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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 44 in total
2008 GSW
Debra S. Johns
Session 14-1 Pre-College Preparation in Math, Science, and Engineering for K-12 Children Debra S. Johns Pre-College Math & Science Academy Engineering Student Services University of New Mexico AbstractThe Pre-College Math and Science Academy at the University of New Mexico providesencouragement to underrepresented students in grades K-12, teaching them to be proficient inmathematics and science, preparing these students to enroll in and complete college with a science
2008 GSW
Carolyn Muska; Benjamin S. Kelley; Leigh Ann Marshall
Session 1-4 SMET-Oriented Career Services at Baylor Benjamin S. Kelley, Leigh Ann Marshall School of Engineering and Computer Science Carolyn Muska Career Services Baylor University AbstractThe Office of Career Services at Baylor University has long organized undergraduate-orientedCareer Fairs within the campus athletics arena to help support the employment aspiration ofstudents. Currently these are called Hire
2008 GSW
Benjamin S. Kelley; Adam P. Ecklund; Aaron Dabney
Session 14-2 Baylor’s New Engineering Admissions Plan- Phase I Benjamin S. Kelley, Adam P. Ecklund School of Engineering and Computer Science Aaron Dabney Office of Admission Services Baylor University AbstractBaylor University is best known for academic programs in medicine, liberal arts, business, law, andreligion. Baylor’s School of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) is a relatively young andsmall component
2008 GSW
Craig Kief; Professor Steve Suddarth; Christos Christodoulou; Marios S. Pattichis; Howard E. Pollard
Marios S. Pattichis Electrical and Computer Engineering University of New Mexico Howard E. Pollard Electrical and Computer Engineering University of New Mexico AbstractField Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provide an excellent mechanism for schools from thehigh school level through graduate level to teach concepts of digital logic in a hands-onenvironment. FPGAs are “chameleon chips” that are also critical components in state-of-the-artsystems from spacecraft to handheld devices to network routers. To master them, students
2008 GSW
Isa Tan; Dr. Amir Karimi
currently based on the saturated liquid properties at the given temperatures only.For example, it is a common practice to approximate specific volume, v(T, p), by saturatedliquid specific volume, vf(T), the specific internal energy, u(T, p), by saturated liquid specificinternal energy, uf(T), the specific entropy, s(T, p), by saturated liquid specific entropy, sf(T),and the specific enthalpy, h(T, p), by hf(T) + vf(T)[p-psat(T)]. Errors resulting from theseapproximations will be analyzed in this paper. This paper will show that these approximationsare not very accurate at all ranges of temperatures and pressures. The paper will establish limitson the range of pressures and temperatures that these approximations could be used withreasonable
2008 GSW
Horacio Vasquez; Javier Kypuros; Roy Villanueva
, experiments, and physicalmeasurements. The following transfer function model is used to design and simulate the PIcontroller, Θ(s) 1  kb N  =  2  (1) E in (s) s  La (N 2 J m + J L )s2 + [La (N 2bm + bL ) + Ra (N 2 J m + J L )]s + Ra (N 2b m +bL ) + k b N 2 The model accounts for armature inductance and resistance, gear ratio, the motor inertia androtational damping. To more accurately model the dynamics of the motor, an alternative modelthat incorporate the stick-slip torque, Tf, and the motor saturation voltage, Vsat, was implementedin MATLAB
2008 GSW
Caleb Hanson; Marwan Al-Haik; Claudia Luhrs; Jonathan Phillips
passage throughan atmospheric pressure argon plasma, operated at 1 kW or less power. Specifically, irregularlyshaped particles of gamma-alumina with an average diameter of 11 mu m were converted to smaller(ca. 4 mu m) spherical particles primarily consisting of delta- and alpha- (corundum) phases. Alsonotable was the finding that modifications of the particles, such as changes in surface area, correlateto applied plasma energy. The plasma torch was operated with an argon flow rate of 5 slpm, powerof between 400 and 1000 W, and average particle residence time in the plasma of 0.1 s. IntroductionThere are many methods for producing nanoparticles including, lame reactors, pyrolysis reactors,evaporation and
2008 GSW
Scott T. Lovald; Tariq Khraishi; Juan Heinrich; Howard Yonas; Christophe Taylor
used to minimizecomputational time and encourage solution convergence. Due to the complicatedgeometry, an unstructured mesh was used in the bifurcation region including the carotidsinus. Figure 6 shows the meshed model geometry for a healthy artery with no stenosisand an artery suffering stenosis of 80% NASCET. Figure 6. Meshed bifurcation models for a carotid with no stenosis and a carotid simulating 80% stenosis according to NASCET.Flow ConditionsThe blood flow is assumed to be incompressible and Newtonian with properties fordynamic viscosity of 0.0035 Pa*s and a mass density of 1060 (kg/m3) 4. The blood flowis pulsatile in nature and is modeled using a transient flow scheme. Although
