contexts, and perceived future outcomes. Withthat, and in relation to whether one identifies HC as active or passive, People of Color (POC) andmarginalized identities have operated in a world that is curtailed to and normalized/s theexperience of whiteness. Because of this, a POC woman might feel a HC that perpetuates andnormalizes the status quo of cisgender-heterosexual white male engineers as active whereas awhite male might identify a professor including nontraditional engineers of color into theircurriculum as active. HC can be identified as active or passive for different reasons based ondifferent identities. Through the lens of sociology and symbolic interactionism theory, passive is defined asindividuals who “receive society in a
] S. von Stumm, B. Hell, and T. Chamorro-Premuzic, “The hungry mind: Intellectual curiosity is the third pillar of academic performance,” Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol. 6, pp. 574–588, 2011, doi: 10.1177/1745691611421204. [6] C. A. Berg and R. J. Sternberg, “Response to novelty: continuity versus discontinuity in the developmental course of intelligence,” Adv Child Dev Behav, vol. 19, pp. 1–47, 1985, doi: 10.1016/s0065-2407(08)60387-0. [7] P. J. Silvia, “Appraisal components and emotion traits: Examining the appraisal basis of trait curiosity,” Cognition and Emotion, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 94–113, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1080/02699930701298481. [8] W. F. Massy, T.A. Sullivan, and C. Mackie, “Improving measurement
Skills Course Number Name SA Learning Objectives/Methods Analysis Tool(s) Used EMSE 2705 Mathematics of • Linear equations/models Excel® Operations Research • Matrix algebra • Least squared methods EMSE 3740 System Thinking and • Introduction to systems thinking Vensim® Policy Making • Introduction to systems dynamics (Causal Loops, Stocks and
, the students noticed: “[Instructor’s firstname]’s lectures about inclusivity and adapting to new people made me feel really comfortablein the class"Students that reported dissatisfaction with the Engineering+ coursework also reported highbelonging in the engineering community. Some transfer students, for example, wrote thatprevious life experience had prepared them for engineering careers and that the Engineering+program was therefore not relevant or helpful for them. Similarly, some students who stronglyidentified with a specific career or discipline felt that the time spent exploring and buildingconnections to broad engineering careers was wasted for them. For example, “The engineering100 series I felt were a waste of my time. As an older
Underrepresented Minorities in Aerospace EngineeringAbstractTraditionally, aerospace engineering disciplines are substantially underrepresented by AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, and female students. For example, Black and Hispanic American studentscollectively earn only 10.6%, 8.4%, and 6.4% of the BS, MS, and Ph.D.’s in aerospaceengineering, respectively. They are among the lowest percentages of all major engineeringdisciplines, leading to underutilization of the talent pool in the aerospace industry. 1 To tackle thisconcern, a multi-institution coalition sponsored by NASA is established to engageunderrepresented minorities in coordinated educational and professional development activities,including senior design projects, undergraduate research experiences
it caters to language learners. We shouldbe open to the idea that there are other avenues for learning that align with machine learning.Centieiro [47] describes that machine learning can be either supervised or unsupervised. Thedemarcation point is whether the outcome is known in advance.References[1] Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.[2] L. Tolstoy, What is art? Trans. M. Aylmer. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1904.[3] S. Wilson and J. Lack, The Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms, London: Tate Publishing, 2016.[4] A. Searle, “Elaine Sturtevant: Queen of Copycats, The Guardian, July 1, 2013 [online]. Available:
subject. The next subject offering will address this latter point bymore heavily guiding students through a short design cycle iteration early in semester. Studentswill then be able to use this design cycle as a model on which to base their subsequent designiterations.References [1] J. E. Mills and D. F. Treagust, “Engineering education: is problem-based or project-based learning the answer?” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, n.2003-3, 20 Dec. 2003. [2] E. Crawley, J. Malmqvist, S. Ostlund, D. Brodeur, and K. Edstrom, Rethinking Engineering Education, the CDIO Approach. Springer, 2014. [3] T. F. Collins, R. Getz, D. Pu, and A. M. Wyglinski, Software-Defined Radio for Engineers. Artech House, 2018. https
improve the preparation of thestudents for doing future QC research.AcknowledgmentsWe wish to thank Peter Kutt, students Maggie Sullivan, Kevin Wang, Mike Murphy, and KyleGeary, and support from the Loyola Hauber Fellowship fund.References1. S. Laursen, A.-B. Hunter, E. Seymour, H. Thiry, and G. Melton, Undergraduate Research in the Sciences: Engaging Students in Real Science, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.2. D. Lopatto, “Undergraduate Research as a High-Impact Student Experience,” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Spring 2010, vol. 12, no. 2.3. J. Parker, “Undergraduate research, learning gain and equity: the impact of final year research projects,” Higher Education Pedagogies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp.145-157, 2018.4. K
