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Conference Session
Innovations in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adel Shirmohammadi, University of Maryland-College Park; Arthur Johnson, University of Maryland-College Park
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
which was in the group that submitted the report. There is a form (a copy of whichis attached) that solicits specific comments about technical and communication attributes of thereport. Evaluators are instructed not to write simple “yes” or “no” entries, but to givemeaningful comments. These evaluations are submitted anonymously, except to the instructor,and are graded by the instructor and returned to the group that originally submitted the report.The advantages of this procedure are these: 1. it assists the instructor in reading and evaluating the reports, because he has the peer evaluations when grading the reports 2. it gives the submitting group feedback from more than just the instructor 3