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Displaying results 1501 - 1508 of 1508 in total
Conference Session
Professional Formation and Career Experiences
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cindy Rottmann, University of Toronto; Emily Moore P.Eng., University of Toronto; Doug Reeve P.Eng., University of Toronto; Andrea Chan, University of Toronto; Milan Maljkovic, University of Toronto; Dimpho Radebe, University of Toronto
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
9independent drive. Technical specialists were loyal to internalized notions of professionalintegrity, while entrepreneurs were loyal to their personal values, dreams and aspirations.Both groups of engineers on this consolidated independent agent path were less amenableto the visions of their employers than other study participants. Please see Table one for asummary of demographic and mobility patterns across the three consolidated paths.Table 1: Consolidated Paths Illustrating Discrepancies in Mobility Patterns Consolidated path Organizationally Sociotechnical managers Independent agents groomed executives (n=12) (n=12) (n=5) Career path(s
Conference Session
Assessment in Laboratory and Project-based Courses: Experimentation and Laboratory-oriented Studies Division
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bradley Lane Kicklighter, University of Southern Indiana
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
North/South and the other set controls traffic going East/West. Table 1 shows thesequence for the lights where each row represents two seconds. N/S E/W Green Red Green Red Green Red Yellow Red Red Red Red Green Red Green Red Green Red Yellow Red RedTable 1: Sequence for the North/South and East/West Stop LightsSince we will be using the CLICK PLC Trainer, the East/West lights will be the blue, orange,and white LEDs where: Red = Blue, Yellow = Orange, and Green = White.RequirementsSelect normally open push buttons to start and stop the system.All six LEDs will be used for the stop lights as described in the Problem Statement.Apply the advanced sequential programming techniques to
Conference Session
Critical Conversations on Being Valued
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Minha R. Ha, York University; Jeffrey Harris, York University; Aleksander Czekanski , CEEA-ACEG
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Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education, Equity
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 11
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maria Manzano, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Emma Della; Gerome Cacho; Drew Miller; Dennis Derickson, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
Conference Session
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division Technical Session 2: Solar Track
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tessa Veurink, University of Pittsburgh; Bradley G. Fox, University of Pittsburgh; Sabrina R. Helbig, University of Pittsburgh; Duncan Penizotto, University of Pittsburgh; Robert J. Kerestes, University of Pittsburgh; Brandon M. Grainger, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
observing when a lightbulb connected as a load turned off and back on. The tablebelow depicts the trial runs and duration in seconds between the power outage and startup. Trial Number Did the atto-grid start up Time from power outage to after the power outage? startup (s) 1 Yes 5.09 2 Yes 5.14 3 Yes 5.42 4 Yes 5.33 5 Yes 5.02
Conference Session
Assessment in Multidisciplinary Learning Environment
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sara A. Atwood, Elizabethtown College; Brenda Read-Daily, Elizabethtown College; Jean Carlos Batista Abreu, Elizabethtown College
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
the approach for the first time in one course. New and next iterations onthis approach include sourcing and sharing ideas for the task from KEEN’s EngineeringUnleashed website ( and combining the epic finale approach with amastery-based course structure.References[1] P.D. Schreuders and A.T. Johnson, "An Alternate Presentation Method for Final Examinations," in 1999 ASEE Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1999.[2] A. Gregerson and S. Franey, "Optional Final Exams as an Assessment Tool in Engineering Curricula," in 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, 2012.[3] Y. Yihun, R. Nair and J Herron, "Changing the Paradigm “Cheating In a Traditional Exam Setting” Into a Possible
Conference Session
Assessment in Multidisciplinary Learning Environment
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ellen M. Swartz, North Dakota State University; Ryan Striker P.E., North Dakota State University; Lauren Singelmann, North Dakota State University; Enrique Alvarez Vazquez, North Dakota State University; Mary Pearson, North Dakota State University; Stanley Shie Ng, Biola University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emil H Salib, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
Institute of Standards and Technology, Blockchain Technology Overview - NISTIR 8202: Draft January 2018. USA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. [2] “Ethereum peer-to-peer networking specifications.”, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [3] Ethereum, “Ethereum Project.”, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [4] Jimi S., “Blockchain: What are nodes and masternodes?.” Blockchain-what-is-a-node-or-masternode-and-what-does-it-do-4d9a4200938f, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [5] Bitcoin Wiki, “Genesis Block.” block, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [6] Blockgeeks, “What is Hashing? Under The Hood of Blockchain.”