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Conference Session
Assessment-Driven Practices in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cyrus Habibi, University of Wisconsin - Platteville; Tina Alaei
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment,establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives." Therefore, engineering schools must preparestudents with teamwork skills and incorporate teamwork as a significant part of their engineeringcurricula (ABET, 2021).Team participation is typically evaluated through peer evaluations or through instructorobservation of individual team members. Several tools have been developed to assess individualperformance, such as the Team Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ) or the ComprehensiveAssessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME). These assessment tools are based onself-reflections or peer evaluations. However, the efficacy of these tools has been questioned.At the University of
Conference Session
Assessment-Driven Practices in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Garrison, Portland State University; Yuchen Huang, Portland State University; Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
delivery oftechnical content.5. Major AssignmentsTechnical Summary: Each week the students are required to write up a technical summary. Thesummary should be 1-2 short paragraphs that describe a technical topic in the news that week.Students choose a topic that is aligned with their technical background. This exercise mimicssharing information over email with a manager or their peers about something the studentrecently read. The summary should use a common language, not techno-speak jargon, andhighlight what is novel about the topic in a concise and compelling manner.1-minute Challenge: Every two weeks the student is asked to stand in front of the class anddiscuss their technical summary from that week. Notes and slides are not permitted for
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations in Computing -2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah L. Harris, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Yingtao Jiang, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Christine Clark; Ed Jorgensen; Tiberio Garza, Florida International University; Norma A Marrun, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Valerie L. Taylor
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
studentcohort model (for each incoming group of students) and also providing supports to buildcommunity across cohorts as well as including students’ families in their college experiences,our program aimed to increase student satisfaction and academic success. We recruited twocohorts of nine incoming students each across two years, 2019 and 2020; 69% of participantswere from underrepresented racial or minority groups and 33% were women. Each participantwas awarded an annual scholarship and given co-curricular support including peer and facultymentoring, a dedicated cohort space for studying and gathering, monthly co-curricular activities,enhanced tutoring, and summer bridge and orientation programs. Students’ families were alsoincluded in the
Conference Session
Effective Teaching and Learning, and Post-Pandemic Classrooms
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Shen Theh, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Rachel Shannon, University of California Los Angeles; Mani Mina, University of California Los Angeles
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Paper ID #39084Revisiting classroom environment and activities: Reexamination ofmistakes and learning cyclesWei Shen Theh, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Wei Shen Theh completed his BS in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University and is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering. His interest includes collaborative engineering work and trans- formation of engineering education for the 21st century. He has served with the peer mentor team for freshman electrical engineering students and as guest speakers for incoming students. As a Teaching As- sistant, he has valuable experience working
Conference Session
Curricular Innovations in Computing - 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David H. K. Hoe, Loyola University Maryland; Mary Lowe, Loyola University Maryland; Dave Binkley, Loyola University Maryland
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
-confidence, and personalinitiative. Finally, it provides opportunities for professional development through networkingwith peers and mentors, and publication of their work [2]. In addition, such research experienceslead to increased retention in STEM fields and a greater likelihood of pursuing a graduatedegree. Noteworthy as well is that undergraduate research experiences are beneficial to studentsat risk of underachieving [4].To ensure a student has an impactful undergraduate research experience, it is important toprovide appropriate projects. Students are highly motivated when they know that they arecontributing to an authentic research question. At the same time the project must be tailored tothe knowledge and capabilities of the student so that
Conference Session
Work in Progress Papers in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John M Pavlina Ph.D., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott; William Spencer Darby, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; Parker D. Landon, Boston University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Senior Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering StudentParker D. Landon, Boston University I completed two Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Engineering and Space Physics at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University in May 2022 and co-authored 4 peer-reviewed publications during my undergraduate career. I plan to complete a Ph.D. at Boston University in Physics, focusing on Accelerator Physics. I am a recipient of the Clare Boothe Luce and Fermilab ASPIRE Fellowships. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 (Work in Progress) Implementing the QFT to Incite Curiosity and Connections in an Introductory Electrical Circuits Course for non-EE MajorsAbstractIt
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Al Mestiraihi, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ; Kurt Henry Becker, Utah State University - Engineering Education
