about one-third of the total number of lectures in the class.Table 1 summarizes the goal(s) for each of the applets we have created.Applet Designed to
Conference Session
Engineers & Mathematicians Communicating
2005 Annual Conference
Zack Bowles; Philippe E. Tissot; Jeremy Flores; G. Beate Zimmer; Alexey L. Sadovski; Carl Steidley
Water Level Forecasting along the Texas Coast: Interdisciplinary Research with Undergraduates. G. Beate Zimmer, Philippe E. Tissot, Jeremy S. Flores, Zack Bowles, Alexey L. Sadovski, Carl Steidley. Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX 78412.Abstract:While pure mathematics makes it sometimes difficult to involve undergraduates who have notyet completed the higher level math courses in research projects, research in applied mathematicsis generally more accessible to these students. We present an example of an integrated researchenvironment including faculty, research professionals and students which has facilitated theproductive
Conference Session
Early College Retention Programs
2005 Annual Conference
Yvonne Ng
? Princeton Alumnae Reflect. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1993.6. H. K. Qammar, H. M. Cheung, E. A. Evans, S. P. Spickard, F. S. Broadway, and R. D. Ramsier. “Impact of Vertically Integrated Team Design Projects on First Year Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. American Society for Engineering Education, 2004.7. D. K. Sobek II, and V. K. Jain. “The Engineering Problem-Solving Process: Good for Students?” slides for Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. American Society for Engineering Education, 2004.8. “Success of SEAS Interactor Program Hard to Duplicate.” Princeton University
Conference Session
New Learning Models
2005 Annual Conference
Scott Jiusto; David DiBiasio
Nontraditional Learning Environments: Do They Prepare Our Students for Life-Long Learning? D. DiBiasio, Department of Chemical Engineering and S. Jiusto, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division Worcester Polytechnic InstituteAbstractRecent research indicates that traditional academic structures may not promote learningconsistent with self-directed learning.1,2 This work investigated whether Worcester PolytechnicInstitute’s (WPI) nontraditional interdisciplinary projects program increased readiness for life-long learning (LLL) and self-directed learning (SDL) using three methods: a calibrated, validatedinstrument called the Self
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Steven Northrup
most important attribute indicative of success in thepractice of engineering.The Auburn study also surveyed 298 industry representatives to determine what attributes areneeded for successful engineers. The survey found that the alumni and the industryrepresentatives ranked the top 16 attributes in almost the same order of importance. In fact, thefirst four were ranked in the same order. Therefore, both the industry representatives and thealumni said that the ability to learn on one’s own was the most important attribute of a successfulengineer.The Auburn University study was performed prior to the adoption of EC 2000’s criterion 3attributes and was a survey of alumni and industry representatives associated with a largeuniversity. Therefore, to
Conference Session
Experiential Learning
2005 Annual Conference
Sumedha Ariely; Barbara Masi; David Wallace; Amy Banzaert
Learning, Spring 2004, pp. 21-33, 2004.6. E. Abes, G. Jackson, and S. Jones, “Factors that Motivate and Deter Faculty Use of Service-Learning,” MichiganJournal of Community Service Learning, Fall 2002, pp. 5-17, 2002.7. S. Adams and F. Pereira, “Measuring Faculty Preparation to Lead Teams in the Engineering Classroom: A PilotStudy,” Proceedings, 2002 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2002.8. M. Zwyno, “Engineering Faculty Teaching Styles and Attitudes toward Student-Centered and Technology-Enabled Teaching Strategies,” Proceedings, 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, Nashville, TN, 2003.9. J. Mitchell, “Time Professors Spend Improving their Teaching,” Proceedings, 34th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers inEducation Conference, IEEE, Savannah
Conference Session
Web-Based Laboratory Experiments
2005 Annual Conference
Lars Håkansson; Ingvar Gustavsson; Henrik Åkesson
G P -IB H P 3 5 6 7 0 A d y n a m ic s ig n a l a n a ly z e r C la m p in g - S o u rc e O u t C h 1 C h 2 C h 3 C h 4 h a u se P C S e rv e r P o w e r A m p lifie r A c c e le ro m e te r
Conference Session
Technology and Learning
