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Conference Session
Effective Teaching with Online Technology
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mani Mina, Iowa State University
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Continuing Professional Development
interest. While technologically it can be done, it needs to bemanaged efficiently and effectively. Profiling the learner, the needs of the learner, and thelearner’s preferred style of learning are all important in offering a flexible and multidimensionalperspective of the subject.Bibliography 1. New Learning and Teaching Strategies in Distance Education—Theory and Practice. Toth, P.; Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2005. ITHET 2005. 6th International Conference on 07–09 July 2005. Page(s):T3B-1–T3B-6. 2. Using Learning Style Theory To Improve Learning and Teaching in the Engineering Classroom. Terry, R. E.; Harb, J. N.; Frontiers in Education Conference, 1993. Twenty-Third Annual Conference
Conference Session
CPD - Engineering Education K - Life
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Becker, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
engineering profession. Furthermore, technology education exposes 1students to open-ended problem solving, a skill required of future engineers. Technology education is often misunderstood – it has undergone a significanttransformation since the mid-1980’s. At the core of this transformation is a transitionfrom education associated with the industrial arts to education associated withtechnological literacy and engineering education in K-12 schools. This transformation ishardly complete, in part, because of stereotypical attitudes held by many. Greg Pearson[4], a Program Officer with the National Academy of Engineering, candidly points tosome of the
Conference Session
Customizing Courses for Industry Training Needs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jody Pierce, Purdue University; Russell Aubrey, Purdue University; John Eddy, Purdue University; Charles Baker, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
do so, students were admitted to Purdue and registered for the appropriate course(s) by the regular campus deadlines even though the classes didn’t start at the traditional campus semester start times. • The Purdue Business Office did not invoice Red Gold until the courses were actually delivered. • Course delivery schedules were built around Pack Season by holding one course in the fall, two courses in the spring and one course in the summer.The students selected to attend Phase I, now named Certificate of Completion from RedGold University as delivered by Purdue University, were Team Leaders from variousdepartments and plants at Red Gold. They came from scheduling, plant floor operations,and the maintenance
Conference Session
Effective Teaching with Online Technology
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eugene Rutz, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Continuing Professional Development
discussion to facilitate a consistent understanding of the technology andpedagogy.Two-Way Interactive VideoA classroom equipped with video transmission/receive equipment is connected to one or moreother remote classrooms similarly equipped. Typically, a presentation originates from one siteand is transmitted to the other site(s). The students in remote classrooms can both see and hearthe instructor real-time, and the instructor can see and hear students from the remote sites.Remote sites have the image of the instructor and presentation materials either on a televisionmonitor or as a projected image. The instructor can lecture and present materials using the samemedia as in a traditional classroom (chalk, overheads, video tapes, computer generated