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
peers while people in industry juststrive to survive [19]. Another important factor is that industry thinks in terms of short-rangegoals whereas academia has a long-range perspective [24]. The gap also existed as some studentshave limited vision about their role and dream jobs upon finishing their high school degree [25].Another critical reason that plays a significant role in increasing the gap between academia andindustry is the lack of engineering students seeing the classroom as something that can help themimprove their overall skills and abilities [16], [19].3. MethodsThe authors distributed a closed-ended survey to ECE professional engineers and ECEdepartment heads to examine how differently each of the group looks at the demanded
Conference Session
Online and Remote Teaching
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nazanin Mansouri, University of Portland
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
. She has published several papers in top-tier conferences and journals in her field and has presented her research at numerous international conferences. In addition to her research, Dr. Mansouri is passionate about teaching and mentoring the next generation of computer and electrical engineers. She has designed and taught many courses in computer engineering, has supervised several undergraduate and graduate research projects, and served as the thesis advisor to several M.S. and Ph.D. students. Dr. Mansouri was the recipient of the ”Excellence in Graduate Education” from Syracuse University in 2008. In her free time, Dr. Mansouri enjoys exploring nature, photography, and writing short stories. She is also
Conference Session
Empowering Students: Self-Efficacy, Advising, and Transfer Success
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Curt Schurgers, University of California, San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
, platforms such as Gradescope, have incorporated AI (artificialintelligence) into their grading tool suite [19]. This includes handwriting recognition, such thatscanned responses can be mapped to their digital equivalent. Instructors upload templates toindicate where the AI tool can find specific information on the scanned pages (e.g., areas wherestudents are required to write their name or final answers to a question). This is useful toautomatically assign exams to the appropriate student, by reading their name and/or identifier.Also, it allows decoding final answers and creating groups of identical answers, which can thenbe graded jointly at the group-level. We will leverage this feature in our implementation.The need to scale the grading process
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tom J. Zajdel, Carnegie Mellon University; Allison E. Connell Pensky, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
Paper ID #38654Board 88: Work in Progress: Impact of Electronics Design Experience onNon-majors’ Self-efficacy and IdentityTom J. Zajdel, Carnegie Mellon University Tom Zajdel is an Assistant Teaching Professor in electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Zajdel is interested in how students become motivated to study electronics and engineer- ing. He has taught circuits, amateur radio, introductory mechanics, technical writing, and engineering de- sign. Before joining CMU, Tom was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University, where he worked on electrical sheep-herding of biological
Conference Session
Power Engineering & Curriculum Innovations
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenn J Bradford, University of Melbourne; Gavin Buskes, The University of Melbourne; Paul N Beuchat, The University of Melbourne
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Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
andexperiment with communication algorithms through the writing of software. A diverse set ofSDR software frameworks and hardware platforms exists, many of which have been employed ineducational pursuits to individual advantage and disadvantage [5].The range of learning activities in which SDRs have been deployed mirrors the breadth of PBL.This has included use in guided laboratories for wireless communication subjects [6] up to largecapstone or senior design projects with a significant digital communications component [7]. Alsocommon are extra-curricular design competitions which aim to promote research or educationalobjectives by having teams from different institutions compete to design the best performingsystem for a common problem statement
Conference Session
Assessment-Driven Practices in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devin Connor Whalen, Bucknell University; Peter Mark Jansson P.E., Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
project were committed to creating products that were not only effective but also socially responsible as well as economic for purchase having quick economic and investment paybacks.- 5: An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. Each MVP was developed by a team of three or four electrical and computer engineering students. The teams worked together to ensure that all aspects of the product, from design to construction, were integrated and aligned with their overall goals. Team members knew that they would be peer reviewed by one another based on the contribution
Conference Session
Work in Progress Papers in ECE
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dhinesh Balaji Radhakrishnan, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Wilfrido A. Moreno P.E., University of South Florida; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Chris S. Ferekides, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
design competition revealed increasedsatisfaction amongst students, faculty, and industry partners. Following this, the TRUE modelwas adopted as part of the capstone design.In the summer of 2020, only two types of capstone projects were encouraged: (a) TRUEprojects and (b) Student-initiated projects that were reviewed and approved by a facultycommittee through a proposal system. By Spring 2023 (as of the writing of this work-in-progress paper), all capstone design projects in the department of EE have been converted tofit the TRUE project model, which means all capstone projects are real-world projects withindustry/community sponsors/partnerships. While this significant shift has been driven byanecdotal experiences shared by various stakeholders