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computations. The work completed in this project could also be adaptedto be used as a mini project or laboratory activity for an undergraduate wireless communicationscourse.AcknowledgmentsThe author gratefully acknowledges the work conducted by Josiah Morales, a York College ofPennsylvania Electrical Engineering alumni, on this project.References[1] D. Lopatto, ”Undergraduate research Experiences Support Science Career Decisions and Active Learning”, CBE – Life Sciences Education, vol, 6, no. 4, pp. 297-306, 2007.[2] S. Russell, M. Hancock and J. McCullough, ”Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences”, Science, vol. 316, no. 5824, pp. 548-549, 2007.[3] S. Kaul, C. Ferguson, P. Yanik and Y. Yan, ”Importance of Undergraduate Research
Paper ID #33655Assessing the Academic and Social Growth of STEM Transfer StudentsProf. Thomas Woodson, Stony Brook University Thomas S. Woodson is an associate professor in the Department of Technology and Society at Stony Brook University. He investigates the effects of technology on inequality throughout the world and the causes/consequences of inclusive innovation. For the past several years he has studied the effectiveness of scientific funding to have broader impact, and ways to improve diversity in STEM fields. He is currently the director of the $4 million State University of New York Louis Stokes Alliance for
9 22 41 12 3.64The frequency of communication by instructors 0 4 12 42 27 4.08Rate instructor(s) overall teaching effectiveness? 2 2 5 41 38 4.26The results from the post-survey are listed in Table 2. The pattern and trend remain the same,however, there is an overall positive shift in satisfaction across all categories. Specifically, theaverage score for each individual element increased in the post surveys. In addition, thestatistical modes increased for two of the categories, namely Frequency of Communication byyour Instructors and Rate Instructor(s) overall teaching
believethat our modules had a greater impact on those students who were newer to computationalthinking, over those who had prior experience and were enrolled in upper-level computationalcourses.1 IntroductionAccording to Wing, Computational Thinking (CT) is the thought processes involved informulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that an information processor– human or machine – can effectively carry out that solution [1]. The educational philosophybehind Computational Thinking is that problems in every discipline can be solved by the tools ofcomputation such as algorithmic thinking, decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition. Forinstance, one of the pillars of computational thinking is algorithmic thinking
pushed beyond the scope of criteria and constraints set up by the client and occasionally contemplated additional criteria that led to a greater diversity of outcomes. For example, Cameron’s questioning of Ben’s design led to Ben considering the size and other defining characteristics of the artifacts, criteria not mentioned by the client (see Table 2). Table 2 Cameron Questioning Ben’s DesignSpeaker Discourse Code(s)Ben No, no, no, but you have to agree that this one (pointing to his MSOL, own design) is pretty good though. You can't basically get ADS-cc through; you have to go through three times before you get to the artifacts because
journal or proceedings, (Scan) and the resulting set were manuallyscanned for acronyms in all capital letters within fields with data entered by patrons. (Examine) Entrieswith all capital letter acronyms were flagged and further assessed for the standard format type. All itemsdetermined to be standards were then reviewed to determine if the request was fulfilled by ILL staff byany means. [7]To replace the Scan step, Author 1 first developed a regular expression, using Python in JupyterNotebooks (code, documentation, and de-identified dataset can be found on Author 1’s GitHub: Regular expressions (or regex), used for textprocessing and querying, identify patterns within written text. A
challenging national (and even global)emergencies. Furthermore, these events also provide a platform for highlighting the positives andstrengths of HBCUs in response to COVID-19 in supporting their stakeholders. The awarenessand joint interest established during these events can lead to the development of a robust HBCUnetwork that can be sustained through a commitment to Black student success. References[1] R. I. Boothroyd, A.Y. Flint, A.M. Lapiz, S. Lyons, K.L. Jarboe, and W.A. Aldridge, “Activeinvolved community partnerships: co-creating implementation infrastructure for getting to andsustaining social impact,” Transl. Behav. Med., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 467-477, 2017.[2] M. Pellecchia, D. S. Mandell, H.J
,” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 217-230, 1989. [4] H.W. Gehman, Jr., J.L. Barry, D.W. Deal, J.N. Hallock, K.W. Hess, G.S. Hubbard, J.M. Logsdon, D.D. Osheroff, S.K. Ride, R.E. Tetrault, S.A. Turcotte, S.B. Wallace, and S.E. Widnall, “Columbia Accident Investigation Report, Volume I,” NASA, Aug. 26 2003. Available: [5] S. Bates, “Flint water crisis: For young engineers, a lesson on the importance of listening,”, 23 March 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Apr. 11, 2019]. [6] K. Samuelson, “Companies That Built Collapsed FIU Bridge Had Been Fined for
measured correctly. Finally, students must open inExcel the ASCII file CrankSlider.DAT output by their program, and plot the displacement S,velocity dS/dt and acceleration d2S/dt2 of the slider (see Figure 3), as well as the transmission 2angle and the discriminant (labeled Delta in Figure 4) of the quadratic equation that occurs whensolving the position problem of the mechanism. (a) (b)Figure 2: The 10th frame of the CrankSlider.PAS simulation as read from the DXF file (a) output by theoriginal program, and (b) by the modified program as required in Assignment 2.Figure 3: Plot
