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2003 GSW
Ifte Choudhury; Ricardo E. Rocha; Richard Burt
brings writing into as many classrooms as possible 2. Brief and varied (cross-disciplinary) writing forms that receive both instructor and peer responses Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of Texas at Arlington Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education 3. Focuses on writing as learning – the principle that cognitive processes involved in writing and knowledge acquisition are very similar 2.Without a requirement to master writing skills, the graduate is initially handicapped inhis/her chosen professional world. This handicap continues until these skills areacquired6. This despite dramatic increases in
2003 GSW
Richard Bannerot; Ross Kastor
result of a group activity, a significant amount of subjectivity isrequired in assigning grades. Usually neither engineering students nor faculty aresatisfied with this situations. Peer reviews8 are often used to aid in the distribution of thegroup grade. Projects can be divided into group and individual components,9 but thisapproach usually requires more work for the instructor. Of course, individuals maysimply be assigned their group grade. The Current PhilosophyThe major changes listed above are due primarily to our contention that one semester isnot enough time to initiate and complete a meaningful project, let alone introducingsignificant new material. (In 1995 approximately half of the project oriented
2003 GSW
Amir Karimi
ME department objectives and outcomes, as summarized in Table 2 • Topics covered in the course • Evaluation methods (homework assignments, quizzes, exams, projects, reports, etc.) • Performance criteria (evaluation methods used to assess student performance for each of the course learning objectives) • Course content (Engineering Science, design, etc.)Each course portfolio is peer reviewed by a set of faculty in the area related to the course toensure adequate coverage of topics. The reviewing faculty group will provide feedback on topiccoverage and on whether the course objectives are being met. The course portfolio audit is ashort-cycle assessment tool that provides diagnostic feedback each semester