2008 GSW
James B. Farison; Zhuocheng Yang
terminology“multidisciplinary engineering programs” is defined as the set of engineering programs with oneof the following program titles (and a few slight variations): Engineering (including GeneralEngineering), Engineering Physics, and Engineering Science(s). An important characteristic thatthese programs have in common is that they do not have “program criteria” that supplement the“general criteria” that apply to the accreditation criteria for all other engineering programs. Thisnew role for ASEE means, among other things, that ASEE now has membership on the ABETEngineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) and is responsible for recruiting andrecommending Program Evaluators (PEVs) to ABET for accreditation visits for multidisciplinaryengineering
2008 GSW
Hassan Monghbeli; Khaled Ellithy; F. Koktot; Mahmundul Alam
transmission capacity ▪ Benefits due to released distribution substation capacity ▪ Benefits due to reduced voltage drops (voltage improvement) ▪ Benefits due to released feeder capacity ▪ Benefits due to reduced energy lossesTherefore the total benefits due to installation of capacitor banks can be summarized 4 asgiven in Eq. (1). Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of New Mexico – Albuquerque Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Education  $ = $ G +$T + $ S + $ F + $ ACE + $GBCE (1) Demand Energy Revenue
2008 GSW
Maheshwar R Kashamolla; Zayd Leseman; Amit Savkar; Kevin Murphy
. The window is a 5 mm thick anti-reflective (AR)coated piece of fused-silica 50 mm in diameter with a flatness of 1/10 λ. Light reflects off the die,passes through the beam-splitter a second time, and then enters the objective and imaging lensbefore coming to the CCD camera, which is used to record the data. The objective and imaginglenses act as a compound microscope. The interferometric image created by the optical setupprovides a known distance of 316.4 nm between two consecutive fringes. The interferometric datais used to determine the crack length, ‘s’ of a beam. CCD Camera Vacuum
2008 GSW
Amir Karimi
mass flow rate of 8 kg/s is available to cool hot oil from 90 oC to 30 oC.The oil mass flow rate is 4 kg/s. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one-shell pass and four-tube-passes is proposed for this process. Using uniform cp values of 2.5 kJ/(kg oC) and 4.2 kJ/(kgo C) for oil and water, respectively, and assuming an overall heat transfer coefficient of 250W/(m2.oC) for the heat exchangera) determine the surface area of the heat exchangerb) plot the heat exchanger surface area as a function of water mass flow rate, when the mass flow rates vary between 6 and 30 kg/s.SolutionThis problem can be easily solved, using the LMTD method and the correction chart in Fig. 2.Using the specific heat and mass flow rate data given in the problem
2008 GSW
Richard Bannerot
fall 2006 1. Stating definitions from a posted list of terms from Thermodynamics I 2. Reading the Steam Table 3. Using Enthalpy Departure Calculations 4. Determining by-pass ratios for regenerated Rankine cycles 5. Drawing T-s diagrams for “real” air power cycles 6. Using p-h diagrams to solve “real” vapor compression refrigeration cycles 7. Reading the Psychrometric chart 8. Calculating thermal loads and mass transfers with psychrometric charts 9. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for complete combustion 10. Calculating molar and mass air-fuel ratios for incomplete combustionTopics for Closed Book Quizzes for fall 2007 1. Stating definitions and units conversion factors from a posted list of terms from
2008 GSW
Guanlin Tang; Yu-Lin Shen
Rigid indenter 100 layers of Al/SiC Homogenized Al/SiCFigure 3. Schematic showing the multilayer model and the boundary conditions for indentation modeling. The specimen and indenter both possess axial symmetry about the left boundary. The rigid indenter has a semi-angle of 70.3°The indentation-derived elastic modulus from the simulation is obtained according to the methodproposed by Oliver and Pharr24. The method is based on the expression: 2S=β Er A (7) πwhere S is contact stiffness obtained from the initial unloading slope of an
2008 GSW
Marwan Al-Haik; Zayd Leseman; Claudia Luhrs; Mahmoud Reda Taha
. 5. Al-Haik, M., Trinkle S. S., Garcia, D., Yang, F., Martinez, U., Sumali, H., and Miltenberger, S. "Investigation of the nano-mechanical and tribological properties of tooth/ fillings materials," in 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2007. 6. M. M. Reda Taha, Sheyka, M., Su, M. F., El-Kady, I., Khraishi, T. , Verleyd, J.C. , "An Integrated Numerical Approach for Microdamage Detection Using Nano Photonic Sensors," in SPIE Conference on Advanced Sensor Technologies for Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring II, San Diego, USA, 2006, p. 617907. 4 7. Choudhury, J
