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Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
produced by approximately 130 participants. 3. “Innovative Thinking” is the course described in this paper. 4. “Bridge to Engineering” is a ready to launch 3-credit 6-module course aiming at bridging thegap between Science and Engineering. Students are engaged in a creative problem solving processfrom exploration to demonstration. They: • Explore historical, current, and new technologies, • Discover new knowledge, • Become more creative and inventive, • Interact with peers and team members and lead teams, • Share their knowledge and solutions with others, and • Put it all together for the betterment of the community. 5. Workshops. Dr. Raviv has been delivering workshops and seminars on Innovative Thinking
Conference Session
Learning from Entrepreneurship Programs
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Thornton, University of Maryland; Jacqueline Rogers, University of Maryland (Retired); Nathan Myers, University of Maryland; Monica Neukomm, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
shift in recruitment highlighted thetension between keeping the program open to students with unfulfilled academic potential andadmitting students with the requisite skills to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from UM. Therewas a particular concern that some incoming freshman had not proven themselves with college-level classes and needed to be placed into remedial courses. This need for remediation is notunusual at PGCC, where many highly motivated students may arrive from disadvantagededucational backgrounds.Thus, a Provisional Status was created for promising, but unproven recent high school graduateswho are unable to pass PGCC’s entrance exams in reading, writing, and/or mathematics1. AtPGCC, students failing any of these exams are required
Conference Session
Opportunities for Entrepreneurship Programs and Program Assessment
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Green, University of Maryland; Georgina Johnston, University of Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
“current entrepreneurship education tends to migratetowards its natural focus of ‘least resistance’ – the traditional business management processareas”32 is thankfully expanding to include growth in curricula and programs.34 However, withthe offerings serving 18 to 22 year-old students so similar to MBA-level activities to includebusiness plan writing, case studies, and guest speakers, one must ask if undergraduates are beingeducated in a way that aligns with their unique needs and interests.If the opportunity discovery experience by traditional undergraduates differs from adult nascententrepreneurs (to include MBA students), the questions become “how” and what are thepedagogical methods that will increase students’ abilities to discover
Conference Session
Successful Outcomes of Student Entrepreneurship
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Khanjan Mehta, Pennsylvania State University; Sven Bilen, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Page 13.286.16health information to adults for a small fee. This increases the health consciousness of the peopleand provides a revenue stream to make the project economically sustainable. A team of businessstudents is working on a detailed business commercialization plan. Mashavu employs anetworked healthcare system that also can be extremely valuable during emergencies anddisaster situations. Mashavu means “chubby cheeked” in Swahili, the national language ofTanzania.Student EvaluationThe grading categories for the course are given in Table 2. All the Adventures and Quests havepoints specifically allocated for creativity and innovation. Venture-related deliverables are co-graded by peers (50%) and referees (50%). Success and failure are both