column (the maximum grade is the total number of badgesavailable). In the comment section, the instructor adds the recently earned badge name. Thestudents are encouraged to write (or draw) each badge earned onto their name signs.Below are the specific EM/KEEN course objectives [3] that students will gain with throughoutthe course if you implement this type of system. KEEN Related Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives [3]: • Develop an appreciation of hard work & recognize the benefits of focused and fervent effort • Accept responsibility of their own actions and credit the action of others • Demonstrate an ability to set, evaluate, and achieve personal & professional goals • Be able to teach and learn from peers
to account forreader perceptions and clarity on what the requirements are for the opportunities they apply to.As we have shown with this work, even untrained readers can examine the information present inresumes and determine the type of career someone is interested in. The more likely the untrainedaudience is able to perceive intended pathway, the more likely the resume is to be consideredstrong by our BME competency model. A possible teaching implication of this concept is peer-reviewed resume writing exercises for freshman engineering students. Teaching them theimportance of applying to specific positions with resumes clearly and deliberately designed forthat position, and the use of peer review for determining clarity and a sense of
communication.Specifically, we conducted a title search for “communication or writing or speaking orpresentations” and then examined the papers individually to determine whether they serve one ormore of four functions: (1) develop or assess the communication abilities of engineering students, (2) assess student attitudes and experiences in communication courses, (3) analyze pedagogical strategies or curriculum design processes for teaching engineering students to communicate, or (4) provide fundamental understanding of engineering writing and speaking. The search function in PEER makes it possible to identify trends across the divisions ofASEE and over time, but this function is far from perfect. A strategy like the title search
engineering students and develops aconceptual model focusing on STEM Identity for conducting further research. The College ofEngineering at an urban research university is acutely aware of the increased need for retentionprograms in engineering colleges across the US. To respond to this need, a unique mentorshipprogram, the LMP, was established as one of the main components of an Engineering LearningCommunity (ELC) for first-year engineering students. Students self-select into the ELC programand, upon being registered, are assigned a peer mentor. The peer mentors are sophomorethrough senior-level undergraduate engineering students in the college who hold looselystructured meetings with the mentee students. The peer mentors are in turn supported by
who work cohesively towards the cohorts' success. A combination ofcurricular and co-curricular activities was selected according to evidence-based best practices [1-5] and implemented to support the academic development of CREATE scholars throughgraduation with an engineering degree. Curricular support includes tutoring, intrusive advising,regular progress reports from instructors, and peer and faculty mentoring. Co-curricular supportincludes community-building activities, a minimum of two mandatory theme seminars based onevidence-based best practices, and two required "choice" activities, including participation in joband internship information sessions, student clubs, engineer's week, K-12 outreach,undergraduate research, and study abroad
head, craft an academic honesty contract as a class that all students sign together at the beginning of the course. • A workaround for requiring audio to be on is recommending that students turn their volume down, so the sounds of others aren’t distracting. • If you choose to assign a quarter-long project instead of regular exams, consider having intermediate turn-ins and peer review. • If employing timed tests on Canvas™, write different versions of questions (question banks) and/or use different numerical values. • Weight and keep grades up to date on Canvas™ so students are aware of their current grade in the course.ConclusionThrough this study, we have identified how emergency online learning
. Provide at least one change that the team could make to improve its performance moving forward. Free Write 6 10/29/20 Please submit a 5-minute free write entry in your journal. Set up a 5-minute timer on your phone/computer and write freely for the allotted time. Use the time to reflect on what you’re learning (and/or frustrated by) in this class, or other classes. Suggested Prompt: How do you feel that the Lerman Technique is working out for us? Free Write 7 11/12/20 How has participating in the in-class peer critique process
practice-based knowledge and writing knowledge andemphasized the importance of visualization tools in learning certain concepts.An Engineering Way of DoingAn engineering way of doing appeared most frequently across the interviews, and three relatedcodes emerged: being a student; hardness, rigor, and quality; and how classes should be taught.First, being a student captures participants’ beliefs about how engineering students should act,including approaches to classes, as well as reflections about their experiences being anengineering student during the pandemic. Each participant reflected on their approach to classesduring the pandemic. For example, participant 1001M described his work style as “get ahead,stay ahead” and did not feel his peers were
