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Conference Session
Preparing the Future Workforce in Aerospace
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marilyn Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology
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. Funding priorities are determinedthrough an interactive process, and the PIs of this project work with the financial aid office onweekly basis.Program RequirementsTo make the most effective use of resources with the best impact, we developed a requirementthat awardees meet with their assigned mentors at least twice a semester to discuss their progressand plans. They must also choose and attend two seminars presented by visitors to Georgia Tech,generally on technical content. They have to then write a paper of one to two pages summarizingwhat they learned – a requirement that encourages not only attentive listening, but also follow-updiscussions with the presenters, technical writing skills, and interactions with their mentors. Aparticular format
Conference Session
Undergraduate Space Design and Project Courses
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Debbie Mullins, Texas Space Grant Consortium; Wallace Fowler, University of Texas at Austin
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; offers peer-reviewsof paper submissions; proposal writing guidelines and instruction; and affords undergraduatestudent team members of any level with the opportunity to engage in relevant scientific research,hands-on discipline-related design, career information, opportunities in meeting presentation andeducational outreach.IntroductionSponsored as part of a NASA Workforce Development initiative since 2002, the TSGC DesignChallenge [TDC] has continued to deliver a unique academic experience to the undergraduatestudent teams that participate: the opportunity to propose, design and fabricate a mission-relevant design solution for NASA. Design Challenge project topics are submitted to TSGC fordesign team consideration by engineers and scientists