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Conference Session
Technical Capacity Bldg for Developing Countries & Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Jordan, Baylor University; Glenn Blalock, Baylor University; Walter Bradley, Baylor University; Cynthia Fry, Baylor University; Anne Grinols, Baylor University; Brian Thomas, Baylor University
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AC 2008-1421: USING TECHNICAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SERVICELEARNING TO PROMOTE AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE IN ANUNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING PROGRAMWilliam Jordan, Baylor University WILLIAM JORDAN is the Mechanical Engineering Department Chair at Baylor University. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, an M.A. degree in Theology from Denver Seminary, and a Ph.D. in mechanics and materials from Texas A & M University. He teaches materials related courses and does research concerning appropriate technology in developing countries. He also writes and does research in the areas of engineering ethics and engineering education.Glenn Blalock
Conference Session
International CIase Studies: Collabs, Exchanges & Interactions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sohail Anwar, Pennsylvania State University-Altoona College; Patrick Favier, IUT Bethune, France; David Jouglet, IUT Bethune, France
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Bethune, France Dr.David Jouglet is currently serving as an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the IUT Bethune,University d'Artois, France. He is an associate member of the LGI2A, a research lab at the University d'Artois. Dr.Jouglet served as the Department Head of Electrical Engineering, IUT Bethune, from 2005 to 2008. He is a peer reviewer of several scientific and engineering journals. Page 13.91.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 A Project-Based International Collaboration in Engineering EducationAbstractThis manuscript
Conference Session
International CIase Studies: Collabs, Exchanges & Interactions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergio Felicelli, Mississippi State University; John Berry, Mississippi State University; Rafael Cuesta, CIDAUT, Spain; Rogelio Luck, Mississippi State University; Ratessiea Lett, Mississippi State University
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arrive at the foreign labwith a well defined work plan and the necessary technical background to perform the requiredtasks with supervision but minimum instruction. In addition to the technical aspects of thetraining, the student will be encouraged to register in a Spanish course and familiarize with theculture and geography of Spain.Specific tasks in the student training will include the following: Page 13.189.5Before travel to the foreign institution (6 months) 1. Read the current NSF award and major works referenced therein. 2. Perform a literature search on the topic of confluence welds and write a report 3. Work at the MSU casting lab
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Javier Paez Saavedra; Lina Margarita Prada Angarita
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characterizes our students, alumni, faculty, staff and graduates, and itwill let us join the knowledge society in an increasingly more effective way.The international dimension emphasizes these activities and include: the development ofalliances and agreements with universities and research centers abroad; the presence in ourundergraduate and graduate programs of visiting teachers, visiting and advising of academicprocess; exchanging teachers and researchers with academic peers of other higher educationinstitutions; having our teachers complete their studies abroad; exchanging of undergraduate andgraduate students with similar international universities by dual degree programs, exchangeprograms, foreign language studies, apprenticeships, research and
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for International Practice
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle Clauss, Grove City College; Blair Allison, Grove City College; Mark Reuber, Grove City College; Stacy Birmingham, Grove City College; Vincent DiStasi, Grove City College
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six credits and took two courses, an engineeringelective taught by a University faculty member and a humanities elective taught be an Indianprofessor. The University of Texas at Austin has also offered several six-week, six creditprograms4. Students are encouraged to travel while studying abroad since the program isarranged to have no classes on Friday through Sunday.Many universities and colleges have long offered semester study-abroad programs often throughthird party organizations. Grove City College has participated in such programs throughout theyears; however, engineering majors have never been able to take part without significant issuesassociated with transferring of credits and remaining “in sync” with their peers. LafayetteCollege
Conference Session
Technical Capacity Bldg for Developing Countries & Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauri Burke, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines
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orientation to the political, socioeconomic, historical, cultural, geographicalperspective of Uganda. Undergraduates completed research and shared their findings with thegroup by providing presentations and fact sheets at the weekly meetings. The undergraduateswere exposed to library research, presentation delivery, and report writing skills in a contextwhich was aligned with their interests as well as the respective projects. During the initial six weeks of the program, the graduate scholarship recipients attendedseparate weekly meetings with the program director for task delegation, resource evaluation,information accumulation, and progress updates. Specifically, the water facility graduatescholarship recipients explored mapping software and
Conference Session
Technical Capacity Bldg for Developing Countries & Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Paterson, Michigan Technological University; Valerie Fuchs, Michigan Technological University
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” Page 13.403.6criteria that are delivered through their major studies (ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,sciences, and engineering; ability to design and conduct experiments; ability to identify, formulate,and solve problems; and an ability to use techniques, skills, and tools necessary for practice). A recent 5comparison of ISD students to traditional senior design students illustrates this point. Whereas ISDstudents reported a 10% higher self-rating of technical writing and speaking abilities, ISD studentsdemonstrated an eleven-fold ability over their traditional senior design peers (87% correct versus 8%on a post-project quiz) to understand the global and societal context
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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?); 2. Many college students do not know how to take effective notes. Although various strategies and formats for effective “note-taking” have been identified. The fact is that “note-taking” is seldom taught; 3. The listening, language, and/or motor skill deficits of some students make it difficult for them to identify important lecture content and write it down correctly and quickly enough during a lecture; 4. Instructors sometimes get off-track from the primary objectives of the lecture. Professors—especially those who really know and love their disciplines—are famous for going off on tangents during lecture. Although getting off-track would break the
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fanyu Zeng, Indiana Wesleyan University
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relationships,communications, and English proficiency regarding reading, writing, and speech. Projectmanagement, planning, team work, time and budget management are integrated intoprojects in American engineering curricula. Such an approach obviously makes goodsense to address issues like lack of training on problem solving skills, ability to deal withconflicts, team organization, and engineering way to organization, project development,finance awareness, and software for project management through a variety of academicactivities.The main goal of this enhancement is to help Chinese students to broaden their viewsfrom narrowly designed technical background, develop their critical thinking skills inproblem solving and prepare them for their future growth
Conference Session
Engineering Accreditation Around the World
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Gisela Coto Quintana; Jaime Salazar, Ibero-American Association of Engineering Education (ASIBEI); Jorge Ignacio Velez Munera, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, ACOFI
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.Engineering Education Capability Maturity Model 13Current accreditation processes are binary, the program either gets accredited or not. A multi-level model to facilitate the process of going through accreditation and to help find peers couldincrease the number of LAC programs that seek accreditation. The proposed model is based on afive-level process improvement model proposed in 1995 at Carnegie Mellon University, calledthe Capability Maturity Model (CMM)9. The CMM measures an organization’s processcapability, i.e. the inherent ability of a process to produce planned results. As the processcapability increases, the results become predictable and measurable, and the most significantcauses of poor quality and productivity are controlled or eliminated