you how to use the….”Discouraging verbal statements directed to team members would not promote the involvementwith tinkering tasks. Such statements could be implicit and include redirecting team members tonon-tinkering tasks such as gathering materials’ taking notes, writing reports and completingwritten assignments. Verbal discouragement may be very explicit and include the followingstatements: “You can’t operate that equipment” “You don’t know what you’re doing” “You’re taking too long to ….”For the modeling category, the participant’s observation of the team member must be a directand attentive observation and does not include casual glances. The modeling can be either ofsuccessful completion or failure to complete tinkering tasks
process. Students learnabout design through redesign of common consumer devices. They undertake a market analysisof the device as part of determining design objectives, undertake experimental studies on theperformance of existing products, carry out reverse engineering of two models, and propose adesign for the next generation of the device. As part of this experience they become immersed inthe design process; design and execute experiments; use basic statistics to analyze the needs oftheir users and their experimental results; write technical reports and proposals; and prepare anddeliver oral presentations. We also focus on the students’ growth as competent team members,with an ongoing peer evaluation process that includes individual or team
offered to replace both semesters of the freshman program fortransfer students. This new course, along with a peer-mentoring program for transfer studentsthat had been initiated the prior year, seemed to offer a much needed support system for thetransfer students. The synergistic impact of the fall 2006 course and the concurrent mentoringprogram led to slating the course for transfers as a summer 2007 offering with the mentoringeffort integrated into the course. This paper provides details on course design andadministration, and on the integration of the peer-mentoring program. Student evaluations of thecourse and the mentoring are provided, as are insights from the summer mentors. This program,tailored for transfer students, is also suitable for
knowledge due to the existence of poor prior knowledge ormisconception, and (3) use of discussions or peer learning.Engineering Clinic at Rowan UniversityThe four engineering programs at Rowan University (RU) have common Engineering Clinicclasses throughout their programs of study. Students enroll in Clinics in each of their eightsemesters at RU. Each clinic class involves students in teamwork (often interdisciplinary),hands-on activities, and report writing and presentation. For a more detailed discussion, seeReference (16).The Freshman Clinic is focused on engineering measurements (Fall) and competitive assessment(Spring). The Sophomore Clinic is focused on engineering design. The course is team-taughtwith communications faculty17-18. Where
design process Page 13.1009.2through project-based instruction with a blend of technical skills and non-technical or so-called“soft” skills. At the time of the writing of this paper, the first semester course, EG109, had beencompleted, and EG110 had just begun. The objective of this paper is to describe thedevelopment, design, and first year implementation of the course.After six years of discipline-specific freshman engineering courses for Civil Engineering,Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors, it was decided that all Engineeringand Construction Management majors would share the same curriculum during their freshmanyear. The
students enrolled in Pre-Calculus with anengineering course. The topics covered in the course were coordinated with the topics beingcovered in Pre-Calculus. For example, students apply the concepts learned regarding linear,power and exponential equations in pre-calculus to engineering applications in ENG1001. Thestudents enrolled in the course elected to participate in the program. Most of these students werepart of the Michigan Tech ExSEL program. ExSEL is a program that promotes students successthrough academic support services such as peer mentoring, study groups, study skills and timemanagement techniques, academic progress monitoring, campus resource referrals, campus andcommunity involvement events, and career and personal development
multinational teams that in the context of the 2007 Dubai AirShow explored different branches of the industry with regards to environmental policies andstrategies. These branches included the airlines, airports, manufacturers, and regulatoryagencies. In addition, a series of workshops on research skills, presentation skills,professional communication and behavior, were offered to prepare the students both for asuccessful experience at the Air Show and to assist them in presenting their findings in aclosing presentation to their peers, a faculty panel, and industry representatives.The results assessment was initially constructed on the assumption that the student motivationto participate in the project would be strong, because a portion of the grade for
. Also, a reverseengineering project is conducted early in the semester. The second parallel path in theIntroduction to Design helps student develop skills in engineering communications that theyapply in their design projects for this course as well as for future engineering design courses.Engineering communications include engineering graphics, technical writing, and oralpresentations. Software that students learn in this course includes AutoCAD, Solid Edge,Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Project. Designing this new curriculum gave faculty andadministrators very unique opportunities. This paper will focus on the details and characteristicsof the first-year curriculum, including recent curricular changes and student learning outcomes.Intr
considering student persistence, the first year of college is a critical time; it is then that astudent either finds his/her fit or feels isolated and drawn to leave.3 The first year holds muchuncertainty, and the student needs to move from marginality to a place of mattering within thelarger campus environment.4 Tinto, through vast research on college student persistence, citesacademic integration and social integration as two main influences on persistence; both in-classand outside-of-class experiences are important.5 Comprehensive learning communities like theFreshman Enrichment Program provide a network of students with like interests, whichencourages involvement in both the academic and social aspects of that community.6, 7 Inaddition to peer
Improving Engineering Education through Creativity, Collaboration, and Context In a First Year CourseAbstractOver the past few years, Computer Science and some Engineering disciplines have suffered froma decrease in student enrollment, poor retention, and low women and minority representation. Wesuggest three issues with first-year courses that contribute to this trend. First, students find itdifficult to see how their assignments and course material relate to real-world applications.Second, students tend to perceive engineering as an individual endeavor requiring littleinteraction with peers. Last, early engineering assignments are often overly constrained, possiblyto ease grading, allowing minimal room for student creativity.In this
effort into these courses in order to retain these students in engineeringmajors. However, many of the students in the MSU class, approximately 90%, will decide not tomajor in engineering. While this is a beneficial outcome for the students involved, it limits theamount of faculty effort that the college is able to invest in this course. Other pre-engineeringcourses (e.g., Howard and Musto5; Pazos, Drane, Light, and Munkeby8) use peer team projects orsoftware that students will use in follow-on engineering classes to motivate students to continuein engineering. The typical student in MSU’s pre-engineering designation is not mature enoughto successfully navigate this type of project. In addition, the one-hour format of the course limitsthe types
AC 2008-171: ENGINEERING PERSONIFIED: AN APPLICATION OF THE ONEMINUTE ENGINEERJohn K. Estell, Ohio Northern University John K. Estell is Chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department, and Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science, at Ohio Northern University. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, user interface design, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Laurie Laird, Ohio Northern University
andICE are turned in the next day at the start of the laboratory period. Students have access toinstructors and peer tutoring prior to submittal of the homework assignment so that they mayseek additional assistance with the new concepts if needed.The laboratory assignment further reinforces the module concepts by hands-on experience. Forthe fluid mechanics module, students learn to how to estimate the flow rate (volume per time) ofwater out of a hole. Three methods are utilized: 1) Bernoulli’s equation and flow rate, 2) volumeof water and elapsed time, and 3) particle dynamics and flow rate. Figures 3 and 4 depict aschematic of the test apparatus and a photograph of the test, respectively. Students are requiredto write a comprehensive laboratory
is a Junior majoring in Geosciences at Boise State University. Ms. Walters is also a tutor and peer instructor for the Engineering with Precalculus class offered by the College of Engineering at Boise State University.Bill Clement, Boise State University Dr. Clement is an Associate Research Professor in the Center for the Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface (CGISS), at Boise State University. Page 13.393.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Developing and Assessing Engineering-Based Modules for a Freshman Engineering ClassAbstractMost
security.John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University John K. Estell is Chair of the Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department, and Professor of Computer Engineering and Computer Science, at Ohio Northern University. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His areas of research include simplifying the outcomes assessment process, user interface design, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Brenda Hart, University of Louisville Professor Hart is the director of student affairs in the School of Engineering