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Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Birdsong, California Polytechnic State University
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Simulink model and Figure 5 shows a typical comparison of modeland experimental results. Page 12.478.6 Kp psi lbs in/s^2 1 1 in in^3/s 1 in/s 1 Kamp Kq 4*Beta/Vt A 1/M in V 1
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hong Zhang, Rowan University; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Courtney Richmond, Rowan University; Patricia Mosto, Rowan University
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ECE Core Course Digital I Computer Networks Microprocessor Design I Networking M Machine Design Engineering Drawing A Hands-on Skills Machining Skill Circuit Design P Java & Visual BASIC S Limnology BIO Core Course Environmental
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Svetlana Avramov-Zamurovic, U.S. Department of Defense; Kevin Liu, USNA; Bryan Waltrip, NIST; Andrew Koffman, NIST
Tagged Divisions
this independence is that work progressed slowly and many codingideas were explored, found to be inadequate, and discarded. The end result of this project wasthat a well-planned and detailed LabView driver was successfully created, but integration intothe rest of the system was not achieved because of lack of time. References:[1] S. Avramov-Zamurovic, B. Waltrip, K. Stricklett, and A. Koffman, "A Balancing Algorithm for system with correlated injections" IEEE IMTC Proc., Vail, Colorado, 2003.[2] B. Waltrip, A. Koffman, S. Avramov-Zamurovic: "The Design and Self-Calibration of Inductive Voltage Dividers for an Automated Impedance Scaling Bridge", IEEE IMTC Proc. Anchorage, Alaska, 2002.[3] B. C. Waltrip S
Conference Session
Contemporary Instrumentation Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akram Hossain
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limits. At that point, the triallimits are adopted for future control.V. ESTIMATING PROCESS CAPABILITYThe X and R charts provide information about the performance or capability of the process inreal time frame. These charts work like a window into the process and provide a quantitativemeasure of the product quality. One must at least go through the following steps to determine theprocess capability.1) After all the assignable causes have been eliminated from the process as far as it is practical,check to see that the process is stable and under tight control, collect at least 25 to 50 samples, 3to 6 reading per sample.2) Record the data set in a time ordered sequence. After calculating X ’s, R’s, X ’s, and R ’s.estimate the values of Upper
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Seyed Allameh, Northern Kentucky University; Tom Ogonek Ogonek, Northern Kentucky University; Paul Cooper, Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
toughness b. Compared to monolithic structure layered composites exhibited either a larger tensile strength, a larger fracture toughness or both. c. Reinforced composites exhibited a very high tensile strength associated with a large level of fracture toughness.References1. Evans, A. G. et al., Model for the robust mechanical behavior of nacre, J. Mater. Res. 16, 2475-2484 (2001).2. Katti, D. R., Pradhan, S. M. & Katti, K. S., Modeling the Organic-Inorganic Interfacial nanoasperities in a Model Bio-Nanocomposite, Re. Adv. Mater. Sci 6, 162-168 (2004).3. Yao, N., Epstein, A. & Akey, A., Crystal Growth via Spiral Motion in Abalone Shell Nacre, JMR 21
Conference Session
Contemporary Instrumentation Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Shepard, University of Central Florida
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held in the 1960’s). The promises of nanotechnology are well known andthe potential impact of quantum computers and quantum communication is becoming moreapparent in the public domain. Apart from exposing undergraduates to an important emergingtechnology however – why should quantum communication experiments be integrated intoengineering technology laboratory components at this time?One reason is that it is now time for quantum encryption to be brought into actual/practicalimplementation. This goal is precisely the path a committee at the Los Alamos NationalLaboratory (LANL) has recommended for the primary focus of future funding in the area3. Asthe LANL 'Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmap' puts it: "... will build on
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Don Millard, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Frederick Berry, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mohamed Chouikha, Howard University
Tagged Divisions
Boardclassroom (exhibited in the top panes of (100KS/s version) and Hardware/Software Environmentfigure 1). This Mobile StudioInstrumentation Board (I/O Board) technology replicates the functionality of an oscilloscope,function generator, multimeter, power supplies and additionally allows users to control externaldevices with 16 reconfigurable digital I/O ports. With the advent of a Mobile Studio lab, manyinstrumentation-based course offerings could be held in normal classrooms rather than in speciallyoutfitted studio facilities. In addition, students will be able to perform hands-on experimentsoutside of the classroom anywhere/anytime, thus facilitating new opportunities for them toexplore/tinker and gain insight through practical experience
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford; Greg Cloutier, University of Hartford; Matthew Brown, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
4 16 4177 5 32 4366 6 63 4733.5The goal of any statistical evaluation is to try to get your data to fit a known model. Knowingthat the microcontroller code would need to be developed to handle the statistics of this project, alinear fit would be ideal. As show below, sensor output vs. surface roughness is not linear. Fitted Line Plot Trial 1 = 3435 + 23.16 Roughness 5000 S 306.584
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafic Bachnak, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; Mike Englert, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; cody ross, TAMUCC
Tagged Divisions
/sensorinformation.pdfRafic BachnakRafic (Ray) Bachnak is Professor and Coordinator of Engineering Technology at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (A&M-CC). He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and ComputerEngineering from Ohio University in 1983, 1984, and 1989, respectively. Dr. Bachnak was previously onthe faculty of Franklin University and Northwestern State University.Michael S. EnglertMichael Englert received his B.S. degree in Control Systems Engineering Technology from Texas A&MUniversity—Corpus Christi in May 2005. His interest includes working with and programmingmicrocontrollers and researching any related information to control systems.Cody RossCody Ross graduated with a BS in Control Systems Engineering Technology
