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2021 First-Year Engineering Experience
Jutshi Agarwal, University of Cincinnati; Cedrick Kwuimy, University of Cincinnati
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team projects based on engineering design. The projects aremajorly evaluated as team assignments, however there were minimal individual components(reflection and peer-critique).Data collectionData for this study was collected both from a self-reported survey and student records. Thelearning styles, social skills and personality data came from a survey administered at the end ofthe semester. The preferred learning style was obtained by the VARK scale [15]. It is a 16 itemsquestionnaire with four categories V-A-R-K. The preferred learning style is the category with thehighest score. The reliability estimates for the scores of the VARK subscales are .85, .82, .84,and .77 for the visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic subscales [16]. The
2021 First-Year Engineering Experience
Jonathan Krones, Boston College; Jenna Tonn, Boston College; Russell C. Powell
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accessibility on theBC campus. Weekly near-peer-led reflection sessions draw on BC’s Jesuit-Catholic traditions ofstudent formation in which small groups of students grapple with the ethical dimensions ofengineering and consider how course content influences their personal and academic paths.One of MMW’s pedagogical challenges was how to create opportunities for students to take onthe interdisciplinary learning outcomes of the course: namely, to think creatively across history,engineering, and ethics and to apply their learning to real world situations. Our solution was aseries of interactive case studies to model the ways in which practicing and thinking aboutengineering connects with pressing social, environmental, regulatory, and political