that completion of one phaseinforms and influences the next phase(s), and reverting back to a previous phase is possible [16].Viewing self-regulation in this fashion exposes a process of planning and adapting performancebased on self-generated behaviors and cognitions in an effort to reach self-set goals [14]. Clearyand Zimmerman [16] posited that self-regulated learners are generally those that proactivelyincorporate self-regulation processes (e.g., goal setting, self-evaluation), along with taskstrategies (e.g., time management, studying), and self-motivational expectations (e.g., intrinsicinterest). In problem-centered learning environments, self-regulation is especially important aslearners with limited self-regulative skills have
time management behaviors on undergraduate engineering students’ performance,” Sage Open, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 2158244018824506, 2019. [6] E. K. Marler, M. J. Bruce, A. Abaoud, C. Henrichsen, W. Suksatan, S. Homvisetvongsa, and H. Matsuo, “The impact of COVID-19 on university students’ academic motivation, social connection, and psychological well-being.” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2021. [7] L. A. Gelles and A. Walker, “Return to in-person learning and undergraduate student sense of belonging during the fall 2021 semester,” in 2022 ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference, 2022. [8] D. A. Copp and A. J. Headley, “Test anxiety and its impact on diverse undergraduate engineering students during remote
availability of broccoli microgreens. Consumerswill complete an anonymous five-question Qualtrics survey on their knowledge, consumption ofmicrogreens, and zip code. A visual assessment of the grocery stores using the NutritionEnvironment Measures Survey in Stores (NEMS-S) will rate the nutrition environments of thecommunities. Using Qualtrics, the student proposed to distribute a short survey with thefollowing questions to the university campus: 1) What are broccoli microgreens? 2) How oftendo you consume them? 3) Are you aware of their health benefits? 4) Are they accessible at yourlocal grocery store? and 5) What is your zip code? This student acknowledged the importance ofobtaining institutional approval to conduct research before collecting human
College Bridge. Available:[4] UTSA Summer Bridge Program. Available:[5] L. M. Yingling. “Evaluating an academic bridge program using a mixed methods approach,”.Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Available:[6] R. Brooks, R. Lightfoot, and S. Thomas. “The power of the pre-course survey for courselaunch, addressing concerns, and developing community,” in proceedings of the 2022 ASEEGulf-Southwest Conference, Prairie View, Texas, March 16-18, 2022.[7] Texas Developmental Summer Bridge Study. Available: retrieved 1/7/2023.[8] B. Grace-Odeleye, and J. Santiago
skills which are important andneeded in the industry setting.Individual contribution assessment is still an ongoing challenge to effectively identify studentswho are not participating equally. Student self-assessment is not 100% accurate as some studentsunder- or over-rate themselves and/or their teammates.References:[1] ABET Criteria for Accreditation of Engineering Technology Programs 2022-2023, ABETStandard 2021[2] R. I. Mott, E. M. Vavrek and J. Wang, Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 6th ed.,Pearson, 2018[3] R. G. Budynas and J.K. Nisbett, Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design 11th ed.,McGraw-Hill, 2020.[4] A. A. Yusof, M. K. M. Nor, S. A. Shamsudin, M. R. Alkahari, M. S. Aras and M. R. Nawai,Facing the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
. concise background. States Includes background. States States purpose of vague. No statement of reason(s) for project (or RQ) purpose of project. project. purpose only what will & Conclusion Introduction followed by expectation. Conclusion has no be described. summary. Summary is concise and Summary is complete Conclusion is lengthy
, 2016/06/26. [Online]. Available:[5] J. D. FORD and L. A. RILEY, "Integrating Communication and Engineering Education: A Look at Curricula, Courses, and Support Systems," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 325-328, 2003, doi:[6] B. Gunnink and K. L. S. Bernhardt, "Writing, critical thinking, and engineering curricula," in 32nd Annual Frontiers in Education, 6-9 Nov. 2002 2002, vol. 2, pp. F3H-F3H, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2002.1158211.[7] D. Missingham, "The Integration of Professional Communication Skills into Engineering Education," 2006.[8] A. Nylén and A. Pears, "Professional communication skills for
exercise.The recommendation for instructors is for future deployments to consider the deployment offollow up quizzes immediately following the reflection quizzes to further assess results.ReferencesDickerson, S & Clark, R . 2021. Use of SPICE Circuit Simulation to Guide Written Reflections.IEEE Transactions on Education .Benson, D & Zhu, H . 2015. Student Reflection, Self-Assessment, and Categorization of Errorson Exam Questions as a Tool to Guide Self-Repair and Profile Student Strengths andWeaknesses in a Course. In: Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference.
