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Conference Session
The Latest in Improving Learning in ChE Students
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Kelly, Villanova University
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Chemical Engineering
institution. Journal of Chemical Education. 2004. Vol. 81, No.3. 4. Allen, K. Bringing New Technology to Market. Chapter 1: Innovation and Commercialization. Prentice Hall. 2003. pgs 1-28. 5. Mills, J. and Treagust, D. Engineering Education – is problem based or project based learning the answer? Journal of Engineering Education. May 2003 6. Kelly, W. Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Teach Heat Transfer. Proceedings of ASEE mid-Atlantic Region (Spring meeting). Rowan University. April 21, 2001. 7. Osland et al. Organizational Behavior. Chapter 7: Managing Creativity. Prentic Hall. 8th edition. 2007. 8. Allen, K. Bringing New Technology to Market. Chapter 2: Recognizing and Screening Technology