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Conference Session
New Topics in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kim Needy, University of Pittsburgh
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Industrial Engineering
requiring students to consider an engineering solution within a societalcontext, students were assigned to read a Harvard Business Review case entitled Taking theCake.6 In this case, Southland Bakery is considering radically changing their strategic plan tostop producing bakery products drenched in trans fats to address the growing concern of obesity,especially with respect to obesity in children. Students are asked to reflect upon the societalimpacts of this dilemma and whether Southland Bakery has any social obligation to produce amore health conscious product. This case strikes the emotion of much of the class with opinionsat both extremes, i.e., it is the company's duty to do what they can to prevent obesity, to it is the
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Methods in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Durward Sobek, Montana State University; Susan Freeman, Northeastern University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
method and set up, the groups conduct a 90-second run and countcompleted cookie treats. Before the next 90 second trial, the groups discuss how their assemblyprocess worked, and what changes they will make in the method and process to improve thethroughput. A second trial is done, with completed cookies counted. A handout is given outwith questions to prompt the teams to reflect about what they learned, how they might applywhat they learned to a manufacturing facility, what equipment would help, and any suggestions.This, then, provides the basis for a class discussion on what Industrial Engineering is, and whatthey have learned from this experiment.At MSU, groups of three to four students are given an assembled Lego motorcycle with enoughparts
Conference Session
Evaluation and Assessment of IE Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
R. Radharamanan, Mercer University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
; commitment to improvement; activelearning; and systems perspective.ISO-9000 standards exist principally to facilitate international trade. The driving forces thathave resulted in widespread implementation of ISO-9000 standards can be summed up in onephrase: “the globalization of business”. Expressions such as “post-industrial economy” and “theglobal village” reflect profound changes during recent decades6. These changes include: newtechnology in virtually all industry/economic sectors; worldwide electronic communication Page 11.1371.3network; widespread worldwide travel; dramatic increase in world population; depletion ofnatural resource reserves
Conference Session
Evaluation and Assessment of IE Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann Koopmann, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Erick Jones, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
values from 0 to 1.0, where larger values indicate higherlevels of internal consistency. Nunnally (1978) and Spector (1992) provide an accepted rule thatcoefficient alpha should be at least 0.70 for a scale to demonstrate internal consistency.Coefficient alpha, commonly referred to as Cronbach’s alpha, reflects internal-consistencyreliability for the constructs in this study.The coefficient of determination, R square, is commonly used in research to measure theadequacy of regression models. It can also be looked at as the proportion of variation in thedependent variable “explained” by the model. In general higher the R square the moreacceptable, the model. Stepwise regression was used at an alpha level of 0.05 for our regressionanalysis. The
Conference Session
Current Topics in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Koubek, Pennsylvania State University; M. Jeya Chandra, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
manufacturing be changed to reflect the needs of manufacturing industries.Track in Engineering Service Systems Historically industrial engineering problem solving tools have been appliedmostly to something physical like a production line. But recently, the service sector hasbecome very important in today’s economy and a very large percentage of the workingpopulation is employed in the service sector. The problem solving tools which thestudents in industrial engineering learn can be applied to improvement of serviceindustries also. Many major service industries suffer from low quality and productivity,which can be remedied by industrial engineers. Because of this need for industrialengineers in service sector, an advisory board of Industrial
Conference Session
New Topics in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jamie Workman-Germann, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Heather Woodward-Hagg, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
cost/ROI (Returnon Investment) calculations for the project. With an initial investment of approximately $120Kand a 15:1 ROI goal from the regional CEO – the expectations were set very high to reflect theimportance of the project.Sample Data BG before 2p BG after 2p IN before 2p IN after 2p Order to Begin 1.5 hr 1.5 hr 1.5 hr 1.5 hr Begin to End 30 min MR, 7 min CT End to Read 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr Read to Transcribe 3 hrs 8 hrs 7 hrs 14 hrs
Conference Session
Evaluation and Assessment of IE Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shantha Daniel, Iowa State University; Devna Popejoy-Sheriff, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Leslie Potter, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
with respectto understanding sustainability, global perspective, and the process design. The focus ontwo of the many realistic constraints considered throughout IE 441 was made to comparestudent knowledge across courses, as well as classes. Data from Fall 2005 was compiledand average score and standard deviation was calculated. Rubric assessment has beenadjusted as necessary to provide an accurate reflection of student abilities. Gradingrubrics in IE 441 have been modified to help the students know what is expected and toallow the instructor to better evaluate the students’ abilities to consider realisticconstraints as they impact the design process
Conference Session
New Topics in IE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sreekanth Ramakrishnan, SUNY Binghamton; Justin Sturek, SUNY Binghamton; Sumit Parimoo, SUNY Binghamton; Krishnaswami Srihari, SUNY Binghamton
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
11.1153.21elsewhere. Figure 6 – “Clean Slate” Layout5.0 Summary of ExperimentationSimulation modeling is an excellent tool for analyzing workflow modifications. Additionally,using a simulation model that accurately reflects real-life, sensitivity analysis can be conductedto study the impact of any modifications to the system. While mathematical models serve to Page 11.1153.22evaluate solutions for problems, such as workflow modeling and resource allocation, simulationserves as an excellent tool to study the outcomes from various ‘what-if’ scenarios 7.A simulation study was conducted to ascertain the potential benefits that could