they often hire their former TAsas RAs. This, of course, assumes that you already have graduate students. So what do you dowhen you are just starting out?Xiangwu “Sean” Zhang, Samuel S. Walker Distinguished Professor of Textile Engineering andAssociate Dean for Research says that when he was new, he would contact his own professorsand friends and ask them to recommend their students. Joel DuCoste added that he makespresentations at meetings of student groups and “I attend conferences designed for studentengagement at the undergraduate level like National Society of Black Engineers AAASEmerging Research network conference.” Another tactic is to circulate opportunities toacademic advisors, or post them on a departmental web site or social media
which led me topiqued their reflect on the ethical responsibilities of engineers. …it teaches an important lesson ininterest: how a limited perspective can lead to unequitable technology.” “This class was unlike any other class, whether in college or high school, I have everStudent 4’s taken before. Prior to taking this class, when I saw EG or ENG followed by numbersreflection testifies on my schedule I expected to do critical thinking, but in a math, or science the viability of This class shifted that expectation drastically. Each time I entered this class,weaving critical especially later in the semester, I was challenged with new ideas of what it
September of 2010, she served as the Outreach Program Coordinator for the Women in Engineering & Science Program at Kansas State University from 2000-2010. She began her work in STEM outreach and student support at Girls to Women, a private not for profit in Kansas City, in the late 90’s. She has also served on the board for WEPAN from 2012-2014. She earned her M.S. in Youth Development from the University of Nebraska and her B.S. in Family Studies at Kansas State University.Dr. Dayna L. Mart´ınez, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc. Dr. Dayna L. Mart´ınez currently serves as a Director of Research & Innovation at SHPE. In this role, she oversees the Equipando Padres program, pre-college programming
the student evaluation is 83% and 27%,respectively. There are nine labs in ENGR 240; therefore, each lab takes 3% of the total grade.Out of the seven courses, CE376 and EGR 270 take more than 50% of the total grade from thelabs, and the others have around 30%. Individual labs weigh from 3% to 15% of students’ labcourse grades. Note that EE221 did not have any information about lab evaluation in the coursematerials.Table 4. Percentage of the course grade(s) consisting of laboratory experiments Weight of labs in the Number of Individual lab weight to Course course grading (%) labs total course grading (%) ENGR 240 (2021) 27
Illinois. Throughout her academic career, she joined various registered student or- ganizations to help support traditionally underrepresented engineering students, and she was awarded the Grassroots Initiatives to Address Needs Together (GIANT) grant to help undergraduate Hispanic students pursue graduate degrees during her graduate career.Dr. Natasha Mamaril, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Natasha Mamaril is currently the Associate Director for Undergraduate Research in The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include academic motivation and the assessment of student learning. She has a B. S. in Chemical Engineering and obtained her M.S
. Transp. Eng., Vol. 128, No. 4, pp. 301-313, 2002 [9] Y. Mehta, Innovative Techniques to Teach Transportation Engineering, Proc. of ASEE 113th Annual Conference, June 18-21, 2006, Chicago, Illinois. [10] C. Meyers and T. Jones, Promoting active learning. Strategies for the college classroom, Jossey-Bass, 1993. [11] S. Freeman, and S. Eddy, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences – PNAS, Vol. 111, No. 23, pp. 8410-8415, 2014. [12] A., Rodrigues da Silva, N. Kuri, and A. Casale., “PBL and B-learning for civil engineering students in a transportation course,” J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., pp. 305-313
CoalitionThe opening of the workshop invited introductions and affirmations. Author 1’s affirmation drew onNigel Golden’s (2020) talk, “A Politic of Harm Reduction,” in which he began by disclosing his ownvalues and positionality in order to situate himself to his audience. Because Author 1 was an unknownentity entering into a complex situation, she adopted this approach, too, sharing a quote from Audre Lorde(1984) as well as a reference to Indigenous People’s Day since the presentation fell on IndigenousPeople’s day (see Figure 1) Figure 1. Introductory Slide with Affirmations and IntentionsObjective 2: Offer Frameworks for Understanding the Pushback from Men and the Tension amongBlack women and white womenBefore moving to
