diagrams, intro. to TDR examples (RC TDR examples (RC Orcad TDR simulation time-domain reflect. and RL circuits) and RL circuits) (individual lab) HP AN 1304-2 5 Impedance profiling, System freq. response EXAM 1 No lab spectral content for Bode plots squarewave and trapezoidal signals 6 Crosstalk Three-conductor Time-domain crosstalk, TDR Hyperlinx examples crosstalk modeling lumped-component
the single most important dis-criminator between a correct and incorrect forecast [25]. At the current time, student activities are numerous. Computing algorithms are studiedand implemented that convert radar data from the phased array radar into environmentalmeasurements known as spectral moments – very similar to previous researchers associatedwith conventional rotating weather radars [26, 27, 28]. Spectral moments (reflectivity, radialvelocity, and spectrum width) are the essential, required radar meteorological measurementsthat are used to make decisions about cloud locations, storms, rain fall, tornados, downbursts,hail and other interesting weather phenomena. Microbursts are strong downbursts of airfrom evolving rain-clouds which can
lab manual is alsorevised to reflect the new experiments. The major course component to develop higher learningskills for students is by introducing group projects related to engineering experimentation. Thispaper discusses the revamping of the course describing experiments, projects, and relatedmaterials, relevance of these experiments and projects to ABET outcomes related toexperimentation, and the evaluation of student projects and their assessments. Responses andfeedback from students are also presented to evaluate the effectiveness of new experiments andgroup projects.Course DescriptionThe following is the course description listed in the undergraduate catalog: MEEN 3210: Measurements Laboratory Credit 2 (1 hour lecture, 3 hour lab
data previously discussed.Student performance was examined relative to their starting abilities, as reflected in theircombined GPA across four prerequisite courses, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, andDifferential Equations.2 In the previous study7 that examined results from two of the four delivery modalities, student performance wasmeasured using results from 12 multiple choice questions (6 questions each from Nonlinear Equations andInterpolation) as part of the final examination. The six questions of each topic were based on the corresponding sixlevels of Bloom’s taxonomy16. Since Summer 2004, only 4 questions are asked in the final examination on each
Student Assessment of LearningGains (SALG), student generated portfolios containing individual reflective statements by eachstudent8, and statistical data from the formative quizzes. The statistical data from formativequizzes is used primarily to improve formative evaluation and the level of in-class assignmentsrather than to measure summative changes in student learning.The Student Assessment of Learning Gains is used to analyze student perceptions of teamfunction, the case study, the design projects, written reports, and peer evaluations. SALG resultswere compared with one page reflective statements from each student given in the projectreports. A qualitative review of personal statements and SALG responses was performed toassess student
“big picture” themes. This project at RiceUniversity seeks to improve the effectiveness of laboratory exercises in a required undergraduatemechanical engineering system dynamics course via student-centered learning and laboratorytopics featuring haptic paddles, devices that allow users to interact via the sense of touch withvirtual environments. One outcome of these improvements is a cohesive set of laboratoryexperiments using the haptic paddles as a single experimental test bed for multiple experiments.The Haptic Paddle exercises are unique because they allow the students to analyze and buildtheir own haptic interface, or force-reflecting system. The students are able to see many subsetsof mechanical engineering come together in a series of
reflect upon key concepts ofthe course 2.Class ObjectivesThe Engineering science program at Borough of Manhattan Community College offers Page 11.155.2ESC 211, a sophomore year introductory thermodynamics course. The class learningobjectives are parallel to those of ABET2000 A-K criteria. The course emphasizesfundamentals and their applications. It mainly requires students to able to:• State the First Law and to define heat, work, thermal efficiency and the difference between various forms of energy.• Identify and describe energy exchange processes (in terms of various forms of energy, heat and work)• Explain how various heat
controlsystems 2.54 2.23 3.83 3.46Size Limitations on controlsignals of real systems 1.60 1.50 3.02 2.69Benefits of a state variablemodel 2.26 2.04 3.44 2.96AcknowledgmentsThis material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No.DUE-0310445. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Shannon Sexton, Director ofAssessment, who compiled the student