theyparticipated in any professional development for teaching, and in particular on the use of active learning.This quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Percentages, measures of centraltendency, such as the mean, median and mode were examined as well as demographic distributions.Qualitative data included semi-structured interviews with participants, and aimed to delve further intohow engineering instructors learned about various active learning strategies, why they decided toimplement them in their course(s), what kinds of support they received as well as any challenges theyhad, and how they overcome those challenges. This qualitative data was analyzed following a recursiveand spiral pattern to code for recurring themes and
paperreviews the findings from the subset of longitudinal data to add to the literature related to thisinstrument and to gather feedback related to future directions for this project.BackgroundThe Campbell University’s School of Engineering is able to offer students need-basedscholarships through an NSF S-STEM grant. As part of this program, students are expected totake part in a variety of professional development activities including faculty and peermentoring, industry tours, tutoring, and internship preparation assistance. This institution islocated in a rural area with many first-generation college students in the engineering studentpopulation. The institution also accepts many students into the engineering program who mayneed an additional
into two parts: the theoretical and functional. Ideas behindthe advanced manufacturing process under discussion were introduced in the first part of themodule(s) as well as defining the relationship between engineering topics covered in thecurriculum; whereas the active online experimentations were introduced in the second part ofeach module(s) focusing on preliminary engineering concepts and techniques such design anddesign rationale, durability, and other topics needed to build the UAVs. The students wereadvised to use SoildWorks or TinkerCad to make slight adjustments to the general design of theirprojects. The students could also use MATLAB to collect, store and analyze their data dependingon the level of programing experience each student
Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2018, vol. 2018.[2] J. S. Norback and J. R. Hardin, "Integrating workforce communication into senior design," IEEE Transactions on professional Communication, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 413-426, 2005.[3] J. H. Hanson and J. M. Williams, "Using writing assignments to improve self‐assessment and communication skills in an engineering statics course," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 515-529, 2008.[4] K. Mobrand and J. A. Turns, "Revisiting communication experiences to prepare for professional practice," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2011: American Society for Engineering Education.[5] U. National Academy of Engineering, The engineer of
Paper ID #32783Work-in-Progress: Social and Cultural Activities Integrated into an REUSite in the U.S. SouthDr. Todd Freeborn, University of Alabama Todd Freeborn is an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). He regularly teaches courses in circuit analysis, circuit networks, and microcomputers. Through NSF funding, he has coordinated REU Sites for engineering students to explore renewable resources and speech pathology. He is also the coordinator for an NSF S-STEM program to prepare students for gateway courses across different disciplines of engineering to support and retain students in
degrees, either completing multiple degrees atHBCUs or only attaining their undergraduate degree at an HBCU before attending a differenttype of institution for graduate studies. As Crewe [3] further notes, depending on the institutionthat awarded the graduate degree(s), recognition of success may be framed around the alumni’snon-HBCU campus environments rather than how one’s undergraduate HBCU campusexperiences helped lay the foundation for academic achievement. Such narratives areproblematic and speak to the need to further highlight the critical and supportive role HBCUsplay in producing Black STEM professionals. Additionally, there remains a critical gap in theliterature that details the graduate school decision-making process for HBCU
78 Urban Geography Match 2 Mentee Black Male 36 Mechanical Engineering Mentor White Male 69 Mechanical Engineering Match 3 Mentee Black Male 38 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Mentor White Male 74 Biomedical, Chemical, and Biomolecular Engineering Match 4 Mentee Black Male 31 Mechanical Engineering Mentor White Male 84 Mechanical Engineering Match 5 Mentee Black Male 35 Mechanical Engineering Mentor S. Asian Male 73 Mechanical Engineering Match 6 Mentee Black Male 54 Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mentor White Male 76 Manufacturing
Deep Learning and cloud computing. ● The GPSS team from the World Bank, for providing access to the data sets, expertise in architecture and community outreach, and assistance with the documentation of the overall projects.ReferencesAbadi, M., Barham, P., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Davis, A., Dean, J., Devin, M., Ghemawat, S., Irving, G., Isard, M., Kudlur, M., Levenberg, J., Monga, R., Moore, S., Murray, D. G., Steiner, B., Tucker, P., Vasudevan, V., Warden, P., … Zheng, X. (2016). TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning. 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 16), 265–283.