normally implementedoutside of computing academic programs may not be enough to provide the “fail-fast”; fast-paced environment context for implementing SEL skills.Mentorship and having representative examples of persons succeeding in a field is importantto a computing student’s sense of belonging [5] – [6], self-confidence, and success ofundergraduate students as well as high school students. Mentorship by older generationssuch as professors, departmental leadership, or advisors helps college students avoid thepitfalls of repeating mistakes in undergraduate education. However, there are times whennear-peer mentorship, or mentorship from slightly older students, may be more helpful thanreceiving mentorship from older individuals [4]. These cases
article“Integrating Written Communication Skills in Engineering Education,” author Marc Riemerstated that writing about previous work not only strengthens critical thinking and problem-solving skills but that it allows engineers to recognize and address personal errors [4]. Writingallows for the ability to come together, understand where there are misunderstandings in thework, and fix any errors before they have the chance to affect anyone. Misinterpretation,inefficiency, and wasted time due to ineffective or poor communication negatively impactsproblem resolution [4]. Design review will give peers the ability to read each other’s work toensure they communicate their work effectively.The Engineering ProblemDesign review aids in one’s ability to
assessing the course through observing student progress and theoccasional written report or presentation, all assessment items for the course were designed toreplicate preparation for and participation in a peer-reviewed technical conference. A call forpapers was distributed which students responded to by submitting a short abstract. The abstractswere ‘accepted’ and the students then had to write a full technical paper. A double-blind peerreview was performed within the class to include critical analysis practice for students. Thecourse culminated in a ‘two-day’ conference, but to fit within a standard course schedule the twodays were not sequential nor were they full day lengths. The first ‘day’ was oral presentationsheld during regular class time
the lab courses. At the sametime, the three courses are scaffolded so that students’ build experimentation, communication, andteamwork skills over three semesters. In particular, Thermal Fluids Lab is aligned in the samesemester students take Fluid Mechanics, a semester after they have had Thermodynamics, and aterm before they take Heat and Mass Transfer. It incorporates a significant individual writing as-signment and final team project, in addition to a number of focused experiments with team-basedassignments.The first offering of Thermal Fluids Laboratory was delivered, as it was originally conceived, inFall 2019. Students attended in-person lectures, worked in teams in-person during the lab period,reviewed peer written work during in
engaged in creating and editing materials for themselves as part of establishingtheir digital professional presence.As an example activity, the CV/resume peer-editing exercise required participants to eithercreate or revise their existing CV/resume or personal statement, and then bring it to a moderatedbreakout room discussion for peer review. Peer review was chosen because it provided studentswith the opportunity to view a variety of writing styles and provide constructive comments, bothof which can lead to improvement in students’ writing [6-7]. To encourage critical feedback anda collegial environment, breakout room discussions were moderated by program coordinators[8]. Some students were further motivated by the peer-review exercise and took
Processing System 4. Electric Motor Manufacturing A4 3 UG (3 SR) 1 GR B4 2 UG (2 SR) + 3 GR Company 5. Department Faculty Summer A5 5 GR B5 2 UG (2 SR) + 3 GR Payment Process 6. Department Adjunct Faculty A6 5 GR N/A Hiring ProcessNOTE: UG = Undergraduate Students; GR = Graduate StudentsGrading Rubric and Peer AssessmentEach project team was asked to apply the DMAIC problem solving methodology to synthesize the coursecontents and write a report describing the project in detail. A grading rubric was used that identified thetools and techniques for each phase, and team performance for each phase was
final tests and revisions. Day 10: Design Challenge - Conference How do engineers share their ideas through speaking and writing? Groups prepare for and engage in a conference-style share-out, where they present their designs and design process with peers from other classes, school administration, and parents. Design Brief Design Task: You are working as engineers to design a playground structure that would be fun and safe for all children, including children who use wheelchairs. Criteria: Playground equipment MUST be: Constraints: The playground equipment, ● Sized for ● Functional ● Must fit on the cardboard square given. wheelchair ● Fun
