considerationsCourse Grading: Grades will be based on the following:Assignments 30%Class Tests/Quizzes/Exams 20%Final Examination 10%Project(s) 40%Grades: A (90+ to 100%), B (80+ to 90%), C (70+ to 80%), D (60+ to 70%), F (0 to 60%)resources14-17 have been extensively used.Use of guest speakers to fill the knowledge gap of the instructor has proven to be effective.Typical list of guest speakers include faculty from Industrial Engineering, Economics, PoliticalScience, environmental managers from local industries, and representative of nonprofitenvironmental organizations. Presentation by a
transition. The discrete time signal generator (DCO) produces a saw-toothwaveform. Once phase-lock is established the PreLock signal is forced low, instructing the Page 13.462.11register (Reg.) by means of the control logic (Cntl) to load only near the center of each symbol.Each symbol is sampled N s times, to produce one estimate of the phase error between the localclock and that corresponding to the received data. With a 50MHz system clock, to produce a1Mbps symbol rate the signaling speed is actually 2Mbs. It is convenient to sample the input at50MHz so that each symbol is sampled 50 times. FlipFlop
, European Journal of Engineering Education, FranceMembersMaura Borrego, Virginia Tech, USAErik de Graaff, Delft University of Technology, The NetherlandsDuncan Fraser, University of Cape Town, South Africa Page 13.160.4Anette Kolmos, Aalborg University, DenmarkRoger Hadgraft, University of Melbourne, AustraliaP.K. Imbrie, Purdue University, USARuth Streveler, Purdue University, USABibliography1 American Society for Engineering Education. 2006. Advancing the scholarship of engineering education: A year ofdialogue. Main Plenary, 2006 ASEE Conference & Exposition, Chicago, IL.2 Barr, R., J. Moshen, N.Macken, J. Stratton, S. Yost, J. Uhran, A. Karimi, R
helpful for students. 4.7 3. I think I helped my interviewee(s). 4.3 4. Use the same assignment again. It worked well. 4.4 5. Use a different assignment. 1.9 6. The student contacted me in a manner that showed 4.3 respect for my time. 7. The student/alumni phone contact was beneficial 4.2 and provided students a good networking opportunity. 8. Sufficient time was allotted for the assignment and 4.5 my response. 9. I have had additional communication with one or 1.9 more of my
AC 2008-3: INTEGRATION OF PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERPROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE INTO CONTROL SYSTEMS COURSESThomas Cavicchi, Grove City College Thomas J. Cavicchi received the B. S. degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1982, and the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in electrical engineering from University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1984 and 1988, respectively. He is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Grove City College, Grove City, PA, where he teaches year-long courses on digital communication systems, digital and analog control systems, and the senior labs (including co-teaching the senior capstone design projects). He also has recently taught
AC 2008-46: ASCE POLICY 465 – PROGRESS AND NEXT STEPSJeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin - Madison Gerry Galloway University of Maryland Thomas Lenox ASCE James O'Brien ASCEGerry Galloway, University of MarylandThomas Lenox, ASCEJames J. O'Brien, American Society of Civil Engineers Page 13.223.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008ASCE Policy 465 - Progress and Next StepsRussell, Galloway, Lenox and O’Brien ASCE Policy 465 – Progress and Next Steps Jeffrey S. Russell, Gerald E. Galloway, Thomas A. Lenox, and James J. O’BrienAbstractFor several decades, educators
SystemsENGR 1480 Occupational Safety TechniquesENGR 2407 Surveying with GIS-GPSENGR 2410 Analysis of Engineering Networks Page 13.612.10Upper DivisionET 3307 Applied ThermodynamicsET 3308 Materials ScienceENGR 3311 Structural AnalysisENGR 3308 Fluid Mechanics IMGT 3301 Management of OrganizationsENGR 3302 Engineering EconomicsENGR 4370 Human Factors in Safety and FireENGR 4410 Industrial Hygiene InstrumentationENGR 4420 Fire DynamicsENGR 4450 Industrial SafetyENGR 4380 Security of Computing SystemsET 4323 Technology SeminarElectives (9 hours)ENG 3302 and ET 4323 satisfy the W (writing) and S (to use of the skills learned in core coursesto solve
Transactions, Vol. 80, May, 1958, pp. 929-940.5. Malkin, S. and Anderson, R.B., "Thermal Aspects of Grinding," Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 96, No. 4, Nov 1974, pp 1177-1183.6. Malkin, S., "Surface Temperatures and Workpiece Burn," Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 96, No. 4, Nov. 1974, pp. 1184-1197.7. Yonetani, S. and Notoya, H., "Grinding Residual Stress in Heat Treated High Hardness Steels," Journal of Japan Institute of Metals, June 1984.8. EL-Helieby, S.O. and Rowe, G.W ., "Influence of Surface Roughness and Residual Stress on Fatigue Life of Ground Steel Components," Metals Technology, Vol. 7, June, 1980, pp. 221-225.9. Leskovar, P., "Investigations of Surface Integrity of W orkpieces and Tools