2008 GSW
Scott T. Lovald; Tariq Khraishi; Jon Wagner; Bret Baack
the stress and strain measures leading to patient complications isrealized if normal patient functioning is delayed until after two weeks of healing hasoccurred.AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support of Stryker-Leibinger Corp. for a GraduateFellowship.References1. An YH (2000) Mechanical properties of bone. Mechanical Testing of Bone and the Bone-Implant Interface:41-59 CRC Press LLC.2. Bhatt V, Langford RJ (2003) Removal of miniplates in maxillofacial surgery: University Hospital Birmingham experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 61:553-556.3. Bolourian R, Lazow S, Berger J (2002) Transoral 2.0 mm miniplate fixation of mandibular fractures plus 2 weeks’ maxillomandibular fixation: a prospective study. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
2008 GSW
Ronald E. Barr; J.P. Mohsen; Jane M. Fraser; Amir Karimi; Nelson A. Macken; John A. Stratton; John J. Uhran, Jr.; Sandra A. Yost
E S G P P N S N Il/ NM M R T Total Cate- Topic t. E MA E C In W W S M N S
2008 GSW
Titilope Z. Alagun; Dr. Shahryar Darayan
and converts energy fromthe sun to electrical energy. This energy is used to power the chicken farm and also usedto charge a battery for future use. This project would benefit both small and large scalechicken farms by reducing cost of operation, manual labor, and increasing productivity. IntroductionBy the 1900’s, an average chicken farm was an extension of the family kitchen. Most ofthe chicken farms were usually owned and operated by families and had no automation.Very few sold poultry products. Chickens were used for the same purpose as they arenow which includes meat, eggs, and money. Most chicken or poultry farms today areowned and operated by companies and machines perform several tasks on the
2008 GSW
Kenneth W. Van Treuren; Ian A. Gravagne
technical and social content.This need for energy education is the main motivation for the energy awareness efforts at BaylorUniversity. According to the National Energy Policy2, the U. S. must have between 1,300 and1,900 new electricity generation plants in place to meet the projected 45% increase in electricaldemand by the year 2020. There is little chance that this need in new electricity generation plantswill be satisfied. Economic and political policies often reflect the unspoken assumption that theUnited States will be able to continually increase its reliance on natural resources and moreimportantly, energy resources. Goals for “energy independence” have continually slipped sincethe term first appeared in 1980. For instance, with plentiful
2008 GSW
Sergio Chacon; Mequanint Moges
University of New Mexico – Albuquerque Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Education Figure 5. Captured Voice Packets Figure 6. Snapshot of Wireshark that shows the estimation of delay and jitter in VoIP References1. Ramaley, J.A. and Haggett, R.R., 2005, - Engaged and Engaging Science: A Component of a Good Liberal Education, Peer Review, winter 2005.2. Gurkan, D., Attarzadeh, F., Benhaddou, D., Gallardo, V., and Chacon, S., 2006, “Learning-Centered Instruction for Engineering Technology,” Proceedings of the ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March, 17, 2006.3. Moges, A
2008 GSW
Alireza Kavianpour; William Nguyen; Paul Wagner
0.8 0.9 1 Normalized Frequency (×π rad/sample) 0 ) s -500 e er g e d( e -1000 s a h P -1500 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Normalized Frequency (×π rad/sample) Figure 2. Results of audio filtering Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of New Mexico – Albuquerque Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Education Software DescriptionsMotorola assembly language was utilized to initialize and open I/O port
2008 GSW
Mark Atwater; Zayd Leseman; Jonathon Phillips; Marwan Al-Haik
, and N2 turned on to600sccm again for 20min. N2 then reduced to 300sccm and used to dilute the C2H4 and O2mixture. Flow rates for C2H4 and O2 varied per experiment, but flows of 15 – 30sccm weretypical. Also, the ratio of the combustion gases was varied from 1:1 – 3:1 (C2H4: O2). Allcombinations were fuel rich since ethylene requires 3 oxygen molecules for ideal combustion. C2H4 + 3 O2 Æ 2 CO2 + 2 H2O (1)MicroscopyScanning electron microscopy was used to examine carbon growth characteristics. A Hitachi S-5200 Nano SEM was used to capture high resolution images of films deposited. The sampleswere held using carbon tape during characterization on
2008 GSW
Walter W. Buchanan
Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2008.4. Kief, C., Suddarth, S., Christodoulou, C., Pattichis, M., and Pollard, H., “Educational Activities for the FPGA Mission Assurance Center,” Proceedings 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Conference, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of New Mexico - Albuquerque Copyright @ 2008, American Society for Engineering Education
