smallstructural engineering laboratory. The room is equipped with flattop tables and is arranged in atraditional lecture format: chalkboard at the front of the room and tables in rows. The back ofthe room is equipped with a small load frame and tensile testing machine. The instructor usesactive learning techniques during class lectures. Each class meeting includes a short lectureintroduction to the content for the day supported by skeleton notes, then students work exampleproblems, engage in group reflections, or participate in a demonstration. While both institutionsincorporated some demonstrations in their classroom activities, prior to the 2019-2020 academicyear, neither institution was equipped with large-scale testing equipment. The
engineering course in which this method originates, students prepare a 15-minute lesson to teach a small group of their peers. These lessons are not one-sided studentpresentations. Students must apply the creative process to an educational context and developlessons that include pertinent content in an engaging activity and a mechanism for summativeassessment (e.g., discussion, individual or group quiz, quality of activity outcome). To furtherunderstand the effectiveness of this instructional activity in terms of student engagement andoutcomes, student self- and peer-assessments are qualitatively analyzed. Findings indicate thatstudents were reflective, consistent, and fair graders who reported high levels of studentengagement both in their own, and
) researchers must begin to study human cognition and affect as it relates toteaching and learning NDM methods. Following review, Justin reflects on the experience of beingan NDM learner in the second author’s class, more specifically how the Tyler’s class compared tothose themes above. To end, Tyler responds to Justin’s review and reflection from the viewpointof an NDM practitioner and researcher. There Tyler provides their thoughts as they relate toteaching and learning NDM, and thoughts relating to the future of NDM engineering educationmore broadly.1. IntroductionNondestructive evaluation (NDE), testing (NDT), and inspection (NDI) – nondestructive methods(NDM) for brevity – describe the process of inspecting the conditions of a part or material
argue, “theanalogy between ethical problems and design problems is also very much connected with virtueethics and the proper reflection on the nature of engineering as a human activity” [19]. This isfurther compounded by Roeser’s observation that design is not value-free; thus, design forcesengineering students to confront their values [20].Also discussed in the literature is the timing and frequency with which students should bechallenged with ethical situations within their engineering course of study. In some programs,the discussion of ethics has been relegated to a capstone design course with a “one and done”approach. While we agree that capstone design courses offer a powerful opportunity tostrengthen engineering ethics education, we
sent to approximately 476 students enrolled in one (or both)of two engineering courses: a remote synchronous first-year seminar, and a hybrid remotesynchronous/remote asynchronous introductory programming course for non-computer sciencemajors; both of these courses were offered at University Park, the largest Penn State campus.Both courses were taught by the same instructor, who initiated the present study. Theengineering program at Penn State is one of the highest ranked in the country, with highlycompetitive admission standards, and enrollment patterns that reflect a significant percentage ofstudents from outside of the state and country (29% of overall student body in 2020). As is characteristic of many undergraduate engineering
degrees of access to decision-making power.” [15]ASCE’s Vision 2025 can only regain momentum if it identifies, recruits, and develops leadershipat all levels, based upon a constituency (professional members who are activated) from amembership community (members who are concerned but not active) and then facilitating theengagement of membership at higher and higher levels of leadership until the pinnacle ofchampionship is reached. “Thus, the ladder of engagement reflects a process “whereby individuals take on more and more leadership” (Sinnott & Gibbs, 2014, p. 28). The lower rungs are occupied by supporters and leadership prospects who support the cause but have not assumed ongoing roles or commitments
that when given theopportunity to choose their own paths through the course, students do indeed take advantage ofthis opportunity. Specifically, we observe multiple pathways through the course via theExploration and Engagement Modules, explained below. Student survey responses andself-reflection within the Personal Action Plan assignment further suggest that students deepenedtheir self-understanding through the course. Ultimately, this research suggests that incorporatingchoice in first-year engineering courses may be a useful alternative to a “one size fits all”approach, given that the former allows students to explore their different interests and goals withrespect to engineering.MotivationAs part of the Foundational Course Initiative, a
real-worldexamples ultimately used in the tool are reflective of the engineering concentrations of the capstoneteam. The biomedical track used an example of controlling the glucose level within a human body;and the mechanical track used an example of controlling car speed. Figure 1. Screen capture of the track selection page 4The material covered is identical between the two tracks, and students can also easily flip betweentracks for maximum flexibility and to understand the same topics with different examples.There were many other areas of flexibility that the capstone team wanted to ensure. The curriculumitself was divided into 6 main modules based on the most prominent