ce a y nt ] ter d p lE nk an n] s / d me rf
Scientist and the Cinema, Reaktion Books9. Gainor, D., 2006, Bad Company II. For the American Businessman, Primetime Is Crime Time, Business and Media Institute10. Higgins, S., 1999, Movies for Leaders: Management Lessons from Four All-Time Great Films (Management Goes to the Movies), Cowles Publishing Co.11. Higgins, S., Striegel, C., 2003, Movies for Business, New Media Ventures.12. Johnson, S., 2005, Everything Bad Is Good for You. How Today’s Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter, Riverhead Books13. Landy, M., 2000, The Historical Film: History and Memory in Media, Rutgers University Press14. Legal Information Institute website,, accessed on Jan. 17, 200815
project teams.ConclusionA methodology for teaching differential equations suitable for small institutions is discussed.The course is team-taught by two instructors, one from mathematics and one from engineering.The instructors utilize the small-class size and the diverse backgrounds and interests of thestudents to enhance student learning. Students complete final projects on real-life modelingproblems with differential equations within a multidisciplinary team. Course assessment surveysand oral feedback from students and the faculty in mathematics and engineering are indicatorsthat our methodology is effective in teaching differential equations to engineering students.Bibliography1. Sazhin, S. S. (1998). Teaching Mathematics to Engineering
Background2.1 Approach in Design CurriculumThe functional modeling method has been or is currently used in several design relatedcourses at the Missouri University of Science & Technology (Missouri S&T and formerlyknown as the University of Missouri-Rolla) such as IDE 20 Introduction to EngineeringDesign with Computer Applications, IDE 105 Design Representations, IDE 106 DesignPerceptions, IDE 220 Engineering Design Methodology, IDE 315 InterdisciplinaryDesign Project, IDE 420 Modern Product Design, IDE 427 Function-Based RiskAnalysis, and ME 161 Introduction to Design. Other universities also apply functionalmodeling techniques such as Penn State, Carnegie Melon University, University of Texasat Austin, Virginia Tech, and Bucknell University
options analysis, but does not spend significant time on the subject No, we don’t teach real options analysis. 7. Is the course a graduate course or an undergraduate course? We have one or more graduate course(s). How many? We have one or more undergraduate course(s). How many? 8. Please provide the information below. Name City/Town Position State/Province Institution/University Country City/TownResultsResponses to the survey began arriving within hours of the email being delivered to the EED listserve. Over the following 4 weeks, 41
Literacies. Available at: Accessed February 23, 2008.8. Bringuier, J.C. 1980. Conversations with Jean Piaget. The University of Chicago Press.9. Holzer, S.M. 1994. From Constructivism to Active Learning. The Innovator No. 2. Florman, S. 1976 The Existential Pleasures of Engineering. New York, NY St Martins Press.11. Beder, S. 1989. Towards a More Representative Engineering Education. International Journal of Applied Engineering Education. Vol. 5, no. 2.12. Rosenbloom, S. “Sorry, Boys, This Is Our Domain.” The New York Times. February 21, 2008. Available at:
the PSpice Archive is available for download as .zip files from the following URL: archives/PSpice Archives.htmBibliography1. Nilsson, J., and Riedel, S. Electric Circuits, 8th Edition. Prentice-Hall, 2007.2. Hambley, A. Electronics, 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall, 2000.3. Sedra, A., and Smith, K. Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.4. Tobin, P. PSpice for Digital Communications Engineering. Morgan and Claypool, 2007.5. Tobin, P. PSpice for Analog Communications Engineering. Morgan and Claypool, 2007.6. Rashid, M., and Rashid, H. SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press, 2006.7. Castaner, L., and Silvestre, S
: Aberdeen,WA (315 NM West) Aberdeen,WA (78 NM South SW) S Aleutians Hilo,HI (185 NM SE) Pensacola,FL (115 NM East)This provides the students with a variety of different locations and wave conditions to choosefrom.A written report is required to document their work and conclusions, with an important aspectbeing the comparison of the OWC plants design for the two different sites. The grading rubric isgiven in Fig.6. Page 13.197.6 Project Grade Evaluation Project 3 Design of an Oscillating Water Column Power System
