changed work, 4)The way changeorder is compensated, and 5) Extension.As for the interaction variables, the most significant interaction of variables that contribute to theincrease in the contract price due to the change order: 1) Time and (reason of the change (A),approved change order, restricted access, the way the change order is expended, and how thechange order is compensated), 2) Reason (B) and (change order is expended as credit, changeorder is compensated as time and material basis, extension is granted). 3) Reason (D) and (party,way the change order is expended, when the change order is compensated as lump sum).The number of data points used to create this model is 137 data points. The standard deviation(S) achieved is 0.0253270% , R-Sq
deliverables and presentationbased on criteria listed in Table 5. Table 5. Project Evaluation Form Project Presentation Evaluation Form Faculty Student ME Class: ______________________________ Class Presenter(s): ______________________________ Team Member(s): ______________________________ Project: ______________________________ Presented Date: ______________________________ Rating: Poor (1); Fair
web testing and development, as was shown in Figure 1, or anexternal client can be used to probe both the Windows and Linux web servers, as was also shownin the figure.In addition to functionality, the speed of the portable hard drive was also tested. USB 2.0 isn't asfast as an internal hard drive connection such as ATA, and this interface is the most obviousbottleneck in an externally booted system. USB 2.0 is rated at 60 MB/s, while the Serial ATAdrives common in new desktop computers can reach at least 150 MB/s, depending on whichversion of SATA is being used. While it seems that this speed difference should severely affectsystem performance, the only time that testers noted a difference was during boot time, probablydue to caching. To
. For the non-functionalized alumina, the procedure involves the ultrasonic agitation of composition(s) (%wtof resin weight) of alumina in EPON™ resin. A 500W sonicator with a 20Khz frequency is usedto disperse alumina in the low viscosity resin. Sonication is carried out at 40% maximumamplitude with a unit mass rate of 3-5 mins. / gm of alumina. High amplitude and elongatedsonication can cause localized elevation of temperature in resin. This rate is also higher thanalumina dispersion in water and methanol mixture due to the higher viscosity of the resin system.It is also important to note that mechanical stirring is also carried out during sonicationprocedure to circulate the mixture and to avoid intercalated dispersion. For
., “Retention 101: Where Robots Go … Students Follow,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 92, No. 1, January 2003, pp.85-90.2., accessed 16 January 2007.3. McCarthy, B., The 4MAT System: Teaching to Learning Styles With Right/Left Mode Techniques: EXCEL, Inc., 1987.4. Kolb, D. A., Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall, 1984.5. Harb, J. N., Durant, S. O., and Terry, R. E., “Use of the Kolb learning cycle and the 4MAT system in engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 82, No. 2, April 1993, pp. 70-77.6. Hotaling, L., Sheryll, R., and Stolking, R., “Discovery based learning in the engineering
and suitable vehicles for developing countries.The goal is to assemble these vehicles in small factories in developing countries. IAT hasdonated several vehicles to Honduras and in Africa.2005-2006 BUV challenge given by IAT was to design a 3-wheel vehicle based on the rear-end(i.e. the bed, axle, suspension, wheels, frame, etc) of a small pick-up truck (Chevy S-10, FordRanger, etc) cut near the cab/bed interface. It was also required to design a rear ambulance unitto be attached to the rolling chassis. In addition to cost, design emphasis was on drive train, easeof assembly, durability, serviceability, and the ambulance unit itself. Design for small-scaleassembly operations in the developing worlds that can each produce one vehicle per day
duration) and fuel mixture (air-to-fuel ratio).The TTU vehicle uses a MotoTron ECU555-80 electronic control unit. The ECUcommunicates with the VCS using the CAN bus.Communications between most subsystems in the vehicle is over a CAN (controller areanetwork) bus. This communication is at two separate frequencies, 250Kb/s for the fuelcell, and 500Kb/s for the rest of the vehicle. A National Instruments PXI system is usedto monitor and adjust the various components of the communications system. A blockdiagram of the overall system is shown in Figure 2. Page 12.1079.5 4
unique in their integration intothe Center’s diversity strategic plan, which specifies the goals, commitments, and results for eachpartner campus in the areas of student recruitment and undergraduate program development.Through the CPES Education Program, REU and LSAMP REU participants have theopportunity to apply for short-term travel scholarships, which enable their continuedparticipation in Center-related research during the academic year. This has proved an effectivemechanism for continued engagement of undergraduates in Center programs, and occasionally,for integration of summer research into the student’s undergraduate capstone design project(s).The Center’s consortium format also allows participants from partner universities to establish
and forensic studiesproved to be the most universal activities, developing a wide range of professional skills.After the initial analysis, for the purpose of feasibility of the assessment process, this largenumber of skills was reduced to a manageable number and grouped into ten learning outcomes.The ten outcomes became the subject of the formally accepted assessment process forEngineering Technology programs at CCSU.IntroductionQuality Function Deployment (QFD) technique parallels engineering procedures used forestablishing and examining product and process specifications and performances 1, 2 . Developedin 1970’s in Japan and used in Kobe Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, QFDmethodology stemmed from quality improvement tables and was