., “Engineering by the numbers,” American Society for Engineering Education, Washington D.C., 2017.[4] M. F. Fox, “Institutional Transformation and the Advancement of Women Faculty: The Case of Academic Science and Engineering,” in Higher Education, J. C. Smart, Ed. Springer Netherlands, 2008, pp. 73–103.[5] D. Bilimoria, S. Joy, and X. Liang, “Breaking barriers and creating inclusiveness: Lessons of organizational transformation to advance women faculty in academic science and engineering,” Hum. Resour. Manage., vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 423–441, Sep. 2008, doi: 10.1002/hrm.20225.[6] S. R. Bird, “Unsettling Universities’ Incongruous, Gendered Bureaucratic Structures: A Case-study Approach,” Gender, Work & Organization
methodology to tell thestory of the multitudinous factors in Chavonne Garza’s life that shaped her journey to and withinengineering. This methodology illuminated ways that many institutions, including academia,were designed and continue to operate without her well-being in mind.Researchers have investigated epistemological and ontological ways that marginalized peoplesengage with STEM. Wilson-Lopez et al.’s investigation of funds of knowledge in Latinxadolescent approaches to engineering demonstrated ways that “participants’ everyday skills andbodies of knowledge aligned with engineering practices” [16, p. 278]. Verdín, Smith, and Lucena[17] engaged the funds of knowledge framework to demonstrate ways that first-generationengineering college students
undergraduateonline engineering courses, we conducted a scoping review with the following research question:In what ways has scholarship addressed potential interrelationships between sense of belonging;online undergraduate engineering education; and diversity, equity, and inclusion?Literature on Sense of BelongingMaslow [8] explained that after physiological and safety needs are met, the need for love and tobelong emerges. Belonging is necessary for all human beings to achieve their full potential. Theconstruct of belongingness was well established by the early 2000’s and has been applied inschool and college settings (see Strayhorn [7] for a comprehensive review). Strayhorn [7] definessense of belonging as “students’ perceived social support on campus, a
–90, Feb. 1990, doi: 10.1901/jaba.1990.23-483.[5] W. P. Hung, “Clicker Clicks It,” Jun. 2011, p. 22.330.1-22.330.12, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:[6] C. Demetry, “Use Of Educational Technology To Transform The 50 Minute Lecture:,” Jun. 2005, p. 10.1385.1-10.1385.11, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:[7] L. V. D. Einde, S. H. Lee, and J. L. Le, “Incorporating Clickers and Peer Instruction into Large Structural Engineering Classrooms,” Jun. 2012, p. 25.759.1-25.759.19, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:
:// Internationalizationon-US-Campuses-2012-full.pdf.[3] Open Doors Report, “Number of International Students in the United States Hits All-Time High,” 2019. International-Students-in-the-United-States-Hits-All-Time-High (accessed Dec. 09, 2020).[4] S. B. Twombly, M. H. Salisbury, S. D. Tumanut, and P. Klute, “Special Issue:Study Abroad in a New Global Century: Renewing the Promise, Refining the Purpose,” ASHE Higher Education Report, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1–152, 2012, doi: 10.1002/aehe.20004.[5] K. W. Dean and M. B. Jendzurski, “Using Post-Study-Abroad Experiences to Enhance International Study,” Honors in Practice, vol. 9, pp. 99–111, Jan
group may be composed of several teammembers with the same functional role and different team role(s). The nine current Belbin TeamRoles are described in Table 1. Each Team Role is defined by six factors: (1) personality; (2)mental ability; (3) current values and motivation; (4) field constraints; (5) experience; and (6)role learning [15]. Of particular relevance to the VIP Teams’ structure are the connections thatBelbin established between the following six stages of a team’s development and the need forprevailing Team Roles at each stage: (1) identifying needs; (2) finding ideas; (3) formulatingplans; (4) making ideas; (5) establishing team organization; and (6) following through [14].The Belbin Team Roles have been operationalized through
