Progress: Implementing a Tiger Team in a Capstone Design CourseAbstractThis paper reports on the initial implementation of a two student “tiger team” in an engineeringcapstone design class. A tiger team is a small group of individuals that covers a range ofexpertise and is assigned when challenges arise that helps address the root issues causing thechallenge. The term was coined in the 1960’s in the Cold War; tiger teams are used in industry,government, and military organizations. While tiger teams in these situations are usually formedaround an issue then disbanded, in the capstone class the tiger team was formed for the durationof the two semester long class; details on formation and the larger context and organization ofthe class are discussed
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results support the generalizability of Doebling et al.’s findings. We too observed that womenstudents attended office hours more frequently than men. Similarly, we observed that URM statusdid not have a statistically significant association with office hours usage.5.2 LimitationsOne limitation of our study is that we cannot disentangle remote learning from the pandemic. Asa result, the pandemic could have caused interesting student behaviors without affecting usagepatterns. Because remote learning was immediately adopted following the onset of the pandemic,we cannot separate how remote learning and pandemic onset interacted in our final results.An example of possible interference would be if pandemic onset caused widespread mental
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current system and assess improvement opportunities. • Evaluate the flow of parts in the system and devise a solution(s) to improve the performance of the system. • Devise an inventory policy that minimizes the total annual inventory cost of raw material.3.2 Relevant Coursework within Industrial Engineering CurriculumThe interactive nonlinear storytelling and simulation-based learning game module wasimplemented in the second Operations Research course within the Industrial Engineering B.S.curriculum at Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College. This course covers the topicsof Poisson processes, Markov chains, queueing theory, inventory theory, and dynamicprogramming and is a required senior-level course for students
/ SEP760 course. We have reimagined a student learning experience and would like to get your honest opinions. FACILITATORS PRESENT THE PROTOTYPE(S) AND OBSERVE INITIAL RESPONSE/REACTION. • Is there anything that surprises you? If yes, what? • Is there anything you expected to find that is not there? • What is unnecessary if anything? • If you had a magic wand, what would you change about this experience?Reflect, Iterate, and ImplementThe researchers had an opportunity to reflect individually and debrief as a group following eachfocus group interview and discussed what was learned. The following questions helped guideresearchers’ reflections on understanding learning from the student perspective: • What did I learn
Foundation (NSF) HSIImproving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Strengthening Student Motivation andResilience through Research and Advising (S-SMART) program on a collaborative effort with twolocal community colleges, Cañada College and Skyline College, to enhance the quality ofengineering education and increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation of URM engineeringstudents. The goal of this project is to enhance undergraduate engineering education and buildcapacity in the School of Engineering at SFSU, by: (1) increasing retention and graduation ratesof URM students, particularly, Hispanic students by 30%; (2) shortening time to graduation; (3)enhancing career development opportunities and resources for students; (4) improving