Advance Trainingfor Research and Teaching Activities”. In it, Chuchalin establishes the following classificationof competencies for engineering professors : technical, pedagogical, social, psychological,ethical, didactic, evaluative, organizational, communicative and reflective competenciesAdditionally, we have utilized the investigative work of Ramón Bragós Bardía, which proposessix actions to promote the development of generic competencies in engineering with referenceto framework standards 9 and 10 of CDIO, including: relevant experience in the industry, designof courses that develop these competencies, experience exchange activities with the industry,and mentoring by professors with extensive professional experience. Methods The method used
%), and their own capabilities (11%). Students frequently describedsolution requirements as constraints (38%) though in many instances these might be moreappropriately framed as objectives that do not necessarily constrain the solution. Thedevelopment of engineering requirements represents an important transition point in problemframing that moves the problem from a qualitative representation (e.g. needs statements,operating principles) to a quantitative one (i.e. metrics and values that reflect performanceobjectives and constraints). Students who overall lack of experience with ill-structured problems,and design problems specifically, have limited experience with this qualitative to quantitativetransition that is common in practice. Another
- andpost-STEM interviews with a member of the research team. Of these 16 students, four alsoparticipated in the mentoring experience. The interviews (conducted remotely) focused onstudents' career interests, understanding of what STEM entails, and reflection about the 3Dprinting unit. Students (n=214) completed a STEM Interest survey consisting of four sets ofquestions, each set focusing on one element of STEM. Students took this survey twice, once atthe start of the quarter (pre) and once at the end of the quarter (post). The survey was takenverbatim from Kier et al. (2013) [7] with eight additional negatively worded questions to checkfor response consistency. Additionally, following each mentoring session, students (n=16),mentors (n=12), and
differences among individuals and groups6. Protects human health and physical safety of users and society7. Promotes human well-being and enhances quality of life for usersand society8. Evaluates economic impacts of environmental design criterion9. Evaluates economic impacts of a social design criterion10. Considers affordability for users and/or demonstrates costcompetitiveness or cost reduction for client/sponsor11. Evaluates economic costs and benefits to inform decisions12. Final design impacted by trade-offs among environmental, social,and economic criteria and reflects balance of dimensions13. Uses and/or creates innovation(s) in its specific field to achievesustainability14. Worked with experts from other disciplines (i.e., outsideengineering
OERdevelopment and ownership of the Champions course by the Mines Library aligns with thisdemonstrated role of academic libraries.Much of the published literature on OER adoption in higher education acknowledges the need forprofessional development opportunities for faculty. 8,9,10,5 These studies are largely focused onfaculty perceptions of OER based on large scale OER programs or efforts. In their study ofOregon community colleges, Lantrip and Ray found, “the adoption process should providetraining for faculty on pedagogical best practices and technology associated with the OER inaddition to time to reflect on how to incorporate these into their adoption process.” 11 Many ofthese studies do not go into much detail regarding the creation and assessment
Consumer Affairs, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Marketing Education Review.Dr. Gbetonmasse B. Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gbetonmasse Somasse is a faculty member in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute where he also directs the Cape Town Project Center. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a Master in statistics. His research interests are in applied econometrics, development economics, program evaluation, and higher education. In higher education, he is interested in student motivation, experiential learning, and critical reflection to promote active and more intentional learning. Previously, Somasse was a
afterschool Xplore STEM camp. Due to the increased number ofconfirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan, large gatherings are restricted andparticipants (students, staff, and volunteers) from different schools are unable to meet at a singlelocation. Hence, the afterschool enrichment program includes two schools, who will be virtuallyattending the sessions via zoom. The teacher from each school will facilitate interactions duringthe online sessions conducted by the program director from the university. All Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) approved paperwork is shared with the schools, and the consenting students willcomplete an online pre-intervention, post-intervention survey and submit a 500-words self-reflection essay about their camp
