technicalexpertise in photographic techniques, such as capturing atmospheric clouds. Assignments aredesigned to be student-driven, encouraging both individuals and mixed teams of undergraduatestudents from diverse majors to create images using their own techniques, and to document theirwork in written reports. The course also addresses philosophical questions such as "What makesan image scientific?" and "What makes an image art?" to encourage students to reflect on theintersection of science and art. The consensus was that an image of fluid flow can be consideredscientific if the conditions of the fluid flow and image production are known, while theinterpretation of whether an image is art is subjective.Despite the course's focus on science, images produced
topic such as revisionmanagement, data mining, or additive manufacturing. The lectures are curated to cover thefundamentals of a broad set of topics, serving as starting points for further exploration. Thoughpresented in person, these seminars are also available as recorded, asynchronous lectures, whichstudents can watch at their own pace. Making the seminars available virtually allows studentsgreater flexibility in learning the material, a worthwhile objective given the busy curriculummost of the students are enrolled in. Brief reviews of the seminars are offered during the weeklyclass meetings, allowing students to reflect on the material and ask questions in person. 2. Collaborative Project MeetingsThese weekly, collaborative meetings
development and a series of interviews intended to add aqualitative layer of explanation for the results obtained in previous activities. The focus groupsessions will implement the Engineering Professional Skills Assessment (EPSA) to measure thedevelopment of professional skills such as communication and teamwork. As part of theassessment, groups of students – ideally from the pool of survey participants – are presented witha scenario.AcknowledgementThis study is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Award Number [de-identifiedfor review]. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NSF.References[1] P. Steif, and J. Dantzler, (2005
area of information to be able to be leveraged inincreasing ways in the future.Objective & MotivationThe aim of this study is to assess the current demands of the automotive industry for early-careermechanical engineers. Using qualitative methods, the timeline of skill awareness, development,and reflection will be pieced together. The study hopes to manage student expectations of thedemands of the automotive industry and create an intervention strategy to educate underclassmenon the skillsets they can develop to be more attractive candidates for their dream careers. Thestudy is motivated to ensure that student education quality is sufficient to achieve specificstudent goals.A hypothesis is that the mechanical engineering coursework alone
of retention. Anecdotally,one group that worked on the wind turbines suggested that the wind turbines be painted purplesince insects stay away from ultraviolet light, and therefore the birds would not be attracted toflying into the wind turbines, thus reducing bird kills. Connecting color to bird kills in a fluidmechanics course is at the “Create” level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.ConclusionThe course grades have shown significant improvement with the implementation of a semester-long group project, while the final exam grades do not reflect this. However, with three yearsrunning of the course with the project, it has been noted by the instructors that the students maynot retain each lecture topic or the material on the comprehensive final exam, but
students’ response to a survey question asking how close they came tomatching the published drag coefficient. As is apparent from the chart, only a few got close tothe published value. This was an expected result. It was also the principle intention of theassignment. This question was asked not only to measure how close the students got, but also tohave them reflect on their work and the nature of simulation as a better qualitative thanquantitative tool. Figure 8: Student responses to “Within what percentage were you able to get the CFD drag coefficient to the published value?”Student FeedbackStudents were required to answer a short survey as part of their project deliverables. Thestudents were aware the survey was not
navigation-based class project focused on principles of haptics and promotinginclusive design thinking. With that in mind, a number of design requirements had to be met forthe device. First, the design needed an easily changed component system for rapid adjustments,providing each student team with the ability to modify the HapConnect in their own fashion.With the condensed timeframe for the learning module, simple motor changes were desiredinstead of in-depth code adjustments to reflect physical changes to the device. The deviceadditionally needed to take up minimal arm space, conform tightly to the skin, and adjust forvariability in arm size in order to allow for direct skin contact of the vibration motors. Finally,remote communication between the
studytime solving textbook problems [1, 2]. In undergraduate engineering courses, most of thesetextbook problems (and course assessments designed by instructors to include these textbookproblems either verbatim or a variation of these problems) are designed to evaluate the ability ofstudents to recall facts and basic concepts, and apply these concepts in various contexts to solvenumerical problems (Please refer to Tables A.1 and A.2 for sample questions). Students mightdevelop problem-solving skills, partially through pattern-based recognition, by completing theseassignments and also be able to achieve good grades in the course. However, these grades (andoverall GPAs) are often not an accurate reflection of their understanding of