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use 2 trucks spaced 50-ft and consider the 90% of the loads.Service Limit State, Strength I: Qn <= 1.25DL + 1.75LLImpact Factor, IM=1.33 applied to the truck or tandem loads ➔ LL = Lane + IM (Truck or Tandem)Figure 6: Live Loads (LL) from HL-93 loads.a.Stress at beams due Dead Load (fresh b. Stress at beams: LaneLoad + concrete for s/w + hard concrete for railing) 1.33TruckLoad @ Centerline Design Stress at Centerline (tension at bottom flange) = 1.25*15.1 + 1.75*(11.3) = 38.7 ksi Design Stress at Supports (compression at bottom
. Posting immediately maximizes the time for a tutor to post a solution, and since mostsolutions were put up within an hour, the cheater(s) have time to read the solution and copy it ontheir exam if they chose.An exam window shorter than the 2 hours allowed in this class may be a way to reduce theeffectiveness of cheating seen here. Shorter exam windows would give less time for solutions tobe posted, and less time for students to look for and copy those solutions. Exams could also betimed on a per-problem basis with no opportunity to return to previous questions. This woulddecrease the window for Chegg to provide a useful response. Another way to minimize theeffectiveness of this cheating could include exams with only longer problems. The
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leaders to enhancethe leadership and management skills. It is important to emphasize to the HODA leaders that thestudents doing the HODA are not to be told which archetype(s) are applicable. The studentsshould be allowed to experience the systems archetypes and think for themselves whicharchetype fits best. While it would be faster and easier if students were told which archetypes arepresent in the HODA, it is important at the graduate level that the students be allowed to usehigher orders of thinking to identify the archetypes, discuss options with the class members, andpresent their evidence as to which archetypes fit best.DebriefingThe debriefing aims to inspire students to extract experience and observations related to systemsthinking from
project that aligns with their topical area of interest, current skill level, andsought area of growth. The Lab engages students from first year to master’s level in varyingcapacities. Students may volunteer on a project as a trial, join in the context of a researchfellowship, or receive compensation for their efforts in the form of monetary payment, as aresearch assistant, or academic credit. They may also work on projects that have been adapted tosenior design engineering projects. Importantly, the Lab aims to meet the needs of the studentsand support their educational goals above the work product. Industry mentors, selected by thepartner organization, will consult directly with the student team and faculty mentor(s) on aregular basis
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Bachelor of Science degree from West Point, a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Missouri S&T, a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, and a PhD in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. Aaron has served in the military for 23 years as an Engineer Officer with assignments around the world to include Afghanistan, Egypt, and Bosnia- Herzegovina. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia and a Project Management Professional. Aaron’s primary areas of research are engineering education, the behavior of steel structures, and blast. Aaron mentors students by serving as an advisor for capstone projects and through service as an Officer
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