2005 Annual Conference
Stephen Silliman; Leo McWilliams; Kevin Abbott; G. Christopher Clark
incorporation of these technologies has had a dramatic, short-term effect on the learning environment. Substantial care must be taken in first-year courses where students may not appreciate the uncertainties associated with educational experiments and may become disillusioned when technology use is not carried over into future years.References Cited1- Brockman, J, TE Fuja, S Batill, 2002, “A multidisciplinary course sequence for first-year engineering students”,Proceedings of ASCE, session 2253.2- McWilliams, L, S Silliman and C Pieronek, 2004, “Modifications to a Freshman Engineering Course Based onStudent Feedback “, 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2004.3- Pieronek, C, L McWilliams, and S Silliman, 2004
Conference Session
Assessment Issues in 1st-Yr Engineering
2005 Annual Conference
Anita Mahadevan-Jansen; Christopher Rowe; Stacy Klein-Gardner
ES S er M ic m C il id iv ed
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching and Outreach
2005 Annual Conference
Sheldon Jeter
Page 10.41.6more logical presentation. In practice, the investigator is well advised to conduct at least Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 2005, American Society for Engineering Educationpreliminary Uncertainty B analysis ahead of time using generic or even estimated data.Otherwise a poor experimental design could result in excessive Uncertainty B that cannotbe easily corrected later. Indeed a complete redesign may be necessary. Table 1. Experimental Data for Heat Exchanger Experiment units 1 2 3 4 5 6 AVG m& H kg/s 0.051 0.052 0.052
Conference Session
Innovative Ideas for Energy Labs
2005 Annual Conference
Jessica Moffitt; Jennifer van Rij; Jeffrey Wolchok
future students. However, to allow for this process a DRIE system would need to bepurchased. Additionally, it would have been helpful if the capabilities of the UtahMicrofabrication Facility were well understood during the initial design stages of the project.However, we still believe the microfabricated energy scavenging system would make an idealsenior or graduate level design project. The system combines aspects from several engineeringdisciplines and offers a great opportunity for students to execute design, simulation, fabricationand testing in a multidisciplinary group setting.References:1. S. Roundy, R. K. Wright, and J. Rabaey, “A study of low level vibrations as apower source for wireless sensor nodes,” Computer Communications, vol
Conference Session
Inservice Teacher Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
Jane Schielack; Carol Stuessy; George Nickles
Page 10.1173.11 inquiry," Educational Researcher, vol. 32, pp. 5-8, 2003. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education6. J. Douglas, E. Iversen, and C. Kalyandurg, (2004, December). Engineering in the K-12 classroom: An analysis of current practices & guidelines for the future. American Society for Engineering Education EngineeringK12 Center. [Online]. Available: A. M. Hoff, M. Barger, R. Gilbert, K. S. Rogers, J. D. Hickey, E. Roe, and B. McCullough, "Teaching problem solving to high school and
Conference Session
Innovative Ideas for Energy Labs
2005 Annual Conference
Vinod Yedidi; Brian Johnson; Joseph Law; Herbert Hess
-campus labs. The frequency of the voltage can becontrolled with the help of frequency control. This control is analogous using the field control onthe DC motor to vary rotor speed in the on-campus lab. Synchronous indicator and breakercontrols can also be seen in Figure 1. The synchronous indicator produces the output of thebright and dim lamp method used in the on-campus lab for synchronization. The breaker controlsallow the off-campus students to close the breakers when the synchronous indicator generatesstable 0’s on all three of the indicators. This is analogous to closing the breakers when all thelights go dark in the on-campus lab.All the on-campus experiments need voltmeters and ammeters to measure RMS voltage andcurrents in all the three
Conference Session
Developments in Chem Engineering Education Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Steve Sternberg
