the connection between the two.Ada Barach, Ohio State University Ada recently graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering. Her undergraduate research was in coding education for first-year students. Ada is currently pursuing a PhD in theoretical computer science at Ohio State.Connor Jenkins, Ohio State University Connor Jenkins is currently an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in Electrical and Computer En- gineering at The Ohio State University. His engineering education research interests include first-year engineering, teaching assistant programs, and technical communication education methods.Ms. Serendipity S. Gunawardena, Ohio State University Sery is an
Science and in Mathematics, and M.S. and Ph.D. (1984) in Computer Science, all from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Altman specializes in optimization algorithms, formal language theory, and complex system simulation. He has published over 75 journal, conference, and technical papers. Presently, Dr. Altman is a Professor of Computer Science at CU Denver and has been an active ABET Program Evaluator (CAC) since 2008. His current research focus is on STEM and more specifically, Engineering Education.Dr. Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver Professor of Mathematics for over 40 years, with a keen interest in STEM Education and improving student success.Prof. Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver
recent NSF S-STEM award that focuses on STEM identity at Urban Universities. Darbeheshti’s primary research is in the area of Multi-phase viscous flows in Fluid Mechanics. She is also involved in First-Year Engineering Program, and created the Engineering Learning Community for First-year students at CU-Denver. is a member of ASME: Society of Mechanical Engineers. She serves as the faculty advisor for the Society of Women Engineers in the College of Engineering, Design and Computing.Mr. Gregory Edward Simon, University of Colorado DenverWilliam Taylor Schupbach, University of Colorado DenverDr. Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver Professor of Mathematics for over 40 years, with a keen interest in STEM
througha simple measurement using a smartphone. The concept of using the accelerometer sensor in mobilephones for physics experiments has become a well-known option for STEM teachers [10]. Sincethese devices are readily available to most students and teachers, experiments can be set up at lowcost while generating interest and motivation for learning.The smartphone app called Phyphox™ is used to record the accelerometer readings and report theearth's acceleration of 9.81 m/s² while the phone is resting (which is what we call "Accelerationwith g"). In contrast, the physical acceleration is zero when the phone is resting (or moving at aconstant speed), so there is a virtual sensor that subtracts the constant acceleration (usually by takinginto
(for engineering context) 8-item, validated instrument focused on longer-term,maintained interest. The methods that follow were developed to explore a multi-subfactordepiction(s) (from literature) of maintained interest, including conceptualizing and analyzingstudent responses. Two associated research questions thusly addressed in this study are: 1) whatis the strongest factor structure for measuring the construct of first-year engineering students’long-term, stable maintained interest in the choice of pursuing an engineering career?; and 2)how strong is the fit of theoretically-grounded structural models of the construct of first-yearengineering students’ maintained interest in engineering careers? Results show significantempirical support in
. Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved in educational research on the effective use of technology in engineering education, the incorpo- ration of critical thinking in undergraduate engineering education, and retention of engineering students. She leads a research group whose goal is to foster active interdisciplinary research which investigates learning and motivation and whose findings will inform the
Testing and13 Pressure: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective," in Building Autonomous Learners:14 Perspectives from Research and Practice using Self-Determination Theory, W. C. Liu, J.15 C. K. Wang, and R. M. Ryan Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016, pp. 9-29.16 [3] N. T. Butz, R. H. Stupnisky, R. Pekrun, J. L. Jensen, and D. M. Harsell, "The impact of17 emotions on student achievement in synchronous hybrid business and public18 administration programs: A longitudinal test of control‐value theory," Decision Sciences19 Journal of Innovative Education, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 441-474, 2016.20 [4] M. Hastie, I. C. Hung, N. S. Chen, and Kinshuk, "A blended synchronous learning