common elements such as the use of sand timers to control the pace ofthe work, dice to introduce randomness, and specific roles for each student with simple rules onprinted mats on the table. Table 1 shows the elements of the three simulations, and the nature ofthe improvement rounds, and Figure 1 shows some of the physical elements handled in thesimulation.In the manufacturing simulation, four students create tails, wings, fuselage, and do finalassembly of a LEGO airplane. Their pace is controlled by sand timers to prevent a LEGO-building race. Two other students bring them the parts they need through an initially cumbersomesupply chain. Students overcome physical difficulties with 5-S, training, and standard work.They then redesign the
. Losby, and L.M. Larson, “WIP: Support to Success: How Institutional Resources Foster Increased Academic Outcomes for Marginalized Students in Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments,” ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference, July 2021,[12] K. O’Meara, “The important role that third spaces play in higher education (opinion),” Inside Higher Ed, Jan 2019.[13] D. T. Rover, M. Mina, A. R. Herron-Martinez, S. L. Rodriguez, M. L. Espino and B. D. Le, "Improving the Student Experience to Broaden Participation in Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering," IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 17, 2020, doi: 10.1109
recommend continuing use of learningcommunities in the future. The method for forming communities depends on whether the courseis first or later in the department sequence, and may also vary for flipped versus lecture-basedcourses. We recommend using software like CATME [10] for first courses and flipped courses,while we recommend using seating preferences in later courses and lecture-based courses.Reforming communities mid-semester depends on the need for getting to know more peers andon the type of course: flipped or lecture-based.References[1] M. Prince, "Does active learning work? A review of the research," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 179-263, July 2004.[2] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N
spaces andcollaborative learning attitudes. Learning Environments Research, 22, 325-344.(5) Park, E. L., & Choi, B. K. (2014). Transformation of classroom spaces: Traditional versusactive learning classroom in colleges. Higher Education, 68, 749-771.(6) Chang, R. L., Stern, L., Sondergaard, H., & Hadgraft, R. (2009, January). Places for learningengineering: A preliminary report on informal learning spaces. In Proceedings of the Research inEngineering Education Symposium, Palm Cove, QLD. Retrieved December (Vol. 12, p. 2009).(7) Whittaker, C., & Charles, E. S. (2020). Flipping out–reflections on ten years of development,innovation and design in technology-rich collaborative learning spaces and active learningpedagogical capacity
thatstudents could quickly pick up the dashboard and learn the functionality of the controls. The issuesmostly came up with loading the dashboard across various devices for the first time. For instance,initial testing in ABC Course revealed that “https://” at the beginning of the URL was necessaryfor the dashboard to work. If not, the camera's live feed will not be displayed, since the WebSocketrequired an encrypted connection to the server.4.3.2 Hardware Issues 14Apart from issues with defective components such as servo-drivers, electronic steering controls,etc., some groups, initially, were provided with Raspberry Pi 3’s instead of Raspberry Pi 4’s
, if you're interested, definitely reach out.”Conclusion The information contained in this paper is part of the series of REDPAR Tip Sheetsproduced through our project, the RED Participatory Action Research project, funded by theNSF. Other Tip Sheet topics include: Communicating Change, Creating Shared Vision, CreatingStrategic Partnerships, Forming Teams, and Starting a Change Project. All are available atacademicchange.orgAcknowledgement This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No.’s 2005244 and 2005307 Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science