Science Outstanding Mentor Award. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Labor Based Grading in Computer Science - A Student Centered PracticeAbstractInnovation in teaching in STEM fields was explored widely during the COVID pandemic in 2020. Thispaper describes the adaptation of labor based grading for computer science courses. Labor based gradinghas been developed for language and writing courses by shifting the grading focus from summative examsto formative and reflective assessments. The method was tested in several computer science courses withtwo different instructors during the 2020-2021 academic year. Students were surveyed to understand howthey perceived grading methods
it well worth the effort. The opennessof project topics has led to student creativity and expression in class projects, including theembracing of their unique identities and exploration of more advanced materials under instructorguidance. Projects that address a gender-specific, interest-specific, or queer concern also letstudents (the project makers and their classmates alike) understand that computing applies inmany disparate domains and there is great value to a diversity of voices in technology. Thispaper describes the approach, general project design outline, the ethical reflection embedded inthe project, and experiences from several years of teaching (since Fall 2017). A list of studentprojects with brief descriptions is included so
computing is the reality of the computing education “culture” in the U.S.being primarily one-note (e.g., white-men)—including faculty, students, and professionals—which instigates perpetual curricular and non-curricular hurdles for members of non-majoritygroups to overcome. To attain their fit within computing, students must navigate the computerscience culture by adopting norms and values that are reflective of the majority-group [22]. Notbeing able to adopt these norms and values impacts students’ fit within computing contexts and,ultimately, their retention.Culture is a compelling explanation for underrepresentation in computer science. This identifiedone-note cultural concern in computing contexts where non-majority computing students
simulation is running in Tinkercad Circuits. However, the output in the serialmonitor will reflect whichever Arduino was selected at the beginning of the simulation start. Forexample, while interacting with the potentiometer, only the analog circuit (lower one in Fig. 2)will display output in the serial monitor. In contrast, if the student clicks on the upper arduinobefore clicking the StartSimulation button, s/he will notice the serial monitor starts displaying0 (the default digital output when push button is not pressed) on the serial monitor. As soon ass/he presses the push button, the serial monitor will print 1 and then go back to the default 0state.Graph Output: Tinkercad allows to visualize the circuit output data in graph format. Though
Reflections, Review Review Review Review 4:15 - 4:30 Feedback, 4:30 - 4:45 Photos Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Closing and Thank You! 4:45 - 5:00emotional intelligence [30, 31], and effective communication skills [32].Introductory technical skills were covered early in the Guild workshop so that the participantscould start applying these skills and programming languages
relationship of certain factors to students’ sense ofbelonging. Results from the analysis of data from 380 student participants indicated that“students’ sense of belonging and retention are crucially influenced by both academicengagement and social engagement, but independently” [13]. A 2023 follow-up study furtherrevealed that their surroundings and personal space also affected students’ sense of belonging.“Surroundings equate to participants’ living space, and geographical and cultural location, whilepersonal spaces refer to life satisfaction, life attitudes, identity, and personal interests” [14]. Ahnand Davis (2023) further recommend that all four domains (academic and social engagement,surroundings, and personal space) be considered and reflected
F. Instructor Resources The blueprint provides reflective checkpoint questions for These outcomes have associated questions/problems that instructors to facilitate communication with students. Instruc-students must be given and assessed on throughout the tors get a list of questions to interact with students such assemester. “What is working well or not working to help you learn?”and “Is the pace of this course too slow, just right, or too C. Faculty Satisfaction With Blueprintfast?” We will also survey the first
training project realization would be part of the moreall-encompassing scope of ITL as discussed in the section “ITL future work and applicability toscalability” . As with any cultural change to how students understand learning, it is advisable that instructorswho are adopting Inquiry over Transmission spend time explaining the method to students, sharing thevisual diagram of the different stages of Inquiry, and providing scaffolds, such as graphic organizers thatprompt students to reflect while engaging in what may be a very new and foreign approach to learning.The more explicit instructors can be about the value they place on learning through Inquiry, how thishappens, challenges students face initially, and other factors, the better
of programmatic efforts for the first cohort year. We recognize that thestudents in the program, in some ways, reflect the views typical engineering and/or computingstudents, as many programs emphasize internship pathways as crucial. In other ways, thestudents in the program have higher demonstrated financial needs than other students, which mayincrease their economic anxiety and desire for a secure well-paying job.We are conducting qualitative interviews and observations on the program as well, discussed inanother paper [15]. As we continue to provide feedback to improve the responsiveness andmessaging of the programming, we will continue to monitor the overall patterns of interest in thepathways and, eventually, the pathways that students
. 1849454.and tidal energy are becoming increasingly significant. Numerous breakthroughs are being madeto transform these renewable energy sources into forms that may be used. The Current-Voltage(I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) curves from the solar array simulator will be generated andplotted during the simulation of solar cells in the MATLAB environment.Silicon Nanowires- Fabrication and Optical Characterization (Norfolk State University)The creation of effective solar cells and intelligent lighting is the aim of this research. Usingmetal-aided chemical etching (MACE), silicon nanowires (SiNWs) will be created, and theireffectiveness in lowering the surface reflectance of silicon wafers will be examined. Optical andscanning electron microscopy
students suggested modifications to the overall program structure,course topics, and instructional approaches. For example, students thought that courses in the CSprogram did not connect well with each other. Aligned with Bruner’s [48] Spiral CurriculumFramework, learning often starts with introducing a topic, mastering that topic, revisiting thattopic in a higher-level course, and finally making connections to other topics in the higher-levelcourses. As students responded that the latter part of the learning cycle (i.e., creating connectionsbetween courses) is missing in the CS pathway, one approach instructors can use is to not onlyrevisit concepts from prior courses, but also ask students to reflect on how this revisited conceptrelates to the