- Conference Session
- Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 1: Diversity
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Anamika Megwalu, San Jose State University
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Engineering Libraries
]. Ina small group, learners have greater control on self-directed learning and have the opportunity topractice self-reflection and self-discipline [23]. These skills are essential for lifelong learning[23]. Small group discussions promote deep, rather than surface learning [24]. Despite many advantages, small group discussions can be a challenge for many students.According to [25], “ Many of the difficulties arise because group work involves the comingtogether of groups of individuals, each with their own knowledge, attitudes to learning, sets ofexperiences and personalities.” In a typical classroom, diversity amongst students is inevitable,even amongst domestic, English speakers. Students’ social and communication behaviors
- Conference Session
- Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 1: Diversity
- Collection
- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Shalini Ramachandran, Boise State University; Steven Matthew Cutchin, Boise State University; Sheree Fu, California State University, Los Angeles
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Engineering Libraries
that reflect gender stereotypes when doing a routinesearch,” was that 42.9% of females report as true compared to 34.4% of males. Furthermore,students seem to recognize gender bias when searching online with Latinx students reportingthe highest at 28.8% with the least being those who identified as Other at 16.1%. Our survey didnot directly ask students whether they had heard of or were aware of the concept of algorithm.bias. The survey questions were to determine if students had perceived any bias in their dailyinteraction with search engines and AI. Fig. 3. Government should regulate search engine resultsAdditionally, most students (83%) agreed that private companies should regulate themselveswith regard to correcting
- Conference Session
- Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 1: Diversity
- Collection
- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Paul McMonigle, Pennsylvania State University; Linda M. N. Struble, Pennsylvania State University
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Engineering Libraries
underrepresented students is small at this time, though it will undoubtedly grow over thenext few years.Although written primarily with graduate students in mind, Wosu and Pai's 2012 articleestablishing a model for diversity and equity provides an excellent introduction and path forwardfor any engineering program or library to follow. Out of the six performance indicators for theirmodel, libraries can have the greatest effect on both "institutional climate/culture" and"institutional receptivity". The climate/culture reflects how students are treated, opportunities forresearch and contributions to a chosen discipline, and especially whether students feel like theybelong. Library programming can be created to foster this sense of an "inclusive