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Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics: Modes and Methods
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
engagement on a scale that I have not achieved before, andalso rewards other kinds of learning and metacognition that enhance the context of the corecontent. Sure, some students still arrive unprepared and do not adequately participate (in whichcase a penalty or direct failure can occur), but on the whole, no one can hide from me, the tutors,or their teammates, and this level of engagement drives attention to task, which appears to driveimproved performance. All of this is to say that the new grade weighting is merited.As a final reflection, I find the class is more enjoyable to conduct, I feel that I am getting toknow the students much better, and I can do deeper grading but in less total quantity. Rather thangrading 100’s of test questions per
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics: Modes and Methods
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert A. Hume, P.E., United States Military Academy; Adrian Biggerstaff, United States Military Academy; Eric B. Williamson, U.S. Military Academy
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
be better. I felt like I was just correcting mathematical errors, perhaps this method will improve my scrutiny over time but it is hard to tell from one problem set.Students were similarly neutral to positive in their comments at the end of the semester, thoughfar fewer focused on the mechanics of working through the self-revision process. Most studentsfocused their comments instead on the outcomes of the process: The self-revised method reduced study time and helped me work through my thought process on mistakes, helping me to solidify how to overcome those particular problems. I was better able to reflect on my mistakes using this method. This is because, for the regular problem sets, I rarely look at
Conference Session
Keeping It Real: Real World Examples and Systems Thinking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Max Magee, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Jessica Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
simplify the model as they see fit, and then apply the canonical mathematical models theywere taught in their engineering science courses to guide their design decisions in a group settingand reflect on their answers. Previous research has focused on engineering students workingtogether within designated design courses, but little is known about how students work togetherin a group to solve a problem in an engineering science course.This full research paper serves as our first attempt to answer the questions: 1) How do undergraduate engineering student teams solve an open-ended statics problem? 2) How does solving these problems contribute to building professional engineering skills?BackgroundOne of the main activities of
Conference Session
Keeping It Real: Real World Examples and Systems Thinking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Mary Rupe, Western Washington University; Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Lee Singleton, Whatcom Community College; Rebecca S. Borowski
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
their thinking using a variety of representations(mathematical, symbolic, pictorial, and concrete). This study adds to the empirical research onthe role of representations and tools used in learning and practice in engineering, an area of needin the field [12].MethodologyThis study used semi-structured interviews with statics students in their last week of a 10-weekquarter. Ten students engaged in hour-long interviews that included reflective prompts abouttheir experiences in the statics course and STEM more broadly, as well as a series of three tasksfocused on spherical angles, coordinate direction angles, and angles between 3D vectors. In eachtask the relevant calculations were provided, and the prompts asked students to consider how onevalue
Conference Session
Keeping It Real: Real World Examples and Systems Thinking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huihui Qi, University of California, San Diego; Changkai Chen; Richard Eugene Vallejo Jr., University of California, San Diego; Trevor Keoki Oshiro; Edward Zhou Yang Yu, University of California, San Diego; Isabella Fiorini
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
and ability to motivate students to internalize the covered material [5]. Someinstructors reflected that often students join class discussions without completing the requiredpre-requisite reading [7].Inquiry-Based Learning for Pre-trainingDifferent from traditional methods, Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is an active learning formatthat involves students in a process of discovery and exploration [8]. Prior research has shownInquiry-Based Learning Activities (IBLA) increase student motivation and engagement, improvecritical thinking and problem-solving skills, and promote deep learning and understanding ofsubject matter. Inquiry-Based Learning is also associated with positive attitudes towardslearning, increased self-efficacy, and greater
Conference Session
Will This Be on the Mechanics Test? Concept Inventories and Understanding Exams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maxine Fontaine, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
