Paper ID #37185Reflections on Mentorship – Being the Change You Want to See inEngineering EducationAlexander Vincent Struck Jannini, Purdue University Library TSS ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Reflections on Mentorship – Being the Change You Want to See in Engineering EducationAbstractThe educational pathway of engineering is often fraught with obstacles and challenges. Whilestudents that participate in research labs get through with less difficulty, there can be instanceswhere students enter with both academic and personal issues. In this paper, I will specificallyhighlight one of my
to understand what this process may entail.According to some graduate education scholars, there are four core elements related to graduatestudents' development of an identity congruent with the norms and values of their field:knowledge acquisition, investment, involvement, and engagement (Weidman, 2006). Knowledgeacquisition describes how students learn skills and information that will help them perform wellin their new role as a Ph.D. student, as well as gain an understanding of what academic successentails. Through knowledge acquisition, students become aware of normative expectations of thePh.D. student role and can make a realistic assessment of their personal ability to pursue theirdesired career. The student's investment reflects their
student development and impacted attendee awareness of the“hidden curriculum”, or the unstated enforcement of certain behavioral patterns, professional standards,and social beliefs (Miller & Seller, 1990). We also present insights about potential future opportunities forthese types of programs to potentially help students more easily navigate academic and socio-politicalcustoms needed for success. Literature ReviewMentoring and Professional DevelopmentMentoring reflects a unique relationship between individuals, one different from other interpersonalrelationships (Eby et al, 2007). Mentors provide coaching or guidance to assist mentees with careeradvancement while developing relationships to
tobetter address the research purpose. Participants were sent the interview questions prior to theinterview to allow them to gather class data and reflect on the differences beforehand. Interviewswere conducted via Zoom and were transcribed by a professional transcription service.The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis, wherein the author team identified themeswithin and across the interviews about the perceived impact of COVID-19 on engineeringstudent readiness. One author conducted the initial data analysis and identified initial themes.The author team then met to discuss to consensus. The author team found that themes withineach participant’s interview were unique from the other participant and, as a result, opted topresent the
questions. Table 1: EIs and Associated Themes Engagement Indicators Themes Higher-Order Learning Academic Challenge Reflective and Integrative Learning Learning Strategies Quantitative Reasoning Collaborative Learning Learning with Peers Discussions with Diverse Others Student-Faculty Interaction Experiences with Faculty Effective Teaching Practices Quality of Interactions Campus Environment Supportive EnvironmentAfter EI scores
third point of reference to reflect on and givea rich description of their experience in the US. Through qualitative analysis of these cases, wewill address the question: In what ways do Black students who are first- or second-generationimmigrants from Africa and have studied abroad leverage community cultural wealth inengineering in the US?We use Yosso’s Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) framework to highlight the strengths thesestudents leverage in engineering. CCW is an asset-based framework developed to highlight thestrengths of the students from Communities of Color. There are six assets used as a guiding lensto inform research in these communities: familial, social, aspirational, navigational, resistance,and linguistic capital that students
interest, and this discrepancy isfurther reflected during the college application process. This mismatch cultivates a system ofexclusion for minoritized students: students are led to think they can succeed during outreach,only to be told they are not allowed in during recruitment.Holloway et al. [44] listed 11 major factors used to admit or deny students during the collegeapplication review process by IHEs in the years 2006-2010: (1) “subject matter expectations (thenumber of semesters of math, science, English, social studies, and foreign language that eachstudent is required to have taken in high school), (2) overall high school grade point average(GPA) (3) core high school GPA (English, math, science, foreign language, and social studiesclasses
anonymous surveys are used in this study to judge the impact ofGrOW. The surveys contain both self-reflection questions and quantitative questions to evaluate“success”. The self-reflection questions judge adjustment to graduate school and feelings ofbelonging and self-worth using a 5-point Likert scale. The quantitative questions gather metricssuch as GPA, number of publications, and fellowships earned. The surveys are attached in theappendix for reference.Survey 1 was distributed in August 2022, after the first event of the GrOW program. Twenty-threeattendees participated in the survey. Survey 2 was distributed in December 2022, after the fourthevent. First-year MG graduate students who had not attended any of the GrOW events were alsoinvited to
the National Science Foundation under grant EEC#1929727. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] W.C. Johnson and R.C. Jones, “Declining Interest in Engineering Studies at a Time ofIncreased Business Need.” (accessed Jan. 20, 2023).[2] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Civil Engineers.” (accessed Jan. 20, 2023).[3] Data USA, “Civil Engineering”. (accessed
related to mental health, were not something that was discussed. Future work will includeconducting the same interviews with students from a variety of achievement levels andsocioeconomic background to get a more nuanced understanding of these groups of students andgain a greater understanding about how grades may or may not influence students’ identityformation as engineers.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under AwardNumber DUE #1950330. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] J. Heywood, The Assessment of Learning in
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