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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Margarita Otero-Diaz, Humboldt State University; Melissa Salazar, ESCALA Educational Services
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HSI faculty are now employed by ESCALA to provide culturally responsive coaching in their programs. ESCALA proudly operates out of Espa˜nola, New Mexico, a small town in northern New Mexico that has been home to Melissa’s family for more than 400 years. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Impact of MESH teaching strategies on Latinx and URM students’ self-reported engagement in online Environmental Engineering courses in a Hispanic Serving InstitutionIntroductionLatinx undergraduate students enter STEM majors at the same rate as their peers but leave at ahigher rate due to lower academic achievement in early STEM
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Duc Hoai Tran, CSULB; Hen-Geul Yeh
into smaller pieces. They are great tools toensure that students are on the right track, and help instructors identify flaws and makeadjustments to their instruction. On the other hand, summative assessments such as researchpaper, term papers, course projects, midterm and final exams help evaluate the overallunderstanding of topics taught throughout the course. Either it is a formative assessment,summative assessment, or activity, students should receive timely feedback to help students stayon track. Instructors should also consider creating peer feedback opportunities.It is important to align module level learning outcomes with the module assessments whichshould measure stated learning outcome. This alignment can be done by selecting the
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Rebeka Sultana, California State University, Long Beach
engineering and hydrology. Due to her passion in student learning and success, she is also involved in research in engineering education. She has published several peer- reviewed journals and conference proceedings in her research areas as well as in engineering education. In her teaching pursuits, Sultana integrates real world examples and research with the theoretical knowledge to prepare the future engineers. She has been involved with American Society of Engineering Education Pacific South West section for the past three years. In her current position, Relations with Industry, she collaborates with industry partners to bring their insight in engineering education. She is licensed Professional Engineer from the state of
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
- Authors
Zhen Yu, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Menglai Yin, Cal Poly Pomona; Tim Lin
Paper ID #35200Instructing Lab Courses VirtuallyDr. Zhen Yu, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Dr. Jenny Zhen Yu is an Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She has expertise in the areas of Nanotechnology with application in nanomaterial synthesis, electronics devices fabrication and characterization, low cost and robust manufac- turing processes, 3D printing of energy storage device for UAVs and water contamination treatment. Her research has resulted in several patent applications, peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters, and
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Harly Ramsey, University of Southern California
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Paper ID #35183Lessons from Listening to Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: UsingSelf-Determination Theory to Contextualize Course Evaluations and BestPractices for Online TeachingDr. Harly Ramsey, University of Southern California Dr. Harly Ramsey has over 20 years teaching experience. She has taught in USC’s English Department, the Dornsife Writing Program, and currently in the Engineering Writing Program as a Senior Lecturer. She has taught both undergraduates and graduate students; currently her primary teaching assignment is upper-division Advanced Communication for Engineers. Her teaching is grounded in active
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Jenna Wong P.E., San Francisco State University
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orally between students as well as with the instructor.The use of music in lectures was easy to do in overcoming the ambient silence to initiateconversation amongst peers and the instructor. However, the form of communication between thein-person and online offerings differed. While in-person initiated oral communication, the onlinecourses saw increases in chat or written communications. Although it would have been ideal toinitiate more oral communication, limitations beyond the control of the instructor and the studentparticipants restricted this option. Nevertheless, it created an opportunity for students to stillremain engaged and feel free to comment/ask questions throughout the sessions. In otherengineering courses that did not utilize
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- 2021 ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference - "Pushing Past Pandemic Pedagogy: Learning from Disruption"
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Jelena Trajkovic, CSU Long Beach
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theconcepts and each new lab assignment. We also presented strategies for approaching the labassignment and writing the report. Unfortunately, this approach does not scale well with theincreasing class size. Hence, we wanted to find a strategy for student success that scales wellwith the growing number of students, without compromising on instruction and that helps free upthe lab time that may be used to provide one-on-one time with students.1.1 Discovery of the Issues in Fall ’18 and Spring ‘19The motivation for using the flipped class delivery method for the lab instructions is based on theobservation of student performance and outcomes in Fall 2018 and Spring 2019. We analyzedthe lab assignment submission rate and earned lab grades. Figure 1 shows