classroom environment, which allows for learning of concepts not easilygrasped in a traditional lecture setting.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Arizona Space Grant for the fundingof student work on the project.Bibliography1. Gere, J. and Timoshenko, S. Mechanics of Materials, Second Edition. Boston, MA: PWS Publishers, 1984.2. Gere, J. Mechanics of Materials, Sixth Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson, 2004.3. Mosterman, P.J., Dorlandt, M., Campbell, J.O., Burow, C., Bouw, R., Brodersen, A.J., and Bourne, J.R. “VirtualEngineering Laboratories: Design and Experiments,” Journal of Engineering Education, July 1994, pp. 279-285.4. Feisel, L.D. and Rosa, A.J. “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering
ensure that we as third level educators are not missing the broader picture of the type ofworld our graduates will we partaking in, it still must be a consideration. Pink in ‘A WholeNew Mind’ 1 comments on how the information age has been dominant in creating a strongeconomic and technological global society. However this is no longer going to remain thedominant age as according to Pink, this type of society can be easily maintained. In a recentnewspaper article the author commented on how 25% of Irelands I.T. jobs are being filled byimmigrants. This is a stark contrast to the 1990’s when I.T. jobs were extremely sought afterand college graduates competed to fill these jobs, certainly excluding immigrants from theequation. The required knowledge
provided to engineering education.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the Tufts University and the many centers and departments fortheir past and continuing support in helping establish these projects. This includes: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service Tufts Institute for Global Leadership School of Engineering School of Arts and Sciences Frederic BergerBibliography1. Engineering Accreditation Commission, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs Effective for Evaluations During the 2005-2006 Accreditation Cycle, November 2004.2. Matson, D., Freeman, S., Sharpe, G., Swan, C., "International Citizenship and Global
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engineering relate to domestic life inthe 18th and early 19th centuries (Kohlstedt35, 1999). In fact, the study of botany was framedfor and by women in the late 18th century, who used their knowledge in gardening, herbalmedicine and food preparation. Women living in rural areas, through organizations such asthe Women’s Institute in Ontario, shared knowledge about science relating to the home –such as farm work, health, food and hygiene issues. This would give birth to schools such asthe MacDonald Institute at the University of Guelph (McPhedran40, 2003).Engineering was a men’s club until the late 1800’s, at which time very few women took upthe discipline. In 1893, only three women had ever received an engineering degree in theUnited States (Lebold
courses described herein serves tointegrate the student’s theoretical studies with practical experiences in an environment that isboth supportive and professional as well as well designed to prepare students for the next phaseof their career.Bibliography1. King, Paul H., and Fries, Richard C., Design of Biomedical Devices and Systems, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 20032. Enderle, J., Gassert, J., Blanchard, S., King, P., Beasley, D., Hale, P. Jr., Aldridge, D., “The ABCs of preparing for ABET,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, v22.4, 122-132 (2003)3. Enderle, J.D., Ropella, K.M., Kelso, D.M., and Hallowell, B., “Ensuring that biomedical engineers are ready for the real world,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
through free space. Propagation coefficient, reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and their use in analysis of RF systems and devices. Introduction to Antennas, as the interface device between transmitters, receivers and free space. Table II RF Experiments Signal analysis using spectrum analyzer Network analysis using of network analyzers S parameter characterization of RF networks Characterization of various RF components, including filters, mixers and couplesThe
AC 2007-263: INDIVIDUAL PROJECT-BASED APPROACH TO DEVELOPRESEARCH APTITUDE IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING STUDENTSJitendra Tate, Texas State University-San Marcos Dr. Jitendra S. Tate is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology at Texas State University-San Marcos. He teaches courses in Materials Engineering, Plastics and Composites Manufacturing, Engineering Design Graphics, and Computer Aided Engineering. His research interests include low cost manufacturing of composites, mechanical characterization of composites under static and dynamic loading, fatigue life prediction modeling, finite element analysis, CADD, and statistical analysis. He is a member of several
&D expenses and time, a reduction in toolingand associated costs, a reduction in the number of possible mistakes on the shop floor, as well asan overall reduction in the component cost due to volume purchasing.The compressor component was then quickly identified as a possible candidate for part countreduction. It was chosen due to its overall complexity, time necessary for assembly and service,expensive materials, and overall number of parts. A modular compressor concept was introducedand a preliminary design [on a conceptual level] was conducted to show the possible benefits ofsuch a concept.Background and Literature Survey for the Modular Compressor projectThe original gas turbine modular concept2 was first developed in the early 1960’s