2008 GSW
Jerry K. Keska; Chengyi Ma
that flow patterns and viscosity cause significantvariations in responses to different system. References1. Keska, J.K. , Simon, W.E., —Flow Pattern Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow in Microchannels, “ Space Technology and Applications International Forum, CP699 (2004)2. Wongwises, S., Wongchang,T., Kaewon, J. and Wang, C., —A Visual Study of Two-Phase Flow Patterns of HFC- 134a and Lubricant Oil Mixtures, “J. Heat Transfer Engineering, 23, 13-22 (2002)3. Ibrahim S., Green, R. G., —Velocity Measurement Using Optical Sensors, “ICSE2002 Proc.2002 (2002)4. Keska, J.K., —Progress in Analysis of Two-Phase Flow, “Proceedings of The Space Technology & Applications International
2008 GSW
Carol Costello; August Allo
Session 5-2 Simulating the Engineering Workplace: An Innovative Teaching Methodology in a Senior Electrical Engineering Class Carol Costello, August Allo Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Texas at San Antonio AbstractConcerns regarding the ability of the U. S. to produce competitive scientists andengineers have stimulated a major reconsideration of curricula in many universities. Thispaper documents the results of an innovative engineering professionalism programintegrated into the first semester of a two-semester
2008 GSW
Farrokh Attarzadeh; Enrique Barbieri; Miguel Ramos
follow up report three years laterconfirmed that some of the report’s recommendations had begun to infiltrate theundergraduate curricula [1]. This pedagogical movement to incorporate research into theundergraduate curriculum has been the primary impetus for the focus of University ofHouston’s Quality Enhancement Plan.The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a critical component of the reaffirmation ofaccreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The purpose of theQEP is articulated in the SACS handbook. “The QEP describes a carefully designed and focused course of action that addresses a well-defined topic or issue(s) related to enhancing student learning. The QEP should complement the institution’s ongoing
2008 GSW
Michael Sheyka; M.M. Reda Taha; T. Khraishi; I. El-Kady; Mehmet F. Su
(2005)MISRA, A., KUNG, H.: Deformation behavior of nanostructured metallic multilayers. Advanced Engineering Materials 3, 217 (2001)YO-HAN, Y., WOONG, L., HYUNHO, S.: Spherical nano-indentation of a hard thin film/soft substrate layered system: Critical indentation depth. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 12, 59-67 (2004)Mehmet F. Su received his M.S. degree in computer engineering from University of New Mexico in 2006.He is continuing his studies as a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department atUNM. Mr. Su is the author/co-author of more than 14 publications in the fields of photonic and phononiccrystal research.Dr. Khraishi currently serves as an Associate Professor of Mechanical
2008 GSW
Hamid Majlesein; Sujeet Bhatte; Zhengmao Ye
, "Data Funneling: Routing with Aggregation and Compression for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA) 20032. J. Rabaey et al., “Pico Radio supports ad hoc ultra-low power wireless networking”, IEEE Computer, July 20003. Goldsmith and S. Wicker, “Design challenges for energy-constrained ad hoc wireless networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Aug 2002 Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference The University of New Mexico – Albuquerque Copyright © 2008, American Society for Engineering Education4. R. C. Shah and J. Rabaey, “Energy aware routing for low energy ad hoc sensor
2008 GSW
William Jordan
failure. If the structure does fail, how hurtfulwill that failure be? In many situations the actual calculations of the probability offailure and severity of failure may be rather difficult.It is possible to plot the severity of failure versus the probability of failure. Everyengineering design, can, in theory, be put on this figure. An example of this isshown below in Figure 1. The letters a, b, c, and d refer to specific locations inQuadrants 1-4. S Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 e a v e b r i t y Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4 c
2008 GSW
Zhengmao Ye; Habib P. Mohamadian
References1. Z. Ye, H. Majlesein, P. Bhattacharya and H. Mohamadian, "Exploring Multi-Objective Optimization to Enhance Sensor Integration Technology for Course Instruction and Laboratory Development", Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference, March 15-17, 2006, Baton Rouge, USA2. Jurado, Francisco; Castro, Manuel; “Experiences with fuzzy logic and neural networks in a control course”, IEEE Transactions on Education, v 45, n 2, May, 2002, p 161-1673. Yurkovich, S., Passino, K.M., “A laboratory course on fuzzy control”, IEEE Transactions on Education, v 42, n 1, Feb. 1999, p 15-214. M. Teixeira, E. Assunção, and M. Covacic, "Proportional Controllers: Direct Method for Stability Analysis and MATLAB Implementation", IEEE