formative analysis.As a work in progress,, we are seeking feedback from researchers who have experience withlarge-scale, multi-year implementations, especially in the context of making revisions to researchdesign. We chose design-based methods to construct our tools and plan our implementation,having selected them for their applicability in situations where plans may need to be revisedbased on formative iterations of reflection [1]. Now that we find ourselves with the need to makechanges, we are uncertain how to effectively integrate new research questions, collect andanalyze data, and communicate findings in ways that: (1) maintain consistent attention toestablished throughlines while; (2) integrating adaptations to the original research design
90% of my students (N=87) strongly agreedthat sharing my teaching philosophy is critical. Additionally, underrepresented students wereempowered and archived more than half the “A”s in my courses. In conclusion, since equal is notalways fair, instructors must make their expectations exceptionally clear to ensure that anystudent can succeed and earn an “A.” I believe it is time for educators to polish their teachingphilosophy, create appealing visual models, and share them with their students.IntroductionDeveloping a Teaching Philosophy Statement (TPS) is central in any academic career [1]. TPSdeclares the educator’s approach to teaching and learning. Creating a teaching philosophyengages educators in metacognitive reflection on what they
everyone, even though everything in the society pressures you into sameness – it is a handicap in the end. A handicap to live without knowing the struggle of difference – in all of its pain, its fear, its celebration, its compassion [2].”AbstractThis is an archival record of a proposed panel discussion for the 2021 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition. It reflects a year-long conversation between the six co-authors. Panel attendeeswill be invited to join and expand upon that conversation. Further analyses and integration areplanned after the conference when we will have the benefit of other panel attendees’ commentsand their own narratives.Under ideal circumstances, engineering cultures in academia and industry bring out the best
’ experiences with the project-based pedagogy and open-source QGISsoftware through the lens of CLT. In the Geomatics course, students’ QGIS project was a majorcomponent of their third regular-semester exam. Using the rigorously-developed NASA TaskLoad Index (TLX), students reflected on perceived workload (an indicator of cognitive load)experienced in their face-to-face engineering courses (through midterms), their emergency onlineengineering courses (midterms through finals), and their third exam. Based on our data, weexplore the following questions: (1) How did cognitive load related to the project compare tostudents’ face-to-face and online classes? (2) How did test/exam performance compare toprevious years? We seek to provide insights for improving
semester.This lesson plan, executed with a collaborative teaching approach, was piloted in Fall 2020,when only one section of the course was taught (17 students enrolled in the course). Aftercompleting the MATLAB portion of the course, one week (two 80 minute class sessions) wasdedicated to discussing ethics in computing and introducing the culminating project. Studentsused the remainder of the semester to work on the project outside of class, with one additionalclass session during the last week of classes scheduled as free time to work on the project.Dedicating a week to ethics in between teaching the two languages was intentional, providingstudents with an opportunity to reflect on the basic computing concepts they learned in the firsthalf and apply
-majority’ of America (or the ‘majority-minority’) wherethe non-Hispanic White population becomes the minority overall for the first time in U.S.history. Figure 1 depicts this transition. Figure 1. Changing U.S. Demographics 2016 – 2060 (000)As with any country, the youth of the U.S. reflect the bench strength of the nation. Thesemembers backfill for the aging and are the primary workers for sustaining age-related socialprograms. They are the strength of the working class and hold the keys to our innovation. Thisgroup must be sufficiently educated and capable of sustaining a country.In the year 2020 (Figure 2), less than one-half of the children under 18 years of age wereCaucasian (thus, a minority). This crossover comes with a
Core Curriculum cultivates social justice, civic life, perspective, andcivic engagement. It involves community-based learning with a social justice emphasis. Studentsare required to (i) engage in 16 hours of community-based learning experiences and (ii) performcritical reflection and evaluation of their experiences. A primary goal of the ELSJ requirement is“to foster a disciplined sensibility toward power and privilege, an understanding of the causes ofhuman suffering, and a sense of personal and civic responsibility for cultural change.”The specific learning objectives of an ELSJ class are as follows:• Recognize the benefits of life-long responsible citizenship and civic engagement in personal and professional activities (Civic Life
