- Conference Session
- Integrating H&SS in Engineering I
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Arthur Snider, University of South Florida
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Liberal Education
Variation inPainting Arts," Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (2003) 1737-1749.4. Lyu, S., D. Rockmore and H. Farid, "A Digital Technique for Art Authentication," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. v. 101#49, Dec. 7, 2004.5. Shachtman, N., "Software Detects the True Artist", NY Times Nov. 22, 2004.6. Falk, D.R., D. R. Brill, and D. G. Stork, Seeing the Light : Optics in Nature, Photography, Color, Vision, andHolography, Wiley NY - 1985 - ISBN: 0471603856.7. Waldman, G., Introduction to Light: the Physics of Light, Vision, and Color, Dover Publications, New York -2002 - ISBN: 0-486-42118-X8. Perkowitz, S., Empire of Light, 1998, Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC.9. http://www.physlink.com/Education/AskExperts
- Conference Session
- Multidisciplinary and Liberal Education
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Hilkat Soysal, Frostburg State University; Oguz Soysal, Frostburg State University
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Liberal Education
2006-1822: FRESHMAN COURSE ON SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETYHilkat Soysal, Frostburg State University Hilkat S. Soysal received a law degree from University of Istanbul, Turkey. She practiced law in private companies and two state universities as a counselor. In 1993, she joined Istanbul University College of Engineering as a Lecturer. While teaching law courses for undergraduate engineering students, she did a graduate study in the Marine Engineering Program and received her M.Sc. degree in 1996. She continued to take graduate courses in marine engineering until she moved to the USA. Between 1997 and 2000, she took various courses in MBA and Computer Science, and engineering at
- Conference Session
- Questions of Identity
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
David Ollis, North Carolina State University
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Liberal Education
origin again, from a new light. Or, inElliot,’s words 15: “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time If the premise is correct that many of the “Tech Lit” instructors are bothrepresenting their disciplines to students, and seeking self in the engineering cosmos, thentwo things naturally follow: 1. Their diversity of disciplines works against development of a consensus Page 11.1227.12 version of Technological Literacy, although one could imagine a collection of versions as constituting an encyclopedia of
- Conference Session
- Questions of Identity
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
William Jordan, Baylor University
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Liberal Education
. Page 11.142.2Introduction to Virtue EthicsVirtue ethics is not a new concept. Most people regard it as something that was initiallydeveloped (as far as the Western world is concerned) by Aristotle more than 2300 years ago.Many ethical approaches concentrate on how to make good decisions when faced with difficultsituations. Aristotle’s approach was to emphasize virtuous living. A good person will makegood decisions, so what is important is to become a good person. In the 1200’s ThomasAquinas integrated this philosophy with a Christian perspective on the world. Aquinas’perspective was to dominate Western philosophical thinking for hundreds of years. For much ofthe 20th century virtue ethics was not commonly taught as a viable option by most
- Conference Session
- Questions of Identity
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Mike Graham, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Amy Wendt, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Paul Peercy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Patrick Farrell, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jay Martin, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Sarah Pfatteicher, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Liberal Education
ideas that are helpful whenthinking about how to redesign the college.IntroductionImpending changes are presenting engineering schools across the country and around the globewith new challenges. Our task force at the UW-Madison COE has been engaged in efforts toassist the college in meeting these challenges. Some of these challenges are specific to the UW-Madison College of Engineering. Many of them, however, are universal. Our hope is that indiscussing the path(s) that we are following, we can broaden the conversation beyond a singlecampus. We do not want to mislead anyone: we do not claim to have the answers, and wecertainly have many unanswered questions, however, we believe that a national dialogue isrequired if engineering education is to
- Conference Session
- Recent Developments in Engineering Ethics
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Marilyn Dyrud, Oregon Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education
Guidelines for Organization Issues Final Report. US Sentencing Commission. October 8, 2003. Retrieved from http://www.ussc.gov/PRESS/rel100803b.htm.9. Federal Sentencing Guidelines. n.d. Retrieved from http://www.ethics.org/ethicsindex/ fsgo.html.10. “Ethics in the Public Sector: Interview with Stephen D. Potts.” Business of Government (September/October 1998): 3, 11.11. Greenlee, Janet S., and David Bukovinskyln Brief. “Voluntary Compliance: Protection or Self- Incriminating Road Map?” The CPA Journal (August 1997). Retrieved from http://www.nysscpa.org/cpajournal/ 1997/0897/aug/F32897.htm.12. Honeywell, Inc. General Management and Business Skills–Honeywell Values. n.d. Retrieved from http
- Conference Session
- Writing and Communication II
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- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Luke Niiler; David Beams, University of Texas-Tyler
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Liberal Education
. Norback, Judith Shaul; Lisa D. McNair; Michael J. Laughter; Garlie A. Forehand; and Beverly Sutley-Fish.“Teaching Workplace Communication in Industrial and Technical Engineering.” Proceedings of the 2004 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2004.4. Norback, Judith Shaul; Joel S. Sokol; Garlie A. Forehand; and Beverly Sutley-Fish. “Using a CommunicationLab to Integrate Workplace Communication into Senior Design.” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society forEngineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2004.5. Norback, Judith Shaul; Garlie A. Forehand; Stephanie A. Jernigan; and Alexander B. Quinn. “TeachingWorkplace Communication in Senior Design.” Proceedings of the 2002 American Society
- Conference Session
- Integrating H&SS in Engineering II
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
M. Pinar Menguc, University of Kentucky; Ellie Hawes, University of Kentucky; Jane Jensen, University of Kentucky; Ingrid St. Omer, University of Kentucky
- Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
observed a significant change in society since the early 1980’s when the first PCwas introduced. The widespread impact of e-commerce, e-mail, and digital music is Page 11.717.4undeniable and still growing. Although a typical freshman has not experienced such adrastic difference in their life, they still experience a slow metamorphosis every daybecause of new and clever uses of computers. Instead of exploring the ever-changingimpact of computers using a few sources, we spread the discussion throughout thesemester, and based it on our personal experiences, as everybody is likely to have a storyto tell. We preferred to use other engineering marvels for the
- Conference Session
- Integrating H&SS in Engineering I
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Donna Riley, Smith College; Lionel Claris, Smith College
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Liberal Education
with the word “knowledge.” This was used as a springboard for discussion aboutthe class, its content, and its pedagogy. The week before reading Foucault, students wereintroduced to liberative pedagogies in class and through course readings1 and a reflective essay.On the first day of class, students were introduced to the syllabus as one representation of what isimportant in thermodynamics, not the definitive word.In a reflective essay and class discussion, students considered the relationship between powerand knowledge. The essay prompt read: “What is/are the relationship(s) between power andknowledge? Is knowledge the same thing as truth, or how does it differ? How does this relate tothe course (both the subject matter and how it is taught or