can enhance student engagement and motivation. Significant responses have been theimplementation of student-centered learning [2], [47], [48], project-based learning [49]–[52],collaborative project-based learning approach [7], [53]–[55], collaborative learning [56]–[59] tomotivate students and to support students’ constructing practical, adaptable knowledge to a real-life setting.Project-Based Collaborative Learning in Engineering In an engineering context, the term ‘project’ is perceived as a ‘unit of work,’ on the basisof client(s)’ needs [60]. Project in an engineering education setting is multi-disciplinary andhighly related to a real-life situation, and project-based learning requires the creation of concreteartifact (e.g., a
study is informed by the need to address the well-documentedunderrepresentation of low-socioeconomic status (SES) and minoritized students in engineeringand other related careers [1]–[3]. Researchers advanced that, in addition to intellectual andscientific reasons, low-income students are attracted to the major by the potential prospect ofemployment after completing a degree [1], [4]. Financial considerations are critical for low-SESengineering students; this includes considerations of financial aid and differential tuition [5].Programs such as the National Science Foundation Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) have beenimplemented to address financial assistance of low-SES students. This study is part of alongitudinal five-year S-STEM project
a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S. Department of Energy as well as more than 25 years of experience teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science, and first-year engineering courses in higher education institutions. Currently, she leads a team of faculty who are dedicated to providing first year engineering students with a high- quality, challenging, and engaging educational experience with the necessary advising, mentoring, and academic support to facilitate their transition to university life and to prepare them for success in their engineering discipline majors and future careers. American c Society for Engineering
students: one student reported low participation inboth projects and s/he attended the classes about half in person and half online, which mighthave contributed to the low participation. The other student reported low participation in thesecond project although s/he attended the classes fully in person and s/he reported fullparticipation in the first project. There was no data to explain the reason, but project 2 wasstudent-driven by the team leader who came up with that project topic. As instructors, we need toencourage all students to contribute to the final design and prototyping.Course ManagementA mixture of teaching modalities was used in this course, as explained in the Course Setupsection.Depending on the course content, such as for
[5] Mentzer, N. (2014). Team based engineering design thinking. Journal of Technology Education 25.2 (2014): 52-72.[6] Atman, C. J., Adams, R. S., Cardella, M. E., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., & Saleem, J. (2007). Engineering design processes: A comparison of students and expert practitioners. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(4), 359–379.[7] Schön, D. (1979). Generative metaphor: A perspective on problem-setting in social policy. In A. Ortony (Ed.), Metaphor and Society (pp. 254–283). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.[8] Dorie, B. L., Cardella, M., & Svarovsky, G. N. (2014). Capturing the design thinking of young children interacting with a parent. 2014 ASEE Annual Conference &
have difficulty explaining what they did to others.Personality CharacteristicsA variety of personality assessment tools exist, and several can be easily accessed online. One ofthe most well-known ones is the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator® (MBTI). The MBTIidentifies 16 different personality types founded on preferences in four major categories based onJung’s Theory of Psychological Types. MBTI results indicate whether a person tends to beextroverted (E) or introverted (I), sensing (S) or intuitive (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), andjudging (J) or perceiving (P). Extroverted people focus on those around them, while introvertedpeople focus within themselves. Sensing people interpret information through facts and details
these three knowledge domains into first-yearprograms. The collection of qualitative data has brought tremendous insight into the studentexperience and is something we plan to expand. And while this current qualitative study did notmeasure and compare which learning activities helped the most with the development oftransdisciplinarity among students, our findings showed that first-year engineering students’conceptual schema and perspectives diverged and transformed through their engagement withthe courses’ learning activities [23].References[1] S. Ambrose and C. Amon, "Systematic Design of a First-Year Mechanical Engineering Course at Carnegie Mellon University," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 173-181, 1997
Concept % of students Moral(s) 45.8 Right 34.2 Others 28 Wrong 27.6 Values 26.7 Personal 22.7 Good 22.7 Work 22.2 Problem 21.3 Consequence(s) 18.7Hess (2018) identifies the