course? (3) What are the characteristics of effective distant students and teachers? (4) How important is teacher-student and student-student interaction in the distance education process, and in what form(s) can this interaction most effectively take place? (5) How do we develop a GIS distance learning environment, e.g., web-GIS, to enhance the effectiveness? (6) How do we develop an empirical distance education module for different target groups and different purposes?The most frequent complaints from the students are web-based laboratory when the studentsused a modem-based home computer due to the too slow Internet transportation speed for largeimages. After 2004, we
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particular relevance to the National Collaborative Task Force onEngineering Graduate Education Reform is the relationship between innovativeness andcollaborative knowledge sharing, which has been shown to be augmented by the use of cohortgroups.The Task Force mission to reshape engineering education to improve the competitiveness of U.S.industry through technological innovation, will be positively impacted by the use of cohort-basededucational models. At Purdue and RIT, the impact of cohort-based education has beenuniversally positive, with significant benefits to all stakeholders: students, alumni, sponsors,faculty, and administration.Bibliography1. Imel, S., “Adult Learning in Cohort Groups,” Educational Resources Information Center, Practice
School. Eds: Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., Cocking, R.R..National Academy Press (Washington; 1999).3. Greenberg, J. E., Smith, N. T., and Newman, J. H. (2003) Instructional module in Fourier spectral analysis, basedon principles of ‘how people learn’. Journal of Engineering Education, 92, 155-1654. Pandy, M. G., Petrosino, A.J., Austin, B. A., and Barr, R. E. (2004) Assessing adaptive expertise in undergraduatebiomechanics. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 1-125. Gunter H.E., Bonventre, J.V., D’Avila M.A., Sadeghpour S., Vijaykumar R. (2003), “Education Innovation inPhysiology” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Nashville, TN,June 22-25, 2003.6. Henrickson S.E., Gunter H.E., D’Avila M.A
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: ‚ Design of Thermal Systems by W. F. Stoecker1 ‚ Analysis and Design of Energy Systems by B. K. Hodge and R. P. Taylor2 ‚ Design of Fluid Thermal Systems by W. S. Janna3 ‚ Elements of Thermal-Fluid System Design by L. C. Burmeister4 ‚ Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems by Y. Jaluria5 ‚ Design Analysis of Thermal Systems by R. F. Boehm6 ‚ Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems by N. V. Suryanarayana, O. Arici and N. Suryanarayana7 ‚ Thermal Design and Optimization by A. Bejan, G. Tsatsaronis, and M. Moran8 The main criteria for choosing the textbook are topical contents, problem sets, workedexamples, and design projects. Comparing these textbooks is difficult as many core topics aresimilar but each
Chair Signature Date Chair/Faculty Member Date Page 12.38.9 APPENDIX B PEER REVIEW COMMITTEES Suggested Guidelines for ReviewThe purpose of peer review within the College of Applied Science and Technology is toprovide to the entities charged with evaluating a candidate for promotion or tenure anindependent judgment of, at a minimum, the aspects dealing with a candidate=s teachinginvolving instructional design skills and content expertise. It is required by the candidateto provide the committee the
- Page 12.1268.11 Friendly Intervention for improving Upper-Extremity Function. Archives of Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2005, Vol. 86 (4): 837-844.5. Ann-Christin Eliasson, Lena Sundholm, Karin Shaw, and Chen Wang. Effects of Constraint Induced movement therapy in young children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: an adapted model. Med and Child Neurology. 2005, 47 (4): 266-275.6. S. C. DeLuca, K. Echols, and S. L. Ramey, and E. Taub. Pediatric Constraint-Induced movement therapy for a young child with cerebral palsy: two episodes of care. Physical Therapy. 2003, 83(11):1003-1013.7. Amy Bodkin, Ronda Baxter, and Carolyn Heriza. Treadmill Training for an Infant Born Preterm With a Grade III Intraventricular
first,” should always apply. Fig. 4 Team Leader John Winker with the 2005 MTSU Mini Baja.Elements of an Effective Safety and Health Program. OSHA Voluntary Safety and Health Program ManagementGuidelines, 1989. Foroudastan, S. & Anderton M., “Implementing a National Competition Design Project as a Capstone Course atMTSU" 2006 Proceeding of ASEE-SE conference.Foroudastan, S. & Anderton M., “Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity at Middle Tennessee StateUniversity” ASEE Conference, 2006.NIOSH Safety Checklist Program for Schools. Chapter 2: How to Establish an Effective Occupational Safety andHealth and Environmental Safety Program. October 2003. <>
-087.html4. Z. Dodds, L. Greenwald, A. Howard, S. Tejada, J. Weinberg, "Components, Curriculum, and Community: Robots and Robotics in Undergraduate AI Education," AI Magazine, Vol. 27, pp. 11-22, Spring 2006.5. D. Kumar and L. Meeden, “Robots in the Undergraduate Curriculum,” Proceedings of the Third Annual Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges Northeastern Conference, Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, John G. Meinke (editor), Volume 13(5), 1998.6. R. Murphy, “Using Robot Competitions to Promote Intellectual Development,” AI Magazine, 21(1), pgs. 77-90, 2000.7. J. Roth and B.H. Sheppard, “Opening the black box of framing research: The relationship between frames, communication, and outcomes,” Academy of