edu-cational setting. Future work will examine if the online offering of EGGN 100 impacted theretention of students.AcknowledgmentsThe author(s) acknowledge that the research work presented in this manuscript is based upon thestudent participants who were enrolled with the National Science Foundation-funded grant,“Building Capacity: Advancing Student Success in Undergraduate Engineering and ComputerScience” under NSF grant number: 1832536.” The contribution of Co-author Sudarshan Kurwad-kar is directly supported through this grant. References1. Mills, J. E, Treagust, D. F. (2003). Engineering Education – Is Problem-based or Project-based Learning the Answer. Australian Journal of Engineering Education http
minority groups may experienceadditional challenges while pursuing STEM degrees and careers [30]. Future research by thisteam will focus on further demographic assessment of the responses. The process will include(1) a similar survey with recruitment specifically targeted at underrepresented women in STEMto identify any additional challenges they may face, and (2) further data analysis of the existingdata set to assess differences between women in academia vs. non-academic jobs. Finally, sincethis survey was completed pre-COVID future assessment will be conducted to determine thechange in women’s challenges/needs during and post-pandemic.References[1] S. Fayer, A. Lacey, and A. Watson, “STEM Occupations: Past, Present, And Future,” p. 35.[2] Y
implies both a temporal dimension, in which organizations are improving all thetime, and a spatial dimension, in which organizations are improving all of their departments,units or divisions. In order to accomplish CI, Deming proposes utilizing the Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) cycle for improvement at any stage [2]. PDCA is a 4-step cycle that repeatscontinuously through which organizations create a plan, execute it, review the results, and finallymake any corrective action before starting again.While Deming’s work was mainly directed towards business, academia took notice. The terms“Continuous Improvement” and “Total Quality Management” started to show up in highereducation research papers by the late 1980’s and early 1990’s [3]. CI then found its
1.16languageI participate in cultural events within my tribal community when 3.77 1.06 3.80 0.97possibleI know some of my tribe’s history 3.94 0.94 4.00 0.85I can identify important leaders for my tribe 3.76 1.07 3.67 1.09I can identify important social, health, political, or economic issues 3.78 1.07 3.76 1.07for my tribeI believe it is important to maintain and/or revitalize our Indigenous 3.80 1.14 3.78 1.15language(s
Award for Excellence in Service-Learning. Dr. Vernaza does research in engineering education (active learning techniques) and high-strain deformation of materials. Recently, she has focused on systemic strategies for the retention and advancement of STEM faculty and students, and academic in- terventions to improve student success. She is currently the Principal Investigator of a $1 million dollar National Science Foundation S-STEM award (2017-21), and she has secured over $2.5 million in grants during her tenure at Gannon University. She is currently the PI of an NSF S-STEM and ADVANCE-PAID grants.Dr. Saeed Tiari, Gannon University Dr. Saeed Tiari is an Associate Professor in the Biomedical, Industrial and Systems
definitions and descriptions, an alternative workingdefinition for troubleshooting would be a type of problem solving that analyzes a faulty systemto identify the fault(s) in the system and then pursue the appropriate procedures to correct thefault(s) in a timely manner.Engineering is one of the domains where well-developed troubleshooting skills can frequentlymake a substantial impact, e.g., when an engineer finds and fixes a problem that has shut down amass transit line. Significantly, it has been observed that the engineers entering industry havepoorly developed troubleshooting skills because they gain little hands-on experience and theyunderuse test equipment in the typical U.S. undergraduate engineering curriculum [5]. Morerecently (in 2018