, students complete two exam problems toassess mastery of the last three weekly topics. Quiz problems were on average slightly lessdifficult than exam problems, as reflected in the overall average scores. A total of 8 quizproblems and 8 exam problems were completed over the course of the semester.Since quiz and exam problems test specific concepts, this study also investigates whether therelationship is stronger for certain concepts than others, e.g. simpler fundamental concepts at thestart of the semester vs. more advanced topics require integration of multiple concepts.The Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations (PSVT:R) is a timed standardized test ofmental rotations commonly used to assess spatial ability. The passing threshold is typically
Conference Session
Digital Methods in Mechanics: Teaching with Digital Tools
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diana Arboleda, University of Miami; James Giancaspro, P.E., University of Miami; Max Cacchione, University of Miami; Mert Okyay, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
people (n = 3) walking on the staircaseImage detection is unsuccessful when simultaneously.many people are moving on the staircasesimultaneously. Adequate separation should be provided between moving people. The authors recommend at least 3 feet (1 m).Based on the user's position and field ofview, people standing near the middle of Each person being tracked must stand close to thethe steps (-Z direction) are not right edge of the staircase (i.e. railing).consistently recognized by the model.Image detection was temporarily The effects of the reflections can be reduced if: (a)disrupted or misinterpreted (e.g
Conference Session
Miscellaneous Mechanics: Covid and Free Body Diagrams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julian Ly Davis, University of Southern Indiana; Andrew Jason Hill, University of Southern Indiana
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
reasons for significant changes One speculation for these changes in overall student performance is that they reflect going fromthree exams per semester to four. This leads to less content per mid-course exam. But when it comes to afinal exam when students are required to illustrate overall knowledge of the course material, they werenot able to retain and show comprehensive knowledge, resulting in a dip on their final exam. In addition, logistics of having students take online exams while still allowing for grading ofhandwritten work, required allowing students an extra 15-30 minutes upon completion of their exam toscan their handwritten work and upload it to Blackboard for partial credit grading. Extra time allotted tosubmit exam
Conference Session
Miscellaneous Mechanics: Covid and Free Body Diagrams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sridhar S. Condoor, Saint Louis University; Bryan MacGavin, Saint Louis University; Raja Shekar P. V.
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
. Fig. 3. The leaning tower of Pisa3.3. Pedagogical ActivitiesTo engage students, the suggested pedagogical activities include: 1. Discussion of tipping and footprint concepts – Reflective discussion can help students to understand the two approaches clearly, and when and how to apply them to their lives. These discussions can be constructive for students who need help with the retention and application of information. 2. Demonstration of tipping, even applying forces on the table in the classroom to using an elastic band to capture the geometry of the footprint, can help students to retain the concept. 3. Design projects foster the ability to formulate, ideate, experiment, and learn from concrete
Conference Session
Will This Be on the Mechanics Test? Concept Inventories and Understanding Exams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julian Ly Davis, University of Southern Indiana; Andrew Jason Hill, University of Southern Indiana
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
classification tool that is a 2x2 contingency table [9]. Thematrix can provide insight to the types of errors students are making. In this study, the confusion matrixprovides a convenient way to score question outcome (correct or incorrect) on the concept inventoryexam regarding student oral reasoning, as reflected in the transcribed student “think-alouds”. Ofcourse, the ideal outcome is a correct response with the correct oral reasoning (i.e., correct for the rightreasons). A correct answer can also occur with flawed oral reasoning. These two outcomes are the toprow of the confusion matrix in Table 1. If a student answers incorrectly, the student may have correct orincorrect reasoning. These two outcomes are the second row of the confusion matrix. The
Conference Session
Digital Methods in Mechanics: Teaching with Digital Tools
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew R. Sloboda, Bucknell University; Sarah Wodin-Schwartz, P.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kimberly Lechasseur, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Jennifer deWinter, Illinois Institute of Technology
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Mechanics Division (MECHS)
. Figure 1: An overview of the development process for the FBD app.Phase 1: Design and Prototype (complete)The goal of this phase was to design an app that scaffolds the learning process associated withdrawing FBDs. This was accomplished by segmenting typical problems into small tasks withwhich students typically struggle and associating each task with a “mini game” in the app. Minigames were designed to be inclusive and feature feminized gameplay in order to appeal to thewidest possible audience.In this phase, participatory design was used because it allows all stakeholders to be part of thedesign process so that the final product reflects the entire community’s values [21]. There is astrong tradition of participatory design in interactive media
