- Conference Session
- Best Zone Paper Competition
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Nathan Klingbeil, Wright State University; Richard Mercer, Wright State University; Kuldip Rattan, Wright State University; Michael Raymer, Wright State University; David Reynolds, Wright State University
- Tagged Divisions
Council of Sections
ASEE North Central Section Outstanding Teaching Award (2004), and both the CECS Excellence in Service (2004) and Excellence in Teaching (2002) awards at Wright State University.Richard Mercer, Wright State University RICHARD E. MERCER is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Wright State University. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Washington in 1980. Professor Mercer is active in curriculum reform, and has led an NSF supported effort to integrate Mathematica laboratory sessions into the freshman calculus sequence at Wright State University.Kuldip Rattan, Wright State University KULDIP S. RATTAN is a Professor in the
- Conference Session
- Best Zone Paper Competition
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Christopher Papadopoulos; Adeeb Rahman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Josh Bostwick, Cornell University
- Tagged Divisions
Council of Sections
reasons arefurther distinguished from those who get correct answers from incorrect reasons.The dichotomy between sub-scores in {0, 1} and sub-scores in {2, 3} also implies that eachscore p arises from a unique triad of sub-scores, though the ordering of the sub-scores is notunique. For example, a score p = 7 can be realized as (2 + 2 + 3) or (2 + 3 + 2), but 7 cannot berealized as (1 + 3 + 3); in other words, 7 can be realized only from two 2’s and one 3. Thus,each score represents a unique level of total quality, but a given score does not uniquely indicatethe level of quality derived from each individual criterion. As a result, this scoring systemprovides a monotonic scale against which to measure overall quality of work, but does not favorthe