. Multipleresponses are listed as (x 2), which means that this response was given by multiplestudents. Examination of these comments suggests that most students enjoyed the hands-on activities, agree that they are a good use of class time, and feel they add to theireducational experience. They also believe timing could be better and that perhaps someactivities could be replaced. There was no agreement on which one(s) should be replaced.Results from exam scores for the two years of this project (2003 and 2004) are presentedwith the two prior years (2001 and 2002) in appendix 3. All scores are normalized to 0 –100 scale. Comparison shows no statistically significant difference between scores on theindividual tests.As the course instructor, I observed several
Conference Session
Experiential Learning
2005 Annual Conference
Sara Tracy; Jason Immekus; Susan Maller; William Oakes
who participate in service-learning during their undergraduate careers makenotable social and academic gains6. Specifically, community involvement has been associatedwith enhancing students’ appreciation of the people and organizations with whom theyworked7,8, feelings of social responsibility9,10, and development of factual knowledge related totheir field(s)11. Students who enroll in service-learning courses are characterized as beingintrinsically motivated to assist others and having a desire to seek personal growth and self-actualization12. Collectively, empirical evidence suggests that service-learning promotesstudents’ awareness of the broad issues that face society. Service-learning is believed to promote academic and personal
Conference Session
Best Zone Papers
2005 Annual Conference
Arne Weigold; M. P. Sharma; Edward Anderson; Roman Taraban
1 bje rks tio s Co tes Ad nfo M ex te ati s Bo ion Na fo tM n f Ta Prin ff e Of Ge rratio Su kma Na d No
Conference Session
Innovation in ChE Teaching
2005 Annual Conference
Bruce Finlayson
(H,t) = 0 for t > 0Solve this problem for v0 = 0.03 m/s, H = 0.005, µ = 1180 Pa s,ρ = 800 kg/m3. Use six points inthe x direction (including the boundary points). Plot the results versus time. You can plot allvelocity values versus time, but it is more instructive to plot them versus distance, with time as aparameter. (This isn’t required, though.) Naturally, you need to verify that your right-hand sideis correct. Since this is a linear problem, this is one case where you could compare yournumerical solution to the analytical one, Eq. (4.1-40) of “Transport Phenomena”1. Page 10.833.7 Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering 7 Education
Conference Session
Electrical & Computer Engineering Poster Session
2005 Annual Conference
Stacy Wilson; Mark Cambron
Creation of an Assessment Plan for a Project Based Electrical Engineering Program Stacy S. Wilson, Mark E. Cambron Western Kentucky UniversityAbstract A joint program in Electrical Engineering has been created with Western KentuckyUniversity (WKU) and the University of Louisville (UofL). The program resides at WKU withUofL faculty delivering 16-24 hours into the curriculum through distance learning methods. Thefocus of the new EE program is a project-based curriculum. The mission of the new program isto build a foundation of knowledge in electrical engineering by integrating a variety of projectexperiences at every level throughout
Conference Session
Women Faculty & the NSF ADVANCE Program
2005 Annual Conference
Marie McCarther; Linda Garavalia; David Renz; Deborah O'Bannon
Session 2692 Advancing Women in STEM disciplines to Leadership Roles in Academe Deborah J. O’Bannon, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Linda S. Garavalia, Department of Psychology, David O. Renz, Bloch School of Business and Public Administration, and S. Marie McCarther, Midwest Center for Non-Profit Leadership University of Missouri-Kansas CityABSTRACTThis paper describes an NSF ADVANCE-funded program designed to facilitate the rise offaculty women to academic leadership positions in NSF-sponsored disciplines
Conference Session
Improving Multidisciplinary Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
Sherra Kerns; Edwin Jones; John Weese
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) as the LeadSociety for EAC Programs leading to degrees designated as Engineering (without modifiers), Engineering Physics,and Engineering Science(s), and for TAC Programs leading to degrees in Engineering Technology (withoutmodifiers) for which ASEE will provide the fiscal program support, the training and assigning of programevaluators, and the infrastructure for efficient, timely interaction with ABET staff, EAC Team Chairs, and TACTeam Chairs. As do other lead societies, ASEE will strive to establish a constructive balance of program evaluatorsfrom academe and industry/government, as well as from under-represented groups in the engineering/engineeringtechnology professional spectrum. These procedures