Conference Session
Keeping It Real: Real World Examples and Systems Thinking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley J. Earle, York College of Pennsylvania; Stephen N. Kuchnicki, York College of Pennsylvania; Scott F. Kiefer, York College of Pennsylvania; Stephen Andrew Wilkerson, P.E., York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
York College. Her primary interests in SOTL are conceptual learning/misconceptions, curriculum integration, and reflective learning.Dr. Stephen N. Kuchnicki, York College of Pennsylvania Dr. Stephen Kuchnicki is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at York College of Pennsylvania. He has taught at York College since 2008, mainly in the areas of solid mechanics and materials.Dr. Scott F. Kiefer, York College of Pennsylvania Scott Kiefer has spent the past twenty-one years teaching mechanical engineering at four different col- leges. He started at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez in the traditional role of teaching and administering a modest
Conference Session
Digital Methods in Mechanics: Teaching with Digital Tools
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rick Hill, University of Detroit, Mercy
Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
physicalexperiments [4] [5]. Often these activities take place in a dedicated lab section since theexperiments can take significant time to set up and conduct, may require considerable space, andcan be messy or dangerous. The use of virtual activities can help to overcome these limitations,in addition to avoiding the cost of the physical equipment, while affording many of the samebenefits. There can even be advantages to virtual labs in that students can easily pause and replayan activity, in addition to having more space to reflect since they don’t have to focus onprocedural skills to the same degree [6]. Virtual labs have been implemented, for example, usinga range of numerical simulation tools [7] [8]. A potential challenge of using simulation is that
Conference Session
Miscellaneous Mechanics: Covid and Free Body Diagrams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew R. Sloboda, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
effect ofvarying the primary problem image to reflect different levels of abstraction on studentperformance is unknown.This study explores the question of whether the ability of students to draw FBDs is affected bythe level of abstraction of the primary image shown in the problem description. Two studentpopulations were surveyed: first-year students who had just learned to draw rigid body FBDs,and third-year students in their first dynamics course. Students were asked to draw FBDs forproblems with accompanying figures at different levels of abstraction, and the FBDs wereanalyzed for errors.MethodsThree problems were selected for inclusion in this study; students were asked to draw an FBDfor the box of a dump truck, a lawn mower on a slope, and
Conference Session
Will This Be on the Mechanics Test? Concept Inventories and Understanding Exams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yan Tang, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Lin Ding, The Ohio State University; Haiyan Bai, University of Central Florida; Richard Catrambone, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
improvement from week 6 to week 8. However, no further progress wasseen in solving difficult problems beyond week 8.When evaluating the internal consistency of the formative assessments for all eleven items usingCronbach’s alpha with 61 samples, the result was α = .88. The score falls in the range forCronbach’s alpha scores from .84 to .90, indicating the test is reliable using the criteria from [13].The assessment scores from the five assessments reflect students’ learning progress. As indicatedin Figure 2, students’ performance increased steadily from week 6 to week 8 followed by a plateauafter week 8. This can be partly explained by the students’ practice methods. Throughout weeks 3and 7, students were assigned daily homework to help them develop
Conference Session
Will This Be on the Mechanics Test? Concept Inventories and Understanding Exams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez; Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Jean Carlos Batista Abreu, Elizabethtown College; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Dominic J. Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College; Kurt M. Degoede, Elizabethtown College; Anna K. T. Howard, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Azize Akcayoglu; Hadas Ritz, Cornell University; William A. Kitch, Angelo State University
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Tagged Divisions
Mechanics Division (MECHS)
notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesBaird, C. L., & Keene, J. R. (2018). Closing the Gender Gap in Math Confidence: Gender and Race / Ethnic Similarities and Differences in the Effects of Academic Achievements among High Math Achievers. International Journal of Gender,Science & Technology, 10(3), 378– 410., M., Moreno, M., Shuman, L. J., & Atman, C. J. (2001). Gender and ethnicity differences in freshmen engineering student attitudes: A cross-institutional study. Journal of Engineering Education, 90(4), 477–489. 9830.2001.tb00629.xKoretsky, M. D., Brooks, B