propel a vehicle is given by the following equation (see, for instance, reference 1): W% req ? ]RL - Ma _Vwhere W% req is the power required at the wheels to accelerate the vehicle and overcome drag,rolling resistance, and climbing forces. The instantaneous vehicle speed is V. The “road load” is Page 13.50.3 1 RL ? tV 2C D A - fW - W sin s 2where the first, second, and third terms on the right hand side are the aerodynamic drag, rollingresistance, and climbing forces. The quantity f is termed the rolling resistance
, randomized, controlled clinical trial, and clinical experience from 19 centers. Artificial Organs. 2002;26(2):103-110.4. Stange J, Mitzner S, Ramlow W, Gliesche T, Hickstein H, Schmidt R. A new procedure for the removal of protein bound drugs and toxins. ASAIO Journal. 1993;39(3):M621- 625.5. Stange J, Mitzner SR, Risler T, et al. Molecular adsorbent recycling system (MARS): clinical results of a new membrane-based blood purification system for bioartificial liver support. Artificial Organs. 1999;23(4):319-330.6. Stange J, Ramlow W, Mitzner S, Schmidt R, Klinkmann H. Dialysis against a recycled albumin solution enables the removal of albumin-bound toxins. Artificial Organs. 1993;17(9):809-813.7. Steiner
. 32): Center for Faculty Evaluation & Development Kansas State University.Dalle, T. S., & Inglis, M. J. (1989). What Really Affects Undergraduates' Evaluations of Nonnative Teaching Assistant's Teaching?Marsh, H. W., & Dunkin, M. J. (1992). Students' evaluations of university teaching: A multidimensional perspective. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. VIII, pp. 143-233). New York: Agathon Press.O'Hair, H. D., & Babich, R. M. (1981). The Evaluation and Prediction of Affective Response to Graduate Teaching Assistants' Classroom Communication.Roach, K. D. (1997). Effects of Graduate Teaching Assistant Attire on Student Learning, Misbehaviors, and
through the Utilizing Technologies to Enhance Teaching and Learninggrant program for academic year 2007-2008. Page 13.429.9Bibliography1. McGrath, M.B., Brown, J.R., “Visual Learning for Science and Engineering,” IEEE Trans. on ComputerGraphics and Applications, Vol. 25, Issue 5, Sept.-Oct. 2005, pp. 56-63.2. Bailey, M., Cunningham, S., “Guest Editors' Introduction: Computer Graphics in Education,” IEEE Trans. onComputer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 25, Issue 5, Sept.-Oct. 2005, pp. 23-23.3. Cole, R.W., Miller, E.K., Chakrabarti, S., Gogineni, S., “Learning About Fields and Waves Using VisualElectromagnetics,” IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol
methods, they will be trained to see theneed to implement and promote technological changes at their work place throughout theircareers.References:[1] VHDL International, “VHDL International University Usage Survey,” VHDL International, Santa Clara, CA, 1995.[2] S. Palnitlear, Verilog HDL. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996.[3] Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design By Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic, Published 2002 McGraw-Hill Professional[4] S. M. Sait, “Integrating UAHPL-DA systems with VLSI design tools to support VLSI DA courses,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 35, pp. 321–329, Nov. 1992.[5] Norihiro Fujii, “Top-Down eLearning Tools for Hardware Logic Design,” Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on
introduction to engineering design course.We draw from a pilot project that used writing/communication assignments to improvethe teaching of engineering design. We based our approach on the “writing across thecurriculum” (WAC) movement’s premise that verbal composition is an analog forthinking and that communication artifacts can be used to infer student learning incomplex problem-solving situations.CPR™ -- as an advanced form of educational technology -- partners both with the studentand with the instructor to monitor learning through formative assessment. In this project,through the vehicle of CPR™, we were able to implement assignments that fully utilizethe WAC pedagogy, without overly increasing the workload for instructors. Furthermore,CPR™’s
registers, the memory map andmemory mapped devices, as well as the instruction mnemonics and addressing nodes, aswell as the interface to the exception handling mechanism. From the programmer’s pointof view nod4 has the following CPU registers • A – accumulator • C – condition code register (Z,C,I) and IID • S – stack pointer • X – index register • PC – program address counterThe A register is primarily for handling data. The C register contains the zero flag (Z),carry/borrow flag (C), and the interrupt enable flag (I). The lower five C register bitsstore the ID for an interrupting device (IID). The stack pointer maintains the stack datastructure. The X register is a fairly general purpose index register. The program counter(PC