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Chad Lloyd, Middle Tennessee State University; Saleh Sbenaty, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Control ScreenThe manual control system is mainly designed for debugging purposes. The benefit of thissystem comes with event processing. In figure 5, the event list is shown. This allows the systemto respond to events triggered by inputs connected to the GPIM(s).The list contains a name and description of each event to aid the user as the event list willprobably have many events for an average size home. Adding and editing an event is verysimple using the built-in event editor. The system also has safeguards to prevent edit entrymistakes.The security tab, shown in figure 6, displays configuration parameters for the security system.Modeled after standard security systems, the security interface features multiple user codes withlogging
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio Campana, University of Hartford; Brian Derynioski, University of Hartford; Saeid Moslehpour, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
M1 3 IRF830 G 4 21 5 S 20 6
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean Brennan, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
. 70-73, 2004.3. B. Wayne Bequette, "A laptop-based studio course for process control," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 25,1, pp. 45-49, 2005.4. Dennis S. Bernstein, "The Quanser DC Motor Control Trainer," IEEE Control Systems Magazine,3, pp. 90-93, 2005.5. Peter J. Gawthrop and Euan McGookin, "A LEGO-Based Control Experiment," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 24,5, pp. 43-56, 2004.6. B.S. Heck, N.S. Clements, and A.A. Ferri, "A LEGO Experiment for Embedded Control System Design," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 24,5, pp. 61-64, 2004.7. K.H. Lundberg, K.A. Lilienkamp, and G. Marsden, "Low-Cost Magnetic Levitation Project Kits," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 24,5, pp. 65-69, 2004.8
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gangbing Song, University of Houston; Claudio Olmi, University of Houston; Richard Bannerot, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
methods. N Reversible S No Field Magnetic Field Figure 1: Magnetic Field Aligns Particles in MR FluidShape Memory AlloyShape Memory Alloy (SMA) materials are metallic alloys that have the special property of beingable to return to a pre-determined, or “trained,” shape from a deformed state when the material isheated above its transformation temperature. A number of alloy types are known to exhibit theShape Memory Effect (SME), or the ability to revert to a trained shape when heated
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Akram Hossain, Purdue University-Calumet; Masoud Fathizadeh, Purdue University-Calumet
Tagged Divisions
the variation or problem. In measurement phase the variables that are measured could bein the form various analog and digital signals. For example analog variables are speed (rpm, rps,and m/s), torque (N-m, ft-lb), input power (W, kW), output load (W, kW, and HP), temperature(°C, °F), controlled variable (frequency, f) of the induction motor etc. The digital signals areON/OFF, events, YES/NO, motor start (START SW), motor stop (STOP SW) signals etc. Theseanalog and digital variables are converted in to standard currents and voltage signals. Generally,these standard analog signals are 4 – 20 mA DC current, 1 – 5 VDC or 0 to 10 VDC voltage anddigital signals are 0 and 5 VDC, 0 and 10 VDC and or 0 and 115 VAC and so on. Commerciallyavailable
Conference Session
Instrumentation and Measurements: Innovative Course Development
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Beams, University of Texas-Tyler
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/Projects/NSF DUE9952292/ProjectGUISE/Project_GUISE.htmThe various hardware building blocks of the Project GUISE instrument are:1. A variable-gain (×1, ×5, ×10, and ×50) instrumentation amplifier. The instrumentation amplifier has maximal input-bias currents of 2nA and input-offset voltages of 150µV. Independent adjustments for maximizing common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) are incorporated for voltage gains of ×1, ×5, and ×10; measured CMRR exceeds 90dB at 100Hz.2. An electronic cold-junction compensator (LT1025) for thermocouples. Types R, S, J, K, T, and E thermocouples are supported. The compensated thermocouple voltage is amplified by a dc-coupled amplifier with gain of ×50.3. Two independent variable-gain ac/dc-coupled single-ended
Conference Session
Developing New Instrumentation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Braley, University of Idaho; Paul Anderson, University of Idaho; Tracey Windley, University of Idaho; Kevin Buck, University of Idaho; Herbert Hess, University of Idaho
Tagged Divisions
temperaturein the chamber accordingto how the user has setthe system. In addition, Temperature settingthe program is able tochoose whichthermocouple (orthermocouple average) Page 12.164.5controls the temperature Figure 4 Control Setup Tabof the chamber. Thecontrol setup tab has seven settings for the chamber control system: 1. The GPIB assignments for the four-thermocouple meters 2. The GPIB assignment for the reference temperature meter 3. The GPIB assignment for the power supply 4. The controlling thermocouple(s) choice 5. Valve on/off switch 6
Conference Session
Modern Software Measurement Techniques
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Hill, University of Hartford; Devdas Shetty, University of Hartford; Jun Kondo, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
development times for the sensor prototypeare substantially reduced. Microcontrollers embedded in the sensor makes the sensor morecost effective, modular and easy to use in a wide variety. The paper also demonstrated how asensor instrumentation can be implemented using two different approaches (a) mechatronichardware-in-the lop (b) FPGA techniques. The test results show high level of agreement Page 12.1282.12Bibliography 1. Shetty, D. & Kolk, R. (1998), Mechatronics System Design, International Thompson 2. Bhatt, S. (2001), Design and Development of Smart Sensors, Master Thesis, University of Hartford 3. Bogli, C. (2000), Study of a New