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2009 GSW
Mariah S. Hahn
Session FA2-2 An Engineering Approach to Teaching Biotechnology Concepts Mariah S. Hahn Chemical Engineering Department Texas A&M University AbstractBiotechnology concepts will be a key skill set for future chemical engineers. However, whenbiological concepts are conveyed to chemical engineering students in a traditional manner, thestudents often end up lacking the ability to translate these ideas to engineering applications. Thisdiscrepancy arises in part from the different way in which engineering
2009 GSW
Charles Baylis; Randall Jean
spectrum analyzer for frequency-domain measurements, which is a new topic tomost of the students entering the course. The second laboratory experience in vector networkanalyzer (VNA) measurements coincides with the lecture topic on network analysis, duringwhich students learn how to calculate S-parameters of electrical two-port networks that containresistors and transmission lines. At this point in the semester, students have obtained a basicgrasp of microwave basic theory and also have learned techniques of measurement equipment.The course then turns to topics of passive circuit design. Matching networks are discussed,including two-element lumped “L-section” networks and distributed, single-stub matching networks.Agilent Technologies’ Advanced
2009 GSW
Tzu-Liang (Bill) Tseng; Richard Chou; Yongjin Kwon
spectrum analyzer for frequency-domain measurements, which is a new topic tomost of the students entering the course. The second laboratory experience in vector networkanalyzer (VNA) measurements coincides with the lecture topic on network analysis, duringwhich students learn how to calculate S-parameters of electrical two-port networks that containresistors and transmission lines. At this point in the semester, students have obtained a basicgrasp of microwave basic theory and also have learned techniques of measurement equipment.The course then turns to topics of passive circuit design. Matching networks are discussed,including two-element lumped “L-section” networks and distributed, single-stub matching networks.Agilent Technologies’ Advanced
2009 GSW
Kenneth W. Van Treuren
point to the fact that the world is headed for certain doom because of the perceivedshortage. “Airbus Seeks 500 Engineers: Company having trouble finding applicants inEurope,”1 “U. S. Aerospace Industry Facing Labor Shortage,”2 and “Brain Drain Could GroundAerospace Production: Industry Task Force Offers Dire Warning if Workforce ChallengesAren’t Met”3 are but a few of the headlines that reflect this need. However, other headlines justa few years earlier indicated otherwise or that the cause of the lack of engineers was unclear. In2005, Bill Schweber wrote that there is “No Shortage of ‘Engineering Shortage’ Talk”4. At thispoint in time, the media was saying there were too few students in math and science and that theperception of engineering
2009 GSW
Amir Karimi
solving heat transfer problems. For example calculators replaced slide rulesin the early 1970’s as the basic computational tool for solving engineering problems. A fewyears later programmable calculators became available and modules containing basic solutions toheat transfer problems were developed for these calculators. In addition, authors began toinclude sections in their textbooks, introducing students to numerical techniques for solving heattransfer problems.Prior to the introduction of personal computers (PCs) in the early 1980’s, complex computercodes were needed for numerical solution of heat transfer problems. Access to mainframecomputers and proficiency in such programming languages as FORTRAN and PASCAL werenecessary for solving
2009 GSW
James (“Jim”) R. Morgan; Luciana R. Barroso
Session FA1-1 Helping Teachers Use Professional Learning Communities to Infuse Project Based Learning into the K-12 Curriculum James (“Jim”) R. Morgan, Luciana R. Barroso, Zachry Department of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3136 Kristin S. Huggins Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4226 AbstractThe experiences from National Science Foundation funded
2009 GSW
Robert Fithen
Session FA2-2 An Engineering Approach to Teaching Biotechnology Concepts Mariah S. Hahn Chemical Engineering Department Texas A&M University AbstractBiotechnology concepts will be a key skill set for future chemical engineers. However, whenbiological concepts are conveyed to chemical engineering students in a traditional manner, thestudents often end up lacking the ability to translate these ideas to engineering applications. Thisdiscrepancy arises in part from the different way in which engineering
2009 GSW
Kendrick Aung; Ryan Underdown P.E.
toEngineering,” Proceedings of 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2005.Rousche, P., et al.. “A Bioengineering Summer Day Camp for High-School Science Students and Teachers,”Proceedings of 2006 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2006. Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Baylor University Copyright © 2009, American Society for Engineering EducationKuyath, S., Murphy, D. I., and Sharere, D., "Summer Camps in Engineering Technology," Proceedings of 2005ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2005.Clark, J. V., “Minorities in Science and Mathematics: A
2009 GSW
Steve Weis; Michael Yakubovsky; Becky Bittle René Coté; Janet Kelly URL: URL: URL: URL: Moor, S. Scott, “Engineering Design in Five Weeks – Designing a Wind Chime,” Proceedings of the 2005American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.13. URL: URL: URL: http://www.sigview.comSTEVE WEISDr. Weis currently serves as a Professor of Engineering at the Texas Christian University. His research
2009 GSW
Jerry K. Keska
Vertical Co lu mn AC Bridge Amplifier Low-pass Filter Capacitive Sensor DC Bridge Amplifier Resistive S ensor Optical S ensor DC Bridge Amplifier Interface to ELVIS Control of M i xt u r e D ata C alibration Flow Analysis CAD AS Input