: thetechnical communications course, laboratory courses, and a series of project-based courses. Thetechnical communications course was changed to a rotating face-to-face model, for which lecturevideos and assigned activities were performed on out-of-class days and in-class days were reservedfor workshops. Workshops replaced the traditional guided learning activity approach with activelearning in a think-pair-share format. Students were given strong and weak examples of writing tobe able to give feedback to their peers and improve their own writing prior to submission. Studentsworked on improving their formal written assignments, and therefore improved their capacity fortechnical writing, during class rather than submitting their first writing
willing to meet with instructors outside ofclass9. Krause writes that engagement does not guarantee learning is taking place, but learningcan be enhanced if it provides students with opportunities to reflect on their learning activities10.In our project, students were encouraged to reflect on the lessons learned from the activitieseither in writing or in a class postmortem discussion.There is consensus among members of our department’s professional advisory board thatprofessional practice invariably requires strong verbal and written communication skills. Todevelop their oral communications skills, students need opportunities to present their work aswell as observe their peers doing the same. Some instructors believe that the project
culturaldimensions as they pertain to UI features (e.g., content, organization, navigation, verbal rhetoric,tone, design) in two websites that are produced by the same company for two different countries[11] - [12]. Students seek to assess how effective the sites are in meeting their audiences’ needs.They write a draft report to the hypothetical Marketing Director of the company website thatthey chose (this report is not sent out), conduct a peer review of other students’ draft reports,revise and finalize their own report, and create and present an oral presentation to their peers.This report assignment involves active, collaborative, problem-based learning [13]. The reportassignment counts for 20 percent of the final grade and is holistically graded with
discussionsto write rules and norms for their teams helps to raise awareness in students of these issues. Theresults show a positive impact of the introduced interventions, especially around teamwork andcollaboration with peers. The results offer insights on how we can continue this study and followthe cohort of students through time to see if the impact lasts beyond the first year.Pre-/Post-survey data ResultsResults from comparing the pre- and post-survey results are shown in Table 2. A value of 1indicates No Agreement and 7 indicates Strongly Agree. There was no significant difference inthe survey results for Question 1 either from the beginning to the end of Fall 2020 or between theend of Fall 2019 and Fall 2020. When comparing Fall 2019 (no
Engineering Education, 2021 Minority Student Experiences in Engineering Graduate Programs: Socialization and Impact on Career TrajectoriesAbstractThis paper examines the academic and social interactions during graduate engineering programenrollment among racially underrepresented doctoral and master’s students and how thoseinteractions shape their career goals. Using socialization theory, this study explored dailyinteractions of students with faculty and peers, overall perceptions of fit, knowledge about thegraduate school process, and opportunities for mentoring provided in the institution as well asthrough outside engagement during industry internships. The findings presented in this paperbuild upon an earlier study conducted
different audience levels.MethodsThe efficacy of the course project, reinvented to be adaptable to a semester impacted by COVID-19, is assessed through two main methodologies. First, a direct assessment of student work isperformed using “teacher research” [31], [32], [33]. That is, student created artifacts from thecourse project are analyzed to determine degree to which students learned skills and enhancedcontent knowledge. In particular, students’ writing from various project milestones areexamined, with a specific focus on reflection pieces. Throughout the milestones students wereasked to evaluate the videos produced by Wired Magazine and their peers, as well as completeself-reflections at multiple time points. As discussed in the introduction
included a case 7 Via Zoom study and small-group power mapping activity. Midterm Synchronous, Midterm session with student peer review 4 Presentation & mixed section and discussion of project proposals across Feedback groups sessions. Session Writing Asynchronous Video on the writing rubric and how to 5 workshop videos evaluate writing for clarity, economy, and precision. Video on how to properly cite scientific research. Oral Asynchronous Videos on how to create good
