environment.The objective of the study is to answer the questions: (1) Which factors affect the systemperformance measures and to what extent? and (2) can optimal settings be identified for thesystem to perform consistently over the range of the extraneous noise variable? To do this,Taguchi experiments will be utilized, along with Signal to Noise (S/N) ratios and factorial plots,to analyze the results. The aim of this paper is to introduce the application of quality controlmethods in performance optimization for an automated electrohydraulic position control system.The system setup, hardware, software, and programming will be introduced. The researchdesign, measurements, and experimental runs will be demonstrated and explained. The impact onstudents
consistency is dependent of cycle time.RTR analysis is based on programming the robot to move during a particular path design. The programcontent is to run at different setups of speeds and terminations as follows: (1000 mm/s @ 0% CNT),(1000 mm/s @ 100% CNT), (2000 mm/s @ 0% CNT), and (2000 mm/s @ 100% CNT). This research paperarranged in the following manner that section 2 for the variables analysis and section 3 results andanalysis and section 4 is to conclude the findings and record the recommendations for the future work.2. Programming Variables AnalysisIn order to understand the problem of the correlation between cycle time and consistency with otherrobot variables it should first be realized what variables that we are analyzing. Variables
digital design experience [7]. In addition, SmartManufacturing education further requires data collection and management systems that allow forexploration of data analysis and feedback as demonstrated by [8]. In order to provide a relativelylow-cost training platform for a relatively challenging control problem, D. Kim and B. Anthonydemonstrated a benchtop fiber extrusion system for educational training [9]. This FibeRExtrusion Device, FrED, provided a process that would benefit from complex process control,while also being straightforward to analytically model and test. Recently, S. Kim et al. showedhow deep reinforcement machine learning could even be applied to the feedback control for thisdevice for improving fiber quality [10]. These
model to show therobot position within the work envelope; and 7) provide haptic feedback.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced TechnologyEducation Program (award no. 1304843). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] Aburdene, M. F., Mastascusa, E. J., and Massengale, R. “A proposal for a remotely shared control systems laboratory”, In Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education 21st Annual Conference.West Lafayette, IN. 589–592, 1991.[2] Gomes, L., and Bogosyan, S., "Current Trends in Remote Laboratories," in IEEE Transactions on
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,reviewstatusandprintertechnology.TheresourcesavailableonthisNIHsitehelpsusanswersomecriticalquestionsregarding: 1. Appropriateguidanceforproduction/useofPPE:Inadditiontogeneralinformation, production/assembly instructions, designer(s) name or affiliation, and appropriate documentation; the NIH exchange also provides reviewer notes to guide appropriate fabrication.Forexample,theStopgapSurgicalFaceMask(SFM)RevisionBincludesthe followingnotes: “TheFDAhasauthorizedproductionofprotectivefacemasksoutsideofthenormal clearancepathwayduringtheCOVID-19pandemic,basedonPart5,sectionEofthe “EnforcementPolicyforFaceMasksandRespiratorsDuringtheCoronavirus Disease(COVID-19)PublicHealthEmergencyGuidanceforIndustryandFoodand DrugAdministrationStaff."Thissurgicalfacemaskhasbeentestedclinicallyand
Paper ID #34468Best Practices for Attracting Young Talent to the Pennsylvania and U.S.Metalcasting IndustryC. R. Hasbrouck, Pennsylvania State University C. R. Hasbrouck is a graduate research assistant and doctoral candidate in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department at Penn State. C. R. received a B.S. in Mechanical Engi- neering from Trine University, a M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines, a M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Penn State University, and is currently finishing a Ph.D. in Indus- trial Engineering. Most of C. R.’s research is for ferrous alloy
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1Evaluation FindingsThe External Project Evaluator designed a retrospective pretest survey instrument to assessseveral aspects of the workshops including satisfaction with the overall workshop logistics,content, delivery methods, and the effectiveness of the workshops. The instruments also hadsections which assessed specific workshop objectives, and participants were asked to rate theirperceived improvement on (i) their level of understanding of AM or SM concepts, (ii)proficiency level on a number of skills demonstrated during the workshop, (iii) the extent towhich they felt the workshop objectives had been met, and (iv) the relevance of the content totheir work. The instrument(s) contained both closed-ended and open-ended questions.All workshop
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