, two are administered in the first year for a cohort: (1) an introductionto computer science course where teachers learn fundamental CS topics and programming in ahigh-level programming language (e.g., Python), and engage in problem solving and practicecomputational thinking, and (2) a course in pedagogy for teachers to learn how to teach K-8 CS,including lesson designs, use of instructional resources such as dot-and-dash robots, andassessments. Then, the following academic year after the summer, the PD program holds a seriesof workshops on five separate Saturdays to support teacher implementation of their lessonmodules during the academic year, reflect and improve on their lessons, reinforce on CSconcepts and pedagogy techniques, review and
Education, 2021 Work in Progress: Wrappers vs. ExpertsIntroductionEighty-one students enrolled in a required, third-year reaction engineering course were thesubjects for this investigation. The author was the instructor for that course and had taught itmore than twenty-five times before this offering. During that span, four substantial pedagogicalchanges occurred. After those changes the effect of completing homework upon an averagestudent’s course score improved by a factor of 2.5 [1].One of those pedagogical changes incorporated homework wrappers into assigned homeworkproblems. Briefly, the homework wrappers asked the students to reflect upon their approach tosolving the problem and their execution of the solution and then
are introduced to and invited to reflect on the 13 dimensions ofForeign Service Officers as described by the U.S. Department of State( These dimensionsinclude: cultural adaptability (i.e., “to work and communicate effectively andharmoniously with persons of other cultures, value systems, political beliefs, andeconomic circumstances; to recognize and respect differences in new and differentcultural environments”); oral communication (i.e., “by speaking fluently in a concise,grammatically correct, organized, precise, and persuasive manner; to convey nuances ofmeaning accurately; to use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience andpurpose”); working with others
Project-Based ClassesThe second topic introduced into the first-year engineering program was a single 50-minute classperiod active-learning lesson which introduces various topics related to market research. Theclass started off by asking students to identify the single-most important product that they hadpurchased or received as a gift. This reflection led them to identify that most engineeringdisciplines contribute to product development at some level. In order to have a successfulproduct design, engineers should consider both the users and the competing market during thedesign phase. Students and faculty then discuss tools such as competitive market research,stakeholder identification, and user scenarios through examples, with constant breaks
engineering (FE) exam. Thestudy presented in this paper details the approach taken to replace in-class quizzes with regularout-of-class homework assignments in an introductory engineering mechanics course. Theobjectives of the study were to: 1) provide students with a variety of problems to apply both newand previous knowledge; 2) encourage engagement with the course material outside of in-personlessons; and 3) teach students to reflect and self-assess their own learning. Eighteen homeworkassignments were added throughout the thirty-lesson course. Each assignment consisted of twoparts; practice problems from previous lessons and conceptual responses based on preparation forthe next lesson. At the beginning of each class, students were given the
. A greater reliance upon online instruction requires a commensurateincrease in collaborative interaction. Palloff and Pratt recognize that an effective online model,“includes deliberate attempts to build community as a means of promoting collaborativelearning” [16]. Collaborative learning promotes a social presence and promotes independentlearning. “The instructor in an online class is responsible for facilitating and making room for thepersonal and social aspects of an online community so social presence can emerge and make theclass a successful learning experience” [16].Teachers can apply several techniques to build community. The online activities are moreeffective when treated as collaborative information seeking behaviors and reflective
students in developing certain design qualities. Sheppard andJenison [2] outlined these qualities as communication skills, effective teamwork, reflection,problem-solving skills, being resourceful, and considering various aspects of a problemincluding socioeconomics and environment. Depending on the institution, different approacheshave been taken to achieve these qualities such as weekly labs, class demonstrations, smallprojects, and multi-week large-scale projects. Examples of these projects include a mousetrapvehicle project, a balsa bridge project, building airplane out of a soda can, an egg dropcompetition, a cantilever beam competition, a tennis ball launcher, and building catapults andtrebuchets [3].In fall 2013, the Engineering Practice and
learning studentsdevelop technical skills and learn about surveying techniques and methods. In addition, throughreview and reflection of their surveys, students are able to reinforce concepts learned in lectures.Outdoor labs have several challenges such as being affected by weather leading to cancellationsthat disrupt the educational process. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced newchallenges and forced virtualization of outdoor labs. Development of virtual and immersivetechnologies in the past decade have sparked applications in engineering education, offeringviable alternatives, and enhancing traditional instructional approaches. Indeed, virtual reality andgamification technologies offer different learning approaches while various