develop the skills and writing habits to complete doctorate degrees in engineering. Across all of her research avenues, Dr. Matusovich has been a PI/Co-PI on 12 funded research projects including the NSF CAREER Award with her share of funding be ingnearly $2.3 million. She has co-authored 2 book chapters, 21 journal publications and more than 70 conference papers. She has won several Virginia Tech awards including a Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Faculty, an Outstanding Teacher Award and a Faculty Fellow Award. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University, an M.S. in Materials Science from the University of Connecticut and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Dr. Stephanie G
Aviation in Cincinnati, Ohio, leading the certification effort for the LEAP-1A/1C HPC airfoil vibratory stress responses. Dr. Cress received his doctoral and master’s degrees from the University of Notre Dame, both in aerospace engineering; and his undergraduate bachelors of mechanical engineering degree from the University of Dayton.Dr. Patrick W. Thomas, University of Dayton Dr. Patrick W. Thomas is Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs in English at the University of Dayton. His research interests include workplace literacy, writing technologies, empirical methodologies, computer-mediated communication, and professional and technical writing instruction. Since 2011, he has taught a variety of
students” to improve learning within the university.based on the idea of students teaching and learning from each other. Student attitudes aboutteaching and learning from peers are explored, along with the relative importance of factors Background and Motivationhighlighted in the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) of intrinsic motivation- autonomy, masteryand relatedness (i.e., feeling a connection to a larger group). The first approach described is the The work in this paper was motivated by a desire to improve student performance in Aerospaceuse of capstone design projects with explicit educational objectives to enhance the hands-on Engineering (AE) capstone design at a mid-sized southeastern private university. At this school
, whichmakes students try to write perfect notes without missing their instructors’ lecture notes duringclasses. However, these traditional conventions affected student learning as they used onlineresources clearly aligned with the dynamics course. Based on his personalized learningexperience, Oscar articulated how the online video resources affected his previous learningapproaches. I think I feel very prepared, because the way that the information is delivered to us it's very easy to organize and understand…I think it's changed the way that I use online resources. And also the way that I interact with my peers, because a lot of other assignments that we have to hand in are online assignments where you have an unlimited
students to write a summary of what has been covered in the lectureto asking them to collaboratively work on real-world problems and projects. The effectiveness of activelearning strategies compared to the traditional lecture approach, when implemented well, has beenempirically validated and documented in engineering education literature. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to explore engineering faculty’s use of active learning strategies in their teaching in aMidwestern university’s college of engineering context. Data sources included a survey about the facultyknowledge and use of active learning strategies and follow-up semi-structured interviews that aimed togather an in-depth understanding of their implementation of active learning
of ● Outline of metacognitive ● Implement yourLearning videos (Teaching possible student activity (logistics, metacognitive activityExperiences: Metacognition to Help responses and identify content) - brainstorm list ● Write short review at theHomework Students Own and metacognition in those of other possibilities; completion of yourBefore Next Improve their Learning: responses focused description of implementationWorkshop Parts 1 and 2) and ● Watch pre-workshop activity showing ● Complete peer complete the provided video on assessing alignment
Award. Her dissertation proposal was selected as part of the top 3 in the 2018 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division D In-Progress Research Gala. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021Negotiating Belongingness: A Longitudinal Narrative Inquiry of a Latina, First-GenerationCollege Student’s Experience in the Engineering CultureAbstractResearch studies have long argued that a sense of belonging is essential for minoritized students’continued engineering persistence. Common factors that have been found to promote a sense ofbelonging include campus diversity, institution’s culture, perceived class comfort, facultyinteractions, and peer support. Yet
[18]. The report assignment counts for 20 percent of the final grade and is holisticallygraded with guidance from a 27-item grading checklist divided into four categories: content,organization, design, and style/grammar/punctuation (see Appendix A for this checklist). Thischecklist guides students while writing their reports, teams during peer reviews, and instructorsduring grading. For grading, instructors lean on the checklist and give about 25% of the gradingweight to each of the four categories. Students, teaching assistants, and instructors haveappreciated the detailed guidance provided by the checklist—assignments that meet all itemsreceive a 100% grade. Across and within the categories, individual instructors may weight whatthey deem