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Displaying results 31 - 35 of 35 in total
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hatsuko Yoshikubo, Shibaura Institute Of Technology, Japan; Sumito Nagasawa, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan; Hiroyuki Ishizaki, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
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Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
-medium size companies and multi-national enterprises such as global strategy planning, cross-border business entry, middle manager training, and partner development. These business achievements are reflected in his aca- demic activities through the designing of lectures and mobility programs with practical implementation perspectives. Ishizaki has been actively presenting and publishing his academic achievements at interna- tional conferences in the Asia Pacific region and North America such as APAIE, WERA, and NAFSA. He earned a Master of Business Administration majoring in international business at the University of Southern California in the United States of America, and a Bachelor in Law at Hitotsubashi University
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 10
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Markvicka, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jason Daniel Finnegan; Kasey Moomau; Amie Sueann Sommers; Markeya S. Peteranetz, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Tareq A. Daher, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
/853: Robotics: Kinematics and design,”[17] R. Likert, “A technique for the measurement of attitudes.” Archives of psychology, 1932.[18] J. Saldaña, “The coding manual for qualitative researchers,” The coding manual for qualitative researchers, pp. 1–440, 2021.[19] B. Miles Matthew, H. A. Michael, and S. Johnny, “Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook,” 2014.[20] A. Carberry, S. Krause, C. Ankeny, and C. Waters, ““unmuddying” course content using muddiest point reflections,” in 2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). IEEE, 2013, pp. 937–942.
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
the program names contribute to some of these challenges,leading to questions about whether rebranding to a different name might be beneficial. Otherstudies have explored renaming motivations and results in geography [13], agronomy [14],writing programs [15], vocational education [16], and institutions [17], [18]. There is a generalconsensus that names are powerful, and changes often reveal tensions with the health and/oridentity of programs. Frazier et al. [13, p. 13] notes: “Do name changes reflect an expandedmission… or other goals such as addressing low enrollment, shifting student interests, or thedesire to project a fresh identity or realign with a new academic emphasis?” There may also beconcern about name recognition or conveying the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 6
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Darcie Christensen, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Lauren Singelmann, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Rob Sleezer, Virginia Tech; Emilie A. Siverling, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
“Verbal Exam Expectations” document thatlists all the learning outcomes of the course (e.g., Describe the Materials Paradigm and itsimportance; Draw reduced-sphere unit cell models of SC, BCC, FCC crystal structures;Calculate engineering stress and strain from an applied force and initial and final dimensions).Throughout the course, students practice these learning outcomes and receive feedback from theinstructor through formative assessments such as homework problems, quizzes, conceptualdescribe and define sheets, reflective learning journals, and a DLA. During the last class session,students review the Verbal Exam Expectations document as preparation for the oral exam. Thelearning outcomes that are directly related to the five FPs and a few
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 6
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Weitnauer; Jacqueline Rohde, Georgia Institute of Technology; Thomas Martin, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
capstone design; this requirement is reflected in Outcomes 11-13. In the multidisciplinarycapstone program at Georgia Tech, professors (as well as sponsors) can propose capstoneprojects. The student teams bid on the proposed projects and the course instructor matches teamsto projects based on their bids. Therefore, since Prof. Weitnauer clearly indicated in herproposals that the capstone projects would require built prototypes that would be used in theNovember exhibit, and she was the primary advisor, the Fall 2022 capstone students were eagerto not only produce a prototype, but do so early, so it could be included in the exhibit. It is notedthat for the next version of the exhibit, which will show in Spring or Fall 2024, Prof. Weitnaueris a