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) hours of instructionover a two- week period was reduced to four (4) scheduled hours for the same period. The project-based hybrid experience allowed students to participate synchronously during any of the (3) hourstraditionally scheduled for the course, but students were only able to attend face-to-face on oneday each week. Enhancements to the course structure resulted in the opportunity for students toengage with formal course content in (5) hours during a typical week, more than the standard (3)hours offered in traditional, fully face-to-face formats offered in the past.TABLE 2: Anticipated Time Effort Towards Structured Learning Communication Project- s Based
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student respondents were neutral to positive in “Video lectures helped melearn the material.” And 60% were neutral to supportive of “I was satisfied with the flippedclassroom system.”ConclusionsFrom these data and the mitigating circumstances (Covid-19) it is too early to determine throughquantitative measures with significance if a flipped classroom approach is effective in aBiomedical Electronics course. However, student viewpoints are generally favorable and supportthe continued approach. Further data analysis will occur to determine how to further improve thecourse and the outcomes therein.[1] S. Dhawan, "Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis," (in eng), Journal of Educational Technology Systems, p. 0047239520934018
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set of histograms,figure 1, show the students’ grades on both assignments while the second, figure 2, shows thosescores standardized, otherwise known as Z-score normalized. Figure 1: Student GradesFigure 1’s histograms show the counts of each score, with the binwidth and numbers of binsappropriate to the counts. The spread for the UN SDG Assignment was much larger than theFinal Written Report, with a range of 28, minimum of 68, and maximum of 96 relative to a rangeof 14, minimum of 82 and maximum of 96, respectively. This spread becomes considerablewhen looking at figure 2’s histograms: Figure 2: Student Grades, StandardizedWhen considering the standardized scores, the UN SDG
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students (S-STEM), Researcher Practitioner Partnership (RPP), IUSE, and EAGER.Alexandria Benedict, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Alexandria Benedict is a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte pursuing her Master’s in Computer Science. She is a research assistant under the RPP STEM Ecosystem Project which helps study the effects of computational thinking inside classrooms.Audrey RorrerDr. David K. Pugalee, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Dr. David Pugalee is a full professor, and Director of the Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM) at UNC Charlotte. The recipient of millions of dollars in grant- funding, Dr. Pugalee has also
work supported by the National Science Foundation under awardnumber EEC-1647722. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.The authors wish to thank Jennifer Mamph and Cristina Farmus for the support in collecting thisdata.References[1] M. Drummond Oakes, M. E. Cardella, M. Sydlik, and K. M. Everett, “Board 41: DevelopingSummer Research Programs at an NSF ERC: Activities, Assessment, and Adaptation,” presentedat the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Jan. 07, 2021.[Online]. Available:
study-abroadstudio, or this Mission-Driven Integrated Design (MDID) studio. Studio courses in the curriculumtraditionally carried the charge of providing familiarity and developing appreciation for architecturaldesign. Since 1952, studio courses have evolved in the program based on continuous improvementprocesses, reflections from faculty and alumni, and the changing dynamics in industry. Historicaldevelopment has included: • 1970’s and earlier – AE offered individual design projects and role-playing an architect • 1980 – AE introduced studio design teams more out of necessity do to a drastic increase in class enrollment. Studios were staffed by architecture faculty and operated in a similar fashion to studio classes for
in theSPF with the staff machinist teaching ~10 students to operate all of the equipment.Distancing requirements necessary for Covid made that final two-hour session impossible toconduct in the same fashion. In the fall 2020 semester “S” training sessions were reduced to onehour, but involved only two students at a time. This nearly tripled the number of hours that thestaff machinist spent in training, but resulted in comparable student training quality. For the 45students in Freshman Design I this meant nearly 30 hours of total training time. Fortunately,overall project activities during this time at WKU were lower so this was possible. In the spring2021 semester a total of 65 Mechanical and Electrical freshmen required “S” training
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Saturday mornings,and students were expected to work independently and submit the week’s assignments byThursday evening. Office hours were held on Tuesday evenings for students to ask questions andget help on their designs. Overall, students had much more freedom as to the schedule andamount of time/effort put into the program. The weekly schedule is shown in Table 4. Table 3: Fall Young Scholars Program Moodle Modules Learning Module(s) Description/Activity Schedule Introductory Module • Introduction to ASSIST Center Week 1 • Faculty Research overview Engineering Design • Explain and