audiences.However, in addition to the multidisciplinary nature of hands-on MEMS there is a very practicaland fundamental problem that few universities nationwide are able to offer hands-on experiencein microfabrication at the undergraduate level. So in addition to pedagogical and teamworkchallenges are the often prohibitive obstacles of facilities and cost.The most perceptible goal of the authors’ present work in MEMS education is to develop anundergraduate hands-on course in MEMS, with a variety of modules to reflect a representativeset of the many different applications and technologies involved. This course developmentproject will be manifested as an interdepartmentally cross-listed course, developed in detail bythe authors throughout the 2005-2006
-- reflective of those experiencedby a mechanic in the aircraft maintenance hangar environment. As a result, students can inspectairframe structure as they would in the real world and initiate appropriate maintenance actionbased on their knowledge of airframe structures and information resources such as on-linemanuals, airworthiness directives, etc. Their performance in tackling these scenarios can betracked in real-time with the potential for immediate feedback. Students will be able to grasp thelinks between various visual cues presented, the need for specific inspection items and potentialmaintenance solutions. Repeated exposure to various scenarios along with classroom teachingwill help them link theoretical scientific knowledge, for example
leadingcorporations and National Laboratories, and as entrepreneurs. In Hispanic BusinessMagazine recently, UTEP was named Number One in the Top Ten Engineering Schoolsfor Hispanics [1]. Clearly, UTEP produces a large number of high quality baccalaureategraduates.1 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-0411320. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Support was alsofrom the PACE program (www.PACEpartners.org) and the author gratefully acknowledges their support
2006-1159: NATIONAL DISSEMINATION OF MULTI-MEDIA CASE STUDIESTHAT BRING REAL-WORLD ISSUES INTO ENGINEERING CLASSROOMS:PILOT STUDYChetan Sankar, Auburn UniversityP.K. Raju, Auburn University Page 11.950.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 National Dissemination of Multi-Media Case Studies That Bring Real-World Issues into Engineering Classrooms: Pilot Study Engineering students are increasingly being asked by potential employers to demonstrate“soft” skills (such as problem solving and business skills) in addition to their “hard” technicalskills. Reflecting these expectations, the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education(ABET) has
; turbine operation. 2. Was the case study realistic? All the students felt that the case study reflected reality. 3. You were assigned to play a role. Has Yes, because it forces us to look at the entire this helped you to learn more than you case study and thus we learned more. If I did would have if no role-playing was not play a role I would not have been so involved? involved. It helped me gain knowledge as I completed my research and analyzed what the issues were. Playing the role
. Cherrington, B., “An Integrated Approach to Graduate Education in Manufacturing Systems--The U.T. Dallas Model”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 1993.8. Pardue, M.D., “Architecture for a Successful Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Program in a 4-year College or University”, Journal of Engineering Education, Janruary 1993.9. Lamancusa, J.S., Jorgensen,J.E., and Zayas-Castro, J.L., “The Learning Factory— A New Approach to Page 11.1344.11 Integrating Design and Manufacturing into the Engineering Curriculum”, Journal of Engineering Education, April 1997.10. Shields, M. A. “Collaborative Teaching: Reflections on a
thelearning process with engineering software. Furthermore, CBT can help students acquire andorganize knowledge by, among other things, student learning through teaching. Assessment-centered environments provide students with opportunities to revise and improve the quality oftheir thinking and understanding. Assessment must reflect the ultimate learning goals, forinstance, understanding and applicability of knowledge. CBT is a means to provide immediatefeedback and self assessment. CBT is also a practical tool to create public forums forassessment. Finally, community-centered environments promote a sense of community. Theyencourage students to learn how to use their peer students, teachers, and other members of thecommunity as a resource for their
definitely helped thestudents to comprehend solutions to problems where clearly defined parameters are not available as isthe case in most real-world situations.AcknowledgementSome of the work presented herein was partially funded by the NSF Engineering Education DivisionGrant EEC-0314875 entitled “Multi-Semester Interwoven Project for Teaching Basic Core STEMMaterial Critical for Solving Dynamic Systems Problems”. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation The authors are grateful for the support obtained from NSFto further engineering education.System ConstructionA complete set of drawings, bill of materials