collection of first-year engineering courses. Some descriptive information about theuniversities, the college of engineering degrees offered, student demographic information, andthe collection of first-year engineering courses are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Summary of Descriptive Information about Three Institutions in Study Uni. Descriptive Information First-Year Engineering (FYE) Course/s 1 University: Medium-sized, private, STEM+Business university 1. Introduction to COE Degrees: Aerospace, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical
ProgramsWhile literature examining the term “onboarding” specifically is limited within higher education,programs designed to support newly admitted students are commonly described in first-yearexperience literature [20]. These programs are meant to support students’ transition into collegeand have been around since as early as the 1600’s. In fact, Harvard College implemented anorientation program that connected new students with current students in 1636 [21]. The firstonboarding programs were primarily designed to support the transition of new students into post-secondary education. Today’s onboard programs vary among institutions, but it is common tosee one- or two-day orientation programs, first-year seminars, welcome weeks, and commonbook reading
PhysicsTeacher, 30, 141–158, R. S., Pea, E., & Foster T.M. (2007). Are They All Created Equal? A Comparison ofDifferent Concept Inventory Development Methodologies, American Institute of PhysicsConference Proceedings, 883(14), 14-17., B., & Lamborn, J. (2016). How to make mathematics relevant to first-year engineeringstudents: Perceptions of students on student-produced resources. International Journal ofMathematical Education in Science and Technology, 47(1), 29–44., A. J., Falk, M. L., Vieira, C., & Reese, M. J. (2016). A case study of undergraduateengineering students' computational literacy
edu-cational setting. Future work will examine if the online offering of EGGN 100 impacted theretention of students.AcknowledgmentsThe author(s) acknowledge that the research work presented in this manuscript is based upon thestudent participants who were enrolled with the National Science Foundation-funded grant,“Building Capacity: Advancing Student Success in Undergraduate Engineering and ComputerScience” under NSF grant number: 1832536.” The contribution of Co-author Sudarshan Kurwad-kar is directly supported through this grant. References1. Mills, J. E, Treagust, D. F. (2003). Engineering Education – Is Problem-based or Project-based Learning the Answer. Australian Journal of Engineering Education http
point, it is essential tointegrate this content into both curricular and co-curricular efforts. It is not enough to spend asingle hour engaged in this work. It is important to find ways to encourage students to explorethese topics in more depth and to allow them to continue to engage in meaningful discussions asthey develop their personal and professional identities.References[1] B. O. Barefoot, C. L. Warnock, M. P. Dickinson, S. E. Richardson and M. R. Roberts, "Exploring the Evidence: Reporting Outcomes of First-Year Seminars. The First-Year Experience. Volume II. Monograph Series, Number 25.," National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 1998.[2] C. Boudreau and J. Kromrey, "A longitudinal
. Malkawi, M. Glowatz, R. Burton, P. Magni, and S. Lam , “COVID-19: 20 countries’ higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses”. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, vol.3 issue 1, pp. 1 – 2, 2019.[2] V. Tinto. Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, 1987.[3] V. Couch. “ Research Brief: 2018 Your First College Year Survey”. Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA Los Angeles, 2016. Available: [Accessed March 1, 2021][4] Satyanarayana, A., & Goodlad, K., & Sears, J., & Kreniske, P., & Diaz, M. F., & Cheng, S. “Using Natural
like, no, screw you. I'm actively going to go against which is like what my friend is like who was on my team…for the girls on my team, you kind of knew it was going to be this way and I feel like you have to actively get on that. I don't know. Yeah and that sounds s****y and I feel bad saying it but it's, it can't be fixed right now, so you need to do what you can, be on that to not let it get worse.Data Analysis: Graphical RepresentationsAfter developing the codebook, we developed a way to graphically represent male studentperceptions of gender dynamics. Each of the three spectra described previously are representedon the graphs, as follows: ● Does the student indicate conscious awareness of a gender-related
available resources and5/15/21 3constraints. While all three approaches to learning involve decisions related to the product(s) ofstudy and one or more processes for studying, the “surface” approach is more stronglyinfluenced by the products of study, and the “deep” approach by processes [11]. Thecombination of task, motive, resources and strategies has been labeled as “metalearning”, whichis a form of metacognition [11].How Transfer Students Differ from First-Year StudentsBoth transfer and first-year engineering students face the major challenges of adjusting to a newand often much larger institution. However, transfer students have experience as collegestudents because they had already attended a two-year
