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Conference Session
Educating the Whole Engineer - Building Life Skills
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Kindschi, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Patrick Eagan, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Paul Ross, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
to be job related; reporting on the use and relative success of the project “on the job” is required.“Engagement theory” effectively draws IRRAE participants into their projects and ensures an“applied” result within a rigorous “academic” program.Course Scheduling/Project ManagementTime is short, and participants in IRRAE are warned to control the scope of their projects. Toprovide a more practical schedule, initial IRRAE work is integrated with the precedingCommunicating Technical Information course. See Appendix B: Integrated Schedule for Workin IRRAE.The milestones in the course reflect the overall management of research projects; deliverablesinclude a formal proposal with a reading plan, a literature review, a draft, and a final
Conference Session
Educating the Whole Engineer - Building Life Skills
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kate Thomes, University of Pittsburgh; Beth Bateman Newborg, University of Pittsburgh; Kate Joranson, University of Pittsburgh; Dan Budny, University of Pittsburgh; Steven Abramowitch, University of Pittsburgh; Carol Washburn, University of Pittsburgh; Carol Baker, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
. REFERENCES1 Elbow, P. 1991. “Reflections on Academic Discourse: How it relates to Freshmen and Colleagues.” College English. 53:2 (135-155)2 Shuman, L., Besterfield-Sacre, M., McGourty, J. 2005. “The ABET ‘Professional Skills’—Can They be Taught? Can They be Assessed?” Journal of Engineering Education. 94:1 (41-55)3 Shuman, L., Besterfield-Sacre, M., McGourty, J. 2005. “The ABET ‘Professional Skills’—Can They be Taught? Can They be Assessed?” Journal of Engineering Education. 94:1 (41-55)4 Shuman, L., Besterfield-Sacre, M., McGourty, J. 2005. “The ABET ‘Professional Skills’—Can They be Taught? Can They be Assessed?” Journal of Engineering Education. 94:1 (41-55)5 Callison, R., Budny, D Thomes, K