Education, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, April 24-27, 2001.[6] M.E. Cambron and S.S. Wilson “Introducing Design to Freshmen and Sophomores at Western Kentucky University," Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, June 22-25. 2003. Page 13.1027.10[7] D. Muggli, M. Durham, T. Campbell, R. Schlager, C. Wilson, R. Chang, R. Roberts, M. Kolbus, M. Rees, A. O’Palko, K. Dodson, and R. Unser, “Toxecon IITM and High-Temperature Reagents or Sorbents for Low-Cost Mercury Removal,” in Electric Power 2006 Conference Papers (CD).[8] M. Martin, S
13.845.12Engineering Education, Oct., 2005, pp. 363-371.6. Steif, P.S. and Dollár, A., 2007, “An interactive web-based statics course,” Proceedings of the 2007 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.7. Steif, P.S. and Dollár, A., 2003, “A new approach to teaching and learning Statics,” Proceedings of the 2003American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.8. Dollár, A. and Steif, P.S., 2003, “Learning modules for the Statics classroom,” The International Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 22(2), pp. 381-392.9. Paul S. Steif, etal, “Work in Progress: Improving Problem Solving Performance in Statics through Body-CentricTalk”, 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Session S2D-1
form. Three of the five teamscompleted all of the evaluation questions.Table 5. Questions that the student teams answered to evaluate their assigned waterQuestion Day 1 Day 2 comments comments1. List the source(s) of this water OK OK2. List contaminants that are likely to be present in the 5 items listed 3 items listedsource water3. State the treatment used for the water OK OK4. Which of these [treatment] methods are likely to 5 items; only 2 3 items listedremove the contaminants listed above gps answered5
AC 2008-2338: ENGINEERING STUDENTS OPINION ON PE 603100 - SPORTSAND HEALTH: AN INTRODUCTORY PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE ATTHE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY IN JORDANAiman Kuzmar, Pennsylvania State University-Fayette AIMAN S. KUZMAR is an assistant professor of engineering at Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus. He holds a Ph. D. degree from Duke University. He has a Master’s degree from Rice University. His B. S. is from the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia. All of his degrees are in civil engineering. His industrial experience includes working as an Engineer for the NCDOT. He is a registered engineer in North Carolina.Abedalbasit Abedalhafiz, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
ProcessIn order to develop an improved method of student team formation, various best practices werestudied. This is clearly a thorny issue that has been widely discussed in the literature in botheducational and industrial settings. Many methods are based in some way on assessing thestudent’s personality traits such as Myers Briggs indicators1 or The Big Five personality factors2.Papers specifically related to student team formation by Wesner3, Wilde4, and Adams5 report ona number of differing strategies that may be instructive for the interested reader.A source not widely reported on is research into team roles by R Meredith Belbin. His 1981book, Management Teams – Why they Succeed or Fail1, and a follow-up work, 1998’s TeamRoles at Work2, studied
’s with apercentage peak in 2000 at 20.6% of the total. In 2003, women represented 20.1% of thebaccalaureates awarded in engineering (Society of Women Engineers). According to Science (Culotta 1993), a publication of the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science, there are several reasons why African American,Latino, and Native American students remain underrepresented in science and technologyfields. These reasons include:• inadequate academic preparation;• low expectations by teachers;• image problems due to low minority representation at most universities; and• limited knowledge of mathematics and science professions. Loyola Marymount University seeks to help students overcome the barriers theyencounter
. Page 13.66.4 a) Robot stops within 0.05m of stop signs. b) Robot completes passing maneuver around a moving obstacle within the modular section(s) maintaining a safety buffer of 0.1m in front of and behind obstacle. c) Robot parallel parks in a designated parking spot.4. Optional modified basic traffic rules are as follows. a) Robot exhibits correct precedence order at an intersection, i.e. the first vehicle to reach a stop line is the first to leave. b) Robot maintains a safety buffer of 0.3m when traveling.LEGO Mindstorms NXT Specifications are summarized in literature21, 22.Route configuration:To provide a variety of navigational situations, a set of miniature route segments was constructedfor this course to allow