) design and b) control dimensions of first-year engineering education References[1] R. M. Marra, B. Palmer and T. A. Litzinger, "The effects of a first‐year engineering design course on student intellectual development as measured by the Perry scheme," J Eng Educ, vol. 89, (1), pp. 39-45, 2000.[2] F. Ö Karataş, G. M. Bodner and S. Unal, "First-year engineering students' views of the nature of engineering: implications for engineering programmes," European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 41, (1), pp. 1-22, 2016.[3] M. J. A. Brey, M. D. Mizzy and R. Goldberg, "A maker-in-residence program to build a community of makers," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[4] *E
becomes the only synchronously available instructionalcoach for small groups. Prior work [25]–[27] indicates that TAs can serve as effective co-instructors, particularly in facilitating team-based activities; however, TAs do require oversightand coaching in order to be effective in their role. In a large-enrollment course setting, the sheernumber of TAs required to support course activities necessitates robust professional developmentand a clear plan for TA management by course instructor(s) [29], [30].In this paper, we present strategies for offering large-enrollment FYE courses in an entirelyonline setting; and we critically examine the effectiveness of this approach by comparing studentoutcomes between FTF and online course formats. Our
,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 25– 30, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2007.11.007.[5] J. D. Eldredge, D. G. Bear, S. J. Wayne, and P. P. Perea, “Student peer assessment in evidence-based medicine (EBM) searching skills training: an experiment,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 244–251, Oct. 2013, doi: 10.3163/1536.[6] A. J. Carroll, S. J. Hallman, K. A. Umstead, J. McCall, and A. J. DiMeo, “Using information literacy to teach medical entrepreneurship and health care economics,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 163–171, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.5195/jmla.2019.577.[7] K. M. Klipfel, “Authentic engagement: Assessing the effects of
also utilizes data including thefollowing: concurrent math course the student is taking, which engineering course(s) they aretaking, and self-reported gender.The response rate over the last three years is commonly over 90%, with a minimum response rateof 83% over the last three years. Table 1. Survey Questions and Timing Start of Middle End of End of Question Fall of Fall Fall Spring How certain do you feel about engineering in Fall Fall general? (that
dataonce it had all been obtained. As the students were working through the videos, the instructorwas able to join the breakout rooms to answer questions and provide guidance.With the data gathering complete, the students continued working in the breakout rooms toanalyze their values and results within Excel. The majority of the time, one person from eachgroup would use the Zoom share screen feature to present their excel spreadsheet so all memberscould work together on the data analysis. Once everyone was satisfied with the results, thespreadsheet and corresponding graph(s) were uploaded to the learning management system forinstructor review and grading.Kinematics and Dynamics lab – Virtual labThis lab begins with a general presentation covering
of Scientific Writing, 4th ed. (New York: Springer, 2018).4. S. Sheffield, R. Fowler, L. K. Alford, and K. Snyder, “Implementing a Single Holistic Rubric to Address Both Communication and Technical Criteria in a First Year Design-Build-Test-Communicate Class,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Columbus, Ohio: ASEE, June 2017), K. M. Kecskemety, A. H. Theiss, and R. L. Kajfez, “Enhancing TA Grading of Technical Writing: A Look Back to Better Understand the Future,” 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Seattle: ASEE, June 2015), 10.18260/p.24005.6. Cheryl Glenn, Director of First-Year Composition, Pennsylvania State University, interview (13 November 2018).7. S. A
opportunity to integrate evidence-based education practices into the lab portion of the coursethat aimed to aid in students’ learning of technical writing practices. Table 1 compares Autumn2019’s lab schedule and associated technical writing post-lab assignments with Autumn 2020’slab schedule and associated technical writing post-lab assignments.Table 1: Autumn 2019’s lab & assignment schedule compared to Autumn 2020. Post-labs with technical writingfocus that are part of the complete quantitative analysis for this paper are denoted with blue text. Post-lab Full LabReports used for comparisons through t-tests are denoted with red **. Week Autumn 2019 Autumn 2020 Lab